28 Jul 2008 at 04:43 - 114
Boy has this thread flown way off topic, turned into 1 major lets flame Reg thread instead of talking bout there being no info on GW2. To stick with the original topic, i have to say im upset that there will be nothing on GW2 at PAX, was looking forward to seeing something new bout GW2 but i guess i can forget bout that now at least they let us know before hand so we can be surprised if there is news. In all honesty i think that ANET is shooting themselves in the foot here, cuz they are going to PAX to get to meet some of the player base/fans of THEIR games (Prophecies, Factions, NF, GWEN, AND GW2) but it seems they are just stepping aside for Aion to take over. Yes, i know Aion is an NCsoft game and that NCsoft is Anets "parent" company, but still im a GUILD WARS/Anet fan not an Aion fan, should be trying to hype up GW and the GW franchise not Aion.
Now for the other topic. Regina seems to be very much straight forward on information, take GW2 at PAX as an example she flat out says "nothing new about GW2 at PAX." The current Anet CR problem atm is that they seem to be relying WAY too much on the official wiki. You have an official website and community forums, and chat box in the game for a reason. The reason for the official website, and the forums is so that Anet may communicate with the community. As of late, both of these resources have been getting used less and less cuz most of the information is just getting directly posted onto the Wiki. Now the wiki is a nice source for information, but that sort of information is the kind that you would find in an encyclopedia (ie how many monsters are it takes to vanquish a zone, what monsters are in that zone, etc). Wiki is not that great a source for discussions. Its also not the only source and Anet needs to start using some of those other sources (Fansites and guildwars.com) again.
When there are updates one of the 1st places information about that update should go is the official website not the wiki, the wiki should be 2nd or 3rd. Take the latest dev update for example, there was no link to a dev update at gw.com at all, and the forums only got the update cuz somebody found it on the wiki and posted it. I really think that there should be a Dev. Updates page on gw.com and the link for it should be right below Game Updates and Network News. If you look at Reg's Journal on wiki, she gives a lot of info about PAX, well i think all that info ur talking bout in the Journal would GREAT info to place on gw.com as Latest Headlines and give us some info about what Anet is doing at PAX.
Another thing i noticed on Reg's Journal is that shes trying to find more ways to communicate/get involved with the community. Posting on forums and chatting in game are 2 ways to contact us, the community. Ya, sure, they may be chaotic, but guess what, you're getting involved with the community then! Guess what im trying to say here is that you shouldnt be trying to find that "GODLY" 1 way method to communicate (which sorta feels like Anet has concluded is the Wiki only) and being nit-picky about it, instead maximize ur output by putting ur info in as many places as u can by placing ur info on ur official website, on the wiki, on fansites/forums, on the GW login, and even talk to players in the game about it.
One point of CR/PR is to try and let the community/fans know that the company is there and cares about the fans. When the CR/PR grows silent, you end up getting a situation like this thread were the fans get upset.
That would be my rant on this, oh and i guess in before close cuz thats where this thread seems to be going.