Regarding the April 9 Game Update
Regina Buenaobra
We just want to give you a quick heads-up.
We know that you are expecting some skill balance updates coming with tomorrow’s build. We will have our regular monthly build, bringing you your Tournament Reward Points, changing the map rotation for the MAT and updating the tonic flavor of the month, but unfortunately we will be unable to do any skill changes.
We are aware that some of you will not be happy to hear this, but let us give you the reason for this, so you might understand our decision.
As you are aware, we are currently working very hard on our big April update. And of course, big updates need a lot of testing and resources. We want the update to be a high quality experience you can fully enjoy, so we are dedicating a lot of time to testing it. With a game as complex as Guild Wars and an update as significant as this one, very thorough testing is required. Every addition or change has the potential to affect other areas of the game, sometimes in unexpected ways. Skill changes also need to be fully tested, so we were running into a situation where we risked releasing either the skill balance or the April update itself without the level of polish, consideration, and testing that it should have.
After discussion with members of the Live, QA, Design, and Community Teams, we decided that this month we needed to devote the team’s full focus on getting the April update ready.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we hope that you understand the reasoning behind this decision.
EDIT: Wiki posting now includes German and French translations.
We know that you are expecting some skill balance updates coming with tomorrow’s build. We will have our regular monthly build, bringing you your Tournament Reward Points, changing the map rotation for the MAT and updating the tonic flavor of the month, but unfortunately we will be unable to do any skill changes.
We are aware that some of you will not be happy to hear this, but let us give you the reason for this, so you might understand our decision.
As you are aware, we are currently working very hard on our big April update. And of course, big updates need a lot of testing and resources. We want the update to be a high quality experience you can fully enjoy, so we are dedicating a lot of time to testing it. With a game as complex as Guild Wars and an update as significant as this one, very thorough testing is required. Every addition or change has the potential to affect other areas of the game, sometimes in unexpected ways. Skill changes also need to be fully tested, so we were running into a situation where we risked releasing either the skill balance or the April update itself without the level of polish, consideration, and testing that it should have.
After discussion with members of the Live, QA, Design, and Community Teams, we decided that this month we needed to devote the team’s full focus on getting the April update ready.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we hope that you understand the reasoning behind this decision.
EDIT: Wiki posting now includes German and French translations.
Thanks for the update!
No pun intended...
No pun intended...
Black Metal
Thanks Regina. I agree with your priorities. Not getting skill updates is a very minor aspect in regards to the big April content/storage update, so by all means roll them in together.
Can't wait for the biggie though....looking forward to some fresh life. Don't suppose you can say if we are looking at W2, W3, or W4 of April for this?
Can't wait for the biggie though....looking forward to some fresh life. Don't suppose you can say if we are looking at W2, W3, or W4 of April for this?
Thanks for the heads up Regina. Though is it possible for you to give us a rough date of when the April update will be released, or it's still uncertain at this point?
Regina Buenaobra
Martin Alvito
Guess I'd better go sell off ectos before everyone else finds out that SF survived another month.
not even dartboard skill buffs/nerfs?
oh well. hopefully this epic update later this month is epically good, and not the usual epic meh.
oh well. hopefully this epic update later this month is epically good, and not the usual epic meh.
Marty Silverblade
I wasn't really concerned too much with the skill balance this month anyway, I think people in general are just looking to the bigger update. No big deal, tbh.
i'm confused--are you saying the april skill balance update will be delayed? or that there will be no skill balance update in april at all?
edit: also i read somewhere that izzy no longer does the skill balances for gw1. can you confirm or deny this? or tell us who does the skill balancing? and does this have anything to do with the delay for this month?
edit: also i read somewhere that izzy no longer does the skill balances for gw1. can you confirm or deny this? or tell us who does the skill balancing? and does this have anything to do with the delay for this month?
Regina Buenaobra
i'm confused--are you saying the april skill balance update will be delayed? or that there will be no skill balance update in april at all?
Oh well, we'll just have to wait for it. Thanks again Regina.

edit: ninja'ed, so there's no skill balance:|
I wasn't really concerned too much with the skill balance this month anyway, I think people in general are just looking to the bigger update. No big deal, tbh.

edit: got answered mean time
Is there any date planned for the skill update, later in april or 7 may?
as long as we get zkeysssssssssssss
accidental double payouts gogogo
accidental double payouts gogogo
The reasoning doesn't bother me at all, but I imagine some PvP people won't be too thrilled. KMD for gold this month I guess! Thanks for the update, Regina.
By the way, while I'm here, I can't help but notice there's been no official mention of Easter 2009 on the login screen or on the GW website. Is there going to be a weekend event this weekend?
By the way, while I'm here, I can't help but notice there's been no official mention of Easter 2009 on the login screen or on the GW website. Is there going to be a weekend event this weekend?
Shayne Hawke
Excuse me, ANet, but I'd rather have a less-unbalanced game than more slots to hold items I hardly ever use anyways.
Jecht Scye
Completely understand Regina. Best of luck on the testing process.
street peddler
lol, figures the only thing i give a crap about would get delayed.
Raven Wing
April 9 happens to be my birthday, Im an old fart turning 40. My wish is to get something good from the x chest on the day. Going from rank 3 to rank 4 using 136 keys brought me 1 elite tome and 135 pieces of crap. A everlasting ppppleaaase?
apart from that I wasnt expecting more than the said updates for today.
I still thinks there are major improvements that could be made in the game without redesigning everything. Redesigning everything has a name, thats GW2, and its too far out on the future
Go visit temple of ages and you will see PUGs arent dead, but its all based aroung 1 or 2 builds. Its taking this or that build you copied from a site, how fun is that?
The same monsters stand there for months and years using the same brainless skills. Humans improve their skills, and many monsters are intelligent too. Why cant they improve too? Learn how to counter the same old permas and monks? They ought to.
If they did it would pose new challenges to players to find the best farm places, and that is farm places that you cant solo, but have to go with people for.
That is my birthday wish.
Back to reality:
I look forward to an useful storage improvement, so I can have my extra armor set in a bag slot instead of have it take up storage room.
In other words I have high wishes but low expectations. I cant help it. Its part of becoming 40. 40 years is very old. Its like im gonna be buried next week or something
apart from that I wasnt expecting more than the said updates for today.
I still thinks there are major improvements that could be made in the game without redesigning everything. Redesigning everything has a name, thats GW2, and its too far out on the future

Go visit temple of ages and you will see PUGs arent dead, but its all based aroung 1 or 2 builds. Its taking this or that build you copied from a site, how fun is that?
The same monsters stand there for months and years using the same brainless skills. Humans improve their skills, and many monsters are intelligent too. Why cant they improve too? Learn how to counter the same old permas and monks? They ought to.
If they did it would pose new challenges to players to find the best farm places, and that is farm places that you cant solo, but have to go with people for.
That is my birthday wish.
Back to reality:
I look forward to an useful storage improvement, so I can have my extra armor set in a bag slot instead of have it take up storage room.
In other words I have high wishes but low expectations. I cant help it. Its part of becoming 40. 40 years is very old. Its like im gonna be buried next week or something

Regina Buenaobra
The reasoning doesn't bother me at all, but I imagine some PvP people won't be too thrilled. KMD for gold this month I guess! Thanks for the update, Regina.
By the way, while I'm here, I can't help but notice there's been no official mention of Easter 2009 on the login screen or on the GW website. Is there going to be a weekend event this weekend? |
Puddin Cheeks
I am very appreciative of the notice. Skill balance is meh compared to my expectations for the update. Thanks for the heads up Regina, can we at least get the notice if this weekend or next weekend is Easter. Choco bunnies and golden eggs FTW.
lol , disregard the last of my post then.
lol , disregard the last of my post then.
Is there anything else about the update that can be revealed now, other then the expanded storage stuff?
lord of all tyria
The next skill balance would better be @&*&*# good then -_-
That means nerfing bloodspike, foul feast, lingering, smite crap, and melshot a LOT.
Woopdiedoo for more storage playing in a boring meta.
That means nerfing bloodspike, foul feast, lingering, smite crap, and melshot a LOT.
Woopdiedoo for more storage playing in a boring meta.
Gun Pierson
It's about priorities and limited recources yes and this month the big update is in the spotlight so yes it seems wise to focus on that.
Maybe now is a good time
Some of us have jobs and all and it would be nice to know when to take a day off or two.
Clock is ticking, we're almost mid April
We have it scheduled, but we haven't announced it in public yet.

Clock is ticking, we're almost mid April
Snow Bunny
So a very large update including many seriously unnecessary things.
Well this could be a blessing in disguise because now we don't have to listen to the pvp peoples whine about why their build got nerfed this month. More content updates and less skill balance = win in my book!

Interesting. While I don't mind anything else that could come in the update, it rather feels like the pvp part of the game got a "NOT NOW, MOMMY IS BUSY!" and told to go out in the backyard and play. Heh.
Didn't really expect any other changes in the same month as the big changes to storage.
Those that were going to be happy when they saw the changes "both of them" can be happy next month.
Those that were going to be Unhappy ditto.
The vast majority who just adapt and carry on playing probably wouldn't notice the missing changes.
Those that were going to be happy when they saw the changes "both of them" can be happy next month.
Those that were going to be Unhappy ditto.
The vast majority who just adapt and carry on playing probably wouldn't notice the missing changes.
good to know the community is being left with one of the worst metagames in the history of guild wars for yet another month.
One last thing before I leave this thread alone.
Dear Regina,
I realize that the update is a mere few hundred hours away and that patience is indeed a virtue. I also realize you may not be able to speak of the specific content of this coming update and that's fine. However, I just have one question, intentionally left vague and open so that specific details won't have to be revealed. The question:
Are we getting a buff to Ritualists and/or Spawning Power anytime ever of any variety? I want to play my Ritualist so badly but he's so neglected in high-end groups =(.
Thank you.
Dear Regina,
I realize that the update is a mere few hundred hours away and that patience is indeed a virtue. I also realize you may not be able to speak of the specific content of this coming update and that's fine. However, I just have one question, intentionally left vague and open so that specific details won't have to be revealed. The question:
Are we getting a buff to Ritualists and/or Spawning Power anytime ever of any variety? I want to play my Ritualist so badly but he's so neglected in high-end groups =(.
Thank you.
I Angra I
Good job keeping GvG broken and unbalanced for an even more extended amount of time, resulting in further unenjoyable gameplay from your already horribly balanced game. Also good job on creating yet another monthly tournament that is going to be amazingly boring, unbalanced, and not fun to watch or play at all. /roll for gold with whoever brings the most overpowered BS to the table.
Fix your game, my god.
PvE updates are incredibly important.
Fix your game, my god.
PvE updates are incredibly important.
Wish Swiftdeath
... this better be worth it lol
Robbeh The Mad
Skill balance is meh to me for the update, don't think it will change much of anything honestly...I'm still waiting on what I've always wanted since I've heard about the grand up of April and that is STORAGE so I can finally free my enslaved mules and get elite armor for my lil heart throb necro all the GW emo girls like.
Yes, there will be the choco rabbit drops and the golden egg drops this weekend. =) |
...there will be no skill balance in April at all. |
1-2-3 Choco Choco Choco!!
...updating the tonic flavor of the month |
Sigh, I wouldn't mind if you delayed the skill update but to miss it completely is really lame. I really hope this big April update is truly amazing, almost like the Sorrows Furnace update.
Interesting. While I don't mind anything else that could come in the update, it rather feels like the pvp part of the game got a "NOT NOW, MOMMY IS BUSY!" and told to go out in the backyard and play. Heh.
I'm actually glad that they're devoting all their resources to the big update later this month. Even though I still don't have my hopes too high, I'd rather ANet focus their attention on the big quarterly update rather than the once-a-month skill balances and give us something polished.
Also... Whoo! Golden Eggs and Choco Bunnies! xD
The next skill balance would better be @&*&*# good then -_-
That means nerfing bloodspike, foul feast, lingering, smite crap, and melshot a LOT. Woopdiedoo for more storage playing in a boring meta. |
Back to the OP....well the May update(assuming Anet uses this month wisely that is) better be good, 1 month for a skill update, better be good lol.
Thank you very much for the information despite potential e-grief. You and your team deserve a lot of credit for telling the community through some means what is going on. Letting us know when something isn't going to occur means as much as letting us know what is happening. I fully understand that you face a limited overall budget when dealing with these updates. I know for certain I speak for more than myself, we want to here the news whatever it is. Thank You.
Thank you very much for the information despite potential e-grief. You and your team deserve a lot of credit for telling the community through some means what is going on. Letting us know when something isn't going to occur means as much as letting us know what is happening. I fully understand that you face a limited overall budget when dealing with these updates. I know for certain I speak for more than myself, we want to here the news whatever it is. Thank You.
Zahr Dalsk
We know that you are expecting some skill balance updates coming with tomorrow’s build. We will have our regular monthly build, bringing you your Tournament Reward Points, changing the map rotation for the MAT and updating the tonic flavor of the month, but unfortunately we will be unable to do any skill changes.
*deep, depressed sigh*
I Angra I
Then Anet might as well as nerf anything that's good. Can't you just live with the meta? Must you hate everything that is good? People like you are sad.(or you just can't play; one way or the other)
Back to the OP....well the May update(assuming Anet uses this month wisely that is) better be good, 1 month for a skill update, better be good lol. |
There's a huge difference between good skills and overpowered skills, just saying.