Originally Posted by DreamWind
Unless they aren't using PvE skills and consumables.
Player skill is compared under the same circumstances.
Uh...what is your point?
Player skill is compared under the same circumstances.
Makes no sense to compare a level 1 player to a level 20 player. It makes no sense comparing a player using consumables to other not using consumables.
"Hey that guy walks faster than the other, he is using a sweet the other isn't, he must be better!" Makes perfect sense...
PvP levels and items are normalized. PvE levels and items are normalized. Of course they were talking about something else.
Experience is acquired with time. Natural skill can only carry you so far. Experience can only carry you so far.
If you want to contest the above statment be my guest.
You posted an official Anet quote saying that GW is Skill>time, competitive, and an MMO.
That same quote also states it isn't exactly a MMO, it is cooperative and "Engaging in combat is always the player's choice, however; there is no player-killing in cooperative areas of the world".
combat - Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 :
158 Moby Thesaurus words for "combat":
Kilkenny cats, action, aerial combat, affray, all-out war,
altercation, antagonize, appeal to arms, argument, armed combat,
armed conflict, armored combat, attack, battle, battle royal,
beat against, beat up against, belligerence, belligerency,
bickering, bloodshed, box, brawl, breast the wave, broil, brush,
buck, buffet, buffet the waves, bullfight, cat-and-dog life, clash,
clash of arms, close, close with, cockfight, collide,
come to blows,
compete with, conflict, confrontation, contend,
contend against, contention, contentiousness, contest,
contestation, controversy, cut and thrust, debate, defy,
difference, disagreement, disputation, dispute, do battle,
dogfight, duel, embroilment, encounter, engagement, enmity,
exchange blows, exchange of blows, fence, feud, fight,
fight a duel, fight against, fighting, fire fight, fray,
give and take, give satisfaction, grapple, grapple with,
ground combat, hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-hand fight,
hostilities, hostility, hot war, house-to-house combat,
join battle with, jostle, joust, la guerre, labor against,
litigation, logomachy, might of arms, military operations,
militate against, mix it up, naval combat, offer resistance,
open hostilities, open war, oppose, opposition, paper war,
passage of arms, pitched battle, polemic, quarrel, quarreling,
quarrelsomeness, rassle, reluct, reluctate, repel, resort to arms,
riot, rival, rumble, run a tilt, running fight, scramble,
scrapping, scrimmage, scuffle, shooting war, shoving match,
skirmish, spar, squabbling, stand-up fight, state of war,
stem the tide, street fight, strife, strive, strive against,
struggle, struggle against, take on, tauromachy, the sword,
thrust and parry, tilt, total war, tourney, traverse, tug-of-war,
tussle, vendetta, vie with, wage war, war, war of words, warfare,
warmaking, warring, wartime, withstand, words, wrangling,
You now say that GW either isn't or shouldn't be any of those.
I say GW is, in one hand, a PvP competition (in the areas called PvP areas) based on skill and not on time attaining levels (you can create PvP characters that are max level) and/or equipment (you start with max armor and max damage weapons, although you have to unlock upgrades/inscriptions/runes, which new PvP'ers will contest the way require to obtain them), and, in the other hand a game that can be played alone or can be played in a cooperative way (in the areas called PvE areas), where skill is of much less importance and has very small relevance on beating the game content, given the nature of a static AI.
You also ignore about 50% of Bryant's points. I understand your position, but I don't see how you can stick to it given all the evidence to the contrary.
The evidence given is a complaint on why PvE isn't what some people believes it should be.
People can disregard reality and complaint that the reality doesn't fit their view or they can accept reality as it is (I guess you can try to change it, but that doesn't means the reality isn't the way it was supposed to be).
In my opinion, makes much more sense to believe that game reflects the state it was supposed to be, PvE being what RPGs are, a place where you collect stuff, call it items or call it titles, based not on perfect skill system, but on a mixture of some skill and time played; and PvP being a system where both sides have the same resources, and fight among each other, with the fights being decided on both raw skill and accumulated experience.
Bad design choices and/or bad ways to implement those aside, that is what the game looks like.
Or you can say the game is all wrong, Anet are pansies that created GW by mere luck and have no clue what makes a game attractive.
You choose whatever it makes you feel better.
I choose to see the reality.