Originally Posted by Nerfed Necro
You cannot compare any facet of either simply because WOW has 11 million active subs (as they report to stock holders) and GW has 5 million purchases , WOW is it's own game, GW is it's own game. And semantically speaking GW is NOT and mmo. It is 100% instanced. You have a 6 to 8 player max in most areas. MMO stands for MASSIVELY MULTI.... and so on.
This doesn't make GW a bad or less desireable game, they simply are not in the same class. LOTRO is an MMO, SWG is an MMO.
If you want to nitpick about technical categories, this is correct. But if you want to see GW and WoW from player's point of view, it is not that simple.
Sure, GW is 100% instanced. WoW is heavily instanced too because player community has been divided to several hundred realms which are just copies from the same virtual world. One realm can hold something like 20,000 players and how many of them are online at the same time anyway? GW at least gives you an access to the whole player community without making new fresh start characters to different realms or ask real money payment from the transfer.
When talking about game experience itself, what benefits WoW's open world gives compared to GW's instanced world? I see the benefits when you are leveling a new character or making your first one. However, I don't see the benefits when you are at level 80.
Large amount of players are hanging in Ogrimmar (Horde) or Stormwind City (Alliance), talking crap or selling stuff in chat channels. Players can't do that in GW? WoW has shared trade channel with all four big cities. One of the is the most populated, second one is somewhat populated, third is barely populated and fourth is a ghost town. If you use trade channel, you can communicate with same amount of players as GW's typically populated town instance has. If you want to do general chat, it is a bit different thing because using trade channel as chat usually upset players and you go to their ignore list. So it is very minimal. GW doesn't have this problem. You can even switch town instance and have an access to another bunch of players.
Let's look the game when you have reach your maximum level. Do you wander around the open world or you do instanced areas like dungeons, raids or PvP? What open world can offer you? Low level ganking? Random pointless opposing faction city raids? Group playing with what? Some random group quests which usually are done before you are at max level anyway. Mostly open world is just daily quest solo grinding, hanging or ganking. You can't do solo grind in GW or hang with other players even if it is 100% instanced game?
I really fail to see why open world is so fantastic compared to instanced world when comparing WoW and GW. Open world theoretically could be way superior to instanced world, but its potential is not used much in WoW. Realm server will most likely crash if couple hundred players enter to the same visible area. Hurray for MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER!
Why WoW is more popular than GW? Because people have experience from early Warcraft series from years ago, because Blizzard makes quality games which have long history, because WoW will feed ego with epics items and cheap humiliation. GW requires skill for success. WoW requires just time, time and time.