Originally Posted by Lykan
My point is that if they put in all greens i could go to kamadan and spam for 5 mins and fill the monument for all my 6 chars for about 50K.
Hardly challenging is it.
I dare you to get those 66 green weapons (remeber, its 6x each kind of weapon) in 5 minutes for about 50k (hell, ill give you +/- 50k leeway).
Anyway, remeber, you wont ber alone doing it. How long do you think it will take to exhaust green supply of 1k items, hour, two? Why would anyone sell them just for 1k if there is demand for them? It will no longer be "pls, pls give me 1k for it, pls i need to sell. 500g, k?"
Sellers are not stupid. Even lowest of low greens would go at least for 5k, and fast. And imagine if supply of some stuff runs out (guaranteed because people didn't farm for greens for ages and stashes of greens are nonexistent ... noone keeps todays junk.). With many people having many characters to fill HoM you would end up seeing "WTB any green scythe, 20k".
Anyway, i can complete Hero monuments and minipet monument who similar kind of expenses both in time and cash.