ablity to cash in skill points for bath. faction
have an old char with like 500skil points just stiling there doing nothing ? i propose, there be an npc where u can cash in skill points for bath. faction, and vice versa u can purchase skill points for bath. faction .
What does PvE farming have to do with Balthazar Faction (a PvP concept)?
Lawliet Kira
Dark Desicration
Only if it's skill points on a pvp only character.
Either 10 Skill points = 1k Faction
Or 1 skill point = 100g
Or something involving large amounts.
Either 10 Skill points = 1k Faction
Or 1 skill point = 100g
Or something involving large amounts.
Novel, but the amount of xp people get from certain farms just kills the implimentation of any sort of plan like this.
Novel, but the amount of xp people get from certain farms just kills the implimentation of any sort of plan like this.
Kill raptors for Zkeys? Yummy.
I want something useful to do with my farmed skill points, seeing as how I don't use Consets.
[ EDIT ]
Why, Hawk? You'll never make skill points as fast as you can make Balth Faction. If the exchange rate was fairly close, you could still have to spend massive amounts of skill points, considering that the cheapest Balth Faction expenditure to unlock something is what, 1k?
[ 2nd EDIT ]
Why should PvP'ers need Balth Faction for ZKeys anyways? ZKeys generate PvE CASH, what does a PvP'er need with PvE (since that is the general argument I always see; if they don't play PvE, wtf they need cash for?).
Still, if this had an equal variant geared for PvP players to get an exchange that they could use if they wanted, it would get more /signed's.
I want something useful to do with my farmed skill points, seeing as how I don't use Consets.
[ EDIT ]
Why, Hawk? You'll never make skill points as fast as you can make Balth Faction. If the exchange rate was fairly close, you could still have to spend massive amounts of skill points, considering that the cheapest Balth Faction expenditure to unlock something is what, 1k?
[ 2nd EDIT ]
Why should PvP'ers need Balth Faction for ZKeys anyways? ZKeys generate PvE CASH, what does a PvP'er need with PvE (since that is the general argument I always see; if they don't play PvE, wtf they need cash for?).
Still, if this had an equal variant geared for PvP players to get an exchange that they could use if they wanted, it would get more /signed's.
Zodiac Meteor
Uses for old skill points you'll never use? Absolutely.
Converting them into balthazar faction? Hell no.
Converting them into balthazar faction? Hell no.
Marty Silverblade
Maybe if there was an option to trade skill points for various other things other than consumables. Seeing as I don't need them, and even if I did, I have a crapload of sugar from halloween/wintersday/whatever, then it'd be nice to put my skill points to some use.
It seems fait to me that if I choose to not use consumables (not make the game easier), then I should be able to get some other kind of reward for it. Whether balthazar faction is the right reward, I don't know, but I'd like something.
It seems fait to me that if I choose to not use consumables (not make the game easier), then I should be able to get some other kind of reward for it. Whether balthazar faction is the right reward, I don't know, but I'd like something.
have an old char with like 500skil points just stiling there doing nothing ? i propose, there be an npc where u can cash in skill points for bath. faction, and vice versa u can purchase skill points for bath. faction .
Use them to buy: Powerstone of Courage; Grail of Might; Essence of Celerity; Armor of Salvation; Scroll of Resurrection; or xfer them to a new char who needs skills with a Star of Transference.
Shayne Hawke
Funk ee Monk ee
Get real people, even with huge xp from solo farming there is no way this will really help people get THAT much closer to the INSANE cap of zrank. Using the example of 10 skill pts = 1k faction you would get 50 skill pts = 1 zkey. I hazard to say there is nowhere in the game one can farm 200 skill pts per hour to get the average of 20k/hour that most of the best spots give these days.
Also, "PVE powerfarmers" are exactly the people that buy zkeys now. There will still be demand for the hardcore pvp'ers to make cash from their zkeys.
Get real people, even with huge xp from solo farming there is no way this will really help people get THAT much closer to the INSANE cap of zrank. Using the example of 10 skill pts = 1k faction you would get 50 skill pts = 1 zkey. I hazard to say there is nowhere in the game one can farm 200 skill pts per hour to get the average of 20k/hour that most of the best spots give these days.
Also, "PVE powerfarmers" are exactly the people that buy zkeys now. There will still be demand for the hardcore pvp'ers to make cash from their zkeys.
not for balthazar faction but for luxon/kurzick faction, Then I will sign. Otherwise big no from me.
won't happen, anet what people play pvp. Not farm skill point.
You will have to gain your zaishen key the pvp way
You will have to gain your zaishen key the pvp way
Wrath of m0o
If they did this i would be so rich i could buy ArenaNet and implement 7/8 Hero's and bring back Ursan and remove loot scaling.
No flames plz...im only joking.
No flames plz...im only joking.
Chieftain Heavyhand
Buy consumablas and sell them.
I think they said you cant sell the new summoning stones but maybe they should allow them to be sold as well.
/not signed on the trading skill points for factions would kill the market for z keys.
I think they said you cant sell the new summoning stones but maybe they should allow them to be sold as well.
/not signed on the trading skill points for factions would kill the market for z keys.
It would be nice to have some sort of use for them. I usually only use them to buy Perfect Salvage kits.
Haha, faction would be interesting. But I donno. Just some use other then having them sit there useless.
Haha, faction would be interesting. But I donno. Just some use other then having them sit there useless.

I'd really like a real use for MASS skill points and making them valuable but connecting them to PvP faction is totally wrong, so stupid that it's not worth commenting on.
Some things just have to be separate.
/not signed
Some things just have to be separate.
/not signed
While I like the idea behind trading skill points for faction, I can see how bad it would be overall and encourage farming even more.
If you could trade skill points for something a little more negligable it would be much more appreciated. For example, trading a skill point for a level 1 sweet/party/alcohol item. Even with 1000 spare skill points, that's only 1/10th of one title. It would take an insane amount of farming to get one of the titles that way, but it would be a viable alternative to having to buy all the titles, other than farming event weekends.
I can only see positives for this suggestion:
+ alternative method of acquiring sweet/party/drunkard points.
+ aforementioned titles become less buy/farm titles and a possibility through normal play.
+ people will feel less pressured to farm every event weekend due to alternative method of gaining points.
+ a use for skill points that won't be game-breaking when everyone cashes in the many thousands of points they have stored up.
If you could trade skill points for something a little more negligable it would be much more appreciated. For example, trading a skill point for a level 1 sweet/party/alcohol item. Even with 1000 spare skill points, that's only 1/10th of one title. It would take an insane amount of farming to get one of the titles that way, but it would be a viable alternative to having to buy all the titles, other than farming event weekends.
I can only see positives for this suggestion:
+ alternative method of acquiring sweet/party/drunkard points.
+ aforementioned titles become less buy/farm titles and a possibility through normal play.
+ people will feel less pressured to farm every event weekend due to alternative method of gaining points.
+ a use for skill points that won't be game-breaking when everyone cashes in the many thousands of points they have stored up.
PvP characters have no use for Skill points.
If it's only for PvP characters, I would always agree.
If for PvE characters were something like 100 BP per skill point and for PvP characters 10k Balthazar points per Skill point I would also agree.
Just remember that PvE character can get Experience in a blink of an eye, while PvP ones can't really farm it... not even in Alliance Battles it's like in PvE.
If it's only for PvP characters, I would always agree.
If for PvE characters were something like 100 BP per skill point and for PvP characters 10k Balthazar points per Skill point I would also agree.
Just remember that PvE character can get Experience in a blink of an eye, while PvP ones can't really farm it... not even in Alliance Battles it's like in PvE.
Stupid Shizno
another pve win thread
someone said pvp dont neeed cash cause they dont pve so why do they care?
first, pvp does pve, we just dont grind. how else do we get fow armor and junk? we make our cash through zkeys or guild invites/selling guilds, and selling the rare items from hoh
other then that, we have no real means to make money.
pve has, everything...and you want to use your skill points to get faction? lolz go waste them on cons and sell the cons for money, then use that money to buy my zkeys.
someone said pvp dont neeed cash cause they dont pve so why do they care?
first, pvp does pve, we just dont grind. how else do we get fow armor and junk? we make our cash through zkeys or guild invites/selling guilds, and selling the rare items from hoh
other then that, we have no real means to make money.
pve has, everything...and you want to use your skill points to get faction? lolz go waste them on cons and sell the cons for money, then use that money to buy my zkeys.
Konig Des Todes
I want something useful to do with my farmed skill points, seeing as how I don't use Consets. [ EDIT ] Why, Hawk? You'll never make skill points as fast as you can make Balth Faction. If the exchange rate was fairly close, you could still have to spend massive amounts of skill points, considering that the cheapest Balth Faction expenditure to unlock something is what, 1k? [ 2nd EDIT ] Why should PvP'ers need Balth Faction for ZKeys anyways? ZKeys generate PvE CASH, what does a PvP'er need with PvE (since that is the general argument I always see; if they don't play PvE, wtf they need cash for?). Still, if this had an equal variant geared for PvP players to get an exchange that they could use if they wanted, it would get more /signed's. |
If this was kept to just PvP characters, I'll sign. Until that is made clear - which I don't think would be possible to implement, but I wouldn't know until someone who knows if it is or isn't (with experience with programming) - I will /notsign
My sin currently has 325 unused skill points. Lets say 1 points=1k balth, that means 5 points=1 zkey, which leads to for just my sin, 325k/points to the title. I could probably double to triple that to add on all my characters. 650k/points to Zaishen, in seconds.
Now let's say 10 points=1k balth, that means 50 points=1zkey, that means 6.5 zkeys, that's 30k/points to Zaishen, doubling to count my other characters (rough estimate), that's 13 keys, which means 65k/points to Zaishen in seconds.
I'm sure "veterans" have double of my sin on just one character, probably triple the double of my sin for account-wide skill points. That would mean roughly about 1950 skill points for "veterans" which would then lead to 39 zkeys, or 195k/points to Zaishen, per account. And many people would have multiple accounts so they could probably add a good amount as well.
See the problem?
If ANet won't make the new books retroactive due to the "economy" then they most certainly NOT do this.
What should be done, instead, is make a PvP-only option of making Stars of Transfer, so that the PvP characters can make these, then transfer them to PvE characters, who can then use these for cons, skills, hero skill points, etc.
Those who only PvP would say "that won't really help" and others who would "they would just sell those instead of zkeys." Will this help PvP-only accounts? No. Will this PvX accounts? Yes. Would PvP-only people sell these? No reason to except for filling Guild Halls or for friends. Would PvX people sell these? Not likely, or else they would sell the cons themselves.
well im just sayin i dont pve like elite missions or farming , i quit once i get my pve titles. and my monk and like 600 skils points that i am never going to use, cause she's alrdy got every single skil . and like its a total waste.
Balthazar Faction should reward PvP, and only PvP.
The Little Viking
/notsigned for balthazar faction because of the Zkey factor
but if there would be a way where you could cash in like 5-10 skill points to unlock 1 skill then id /sign. I have roughly 800 skill points that are just growing and growing. I have had 5 consets in my inventory for about a month now. And now that consets have been nerfed, i doubt ill ever buy anymore.
I bought all the skill packs personally, but it would have been better for me to just trade in my skill points to unlock skills.
but if there would be a way where you could cash in like 5-10 skill points to unlock 1 skill then id /sign. I have roughly 800 skill points that are just growing and growing. I have had 5 consets in my inventory for about a month now. And now that consets have been nerfed, i doubt ill ever buy anymore.
I bought all the skill packs personally, but it would have been better for me to just trade in my skill points to unlock skills.
but not for Balth faction.
New uses maybe. Balth faction would unbalance the Zkey thing.
but not for Balth faction.
New uses maybe. Balth faction would unbalance the Zkey thing.
another pve win thread
someone said pvp dont neeed cash cause they dont pve so why do they care? first, pvp does pve, we just dont grind. how else do we get fow armor and junk? we make our cash through zkeys or guild invites/selling guilds, and selling the rare items from hoh other then that, we have no real means to make money. pve has, everything...and you want to use your skill points to get faction? lolz go waste them on cons and sell the cons for money, then use that money to buy my zkeys. |
How is that any different to not doing PvP yet wanting PvP rewards?
Your reasoning is just as dumb as the OP's.
10 skill points = firewater.
Eragon Zarroc
u can cash in ur skill points for consumables but of course it costs u money and materials. it would be nice to have a reward for farming exp in the form of skill point exchange for something, but balth faction is not the answer. balth faction is pvp oriented and should not be granted through pve achievments. also, w/e is granted for skill points should be quite nominal because otherwise it would disturb game balance. many people have thousands of skill points. to put it in perspective, the free exchange of skill points for something should be worth less than the exchange of 1 skill point + 1 platinum for an actual skill. maybe change it to where u can exchange multiple skill points and no money to learn a skill on ur char.
/not signed
/not signed
I don't think it would unbalance the game too much, as not that many people have thousands of unused skill points, and those that do, spent a long time getting them. I haven't added them all up, but would guess on my main account I have someone around 2500 unused skill points. That is from playing 7500 hours over 41 months. I have no idea how many I may have on my other account, as it isn't used much, but most likely around 500.
Even if 1 skill point got 1k Balth Faction, you would see people with 5000 skill points acquiring 1000 Z-keys. If this happened for all people, z-keys would drop in price drastically, but the amount of z-keys obtained would happen fast, but not for long.
I do not support this idea. My above statement was to demonstrate that the balance shift would be drastic, and fast, but short term. To acquire another 5000 skill points (which is a huge number few would have) it would take an insane amount of time.
If you jumped it to 10 skill points for 1k Balth Faction, it would make the numbers pretty pathetic. And again, it would take an insane amount of time to acquire those skill points again. Even solo farming 5 hours a day, I doubt anyone would acquire more than 20 skill points a day. 10k Balth Faction can be obtained in less time much easier from PvP, even from the Zaishen Elite.
/unsigned for OP
I wouldn't mind seeing a way to use skill points though. As noted, making skill available for multiple skill points instead of 1 skill point and 1k would be nice for people wanting to expand builds, but not waste money. Trading for alcohol, sweets, or party items would be nice, but make no sense. not sure what a good option would be, but definitely not the OPs.
Even if 1 skill point got 1k Balth Faction, you would see people with 5000 skill points acquiring 1000 Z-keys. If this happened for all people, z-keys would drop in price drastically, but the amount of z-keys obtained would happen fast, but not for long.
I do not support this idea. My above statement was to demonstrate that the balance shift would be drastic, and fast, but short term. To acquire another 5000 skill points (which is a huge number few would have) it would take an insane amount of time.
If you jumped it to 10 skill points for 1k Balth Faction, it would make the numbers pretty pathetic. And again, it would take an insane amount of time to acquire those skill points again. Even solo farming 5 hours a day, I doubt anyone would acquire more than 20 skill points a day. 10k Balth Faction can be obtained in less time much easier from PvP, even from the Zaishen Elite.
/unsigned for OP
I wouldn't mind seeing a way to use skill points though. As noted, making skill available for multiple skill points instead of 1 skill point and 1k would be nice for people wanting to expand builds, but not waste money. Trading for alcohol, sweets, or party items would be nice, but make no sense. not sure what a good option would be, but definitely not the OPs.
Notsigned for BF/Z-keys.
Signed for consumable rewards such as firewater/creme brulee, or unlocking skills.
Signed for consumable rewards such as firewater/creme brulee, or unlocking skills.
Notsigned for BF/Z-keys.
Signed for consumable rewards such as firewater/creme brulee, or unlocking skills.
Signed for consumable rewards such as firewater/creme brulee, or unlocking skills.
Owik Gall
There are consumables to buy that take up sp. Use them. Then sell them for an appropriate price where you can still profit from them. It's called investment and it can be put well into use this way. If you use your wits you'd realize that we've go all that we need to put sp into good use.
Skye Marin
Why not just allow more uses for just skill points, like on consumables?
Throw in one more Summoning Stone (say, paragon) that costs only 5 skill points, and no gold or materials. Give us something to throw the points at that won't effect existing economies, but also don't require any other sort of investment.
Throw in one more Summoning Stone (say, paragon) that costs only 5 skill points, and no gold or materials. Give us something to throw the points at that won't effect existing economies, but also don't require any other sort of investment.
Phantom Flux
This is a great idea. Most players would disagree because they are bitter if they can't gain any wealth, no one can.
Skill points > Balth faction > Z-keys > Gold
have an old char with like 500skil points just stiling there doing nothing ? i propose, there be an npc where u can cash in skill points for z.key. faction, and vice versa u can purchase skill points for z.key .
I fixed the the starting post with what the OP had in mind.