"Longest Set of Guild Wars Update Notes Ever"
Star Gazer
From the Journal of Linsey Murdock:
Thursday, November 6th 2008
Sorry I haven't been super active lately. This build has been crazy. I really want to make sure that I hit up everything I can and that takes a lot of time. At this point, the update is so big that I can't even remember all the things I've done lol. I started writing the update notes the other day and I think this might be one of the largest set of update notes we have ever done. Which now makes me curious as to what the largest update actually was... anyone know?
I'm already starting to get nervous about next week. I really hope that people like what I have done. I'm going to be a huge ball of nerves for the next week. Luckily I have SO MUCH work still left to do that I'll be too busy to think about anything. It's gonna be a loooong weekend. Come Wednesday though, my stomach will start doing flips, I promise you. And Thursday! Oh man, I'm going to be freaking out. FREAKING OUT.
I think I'll take a couple days off once this build is out. I'm gonna need it heh. You people best appreciate what I do for you! lol
<3 GW. <3 GW players.
Oh and for all those people with topics on my talk that are still unanswered, I am sorry it's taking so long to get to everything. I'll get there, I promise! I keep trying to get things answered and archived but every time I do, more and more topics pop up. It's hard to keep up with and it takes hours to really answer stuff thoroughly. When I do answer something, I like to leave up the topic for a while in case anyone wants to respond to me before I archive it. And I don't want to archive anything that hasn't been answered by me personally (sometimes you wiki'ers give the perfect answer though, so I'll make an exception). All that makes for a super long talk page. eep.
largest update? cant wait to see.
looks from the sound of it, next week will be the update.
Thursday, November 6th 2008
Sorry I haven't been super active lately. This build has been crazy. I really want to make sure that I hit up everything I can and that takes a lot of time. At this point, the update is so big that I can't even remember all the things I've done lol. I started writing the update notes the other day and I think this might be one of the largest set of update notes we have ever done. Which now makes me curious as to what the largest update actually was... anyone know?
I'm already starting to get nervous about next week. I really hope that people like what I have done. I'm going to be a huge ball of nerves for the next week. Luckily I have SO MUCH work still left to do that I'll be too busy to think about anything. It's gonna be a loooong weekend. Come Wednesday though, my stomach will start doing flips, I promise you. And Thursday! Oh man, I'm going to be freaking out. FREAKING OUT.
I think I'll take a couple days off once this build is out. I'm gonna need it heh. You people best appreciate what I do for you! lol
<3 GW. <3 GW players.
Oh and for all those people with topics on my talk that are still unanswered, I am sorry it's taking so long to get to everything. I'll get there, I promise! I keep trying to get things answered and archived but every time I do, more and more topics pop up. It's hard to keep up with and it takes hours to really answer stuff thoroughly. When I do answer something, I like to leave up the topic for a while in case anyone wants to respond to me before I archive it. And I don't want to archive anything that hasn't been answered by me personally (sometimes you wiki'ers give the perfect answer though, so I'll make an exception). All that makes for a super long talk page. eep.
largest update? cant wait to see.
looks from the sound of it, next week will be the update.
Yeah it's going to be really big.
Morgoth the dark
huh, i hope HB update comes in this pack...
surprising, since i haven't heard much in terms of feature updates in a while. granted, i don't follow dev notes or anything, so i'm basically out of the loop. but bring it on. i'm looking forward to seeing what it brings. maybe they'll nerf permaform so only primary sins can do it. that'd be cool.
but in terms of impact on gameplay, i would say october 11th 2005 was the biggest for that one..
but in terms of impact on gameplay, i would say october 11th 2005 was the biggest for that one..
Sorrow's Furnace would probably be the biggest (kb-wise) update.
SF is a good choice. Maybe the HM update as well.
Very cool, can't wait to see all the updatey goodness. Thanks for the head's up, SG.
Also: bigupdate is big.
Also: bigupdate is big.
I was just going to say, you think this might be larger than the Sorrow's update!?
Apollo Smile
<3 Right back, Linsey. Lookin' forward to it.
Star Gazer
No, I think that alot of skills and title changes are coming (and many of them, considering shes using a few days to create the list alone). i SERIOUSLY doubt new content would be added, but hey, that would be a very welcome surprise.
Indeed, Sorrow's Furnace would be my pick for biggest, at least in the realm of new content added. If this is an update of that scale, I'll be amazed.
Battle Isles update?
Factions release update?
Nightfall release update?
The Factions and Nightfall updates brought more than just the campaigns, like the introduction of titles, the dye update, insignia, templates... and more.
Factions release update?
Nightfall release update?
The Factions and Nightfall updates brought more than just the campaigns, like the introduction of titles, the dye update, insignia, templates... and more.
uh oh here comes the hype train
all aboard!
all aboard!
Let's hope this doesn't raise a hype of a thousand rumours and people build it up to be larger than it is.
Just to get a sense of the scale of the Sorrow Furnace update...
Update - Wednesday September 7, 2005 [edit] Sorrow's Furnace * Sorrow's Furnace consists of two new, large and challenging explorable regions located deep in the Shiverpeak Mountains between Spearhead Peak and Snake Dance. These areas contain the following: o Seventeen new quests, most of them fully repeatable and offering high XP rewards. o Four new cinematics. o A variety of new monsters, including new Stone Summit Dwarves that are the strongest in the Shiverpeak Mountains, and entirely new types of creatures that are being introduced to the game for the first time. o Boss monsters named after the contest winning entries. * Boss monsters in the new Sorrow's Furnace regions drop newly-introduced green "unique" weapons that are named after the boss. [edit] Titan Quests * The Titan Quests are a series of five new veteran-level quests, starting in Droknar's Forge and spanning the continent, that continue the storyline for those who have already vanquished the foes of Hell's Precipice. These quests feature some of the most challenging and rewarding content in the game, with ten new types of monsters, including several never-before-seen creature types. [edit] Chests and Loot * The landscape of Tyria is now dotted with new, randomly positioned locked chests, which are guaranteed to contain uncommon or better items. These chests largely replace the old system of unlocked chests with predictable positions and common loot. * Whenever your party finds a new, locked chest, multiple party members can each use their own keys to unlock the chest and get their own loot. * Monsters randomly drop chest keys, and you can also buy chest keys from Merchants. * Added Superior Salvage Kits and Superior Identification Kits, which are the same as Expert Salvage Kits and Identification Kits except with 100 charges instead of 25. * Improved the quality of most Crafter and Collector Weapons. * Increased the drop rate of uncommon and rare items on large maps. * Increased the drop rate of all insight scrolls. * Added three new insight scrolls: Adventurer's Insight, Hunter's Insight, and Rampager's Insight. These scrolls provide a level of accelerated XP gain for the entire party but are much more common and less expensive than the existing rare insight scrolls. * Collectors in Perdition Rock and Sorrow's Furnace now give XP enhancing scrolls in return for collectable monster drops. Conversely, there are no longer crafters for these scrolls. * Various low-level quests now give additional gold as a reward for completion. [edit] Skill Acquisition * The maximum amount of XP required to gain additional skill points beyond level 20 has been lowered from 20,000 to 15,000. This change retroactively benefits existing characters. * The gold cost of learning new skills now follows a price curve similar to armor, rising in cost more quickly than before but capping out at 1 platinum piece after learning 20 skills. * Skill trainers in towns now offer a wider selection of skills, and there is a newly introduced skill trainer in Ember Light Camp who sells every non-elite skill in the game. [edit] Faction Gain * The accelerated Faction rewards that were temporarily available during the PvP Extreme Weekend have now become a permanent part of the game. * The Priests of Balthazar are now located in PvP map outposts instead of towns, so you don't need to have or use a high-level role-playing character to spend your faction points. [edit] Attribute Points * The concept of Attribute Refund Points has been removed from the game. You can now refund and reassign your attribute points as much as you like, whenever you are in a town or outpost. [edit] Guilds and Guild Combat * For 100 gold you can now invite someone to be a guest of your guild. As a guest, he can enter your Guild Hall any number of times over the next 8 hours, join your team and participate with you in Guild Combat. If he has been a member of his own guild for long enough to receive full Faction for guild battles, then he will also receive full Faction for playing with you as a guest of your guild. (However, to engage in Guild Combat, at least half the members of your team must be members of your guild.) * Inviting a new member into your guild now costs 100 gold. * The opposing guild’s rating and rank are now displayed when you receive a challenge and at the beginning of Guild combat. * Balance changes to Guild combat maps make the Guild Lord less susceptible to ganking: o Newly introduced banner messages warn you if your base is breached or if your Guild Lord is attacked. o The NPC Arcanists have been replaced with Bodyguards who not only cast spells on the enemy team but also heal your Guild Lord. They also now appear in your list of Party Allies. o The NPC Archers now use Pin Down on the invading enemy team. o New NPC Archers have been added to the Druid's, Nomad's, and Frozen Isle guild halls. o The Guild Lord himself, and various defending NPCs, are sturdier than they were before. * The "Victory or Death!" cry now comes at 30 minutes instead of 45 minutes. * In Guild Combat, your guild cape is now colored red or blue to indicate your team color. [edit] Other PvP Changes * Arenas can now match teams with opponents from around the world. * Prebuilt PvP characters now include Resurrection Signet. * Default PvP character weapon choices are now more appropriate. * Pets now stay closer to their owners. * Players no longer receive XP or Faction from the deaths of enemies that their party did not kill. [edit] Skill Changes * Updated various skill descriptions to more accurately describe the skill effects. * Fixed Fevered Dreams so that it doesn't spread conditions to allies. * Fixed "I Will Avenge You!" so that it doesn't count dead spirits. * Fixed Physical Resistance so that it no longer lowers your elemental armor by more than it should. * Fixed Revive Animal so that the health of the newly revived animal depends on the attribute level of the caster. * Fixed Symbiotic Bond so that it correctly redirects half of the damage from the pet to the master, and changed it from a stance to a shout. * Fixed Well of the Profane so that targets in the area of effect cannot be the target of new enchantments, rather than not being able to cast new enchantments. * Fixed Divine Boon, Guilt, Mark of Subversion, Peace and Harmony, Shame, and Zealot's Fire so that when they say "when casting a skill/spell that targets an ally/enemy," they only trigger on targeted skills or spells, not on untargeted ones. * Fixed the Resurrection Orb so that it doesn’t resurrect dead spirits. [edit] Monster Balance Changes * Increased the level of difficulty and reward in The Underworld. Several areas have been updated with new creatures to add variety to fights and emphasize teamwork. * Updated boss monster spawns throughout the Southern Shiverpeaks so that boss monsters are less random, and therefore elite skill capture is more reliable. * Renamed "Stone Summit Arcanist" to "Stone Summit Heretic," and Shiverpeak's "Grawl Ulodyte" to "Grawl Crone" for clarity. * Armageddon Lords now spawn Ashen Hulks when they die. * Blessed Griffons, Mergoyle Wavebreakers, and other creatures who use Grasping Earth, Deep Freeze, or Symbol of Wrath will now use them properly even with only one enemy present. * Centaurs and Dwarves in The Traveler's Vale now respond more intelligently to ranged attacks. * Flesh Golems now cast Death Nova. * Kings Guards in Thunderhead Keep are now appropriate level, helping reduce the initial difficulty of the mission. * Tengu Groups in Twin Serpent Lakes now have a better variety of creatures. [edit] User Interface * The Quest Log now groups quests by importance and region. * The green Quest Arrows now guide you towards the next step of the quest even if it is more than one map away. * Traders now display a "last paid" price on the sell tab. * Item upgrades on Priests of Balthazar are now color-coded to show the enhancement level. * The Priests of Balthazar now display information about previously unlocked items. * The names of Major Runes now appear purple (uncommon), and those of Superior Runes are now displayed in gold (rare). * Faction bonuses for Flawless Victories and Winning Streaks are now displayed with different text in your chat window. * The Skill List now sorts skills by attribute in its default setting. * The trade window more clearly distinguishes between platinum and gold offered, and displays a warning if the other player offers customized items. * A button on the Guild tab provides easy travel to your Guild Hall. * After leveling up, a new on-screen button provides a visual reminder to spend your new attribute points. * Added new tooltips to many user interface elements. * Updated European and Korean translations. [edit] Bug Fixes * Fixed several quests with missing NPC locations in the quest log. * Fixed missing exclamation marks over key NPCs. * Fixed bugs in the following missions: Fort Ranik, Thunderhead Keep, Iron Mines of Moladune, The Underworld, and Fissure of Woe. * Fixed bugs in the following quests: Counting the Fallen, Defend the Temple of War, Endangered Species, Family Reunion, Final Blow, Fires in the North, A Gift for Althea, Oswalt's Epitaph, The Royal Papers, The Misplaced Sword, To Kryta: Journey's End, and Tower of Courage. * Fixed doors in the holdout at the end of Thunderhead Keep. * Fixed pathing issues in D'Alessio Arena, Dragon's Gullet, Druids Isle, Scoundrel's Rise, and the Isle of the Dead guild hall. * Fixed inaccuracies in the sword symbols which are displayed after completing a primary or secondary mission. * Fixed green quest markers so that they properly update on the Map Area window. * Fixed a display error that sometimes caused skills from your old secondary profession to still continue to be displayed in your skill inventory after switching to a new secondary profession. * Fixed a bug which caused vendor items to sometimes show an "Under Construction" icon. * Fixed Condition, Hex, and Enchantment Health bar icons that were not updating correctly for out of range targets. * Fixed movement key state not being restored upon release of opposite movement key. * Fixed profession and level truncation in party window invites. * Fixed the potential for accidental item drops that existed when releasing items on the background of the multiple bag interface. * Fixed chat bubble stacking. * Fixed various minor glitches related to window sizes and text clipping. * Fixed miscellaneous rare crash bugs. |
looks from the sound of it, next week will be the update. discuss |
"We're resurrecting Halloween! Beginning after the update on Thursday, November 6th, you can enjoy Halloween fun again with special items, collectors, and the Costume Brawl."
To me it sounds like the update will be tonight. This being November 6th in North America. I say look for it around 5pm Pacific Time, 8pm Eastern, or Friday 1am GMT. Just my $0.02.
Í cant wait
Lindsey is the absolute best Anet has to offer right now. I wish she could be cloned.
According to Regina's notes in the other thread:
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
Players have come to expect Xunlai Tournament House points to arrive with the first scheduled build of the month. This was planned for November 6, however due to a critical staff absence today, we will be unable to distribute the Xunlai Tournament House points until the November 13 game update. We sincerely apologize for the delay.
EDIT: The new monthly tonic will arrive on November 6. The skill balance will be on November 6. The title re-balance will be on November 13. |
own age myname
I'm already starting to get nervous about next week. I really hope that people like what I have done. I'm going to be a huge ball of nerves for the next week. Luckily I have SO MUCH work still left to do that I'll be too busy to think about anything. It's gonna be a loooong weekend. Come Wednesday though, my stomach will start doing flips, I promise you. And Thursday! Oh man, I'm going to be freaking out. FREAKING OUT. |
*Jumps aboard the hype train, hangs head out of the window with tongue out*
Dear Regina and Anet,.
for all the millions of people who have bought Guild Wars we would like to you know that a "Critical absence of staff" is not acceptable at all.
Thank you very much
for all the millions of people who have bought Guild Wars we would like to you know that a "Critical absence of staff" is not acceptable at all.
Thank you very much
I Ithorian I
Do you people never learn ? - they feed you the same garbage every month , this update shall be delayed , or this update shall be smaller then usual - bigger changes in the next build .. and on it goes.
Take today for example - sources say there is only 4-5 skills recieving minor tweaks , yet they still manage to roll the new build out on the 7th - not the 6th. Thats if it even comes today.
Learn from experience , anet will tell you what you want to hear - and rarely deliver... dont get hyped up to be dissapointed
Take today for example - sources say there is only 4-5 skills recieving minor tweaks , yet they still manage to roll the new build out on the 7th - not the 6th. Thats if it even comes today.
Learn from experience , anet will tell you what you want to hear - and rarely deliver... dont get hyped up to be dissapointed
I don't think people WOULDN'T complain, they always do, for every single update Anet has done, people whine, if memory serves. PLus, since this is "one of the biggest update ever", things WILL be nerfed and things WILL be changed, it's simply unavoidable. And yes, people WILL whine.
But I look forward to this update, since if there will be nerfs then Anet would have already done them, as they did in the past. And reasonably, they cannot nerf everything in GW so this update will not simply encompass "nerfing". So there will be change to this game(not that there isn't enough as it is already), and I wonder how and what Anet will change this time around.
But I look forward to this update, since if there will be nerfs then Anet would have already done them, as they did in the past. And reasonably, they cannot nerf everything in GW so this update will not simply encompass "nerfing". So there will be change to this game(not that there isn't enough as it is already), and I wonder how and what Anet will change this time around.
If this is the "largest update ever," and it's being released next week, then ArenaNet fails majorly at timing hype. (or community interaction)
Can't wait to see what it is.
Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by Star Gazer
largest update?
Originally Posted by The Journal of Linsey Murdock
I started writing the update notes the other day and I think this might be one of the largest set of update notes we have ever done. Which now makes me curious as to what the largest update actually was... anyone know?
I don't think a lot of people are really paying attention here....
Today's update will be skill balancing with other random stuffs.
The "biggestupdateevarzomg" will be next week, as stated above.
According to Regina's notes in the other thread:
The "biggestupdateevarzomg" will be next week, as stated above.
So, were supposed to get our halloween event back today at noon. Yet almost 5 hours later and no costume brawl or anything really.
So are we going to get a third halloween event next weekend to make up for this one being late as well?
So are we going to get a third halloween event next weekend to make up for this one being late as well?
Maybe it's GW2 related
lol. I wish

where doe sit ever say it would happen at noon, allthat anet said was when nov 6th update goes live it will return never gave a time fyi
Perfect time imo. When they rebalance the titles, I'm hoping they remove title requirements for armor, so I'll get my points too, and I'll have enough money for new armor <3
TBH though, I'm more excited for skill update.
TBH though, I'm more excited for skill update.
The most interesting part in this thread was the SF update notes... fun to see all that old stuff.
Rhamia Darigaz
i don't care how big this update was
nothing anet ever does will make up for them forgetting yesterday's holiday
nothing anet ever does will make up for them forgetting yesterday's holiday