April Update Anticipation thread
Bayushi Kyo
you know i'd be happy if storage change was as simple as being able to put bags(with contents) into inventory slots...
as far as anything else...i just want to display my main's HoM account wide on all my toons, though rainbow phx appearing in all my toons' hom would be nice
as far as anything else...i just want to display my main's HoM account wide on all my toons, though rainbow phx appearing in all my toons' hom would be nice
Storage, hom updates.
Skill changes which they will change back in the next 3 months, then phuck it up again at the 2nd quarter.
@Arduinna: Why don't you ask for the source codes? This way you could do everything solo.
Skill changes which they will change back in the next 3 months, then phuck it up again at the 2nd quarter.
@Arduinna: Why don't you ask for the source codes? This way you could do everything solo.
what about 11 heroes for those who do urgoz?
allowing more heroes = wrong way, would be one of worst updates ever.
We need more updates to encourage *multiplayer* more, instead of going even further into single player.
Global LFG system >> storage update, imho
We need more updates to encourage *multiplayer* more, instead of going even further into single player.
Global LFG system >> storage update, imho
allowing more heroes = wrong way, would be one of worst updates ever.
We need more updates to encourage *multiplayer* more, instead of going even further into single player. Global LFG system >> storage update, imho |
i am not excited about this update because i know that what ever excitement i have will probably be a let down.
I just thought of something else I'd like to see...
Festival hats available as real armour pieces for 5/10k a piece from the Festival Hat trader
Festival hats available as real armour pieces for 5/10k a piece from the Festival Hat trader
I just thought of something else I'd like to see...
Festival hats available as real armour pieces for 5/10k a piece from the Festival Hat trader |
Not only would I like these in max-armor variants, but ALL the armor classes. I wouldn't mind having a low-armor-level hat for my 600 smiter or something.
I wouldn't mind if they were standard costs (plat + mats) or even had a bit of a luxury price hike on them (more plat + mats, maybe something rare involved too), but yeah, good thing to bring up. I hadn't thought about it much lately.
Not only would I like these in max-armor variants, but ALL the armor classes. I wouldn't mind having a low-armor-level hat for my 600 smiter or something. |
Why? people already go and do everything hero hench also its pve. One last thing is that i think if they were to add allowing more heroes there would probably be some huge draw back like yea you can use your heroes but you cant micro them and they don't have different flags.(like how heroes right now have 1 2 3 and then there is everyone else flag, so anet would not add 4567)
i am not excited about this update because i know that what ever excitement i have will probably be a let down. |
I just thought of something else I'd like to see...
Festival hats available as real armour pieces for 5/10k a piece from the Festival Hat trader |
Nereyda Shoaal
Being able to take more than 3 heroes will make you even more lazy than you are now. You won't be bothered to ask anyone to come anywhere with you
This is an online game play it with other people. If you aren't happy with MMO concept go play Minesweeper.
What I expect from the update is sorting out the armor storage
Having 11 armor sets for 1 char (one more is on it's way) is not easy. Two of the tabs in my storage are already taken by armor only
This is an online game play it with other people. If you aren't happy with MMO concept go play Minesweeper.
What I expect from the update is sorting out the armor storage
Having 11 armor sets for 1 char (one more is on it's way) is not easy. Two of the tabs in my storage are already taken by armor only
Black Metal
perhaps the answer to my question is buried pages ago, or that we don't know this yet, but do we know when in April this is anticipated?
Zahr Dalsk
We need more updates to encourage *multiplayer* more, instead of going even further into single player.
Here's how to encourage multiplayer: YOU CAN'T, because the players make it a horrible experience.
Being able to take more than 3 heroes will make you even more lazy than you are now.
You won't be bothered to ask anyone to come anywhere with you
This is a singleplayer game, it says so on the box.
You need to look at the back of your Prophecies box, good sir. GW was intended to support solo gameplay from day one, though it's taken a long time for such to become more reasonable in practice.
Besides, minesweeper's too easy, and it isn't Guild Wars. Casual game is casual, you should tell the Balanced/Ursan/Perma/insertshittymetabuildhere-loving PUG players about it.
There's already 5 tyrian elite sets for warrior...and silver eagle gives Warriors an additional set to choose from. Coming from someone with a warrior main character, I say no to this. It's not elegant enough to warrant the elite status, and it's an NPC armor set. What's next...Ascalon Refugee armor?
7 heroes will never happen, stop +1 posting by saying you want it.
There's already 5 tyrian elite sets for warrior...and silver eagle gives Warriors an additional set to choose from. Coming from someone with a warrior main character, I say no to this. It's not elegant enough to warrant the elite status, and it's an NPC armor set. What's next...Ascalon Refugee armor?
Its a sweet set of armour and could easily be made for each profession, hell, its not even profession specific
What we really want is to be able to stack insriptions.
As a farmer i got a hard time trying to find a place for them, even a better idea make a inscription storage.
Ohh and upgrade storage cash to 50 mill
As a farmer i got a hard time trying to find a place for them, even a better idea make a inscription storage.
Ohh and upgrade storage cash to 50 mill

Originally Posted by A11Eur0
There's already 5 tyrian elite sets for warrior...and silver eagle gives Warriors an additional set to choose from. Coming from someone with a warrior main character, I say no to this. It's not elegant enough to warrant the elite status, and it's an NPC armor set. What's next...Ascalon Refugee armor?
YES indeed,

That would make things very funy, just make it hard to get but available
O ye and i see that the 7 hero thing has started again in this topic

Very funy indeed... keep it up.. I want them to
I think the 7 heroes discussion is pretty much dead, and I wouldn't expect it in April anyway. However, I've been hoping for them since I found heroes. No player should have to play with henchmen. Ever.
I still think my money is on some sort of armor storage. People have been begging for it for a loooooong time. A general increase in storage is fine though, I'm not giving them diddly squat and they're offering a better playing experience for me. What do I have to complain about?
I still think my money is on some sort of armor storage. People have been begging for it for a loooooong time. A general increase in storage is fine though, I'm not giving them diddly squat and they're offering a better playing experience for me. What do I have to complain about?
2 more storage slots and increase in the bags, maybe dye storage.
I would love armor storage, but it might be to tricky to do.
On a side note: Lindsey said she would love to add in new armor, but no artists are available to do them and the armor that NPC use are total different then what we use, there are is build into the model as is our isn't.
I would love armor storage, but it might be to tricky to do.
On a side note: Lindsey said she would love to add in new armor, but no artists are available to do them and the armor that NPC use are total different then what we use, there are is build into the model as is our isn't.
very true, however surely ripping the artwork isn't too hard and laying it over and tweaking it to the model we use wouldn't be too hard
Nereyda Shoaal
bla bla bla + You need to look at the back of your Prophecies box, good sir. GW was intended to support solo gameplay from day one, though it's taken a long time for such to become more reasonable in practice.
Or pull out the network cable and play offline, non-MMO version of GW
Not playing with others because "PUG player is a dipshit"... what a loser.
I always try to take someone with me even if they have 5 skills on the bar. It doesnt mean the mission, quest is undoable. It means I have to put more effort into it. It is also a chance to help others and learn them something
But noooooo... you are too elite to play with "peasants"
Jeez, people like you make me sick.
Less morons on Guru
Said it once, I'll say it again.
Give me a weapon mods and inscriptions merchant, along with some sort of armor specific storage and I'll be happy.
Give me a weapon mods and inscriptions merchant, along with some sort of armor specific storage and I'll be happy.
Being able to take more than 3 heroes will make you even more lazy than you are now. You won't be bothered to ask anyone to come anywhere with you
This is an online game play it with other people. If you aren't happy with MMO concept go play Minesweeper. What I expect from the update is sorting out the armor storage Having 11 armor sets for 1 char (one more is on it's way) is not easy. Two of the tabs in my storage are already taken by armor only |
As for the armor storage, I need one too, I got 3 of 4 of my storage tabs just armor, it's getting annoying.
Zahr Dalsk
Painted it a couple weeks ago; it's doing fine.
I live in Toronto. There is no such thing as a "lawn" here.
if GW worked offline, I'd play that. The modding potential would be fantastic - indeed, if we got the source code and developer tools, Morrowind style, we could make entire new campaigns. It would be brilliant. ArenaNet is unwilling to let us do so, however.
So I should suffer through an hour of listening to a suspected 12-year-old call me a fag, draw genitals on the compass, and ignore all my build suggestions and gameplay tips?
Also, just to put the lie to you, I'm perfectly willing to play with bad players who are willing to learn. Shit, that's how I taught my friend DGFH to play.
No, Nereida Shoal, you are the cancer that is killing Guild Wars.
And then Nereida Shoal was PUG.
I live in Toronto. There is no such thing as a "lawn" here.
Or pull out the network cable and play offline, non-MMO version of GW
Not playing with others because "PUG player is a dipshit"... what a loser.
I always try to take someone with me even if they have 5 skills on the bar. It doesnt mean the mission, quest is undoable. It means I have to put more effort into it. It is also a chance to help others and learn them something But noooooo... you are too elite to play with "peasants" Jeez, people like you make me sick. |
Also, just to put the lie to you, I'm perfectly willing to play with bad players who are willing to learn. Shit, that's how I taught my friend DGFH to play.
No, Nereida Shoal, you are the cancer that is killing Guild Wars.
And then Nereida Shoal was PUG.
My expectation for update: armor/dye/tome storage. Possibly more slots for the price of 100g?
My dream:
Customized armor. Have you seen the stuff the oblivion players have created....all I say is holy S*** it's good. Imagine if A-net gave the power for the player to create their own armor and throw it on the web, we could all pay for it (w/ingame gold not real cash :P) and it would be sick as hell. There'd be so much more diversity and FoW would no longer be THE expensive armor in game. You can google oblivion armor mods just to have an idea of the potential that some of these players have and imagine that implemented in GW. One can dream...
My dream:
if GW worked offline, I'd play that. The modding potential would be fantastic - indeed, if we got the source code and developer tools, Morrowind style, we could make entire new campaigns. It would be brilliant. ArenaNet is unwilling to let us do so, however. |
Zahr Dalsk
Even more so, check out the Morrowind mods.
Anyways, yeah... I'd renew my web hosting plan if Anet would give us the files to run separate servers.
Anyways, yeah... I'd renew my web hosting plan if Anet would give us the files to run separate servers.
It would be nice if we could have vairous styles of bags (I know I sound like a wow freak) but think about it, if we cpould buy bags with more storage, i find when i solo some areas im packed full of stuff before i get half way through the area.
Anyways, yeah... I'd renew my web hosting plan if Anet would give us the files to run separate servers.
I would like to see a few text related functions:
1) Ability to spool chat window to text files 2) Chat window display the current location (city/district) or area when it changes. 3) Ability to send an account character item list to aa text and/or html file (including pictures!). Showing all details for all characters' equipped items inventory items and in account storage (xunlai). 4) Ability to look at only WTB or WTS items in Search window. 5) Search window display more than 31 characters |
Personally I don't want anything from the monthly updates other than significant refreshing changes, be they good or bad.
(Although deep down I always hope they'll finally destroy iway; 10 minute matches ftl)
Go and paint a fence. Or cut the lawn
Or pull out the network cable and play offline, non-MMO version of GW Not playing with others because "PUG player is a dipshit"... what a loser. I always try to take someone with me even if they have 5 skills on the bar. It doesnt mean the mission, quest is undoable. It means I have to put more effort into it. It is also a chance to help others and learn them something But noooooo... you are too elite to play with "peasants" Jeez, people like you make me sick. |
I went out and got myself a PuG again 2 days ago.
We failed the mission, which wasn't really such a big surprise considering how half of them were shouting "GOGOGOGO". (12 year old kid example #1)
I then asked them to show their builds. They were kind of bad (monk with flare, warrior with illusion of pain, classic examples), so I gave them some build tips, very politely even though a few were cussing like no tomorrow (not that I mind, but just another 12 year old kid example). They then proceded to call me a fag, to go suck a horse's dick, and other things. It was pretty funny tbh, but whatever.
Now you see, when I (and probably Zahr too) play, I like to win. I don't like failing really easy missions (the mission was Consulate Docks). I'm fine with helping people, I try to help out as much as I can on here and other places, but it's kind of discouraging when you get called a fag all the time. That's why I hadn't played with a PuG for over a year, and probably won't PuG ever again. Atleast not when I actually want to finish something.
It has absolutely nothing to do with being elite, but it has everything to do with the childish attitude of most players.
But anyway this thread isn't about PuGs, so if you want to continue the PuG discussion make a thread.
The need for more storage space has always been an issue. Why would they all of a sudden fix it now?
- Skills will get modified, as always
- I would LOVE for more storage space. However, I'm not confident in Guildwars(or devs) to actually do something about it. Why do it now? after all this time
i'd like to see any of the previously mentioned storage updates. mine is completely full and, although i'm not too much of a pack-rat, i could use an extra tab or two.
armor storage would be great (no idea how hard this would be to implement as i have zero programming knowledge)
dye storage
inscription/weapon mod storage and/or merchant
chat window and party window changes (be it good or bad, i don't care, just give us something fresh)
new armors or weapons would be nice, but not needed. same with the hero cap - be nice if it wasn't there, but plenty of other stuff i want before that.
last but not least, if NOTHING else, how about an update that consists solely of GW2 news, updates, and screen pics!
armor storage would be great (no idea how hard this would be to implement as i have zero programming knowledge)
dye storage
inscription/weapon mod storage and/or merchant
chat window and party window changes (be it good or bad, i don't care, just give us something fresh)
new armors or weapons would be nice, but not needed. same with the hero cap - be nice if it wasn't there, but plenty of other stuff i want before that.
last but not least, if NOTHING else, how about an update that consists solely of GW2 news, updates, and screen pics!
Storage is easy to wish for. I've wanted it for a long, long time. And now, thanks to tidbits/teasers, I expect it rather than just hope for it.
But if I truly look into my greediest heart of hearts, I want more:
But if I truly look into my greediest heart of hearts, I want more:
- To have drunkard switched to a point system rather than minutes (but you die of alcohol poisoning after 20 drinks and have to rezone. Ha!).
- To have more elite quests/missions. At least one of which that requires a 4 person party or two people and no heroes.
- To find the mysterious stranger from the M.O.X. quests.
- To be able to freeze/lock the party search window so I don't have to go chasing after trade items as they shift.
- For party search posts to be removed after 5 minutes inactivity (no more having to deal with ppl leaving trades up while afk). Typing a simple Space+Enter would be all you need to stay on.
- For PvE Skills to have full power at rank 6, which would put them in line with the requirements for consumables/armor and make maxing the titles just a matter of appearance (as all titles should be).
- And CPR for the Paragon and maybe Ritualist classes.