Originally Posted by Tyla
If Anet cares about all players, why are skill balances so late and so crap, and why does Ursan exist?
Please note, I, like many others who play PvE, liked skill balances as it forced me off a build I was playing if it got hit, it gave me more options... there's many reasons.
There we go. The core of the issue.
PvE skills were placed in the game because many professions were not playing to their potential. The ability to have synergy with other professions and skills had created builds that were nerfed by Anet to maintain PvP integrity.
For this reason, while I disliked Ursan, I understood its benefits. It allows players to play the character they want, get their HoM set up effectivly and finish their main. It is immune to PvP skill nerfs, so there will always be a build any character can play in PvE. You can H/H the game without beating your head against a door of overpowered monsters. Or you can team up and take on vanquishing with any toon.
However, when massed together, Ursans are imba. Its--apparently or Anet might have done so by now--difficult under the current engine to nerf Ursanway and maintain the original concept of the elite in the first place (one skill any one can use to work on their main).
So we got overpowered skills in the game. And, despite complaints, Anet probably felt confident in leaving them there.
But now we've got something new. Whether we asked for it or not, whether we wanted it or not, we now have in our possession a way to clean the PvE slate. No longer must PvE play "suffer" under PvP balances. Anything that gets nerfed for a PvP reason does not have to be from a PvE one, and skills that were skillkilled can be readjusted to run effectively. One example is the OP and Ether Renewal.
I and other people are trying to make lemonade out of this...mess Anet has dropped on our heads. Skills can be buffed to pre-nerf levels without destroying PvE balance; they can be geared to make all professions effective, and multitudes of builds can come about for each class.
Monks can have their boonprot back. Eles can SFway if they choose, Rit Lord can be buffed again, Shadowstepping can turn sins away from being farmers and 1-build wonders and paragons can afford to run effective passive prot beyond TNTF builds. Skills that never say the light of day in serious play can be expierimented with, perhaps even enter PvP if they proove not to be the most overpowered trash ever to exist.
This is what the people who don't like ER in its current state appear to be asking for. I--and I believe they--feel that overbuffing something is as bad for the game as overnerfing it. Balance is good. Imba is not. Imab gets boring; imba gets things done too easily, too quickly, and by too many people who suck at the game and have no desire to improve themselves in it, only to have Anet hand them another easy button. It takes away from our achievement the same way scripts take away from cartographers.
Like I said back on page 25: there was a time when many people looked at other dolls/toons and said "whatever; i don't want to waste my play time getting something that will only make me look pretty". Those people did without, and were happy to. Now, everyone wants everything, and they can get it. My view: if you suck at this game and don't want to get better, you don't deserve a torment shield. You didn't earn it; you just easy buttoned for an hour.
And you know you didn't too. proponents against balance keep bouncing back and forth between "these skills aren't overpowered" to "whats wrong with these skills being overpowered?" Often in the same damn post. You know they're imbalanced, you don't care about game integrity, you just want your damn easy button so you can get your shit. balance be damned so long as I get my stuff without putting forth effort.
When you take away the "Anet thinks its okay" argument (and take it away because its BS; they haven't come out and said what they think one way or another), the "Multitude must love this because they are not leaving en masse" drivel (which is drivel because people are leaving), thats the real argument behind wanting ER and other imbalances left in PvE or added to.
Balance be damned, I want "my" stuff. I say dust off your Playstation, break out your game shark and GTFO of my online game. You're screwing it up.
EDIT: sorry if I come off a little heavyhanded, but I'm getting sick of people reposting the same questions like a two-year-old pouting why why why why why why why why thinking that if they just keep asking we'll either give up or run out of answers.