Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
Just thought about this thread when reading Regina's wiki discussion page:
Just mentioning it so that people can quote facts, and no rumor is spread.
Did you notice the "since we have seen the game"?
Ok, I'm definantly hooked. Regina, bribe the team into letting you show just a couple things.
Like new concept art for Tengu, Centaurs, etc. Nothing that is "brand new" to GW2, but the things that existed in GW1 that changes for GW2, but not enough to be called new. Like Joko, will he look different? Will the new Siege Devourers (I assume they will stay) look different?
I am hungry for GW2 info and I am willing to eat the bones of the information themselves! The tiniest info will please me and excite me more for GW2! There has yet to be something that made me hate Anet.
/begs for info on GW2 more then he begged for Thorn.