Guild Wars 2 is coming out (hopefully) next year, and of course it will be different from what we have now. My question is, what are you looking forward to (whether it be something new or something we currently have)? Here is my list:
- Being able to jump off cliffs instead of having to go around them (that's so annoying)
- Having a bigger selection of what characters to play (race, profession, etc.)
- More selections for my newspaper (hehe I am looking forward to that, honestly - more interesting than all-human stories
- Higher or no level cap
- Swimming, climbing, etc. (things we can't do now)
- The new party forming option, and (if I remember right) being able to do it outside of towns
- Possible pet stable
- An actual use for things in HOM, as well as a fresh start with a new character and name
I know there is more but that's all I can think of at the moment.
Also, what are you hoping that they'll keep in Guild Wars 2 that they have now? I hope they keep the mini pets and holiday events.
What about everyone else?