Originally Posted by AJD
There are no more chapters and I for one am steering people clear of the guild wars franchise...
Update - Thursday August 7
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Because they nerfed UB - and encouraged more build variety?
Now when people leave there is no reason to come back. None, notta, zip, nothing. Clear enough for you, Bryant? The game losing popularity with steadfast customers plus no one really buying it anymore equals a newly dead game. Not sure you have noticed it, but it seems you had not deduced cause and effect in these types of situations. Is that explained in such a way that you can understand?
Should I make another paragraph stating the exact same thing in different words so you may get it?
Guildwars and Anet are hemorrhaging (bleeding, losing etc, just to clear that up for you Bryant) costumers at a prodigious rate at this point and taking advice from players that they should have long ago stopped listening to as they do not have the best interests of GW in mind just THEIR best interests. Do you understand? These changes that they make should not be a popularity contest but the developers seem to cave to the pressures of their guildmates, friends etc. instead of actually thinking what the changes does to the player base as a whole. Is that something you can grasp, Bryant?
Let me make it more clear for you. Players leaving, a LOT of players leaving. The cause, no new content AT ALL and unpopular changes. Cause let's face it, these changes are only popular to the 10 loudest people on GURU and whatever crappy site "elite" players post at.
Wait that still might be to complicated for you to grasp, Bryant.
That might do it.
I Is Special
They've gotten peoples money from all the campaigns and expansions. If they don't come back, what does it matter to anet?
When GW2 comes out, a crapload of the previous players, along with new players, will be buying it.
Less people playing = less server load = less lag for me
Btw i didnt read most of the posts on this topic..i'm too lazy right now.
When GW2 comes out, a crapload of the previous players, along with new players, will be buying it.
Less people playing = less server load = less lag for me
Btw i didnt read most of the posts on this topic..i'm too lazy right now.
Originally Posted by AJD
My point is every time Anet made crappy changes new content always brought people back. This time many many people are leaving and there will be nothing to bring anyone back. Zero new content, get it? Did I make that clear enough for you?
Now when people leave there is no reason to come back. None, notta, zip, nothing. Clear enough for you, Bryant? The game losing popularity with steadfast customers plus no one really buying it anymore equals a newly dead game. Not sure you have noticed it, but it seems you had not deduced cause and effect in these types of situations. Is that explained in such a way that you can understand? Should I make another paragraph stating the exact same thing in different words so you may get it? Guildwars and Anet are hemorrhaging (bleeding, losing etc, just to clear that up for you Bryant) costumers at a prodigious rate at this point and taking advice from players that they should have long ago stopped listening to as they do not have the best interests of GW in mind just THEIR best interests. Do you understand? These changes that they make should not be a popularity contest but the developers seem to cave to the pressures of their guildmates, friends etc. instead of actually thinking what the changes does to the player base as a whole. Is that something you can grasp, Bryant? Let me make it more clear for you. Players leaving, a LOT of players leaving. The cause, no new content AT ALL and unpopular changes. Cause let's face it, these changes are only popular to the 10 loudest people on GURU and whatever crappy site "elite" players post at. Wait that still might be to complicated for you to grasp, Bryant. PLAYERS LEAVING AND NOT COMING BACK. NOTHING NEW TO DO. That might do it. |
Lol. Do your really think ANET gives a crap about people that post on Guru just because they're "loud"? I doubt it. What's wrong with making an adjustment to the most imba skill in the game to encourage people to try new things, instead of a ele+ursan?? It's time for people that use one build to know there's more to it than that in Guild Wars...I am NOT an "elitist" but I really hate it when people whine about Ursan being not powerful enough...gimme a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing break.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by AJD
That might do it. |
The same will happen with ANet: Guild Wars has done great. All of their games have earned very successful reviews. People are not going to buy GW2 because they've been , they're going to buy GW2 because they had a great time with GW1.
The only people ANet may lose are people very hardcore about Ursan Blessing, but it's not really considered a loss when you lose customers who don't care about your product - and if you consider UB to be the only thing worthwhile in Guild Wars, then you're here for all the wrong reasons.
Also, I'd like to know how this update is classified as "unpopular".
Originally Posted by Bellerophon Krysaor
Does anybody know which kinds of Off-hand, Shield or Weapons mods are still effective while in Blessing form ?
I mean : health runes or insignias and armors over bonus are down, but what about : armor+5 or +33 lengh on weapons ; -5 (20%), -2 or armor + vs on shields ? ; or mods such as Armor+5 / Health-20 on ocus, for instance ! Would it be possible to list which are the off-hands, weapons and shields mods that are still useless now ? Ty in advance for the next results ![]() |
Bellerophon Krysaor
Will put it here too, ty for the piece of advise 
If anybody knows, don't hesitate to answer me/us
Thread to have a good topic on bonus while in Blessing : http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10315681

If anybody knows, don't hesitate to answer me/us

Thread to have a good topic on bonus while in Blessing : http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10315681
Master Ketsu
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk

Other then that this update may not be the best balance wise but at least by changing old crappy skills to new somewhat usable ones anet has "somewhat" introduced new content.
Overall I like it.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
The same will happen with ANet: Guild Wars has done great. All of their games have earned very successful reviews. People are not going to buy GW2 because they've been , they're going to buy GW2 because they had a great time with GW1.
And it still limits the numbers of Ursans in the group if only be 1 or 2 since the player who has AP or Oath Shot can't carry Ursan since they're all elite.
It also takes a bit more time and planning to pull off, and is sacrificing DPS and party synergy that could be better spent on, I dunno, building an actual good party. Since the KDs etc have also been removed from Ursan, the party build you're suggesting is far from efficient. You can do much better with other combos.
Can it be kept up "almost indefinitely" with the skills as you/manitoba suggest? Maybe IF the requirements of AP/Oath Shot are fulfilled quickly (both have reqs to recharge skills, AP death of enemy, OS % chance based on Expertise which the mimicking char wouldn't have) Is it all that viable compared to other party builds? Nope.
It also takes a bit more time and planning to pull off, and is sacrificing DPS and party synergy that could be better spent on, I dunno, building an actual good party. Since the KDs etc have also been removed from Ursan, the party build you're suggesting is far from efficient. You can do much better with other combos.
Can it be kept up "almost indefinitely" with the skills as you/manitoba suggest? Maybe IF the requirements of AP/Oath Shot are fulfilled quickly (both have reqs to recharge skills, AP death of enemy, OS % chance based on Expertise which the mimicking char wouldn't have) Is it all that viable compared to other party builds? Nope.
John Smith started using cocaine for 3 years. His dealer started cutting the cocaine with flour no one else sold quality cocaine so he was forced to try a new drug, Heroin. When a new dealer came back to town with crack cocaine, he was too busy on the heroin.
In that analogy, cocaine=gw, heroin=diablo 3, crack cocaine=gw2, and cutting cocaine=nerfing gw till its not enjoyable.
In that analogy, cocaine=gw, heroin=diablo 3, crack cocaine=gw2, and cutting cocaine=nerfing gw till its not enjoyable.
A convoluted method of arcane mimicry for another elite to maintain Ursan is a huge waste of time. Ursan sucks now, and there's no reason to actually TRY and bring it. You're better off running something that doesn't fail, and something that doesn't require 2 elites to work.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Clone
I have had fun with GW1. But the emphasis on the past tense is getting stronger and stronger, often as a result of updates. I loved prophecies. And though I questioned some of their decisions, I had good times in factions and nightfall. And for me, one of the saving graces of EotN was its ability to put the old areas in a new light. I had never beat Mallyx. DoA was dead about a month after it came out. You'd have to be bloody lucky to find a full group there, let alone one that would make it through a zone. But with Ursan, there was a resurgance there. I didn't care if it was overpowered. It was FUN. And thats the bottom line for me.
Originally Posted by Clone
Far too many people are treating this game like a second job, and Anet seems to agree this is the way for them to go. As a result, I'm loosing interest. It isn't just ursan. It was the grind. It was the map recycling in EotN. It was the ever changing status quo. It was lots of little stuff that started eating away at what I liked. And this one was just finally enough to make up my mind. Yes, I had a great time with GW1.But, since they've been moving further and further away from the things that made GW1 great, I wont be buying GW2, and debating uninstalling GW1 to free up some HD space.
Also keep in mind that the people bringing in the most moolah are those who don't treat GW as a second job and just play it on occassion and/or in a non-dedicated fashion.
I like this update alot. Grinding shouldnt be rewarded, and this update helped a bit in the right direction!
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Part of making a good game is keeping it "fun" while still maintaining integrity. Yes, Ursan was considered by many to be enjoyable but at a huge cost of the game: through eliminating class identity through a largely successful and superior build which in effect went against everything that Guild Wars stood for. So because of that, even though it was "fun to use", it was a bad design decision.
Now, some folks might see this as perfectly acceptable, but if that were so, why bother making different professions in the first place if all you're going to do is put one generic skill on the bar - a skill anyone who has EotN can obtain! - and totally ignore all the others? Makes no logical sense unless you're ONLY into anonymous power-gaming.
No, the blessings and especially Ursan needed to be moderated to maintain GW.
Originally Posted by fenix
After reading a few times, nice update. Except for SF...because it's still farmable in UW Q_Q
still not gonna comment on Ursan nerf, cus ursan never bothered me, i never bothered with it, it never effected my game play.
but now we have the obsi/bonder/hb/nukers etc again(jumps in excitement)
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Azza
who cares what class can farm where, i dont mind it doesnt effect my game play in PvE when there soloing by them self's, plus its a nice thought to know when i want obsidian armor i have a reliable solo build.
still not gonna comment on Ursan nerf, cus ursan never bothered me, i never bothered with it, it never effected my game play. |
Hence, it's not advisable to follow that logic.
Originally Posted by FalconDance
Now, some folks might see this as perfectly acceptable,..
Yet it was unacceptable and impossible to roll different character that would get groups.
Ok first of all, Guild Wars was never designed to give you endless content. Hence why you buy the client and you have it for good. The game was designed so you wouldn't have to merry it to be able to do something. The game was designed around skill > time. You play through the content, do other things you like to do in Guild Wars, and then take a break until the next release. Then the cycle repeats.
Secondly, whats a few thousand people to 3-5 million people? Anet's bent around what THEY feel is best for the game, not what we feel best for the game. Think about it, if they listened to every single one of our complaints, the game would be no where. These people feel one way, these people feel another way, these people just don't give a crap, these people are going to quit if something isn't done a certain way. Any wise gaming company wouldn't let a few player complaints run their game. The company would do what they feel is best for the game, if the majority of the community is in an uproar about something then they'll listen. It's just like a job. You don't like something, and go demand it changed but don't have the majority of the employees on your side, you can guess what will happen.
three, I've been saying this in every thread. If you don't like the game why are you still here! Many people complain that a game went downhill after {insert campaign/update here}. Why did you buy the next campaign or expansion? You don't like it, leave. As simple as that. What's a few thousand people when the majority of the guild wars community is going to GW2. Guru is not the guild wars community.
Also Anet's not really loosing anything by people leaving guild wars. You already paid for the game. Chances are they'll end up coming back when something new is released.
Secondly, whats a few thousand people to 3-5 million people? Anet's bent around what THEY feel is best for the game, not what we feel best for the game. Think about it, if they listened to every single one of our complaints, the game would be no where. These people feel one way, these people feel another way, these people just don't give a crap, these people are going to quit if something isn't done a certain way. Any wise gaming company wouldn't let a few player complaints run their game. The company would do what they feel is best for the game, if the majority of the community is in an uproar about something then they'll listen. It's just like a job. You don't like something, and go demand it changed but don't have the majority of the employees on your side, you can guess what will happen.
three, I've been saying this in every thread. If you don't like the game why are you still here! Many people complain that a game went downhill after {insert campaign/update here}. Why did you buy the next campaign or expansion? You don't like it, leave. As simple as that. What's a few thousand people when the majority of the guild wars community is going to GW2. Guru is not the guild wars community.
Also Anet's not really loosing anything by people leaving guild wars. You already paid for the game. Chances are they'll end up coming back when something new is released.
Ultra Mega
Originally Posted by optymind
John Smith started using cocaine for 3 years. His dealer started cutting the cocaine with flour no one else sold quality cocaine so he was forced to try a new drug, Heroin. When a new dealer came back to town with crack cocaine, he was too busy on the heroin.
In that analogy, cocaine=gw, heroin=diablo 3, crack cocaine=gw2, and cutting cocaine=nerfing gw till its not enjoyable. |
It would be more like this.
John Smith buys the access to as much cocaine as he wants for a set price. The cocaine has a disclaimer that allows the dealer to adjust the quality as he sees fit. John Smith agrees to this because he gets all the cocaine he wants.
John Smith doesn't like the quality of the cocaine anymore so he stops using it. Instead he buys a deal to get as much heroin as he wants with the same terms as the cocaine. He also still has the option to have some cocaine.
The dealer comes out with a new improved super quality cocaine and he offers the same deal to John. He had such a good time on previous cocaine, even if the quality did lower, but he decides to buy the new deal for the new cocaine. John is extremely happy because he can have all the cocaine, heroin and super cocaine that he wants without paying any more money. Does this seem like something a druggie would complain about?
There's no point in mixing cocaine and heroin as the effects somewhat cancel each other out.
Anyways, I'll drop the analogy. After people quit GW because it is no longer fun, people will move on to diablo 3 or something and never think twice about GW or GW2.
John Smith marries Jane, but after a few years, Jane stops putting out. John divorces Jane and marries Jill. Later, Jane gets implants and tons of other plastic surgery, but John is still getting lucky with Jill 3 times a day.
Anyways, I'll drop the analogy. After people quit GW because it is no longer fun, people will move on to diablo 3 or something and never think twice about GW or GW2.
John Smith marries Jane, but after a few years, Jane stops putting out. John divorces Jane and marries Jill. Later, Jane gets implants and tons of other plastic surgery, but John is still getting lucky with Jill 3 times a day.
Maybe you should stop treading GW as something that you are supposed to be addicted to / married to ?
And you also should stop expecting players to be junkies / husbands of game.
Its just another game. If game is good, sequel get bonus points to sales. That's it. Time spend playing sequels predecesor is irrelevant.
And you also should stop expecting players to be junkies / husbands of game.
Its just another game. If game is good, sequel get bonus points to sales. That's it. Time spend playing sequels predecesor is irrelevant.
Ultra Mega
Originally Posted by optymind
There's no point in mixing cocaine and heroin as the effects somewhat cancel each other out.
Anyways, I'll drop the analogy. After people quit GW because it is no longer fun, people will move on to diablo 3 or something and never think twice about GW or GW2. |
Who are these people, or are you assuming that everyone thinks like you?
People just don't forget about a game they have been playing for 3 years. You are forgeting that a lot of people play multiple games and don't just stick to one.
I'm not going to bother with your other analogy because if fails just as bad as the last one.
I'll repeat again The game was designed so you wouldn't have to merry it to get something done. Your not suppose to be addicted to guild wars. You play through the content, get a few titles, pvp a little, do some missions over a little, take a break, play something else. Then the cycle repeats when Anet releases a new game.
I seriously need to find another forum, but this forum just gives me to much laughs.
I seriously need to find another forum, but this forum just gives me to much laughs.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by bookworm438
I'll repeat again The game was designed so you wouldn't have to merry it to get something done. Your not suppose to be addicted to guild wars. You play through the content, get a few titles, pvp a little, do some missions over a little, take a break, play something else. Then the cycle repeats when Anet releases a new game.
Granted, there is a lot you can do in GW, but it's not made to last forever. Have fun with it, and be done with it - and look forward to the sequel.
Originally Posted by bookworm438
I'll repeat again The game was designed so you wouldn't have to merry it to get something done. Your not suppose to be addicted to guild wars. You play through the content, get a few titles, pvp a little, do some missions over a little, take a break, play something else. Then the cycle repeats when Anet releases a new game.

Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Precisely, just like, oh, every other game.
Granted, there is a lot you can do in GW, but it's not made to last forever. Have fun with it, and be done with it - and look forward to the sequel. |
"UB" made my playing GW more enjoyable just for that.
I'm not looking forward to the sequel,

These last changes were the last drop for me, really, I have had enough!.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Angelica
Right, "UB" gave me the opportunity to go and play in places where I have never been before and saved me lots of time. I have not killed Mallyx yet and I never will.....now, but it's ok.
"UB" made my playing GW more enjoyable just for that. |
However, I understand and sympathize with having more accessibility. That was probably the only "good" thing that came out of UB, but it was doing in the completely wrong way. What ANet should've done is made the Normal mode of the areas more accessible by toning down the difficulty like they did with DoA (I highly recommend giving it a go, me and a friend with very *very* subpar heroes (he liked to bring mending on his sin and Zhedd as a healer) were able to plow through the areas until he had to leave).
Originally Posted by Angelica
I'm not looking forward to the sequel,
![]() |
That said, though, a "minority" is always going to be voicing the most important decisions in an online game because the majority of players don't know how the game works.
Originally Posted by Angelica
^^Agree but I bought the hole games, not just a part of them and I would like to be able to play all campaigns and the elite areas too without any or too much frustration!
That's like saying I should be able to play the last level of Call of Duty (insert any game with levels) whenever I want, even if I don't have the skill to be able to beat the previous levels.
You bought the whole game, but if you can't beat some areas without ridiculously overpowered skills, then you have no reason to complain when those skills get nerfed.
Originally Posted by Angelica
^^Agree but I bought the hole games, not just a part of them and I would like to be able to play all campaigns and the elite areas too without any or too much frustration!
Originally Posted by Angelica
Right, "UB" gave me the opportunity to go and play in places where I have never been before and saved me lots of time. I have not killed Mallyx yet and I never will.....now, but it's ok.
"UB" made my playing GW more enjoyable just for that. |
Originally Posted by Angelica
I'm not looking forward to the sequel, especially if GW2 will be anything like GW1 where, things change most of the time, because a minority is complaining about everything they don't like.
These last changes were the last drop for me, really, I have had enough!. |
Secondly, who would quit because of some long over-due skill nerf. Everyone knows the skill was overpowered, just a lot of us are denying it because it made everything easy. Challenge is actually good remember.
I checked DOA yesterday; EU districts were as good as empty (just a couple of smithers).
The american districts were also quite empty; mostly smithers and a couple of -new- trinity groups forming (didn't really pay much attention to it; but it is ele-monk-rit-(necro/paragon bip????)).
I managed to get into an UB group (toke me 2 hours -_-') as an imbagon.
We did city on NM; all by all it didn't was much harder then pre-UB although I'd have to say it toke longer and alot of people were wondering who was UB-stripping them (toke me a while to explain them how nerfs work).
At the looks of it; the bear died and toke DOA with him.
I feel sorry for every fool that buys nightfall; he never gonne see the mallyx the monkey...
Infact... mabye.. they should put it on the box next to skill> time:
unless you make an ele; monk (or if you're happy enough to own factions) a rit you won't be able to complete DOA ( <-- the elite area with all the nice drops) KAYTHXBAI
I'm not saying that I don't want UB nerfed;
personally; when I saw the update I thought "hmm; they nerfed UB but buffed about everything else; no moar UB nor any holly trinity... GG anet perfect solution".
I was wrong...
no I wasn't
I always assumed that it would be back to holy trinity after UB; but I assumed it would be a screw up on anets side instead of ours.
I don't like holly trinity...
The american districts were also quite empty; mostly smithers and a couple of -new- trinity groups forming (didn't really pay much attention to it; but it is ele-monk-rit-(necro/paragon bip????)).
I managed to get into an UB group (toke me 2 hours -_-') as an imbagon.
We did city on NM; all by all it didn't was much harder then pre-UB although I'd have to say it toke longer and alot of people were wondering who was UB-stripping them (toke me a while to explain them how nerfs work).
At the looks of it; the bear died and toke DOA with him.
I feel sorry for every fool that buys nightfall; he never gonne see the mallyx the monkey...
Infact... mabye.. they should put it on the box next to skill> time:
unless you make an ele; monk (or if you're happy enough to own factions) a rit you won't be able to complete DOA ( <-- the elite area with all the nice drops) KAYTHXBAI
I'm not saying that I don't want UB nerfed;
personally; when I saw the update I thought "hmm; they nerfed UB but buffed about everything else; no moar UB nor any holly trinity... GG anet perfect solution".
I was wrong...
no I wasn't
I always assumed that it would be back to holy trinity after UB; but I assumed it would be a screw up on anets side instead of ours.
I don't like holly trinity...
T. Drake
DoA is empty because everyone is busy.
Rolling a Mesmer for Cryway takes some time :P
Rolling a Mesmer for Cryway takes some time :P
Originally Posted by wazz
I don't like holly trinity...
Originally Posted by wazz
I'm not saying that I don't want UB nerfed;
personally; when I saw the update I thought "hmm; they nerfed UB but buffed about everything else; no moar UB nor any holly trinity... GG anet perfect solution". I was wrong... errrrr no I wasn't I always assumed that it would be back to holy trinity after UB; but I assumed it would be a screw up on anets side instead of ours. I don't like holly trinity... |
Trvth Jvstice
I for one am very pleased that UB was nerfed - I really wish that it had been nerfed more so as to make it unusable. Also, it's funny that people have been saying on this forum for YEARS that GW is dead, people are leaving, etc. Go to presearing or any of the starting areas - there are tons of new players and people that enjoy the game enough to roll another character. I feel pretty sure that there will be as many people playing GW1 long after GW2 is out - especially since your accomplishments in this game will enhance your play in the next game.
I tried UB for about 10 minutes and found it to be an insta-bored skill. Thank goodness the nerf that the majority of players (on GWG) have been asking for has finally come. Once again skill and strategy reigns supreme.
I tried UB for about 10 minutes and found it to be an insta-bored skill. Thank goodness the nerf that the majority of players (on GWG) have been asking for has finally come. Once again skill and strategy reigns supreme.
Gun Pierson
DoA is an elite area, supposed to be difficult and challenging. I saw a lot of dumb Ursans before this update. Anet is doing you a favor by nerfing it, but you don't see that at this point. But in time when you'll get better, you'll understand. If you don't get better...well then DoA is not for you. You still have 3 'full' campaigns and an expansion to play in.
This game is about hundreds of skills, not one 'steamboat' skill. If you can't understand that, you completely miss what this game is about.
Zweistein and myself already gave some tips how to beat it in nm, go heavy physical. This can be done with heroes too. You don't even need cons.
I'm still messing around how to beat it in HM with heroes only, but that's the challenge. There are few challenges left for me in this game and a lot of players are better than me. It would be selfish to not allow an elite area to be really hard in HM.
This game is about hundreds of skills, not one 'steamboat' skill. If you can't understand that, you completely miss what this game is about.
Zweistein and myself already gave some tips how to beat it in nm, go heavy physical. This can be done with heroes too. You don't even need cons.
I'm still messing around how to beat it in HM with heroes only, but that's the challenge. There are few challenges left for me in this game and a lot of players are better than me. It would be selfish to not allow an elite area to be really hard in HM.
Sure I used Ursan with PUGs but frankly, I'm glad it's almost unusable... despite my usual annoyance at how ANet nerf stuff. *cough*OoU*cough* (one of the rare skills I'm kinda sour at ANet for nerfing...)
- I've been playing this game for 37 months, didn't need UB before, surely don't need it now.
- I'm a farmer... I've always adapted, I'll adapt.
- ANet could be a bit more balanced when nerfing their skills though.
With the UB nerf and the skills buffs, it attracted some guildies back into the game (myself included) to do some old school stuff. I've tanked Foundry as a 600 for the first time in nearly 6 months, and I'll probably tag along FoW forge runs for the heck of it like I've always did...
I'm glad this game is back in the state before Ursan. Really.
- I've been playing this game for 37 months, didn't need UB before, surely don't need it now.
- I'm a farmer... I've always adapted, I'll adapt.
- ANet could be a bit more balanced when nerfing their skills though.
With the UB nerf and the skills buffs, it attracted some guildies back into the game (myself included) to do some old school stuff. I've tanked Foundry as a 600 for the first time in nearly 6 months, and I'll probably tag along FoW forge runs for the heck of it like I've always did...
I'm glad this game is back in the state before Ursan. Really.
romeus petrus
We did at least 3 foundry HM runs since the update, non ursan style. Took a lil longer with the new build, but wasn't that bad. We already have a build for a full HM run, except that at this time it seems like it would take too long to clear. Although Im sure we can make it better and back around 3h or so for a full HM run. I have also noticed that a couple of other guilds are running a somewhat similar build. It is just a matter of time before the new DoA cookie cutter build du jour becomes common knowledge; so dont QQ too much about DoA being dead.
Jongo River
Frankly, I'm bored with GW. I stopped playing 2 weeks ago - I had been levelling a character on a 2nd account, so I could borrow heroes to do UW/FoW with, but I just ran out of steam...
It's all SF's fault. That run was such a rush! Oh, I tired of it before they nerfed it, so I wasn't so mad about that, but while it was going it reminded me of one of the reasons I actually play games - the adrenalin that comes from a sense of constant one-mistake-and-you're-dead danger, balanced against a reasonable level of difficulty, so it's not *too* frustrating. GW just doesn't have much of that anymore. And it only took twentyish minutes, not the potentially hours of vanquishing or dungeoning etc. So much of the game is designed so you just trudge through an area for ages, getting bogged down in meaningless fight, after meaningless fight. Hell, I suppose that was true before they got us all focused on pointless stat-padding exercises.
Now with Ursan gone, I don't see myself returning. It's not just it's strength for cutting through tougher areas (which isn't that great, if there's just one of you), but as a solo player, I used ursan to effectively switch from my prefered class of ranger, to a melee role. That was very useful in areas where it's just much less tedious having the AI follow me into battle, rather than having to flag them out before every fight, to stop them getting steamrolled. With that ability all but gone, any remaining interest I had (admittedly not that much) in finishing off vanquishing or tackling high-end areas, is also gone.
Oh, well. I'm actually not all that bitter and I'm still interested in seeing how GW2 turns out. I also do hope those of you who think these changes are good, get the game experience you're hoping for... I just hope you didn't anticipate everyone actually sticking around to run those "varied builds" you're all so keen on.
It's all SF's fault. That run was such a rush! Oh, I tired of it before they nerfed it, so I wasn't so mad about that, but while it was going it reminded me of one of the reasons I actually play games - the adrenalin that comes from a sense of constant one-mistake-and-you're-dead danger, balanced against a reasonable level of difficulty, so it's not *too* frustrating. GW just doesn't have much of that anymore. And it only took twentyish minutes, not the potentially hours of vanquishing or dungeoning etc. So much of the game is designed so you just trudge through an area for ages, getting bogged down in meaningless fight, after meaningless fight. Hell, I suppose that was true before they got us all focused on pointless stat-padding exercises.
Now with Ursan gone, I don't see myself returning. It's not just it's strength for cutting through tougher areas (which isn't that great, if there's just one of you), but as a solo player, I used ursan to effectively switch from my prefered class of ranger, to a melee role. That was very useful in areas where it's just much less tedious having the AI follow me into battle, rather than having to flag them out before every fight, to stop them getting steamrolled. With that ability all but gone, any remaining interest I had (admittedly not that much) in finishing off vanquishing or tackling high-end areas, is also gone.
Oh, well. I'm actually not all that bitter and I'm still interested in seeing how GW2 turns out. I also do hope those of you who think these changes are good, get the game experience you're hoping for... I just hope you didn't anticipate everyone actually sticking around to run those "varied builds" you're all so keen on.

Martin Firestorm
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Providing methods that greatly cheapen the game are bad..
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Providing methods that greatly reduce the effort required to play through the game are bad.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Providing methods that go against the core ideals of the game are bad.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
So on the whole, this was a good update.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
The change that I'm most surprised about is that to "Save Yourselves!"...it now becomes a skill that is useable by any class (and not just warriors).
Snow Bunny
Eh, I'll finally cave in.
Decent update; it's a lot of fun and [healing burst] is very sexy.
Decent update; it's a lot of fun and [healing burst] is very sexy.