Originally Posted by HuntMaster Avatar
Well its a given if the warrior doesnt tank as well as a sin or derv then dont res him first, but if all the players are equally good, res the war first. That way he can tank while you heal up the rest of the party and support the warrior. It all depends on whos controlling the tank after all, But high armor + high HP + good tank skills is hard to come by with sins and dervs. And dervs/Sins take more skill than a warrior ever will.
Tanking makes them go "lolwut" before running past you to the lowest hp, lowest al, squishiest, juciest caster on your team. Tanking mentallity is one of the reasons pugs suck. They think its the best method.
This is the bit where you deny it and try to back it up with slow completion times of elite areas compared to a stab stab warriors fast, non death runs.
Not to mention if it did work sins could do it better than a warrior.
[shadow form][deadly paradox][glyph of swiftness] + stab stab > tactics stance using paper weight