While browsing guru for a while I've found myself staring the screen with the greatest astonishment I have even known; Players are offering sums of
4000e and up for a mini Panda. After regaining consciousness and eventually deciding NOT to commit suicide, I've decided to open a new thread about the whole Ultra-Super-Duper-Rich-Guys matter.
I'm playing GW for about 30 months now and I've never felt that pathetic.

Players all around me mention buying their 23rd Obsidian set, their 7th perfect Crystalline Sword and their 80th set of chaos gloves (one of each color for each of their chars!

). I dunno what about you, but I feel like killing somebody.
Getting incredibly rich never seemed so easy. Yet, I'm feeling like the poorest player on the game. While I'm desperately trying to get a Glob of Ectoplasm, some players prefer not to pick them up because their inventory just can't contain any more of these.
Is god playing with my mind? Could it be I'm the unluckiest man on earth? Or maybe I'm just a big, fat n00b?

I turn to you, dear GW players. What are YOUR opinions and thoughts about this matter?