I believe, in MY OPINION, that A-net has/and is creating a state of the art game. That the current "average" gaming computer, can not currently handle.
The reason to wait becomes obvious, when you look at the upcoming release of computer hardware. The i7 series chips are due in November this year and the Mid ranged i7 chips are due to hit the market 1st/2nd quarter of next year. Also the new AMD chip is due soon as well. These are awesome chips and the computers will be insane and affordable. I do not think you will be required to own a new i7 computer but the release of them raises the overall bar on "average gaming computers". Multiple cpu cores, 4+GB of ram and a 8800 gt to hit "average bar" at that time. I also believe that Windows 7 (the final stage of the longhorn project, Vista was the 1st stage, will launch soon as well. This puts good old XP at end of life and support.) |
Even then, "state-of-the-art" is not such a good thing in computing, since no one wants to upgrade their system every two years just to keep up with Moore's Law just to play a video game. (Case in point, Crysis)
An MMO which cannot be played on computers released 3-4 years prior at a reasonable framerate is, doomed de facto (case in point, AoC.)
PS: For those that are curious for what I've been doing since my "hiatus," I haven't really been playing computer games much, especially not MMOs, thanks to the lovely thing called college. I play TF2 occasionally, but mostly it's just Halo 3 and Mario Kart with my dorm. Of course, that'll change when Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 come out.