Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
This is like the Bspike equivalent of PvE too be honest.
If you did it with Non-Ursan/non-consumable bars I'd actually consider some of this impressive. As it were, even for how fast it is, doesn't really show off anything. At all.
I know it sounds like trolling, but I'm looking at all this, and none of it is a. very competitive b. impressive.
Even do it Imbagon way would be more interesting.
Don't be an idiot. You know they'd take longer.
that is trolling. the most extreme case of it! besides who says anyone has to impress him? he was curious enough to look at the thread..and i havent seen him post anything even close to these times
as a matter of fact ill give him an extra 20 K if he can match our time in uw.
the good thing about ursan is it gets humans playing together again. after NF people were jsut hero henching everything! even hoh for a while!
Ursan gets people playing in groups again.andd has inspired this thread which i find fun. there are some really nice deerp times and fow times posted here!
now the guy thats just trolling crying about ursan sounds upset because he cant match half of those times with ursan. either that or he is some rank 9 pvp scrub that thinks he is better cos he has a tiger. rank 9 ego.
face it dude ursan is here to stay and anet wont nerf it because it keeps humans in groups with each other.and before you say it... NO not only noobs use ursan.alot of pple use ursan because its fast and fun. why spend 2 hours in UW when you can do it in less than 1 hour easily