Originally Posted by DreamWind
No. But I can say with a straight face that those people probably know more (or care more) about balance than the devs.

Originally Posted by DreamWind
No. But I can say with a straight face that those people probably know more (or care more) about balance than the devs.
Originally Posted by DreamWind
Actually that IS a problem. People using inbalanced crap has ruined the gameplay for a lot of other players even if they aren't using the inbalanced crap. Just because it hasn't ruined it for you doesn't mean the problem isn't there.
Don't like Don't use = Garbage. |
Originally Posted by King Symeon
They don't need to cater to anyone. Try reading the last few pages again.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Depends on if they make GW2 in the same fashion that GW1 currently is in.
And I wouldn't say "just because of that", because I consider overpowered-as-shit skills to be quite a problem. |
Opinions are only wrong in other people's opinions. Opinions cannot be wrong by definition. The Hitler comparison is not really a good one is it? And the Holocaust is a historical fact, not an opinion. Please stay reasonable here, or refrain from posting. Such exaggerated comparisons aren't helping the discussion. We're not discussing Nazism here, we're discussing a game, and people have different opinions about it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, so who are you to call someones opinion wrong? Sure, you might not agree, but that doesn't mean someone else is wrong per definition. I'm sorry, but your posts just don't contribute to this discussion in my opinion. Some might agree with my opinion, some might not, but it's NOT wrong. ^^ |
Knowing and/or caring more about a franchise than its producers is a hallmark of fanboyism gone overboard. It's just a game |
Originally Posted by Sjeng
Ermm... exactly. How did it affect you then? Because some people that used it got banned? They did a bad thing and got punished. If you didn't use it, you're fine.
Greedy Gus
Originally Posted by tmakinen
That's an interesting mode of discussion for sure. "Since I cannot answer your question I'll answer a completely different question of my own choosing as if it was what you asked in the first place."
Originally Posted by original quote
Forum posters may be a minority, but unlike the 'uncaring' majority, they offer ANet valuable criticism and ideas for the game's improvement. This is especially true of the distinct few who have large amounts of knowledge/expertise in the game.
By the way, Ursan isn't working as intended. Slap on a Zealous weapon, and maybe a focus with the "Live for Today" inscription and find out for yourself. Even then, it's against build creation. Yes, along with Raven and Volfen. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by upier
A.net doesn't consider it a "problem".
If you do - that makes you wrong. So ... how did it ruin the game for YOU? |
Originally Posted by upier
Yeah, it's not like they are trying to sell a product.
Originally Posted by upier
So I guess A.Net can have the cake and eat it too.
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
Do I really have to name 10+ people on these forums who have basically contributed more to the community than anyone else with their expertise?
Originally Posted by tmakinen
I would be impressed to see a list of names of 10+ people on these forums who have contributed more to the game than anybody else (including the devs).
Originally Posted by tmakinen
You are claiming, with a straight face, that these people have contributed to the game more than the devs of ANet combined? That the game is the way it is now mostly thanks to these people, not thanks to ANet? That without these people, there wouldn't probably even be a game?
Gosh. Looks like I've been doing alpha testing for all the wrong people. |
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
If we want to go on about what the "original context" was, then we'd probably want to go back even further
Originally Posted by SmithyBen
i want to add glitch finder Pablo to your list
![]() He probably has benefitted from these glitches but he deserves it |
Originally Posted by Yichi
It shows it could have a lot of promise. GW1 had that for a while... Then factions came out.
edit: Ensign JR Black Mischief Avarre Divine Ambassador Racthoh Sab Tommy Rommo aka Tommy Equals Ftw Arkantos Savio Theres 10 right there that have given more information and more learning expierence in this game than 99% of the game's community combined, and it only took about 2 minutes to come up with the list. (and no I wasn't even counting myself to be fair.) |
Originally Posted by tmakinen
Don't underestimate the intellectual challenge. I'm a theoretical physicist by profession and I get to find glitches in the fabric of reality. That's pretty cool stuff
![]() |
Finding important glitches is important too dude! Anet can't catch anything because they aren't perfect and omnipotent. Which is why they listen to feedback (like say Izzy, who has talked to pretty much most of the people on Yichi's list at some point for skill balancing feedback). |
Originally Posted by phan
I never got that guy ; waisting his life with finding glitches in a game
Originally Posted by phan
I never got that guy ; waisting his life with finding glitches in a game Oo
aah well his choice ; .. |
Originally Posted by tmakinen
I'm a theoretical physicist by profession and ...
Originally Posted by phan
Even though we all know these persons , they didn't came up with that knowlegde all by them selfs . Even they were using meteor shower on a warrior in the beginning .
Originally Posted by phan
The knowledge of a game grew by multiple people helping each other . Some people [ like the list you named ] are better than most Guildwarsgamers but still ; their guides and comments grew out of other things . Like the common sabway named after Sab ofc ; grew out of other little builds made up by the casual gamer.
Originally Posted by phan
They just enhanced the knowlegde they got and told it to other people , and that their way of helping the community but it's quite harsh to say that ONLY THEY did the 99% of the helping of the community . Guildwars is a game to play in teams ; knowlegde comes by working in teams.
Originally Posted by Yichi
Name me another group of people that has given more to the community as far as learning, information on helping new players and giving them the correct advice to get them started, strategy guides on general playstyle wether it be PvE or PvP, and general knowledgable information about the game
Nightmares Hammer
Originally Posted by phan
I never got that guy ; waisting his life with finding glitches
Originally Posted by phan
Like the common sabway named after Sab ofc ; grew out of other little builds made up by the casual gamer.
Originally Posted by Esan
... I am wasting my life arguing an inconsequential point on a video game fansite forum.
Don't you have grant proposals to write? Stop slacking off. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by tmakinen
*snippet* I am the first to appreciate community work - the entire guild I happen to belong to is a strongly community oriented one - but GW is not an open source project. Therefore community work gives you zero credit in calling the shots with the actual game. It is a product, you vote with your dollar and hence DLDU.
Originally Posted by tmakinen
A completely different thing is that in my opinion there is one issue that violates the original design far worse than anything else, and that is consumables. Compared to that everything else is peanuts but as long as PvE is not balanced around them I couldn't care less. All of PvE can be completed without PvE skills, consumables or the recently splitted PvE versions of common skills. You can still play GW the same way as when it first came out, nothing has been taken away.
Originally Posted by tmakinen
Knowing and/or caring more about a franchise than its producers is a hallmark of fanboyism gone overboard. It's just a game
![]() |
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
ArenaNet is digging themselves into a hole here. At this point, I really do believe that their skill-balancing department has gone rogue, as has their Community Relations department. I have no clue what ANet thinks its doing, but I can tell you it's bad for business.
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
lol wut?
"I know you just proved me wrong but THIS ISN'T NAZISM." Wellllll NO SHIT SHERLOCK. The hitler comparison is a good one because whether its a historical fact or not there are people who have the opinion I stated. yes! there are actually people who have the opinion that the Holocaust never happened, and deny history. Amazing how people have different opinions about it.... |
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
Of course according to you, these people who say Nazism is alright, Hitler is the best man on the planet, and the Holocaust never happened, are perfectly alright...which makes me wonder what kind of person you really could be? Or are you willing to admit opinions can be wrong, as a fact?
Originally Posted by Tyla
Screw it, I'll just pick up an example of "Don't like it don't use it".
Me: Hey mum, I'm smoking weed now and it feels good! Mum: What?! Stop that RIGHT now! Me: Don't like it don't use it, it doesn't affect you! Or even then, don't like Ursan, don't PuG. |
Originally Posted by Sjeng
Many people feel GW has taken a complete 180 turn. I just don't feel that way. That's my only point. And all I'm trying to do is explain why I think DL-DU is valid, so people might still enjoy GW. But hey, if you really want to whine about it and quit GW, be my guest. I don't think it's worth all the fuss. (I do like discussions though ^^)
So, you're telling us Ursan is bad for your health and illegal, and that there are NO PUGs in the whole wide game that like to go balanced? You need to find a better guild my friend. Please at least try to find some better comparisons people, lol. |
Many people feel GW has taken a complete 180 turn. I just don't feel that way. That's my only point. And all I'm trying to do is explain why I think DL-DU is valid, so people might still enjoy GW. But hey, if you really want to whine about it and quit GW, be my guest. I don't think it's worth all the fuss. (I do like discussions though ^^) |
really want to whine about it and quit GW |
Originally Posted by Sjeng
So, you're telling us Ursan is bad for your health and illegal, and that there are NO PUGs in the whole wide game that like to go balanced? You need to find a better guild my friend. Please at least try to find some better comparisons people, lol.
Originally Posted by Abedus
Oh, and Tyla is a nub, but he is in a good alliance and plays balanced alliance teams often.
So, you're telling us Ursan is bad for your health and illegal, and that there are NO PUGs in the whole wide game that like to go balanced? You need to find a better guild my friend. Please at least try to find some better comparisons people, lol. |
Originally Posted by sjen
read this, this and this before responding with something that has been said 1671 pages ago. And don't call people with a different opinion than yours retards please. You're getting personal, and I don't like it.
I'll even quote the part that's been done, so we can put aside such ridiculous overpowered skill arguments: |
Originally Posted by Abedeus
Yeah, and expect GW2 will be successful with how A.Net is ignoring customers. You think Blizzard's WoW would be successful it they didn't support Diablo 2/Starcraft/Warcraft 3 after three-four years? Of course not. Maybe they would be lucky, but... yeah. Poland could have won against Germany yesterday if we were lucky, but we weren't ;d
Melody Cross
Originally Posted by upier
So we (currently) have 2 people - who are anti-current state - and will not be supporting them any longer.
So ... why should they cater to your wishes and views instead of the people who might actually support them? |
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
Some may find comparing AN to Blizzard interesting once they get to know who created AN.
Originally Posted by King Symeon
Forum posters may be a minority, but unlike the 'uncaring' majority, they offer ANet valuable criticism and ideas for the game's improvement. This is especially true of the distinct few who have large amounts of knowledge/expertise in the game.
Originally Posted by tmakinen
Knowing and/or caring more about a franchise than its producers is a hallmark of fanboyism gone overboard. It's just a game
![]() |
Originally Posted by upier
A.net doesn't consider it a "problem".
If you do - that makes you wrong. So ... how did it ruin the game for YOU? |
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
oh, btw, Regina said they are discussing Ursan Blessing on her journal, and some think its a problem, and some don't, so being dumb and putting the entire team as being one universal thought is kind of lol.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
When Broodwar for Starcraft first came out, Disruption Web on the Corsairs was insanely broken. It had the most indiscriminantly long duration, and with it, you could blanket entire bases/armies while your forces faceraped. Top players demanded a nerf or they'd quit. Blizzard took action accordingly.
ArenaNet is digging themselves into a hole here. At this point, I really do believe that their skill-balancing department has gone rogue, as has their Community Relations department. I have no clue what ANet thinks its doing, but I can tell you it's bad for business. |
Originally Posted by Yichi
The DL-DU argument is valid to a certian point. I can say that if you prefer using a blue pen over a black one then the don't like it, dont use it argument can be applied.
The origional argument here is that with the recent skill seperation, title grind, etc. that has been added to the game has shifted the origional focus of the game away from it's main selling point the game origionally had and the origonal design of the game. Just because you have the choice of wether or not to use it, does not mean that it hasn't effected the game in a way that was completely 180 degrees away from the origonal design and concept of the game. When you can prove this otherwise, the DL-DU argument might have a leg to stand on in this discussion, but atm it is nothing more than a huge falacy. |
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
This topic has been off topic for like the past 15 pages if you go by the OP.
Melody Cross
Originally Posted by zamial
I fear for the future of guild wars and anet. I am a gamer, not a button pusher. I like the new and unexpected not routine. "take me here", "fetch me a sandwich" or "kill X" quests get old. Do not get me wrong, I love this game but the luster is gone, my friends in-game are dwindling or gone as well. we still chat in our team speak but it is not the same...the sweet taste of victory of defeating a challenge has been replaced with the flavor of water, it is so . . . blan.
Originally Posted by Avarre
I'll be honest. This thread is still open because I find it amusing.
It can keep going, I suppose. |
Then some are bad and some aren't. Simple as that. Inbalance is one of the biggest problems in Guild Wars and always has been. Anybody who works at Anet and doesn't understand this should be instafired. |
Screw it, I'll just pick up an example of "Don't like it don't use it". Me: Hey mum, I'm smoking weed now and it feels good! Mum: What?! Stop that RIGHT now! Me: Don't like it don't use it, it doesn't affect you! |
Even though I'm sure 500 posts some now even after that some random guy will say DLDU it even after it's been talked about 600 times over |
Or even then, don't like Ursan, don't PuG |
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
Agreed, but they don't want to hurt the precious PUGs who are so dumb they think Mesmers are completely worthless or whatever so they gave every class a bone.
Originally Posted by Lopezus
600 times it was only said that DLDU is not valid but that's not how arguments should be invalidiated or validiated, because even if you said that something is invalid 1 milion times it won't logically make it invalid.
Originally Posted by Lopezus
Thing is that there are so many diffrent opinions what PvE balance means, so it's hard to please everyone so i would opt for solution that is not enforced on everyone but is rather giving choice.
Originally Posted by DreamWind
DLDU IS garbage end of story. If you want to argue that Guild Wars doesn't HAVE a problem then you can argue that way, but saying "Don't like Don't use" does absolutely nothing for your argument and adds nothing to the thread (other than people laughing).