Originally Posted by silv3rr
Sometimes it is good to just change districts.
Might have been a valid option back in the day when there was more traffic, but today if you want to buy or sell something of value there's only one district you can go to. The probability that anyone in any other district in the game (except during events) can afford such items is infinitesimal.
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
All that would do is prove beyond any doubt is that malicious yeti spamming is a manufactured problem cooked up by a bunch of self righteous gamers to manipulate Anet into changing a game mechanic.
Isn't this a game DESIGNED to reward such behavior normally? When players create highly efficient farms, are they not giving ANet the choice of letting the status quo in the economy explode or change a game mechanic?
Explain to me how motive matters here. ANet has taken upon itself the role of making mechanic changes in order to avoid undesirable consequences. It doesn't matter whether the problem is driven by players seeking profit or players seeking lulz.
If there's a problem, you fix it. Failing to do so makes you a failure. If ANet wants to continue to sell games, they cannot fail at design. End of story.
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
Those who are in Kamadon telling yeti tonic users to change districts and such are the true griefers. Why anyone feels they have a right to chase another player out of a district is beyond me.
Your argument logically runs as follows:
1) I have the right to be really annoying and spam /sit -> ESC
2) If you don't like it, you should turn off sound or go to another district
3) You do not have the right to tell ME to GTFO and go to another district
Do you see the problem?
Let me be clear: spamming is the problem here. There hasn't been an outcry about the Automatonic or Skeletonic, and they make sounds as well. It's the /sit -> ESC spam that makes people upset. You don't get abused by people for double clicking a Yeti tonic. You DO get abused for spamming emotes. I'll accept any solution that prevents emote spam. I don't care how it's attained. You may prefer that at least some sounds remain. That's fine with me as long as there is no emote spam.
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
People verbally abusing Yeti tonic users are the real problem here. These are the malicious players not the yeti tonic users.
Either a) you like annoying people or b) you don't realize you're defending annoying people. If it's a) then grow up. If it's b) then buy a clue.