Boycott the Storage Update!
Red Sonya
It's not the paying for it Dakka it's the VALUE of what we are paying for is wayyyyy off in the gutter. 20 slots for $10 when we can get over 1400 slots for $20. I mean if I'm going to buy extra slots the mere convenience of it being right there (20 slots) isn't worth it to me in VALUE because just for a few seconds of load and reload I can have 1400 slots.
Dakka Dakka
It's not the paying for it Dakka it's the VALUE of what we are paying for is wayyyyy off in the gutter. 20 slots for $10 when we can get over 1400 slots for $20. I mean if I'm going to buy extra slots the mere convenience of it being right there (20 slots) isn't worth it to me in VALUE because just for a few seconds of load and reload I can have 1400 slots.
You are complaining about an optional addition, this isn't forced on you. I can almost guarantee you that they will have sales on panes every now and then.
And look at the bright side, at least you keep your additions. F2P games like Last Chaos and Combat Arms gives you special items you can buy for real money but they last for a small amount of time.
One more thing, if you say you can get 1400 slots per reload then just reload. You seem to have a good system so use it and don't make silly complaints that will accomplish nothing
Fril Estelin
Just so people understand, it's the accumulation of the seconds to swap chars or GWx2 windows (with the added overhead of GWx2 itself, I've got a big comp and it's not a light thing to run) that is really the thing you'd spare with the storage pane. So it only makes sense for each of us to compute how much "convenience" this is, no one can come here and say "this can't be useful to anyone". I know that I made simple calculation in my head and it seemed interesting, I still have to weight that against the actual price, when the details of the one-time offer are out.
About traders, they often keep stuff that they either can't sell at a good price, or that they believe they'll sell at a better price later. I know that since they don't really play the game they may not be tempted to pay for the extra additional storage, but $10 is not a lot if they hope to make virtual millions during the seconds/minutes/hours spared not going through their ton of stuff. On the other hand I wouldn't know whether actual traders would think that way!
About traders, they often keep stuff that they either can't sell at a good price, or that they believe they'll sell at a better price later. I know that since they don't really play the game they may not be tempted to pay for the extra additional storage, but $10 is not a lot if they hope to make virtual millions during the seconds/minutes/hours spared not going through their ton of stuff. On the other hand I wouldn't know whether actual traders would think that way!
Did you ever stop to think about what it is that you bought to play? A VIRTUAL GAME THAT DOESN'T EXIST! sure you bought a nice CD that after you get done loading up makes a nice coaster but the main thing you bought was all made up and intangible, yet you paid REAL money to get it. Why is this storage update any different?
Originally Posted by Dakka Dakka
You are complaining about an optional addition, this isn't forced on you. I can almost guarantee you that they will have sales on panes every now and then.
Dakka Dakka
Then why not have Anet sell gold? It would be an optional addition that wouldn't be forced on you. /endoptionalargument |
This is fun toss me another one.

because then that would go against their stance on Gold Sellers, not to mention the in game economy would collapse.
I have shown that they have gone against their stance already. Not to mention XTH goes against another one of their stances in regards to the economy. Using the logic many are using in this thread, I fail to see why gold can't be sold as well.
Obrien Xp
One problem...selling storage goes against their stance on selling updates and upgrades to game features (an exact quote). The stance was that people would be able to buy content not features and upgrades.
I have shown that they have gone against their stance already. Not to mention XTH goes against another one of their stances in regards to the economy. Using the logic many are using in this thread, I fail to see why gold can't be sold as well. |

More fun that way
Rhamia Darigaz
Ok listen up because I am going to trash the boycotters argument with their own argument, just watch. Let's think about the reason to boycott the storage update shall we? "because ANET is having people pay real money for virtual additions, and that you are paying for something that doesn't exist".
Did you ever stop to think about what it is that you bought to play? A VIRTUAL GAME THAT DOESN'T EXIST! sure you bought a nice CD that after you get done loading up makes a nice coaster but the main thing you bought was all made up and intangible, yet you paid REAL money to get it. Why is this storage update any different? Is the update a money making scheme? Yes, yes it is; ANET is a company, a company runs on money, GW is F2P once bought so a company has to make money somehow. I mean you get another FREE bag space so quit complaining. /not signed and I believe >>>>/thread<<<<. |
you can't /thread yourself.
it doesn't work like that.
Dakka Dakka
oh this post seems to be coming along nicely and making sense i think i will agree with what you are sa-WTF HOLY SHIT!??!!!??
you can't /thread yourself. it doesn't work like that. |
I just really don't see what the big deal is. Even though numerous attempts have been made for me to see the light

Those that buy will buy. Those that won't won't and GW will still go on.
What I would like to see is more official merchandise for GW. A hat would be sweet!
Anyways that is my two cents.
You claim you are not a collector and then proceed to narrate an immense list items you have in storage.
collect: to gather together; assemble |
1 /kəˈlɛkt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuh-lekt] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
1. to gather together; assemble: The professor collected the students' exams.
2. to accumulate; make a collection of: to collect stamps.
3. to receive or compel payment of: to collect a bill.
4. to regain control of (oneself or one's thoughts, faculties, composure, or the like): At the news of her promotion, she took a few minutes to collect herself.
5. to call for and take with one: He drove off to collect his guests. They collected their mail.
6. Manège. to bring (a horse) into a collected attitude.
7. Archaic. to infer.
Quote taken from
So, to gather together; assemble. Like a professor collecting the students' exams. But that's not what I'm doing, is it. Collecting exams. Or gathering up that which I distributed. No. I also am not making a collection of anything. As in, to collect stamps. (Which, of course, is the type of collector many have referred to in this thread.)
/kəˈlɛktər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuh-lek-ter] Show IPA
1. a person or thing that collects.
2. a person employed to collect debts, duties, taxes, etc.
3. a person who collects books, paintings, stamps, shells, etc., esp. as a hobby.
4. Electricity. a device for accumulating current from contact conductors.
5. Electronics. an electrode in a transistor or vacuum tube for collecting electrons, ions, or holes.
6. Metallurgy. promoter (def. 5).
7. Energy. solar collector.
Quote taken from
A person or thing that collects. Which requires a definition of collect. (See above.) A person who collects books, paintings, etc, especially as a hobby. And, as I clearly explained in my post, I do not do this as a hobby. I purchase armor and weapons because I need them for a particular task. Game playing is obviously a hobby. But if you want to get technical about that, you're clearly off-topic and should find a different thread to troll.
I still support Dreamwind's premise that additional storage is addressing a game-play issue, not a vanity issue.
But we have known for well overa year that they aren;t doing regular updates anymore
It took like 3 posts until someone said "Why don't I buy alternative x/y/z? Because I get benefit a/b/c out of it compared to the storage upgrade?"
Like I said before, nothing is decently thought out anymore. These decisions just make ANet and their entire representation look horrible.
I think a better question is, are YOU actually going to spend 10 dollars on this one tab of storage update?
Dervish Kid
/Signed. I feel like this is an update to gain money rather than an update to help the players. I am boycotting the buying of the extra storage.
-IGN: King Swift |

watching matlock doesnt make you a lawyer! anyways i thought this thread was gonna be closed due to excessive redundancy and general old age?
I thought only mods and admins get to decide when threads get closed. There's no point closing a relatively mild thread on a hot issue when another thread or 10 will appear in its place.
with all due respect supermoderater, i wasnt implying i was closing the thread. I was just saying after reading the Rules on posting i thought this had not only run its course but overstepped many guidelines. Every single solitary idea on this topic as been beaten ad-nauseum.
When it was posted it was interesting to see what people thought and was interested to hear both pros and cons. However, now its regurgitated ideas.
is it optional? according to some yes according to others no. Is it too expensive to some yes to others no. Is GW (a-net) changing their business model some say yes others say no. Should all upgrades be free some say yes others say no.
even the casual observer can see this is no longer a discussion with meaningful discourse. Its just people stickin to their guns and pounding on the opposition unmercifully.
Anyways, i guess if this is still seen as a fruitfull and meaningfull discussion then it should remain open. But i can almost gaurantee absolutely nothing new will come of this thread. Savio please just read the last 15-20 pages and see if anything really new has been added.
anyways my 2 cents i guess. i think thats why ya see the same people poppin up over and over. war of attrition i think.
9.99 is steep for something that has an option for something better at the same price. i still see it as an option though. i dont think the business model GW started with is gonna remain the same forever, especially with GW2 in the pipe now. they will probably begin to try and pile up more capital in any area they can. If it pisses ya off then show your displeasure by not buyin anything A-net pumps out. they will get the point. they always do.
When it was posted it was interesting to see what people thought and was interested to hear both pros and cons. However, now its regurgitated ideas.
is it optional? according to some yes according to others no. Is it too expensive to some yes to others no. Is GW (a-net) changing their business model some say yes others say no. Should all upgrades be free some say yes others say no.
even the casual observer can see this is no longer a discussion with meaningful discourse. Its just people stickin to their guns and pounding on the opposition unmercifully.
Anyways, i guess if this is still seen as a fruitfull and meaningfull discussion then it should remain open. But i can almost gaurantee absolutely nothing new will come of this thread. Savio please just read the last 15-20 pages and see if anything really new has been added.
anyways my 2 cents i guess. i think thats why ya see the same people poppin up over and over. war of attrition i think.
9.99 is steep for something that has an option for something better at the same price. i still see it as an option though. i dont think the business model GW started with is gonna remain the same forever, especially with GW2 in the pipe now. they will probably begin to try and pile up more capital in any area they can. If it pisses ya off then show your displeasure by not buyin anything A-net pumps out. they will get the point. they always do.
So it only makes sense for each of us to compute how much "convenience" this is, no one can come here and say "this can't be useful to anyone". I know that I made simple calculation in my head and it seemed interesting, I still have to weight that against the actual price, when the details of the one-time offer are out.
Sure, these 20 slot panes are expensive compared to extra characters and accounts when solely considered by storage per dollar, but they'll improve my storage situation more than extra characters or account would. That's because I don't need extra storage. I never even fill up close to half of the storage capacity I have on my 12 characters. So why would I buy more characters? They all share a small portion of the stuff I want to keep that won't fit in the current Xunlai storage. With extra panes, I'll be able to put everything in storage and I'll never have to mule again.
So, I have no use for more characters, but a definite use for more Xunlai storage. You bet I'm going to get all 5 panes. If your situation is different, go for the cheaper options, and don't obsess about the price of storage tabs being unreasonable. Just don't buy them.
Pay $10 for storage... Hmmm... I play Mabinogi, though I'm weaning out, and you pay every month for extra storage. Either directly at $10/month or part of the $15 month "Fantasy Life" subscription (my way). I don't have to, but I chose to for various reasons. Of course, I'm tired of having to pay $25 a month to play the game "the right way" versus the dumbed down way they give you for "free." So I'm sort of getting done and getting done fast with Nexon and their greed.
Which leads into this thread... Paying $10 for a page of extra storage? It's a one-time fee, but, frankly, I'm getting tired of game companies trying to bleed me out in micro-transactions. Especially when it comes to crap like "item storage." These aren't the old days when a 65MB RLL HDD ran $350 and an ESDI 1GB ran $4000. I've seen 1 TERRABYTE (TB) (1,000GB) external drives pushing the $100 floor and internal 1TB drives at $99.
Nothing personal to NCSoft... But this is a transparent customer-base bleeder for which a price was set, not on cost and a reasonable profit on that expected cost, but on bull crap rationalizations and behavioral studies to maximize profits and minimize costs. I know this game, most of the people in my profession do it for a living, they call it "value added" in my profession so they can rationalize gouging our customers instead of being honest with our professional labor and just charging for the time spent doing the work.
So, what I'm saying is "count me out." I'm really getting getting tired of the cripple-ware game and micro-transactions.
Which leads into this thread... Paying $10 for a page of extra storage? It's a one-time fee, but, frankly, I'm getting tired of game companies trying to bleed me out in micro-transactions. Especially when it comes to crap like "item storage." These aren't the old days when a 65MB RLL HDD ran $350 and an ESDI 1GB ran $4000. I've seen 1 TERRABYTE (TB) (1,000GB) external drives pushing the $100 floor and internal 1TB drives at $99.
Nothing personal to NCSoft... But this is a transparent customer-base bleeder for which a price was set, not on cost and a reasonable profit on that expected cost, but on bull crap rationalizations and behavioral studies to maximize profits and minimize costs. I know this game, most of the people in my profession do it for a living, they call it "value added" in my profession so they can rationalize gouging our customers instead of being honest with our professional labor and just charging for the time spent doing the work.
So, what I'm saying is "count me out." I'm really getting getting tired of the cripple-ware game and micro-transactions.
I think a better question is, are YOU actually going to spend 10 dollars on this one tab of storage update? |
In fact, I fully intend to buy all four and try and get the freebie too... the only tings on my account I don;t have are the CE Aura's, and I wouldbuy them if they were in the ingame store
Riot Narita
And my simple answer is:
YES! In fact, I fully intend to buy all four and try and get the freebie too... |
Except that as I understand it you can only have 4 extra tabs... so I'll buy 3 and get the 4th free. Extra tabs are worth far more to me as storage, than char slots or accounts. (I don't run mutliple copies of GW, and I'm sick of moving stuff to mules, and then playing hunt-the-item when I need something).
Me too. The moment they are available.
Except that as I understand it you can only have 4 extra tabs... so I'll buy 3 and get the 4th free. Extra tabs are worth far more to me as storage, than char slots or accounts. (I don't run mutliple copies of GW, and I'm sick of moving stuff to mules, and then playing hunt-the-item when I need something). |
confirmed by Regina
Smurf Minions
So why should i pay $10 for 1 tab, when i can get an account with 4 characters (which is way more space) for $15?
I don't know why you should. I know why I will.
Rocky Raccoon
Erm . . . if you want to play semantics, don't try to do it with a lawyer. Additionally, you can't use a definition to prove your point without giving the whole definition:
col⋅lect 1 /kəˈlɛkt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuh-lekt] Show IPA –verb (used with object) 1. to gather together; assemble: The professor collected the students' exams. 2. to accumulate; make a collection of: to collect stamps. 3. to receive or compel payment of: to collect a bill. 4. to regain control of (oneself or one's thoughts, faculties, composure, or the like): At the news of her promotion, she took a few minutes to collect herself. 5. to call for and take with one: He drove off to collect his guests. They collected their mail. 6. Manège. to bring (a horse) into a collected attitude. 7. Archaic. to infer. A person or thing that collects. Which requires a definition of collect. (See above.) A person who collects books, paintings, etc, especially as a hobby. And, as I clearly explained in my post, I do not do this as a hobby. I purchase armor and weapons because I need them for a particular task. Game playing is obviously a hobby. But if you want to get technical about that, you're clearly off-topic and should find a different thread to troll. I still support Dreamwind's premise that additional storage is addressing a game-play issue, not a vanity issue. |
You say that you don't collect as a hobby as you need them to play the game which you claim is a hobby. I still say that your collection is way beyond what most people playing the game need and therefore why not have you pay for the extra space you are using on ANET's server. If you can afford that many armors, you could also choose to change runes for each situation.
Will Atreides
I will buy them when, and if I need them.
I've been playing GW since April 2005 and, for the intitial outlay for all three campaigns, I figure that I've received more than enough value for my money.
If I feel that I really need the extra storage space, I'll gladly pony up the ten bucks.
It's as simple as that.
I will buy them when, and if I need them.
I've been playing GW since April 2005 and, for the intitial outlay for all three campaigns, I figure that I've received more than enough value for my money.
If I feel that I really need the extra storage space, I'll gladly pony up the ten bucks.
It's as simple as that.
I would have paid $10 for them 2 years ago. Game is old and stale and they need to release GW2
Riot Narita
i think boycotting is a silly idea. but then again so is paying 10 bucks for one pane when as others had said we can buy a char slot or another campain. i know i wont be buying one. but i hope the free tuff lives up to the hype it promised us.
I agree, the OP didn't go the best way about it by using the "boycott" method.
We can just make suggestions, as some have already been doing, like saying to buy separate accounts for way more storage. This is what I did and all I need is my laptop right next to my main pc to transfer stuff.
We can just make suggestions, as some have already been doing, like saying to buy separate accounts for way more storage. This is what I did and all I need is my laptop right next to my main pc to transfer stuff.
alluring athena
Only a fool would argue that $10 is not overpriced
1 Storage Tab - 20 slots
Cost: $10
1 Character Slot
After the update each character will have up to
* Backpack - 20 slots
* Belt Pouch - 5 slots
* Bag No. 1 - 5 or 10 slots
* Bag No. 2 - 5 or 10 slots
* Bag No. 3 - 5 or 10 slots
Max total - 55 slots
Cost: $10
If you have no issue with paying the same amount for less than 1/2 the number of slots then that is your choice.
A fair price would be $5 each or less
Just because there are some people who are willing to pay $10 doesn't mean you should charge $10. There is probably some people out there (albeit very few) who would be willing to pay $100 each...maybe to support the developers and because they can afford to.... who knows
If you sell
1000 Storage Tabs @ $10 ea = $10,000
but if you sell
5000 Storage Tabs @ $5 ea = $25,000
Storage is shared by all characters account-wide
Doesn't matter how many characters you have you will only get 20 slots per account per $10 storage tab upgrade.
Spend $40 for Storage tabs = 80 slots (shared by all characters)
Spend the same $40 for character slots = 220 slots
The choice is clear
with current pricing...
Character slots > Storage Tabs
1 Storage Tab - 20 slots
Cost: $10
1 Character Slot
After the update each character will have up to
* Backpack - 20 slots
* Belt Pouch - 5 slots
* Bag No. 1 - 5 or 10 slots
* Bag No. 2 - 5 or 10 slots
* Bag No. 3 - 5 or 10 slots
Max total - 55 slots
Cost: $10
If you have no issue with paying the same amount for less than 1/2 the number of slots then that is your choice.
A fair price would be $5 each or less
Just because there are some people who are willing to pay $10 doesn't mean you should charge $10. There is probably some people out there (albeit very few) who would be willing to pay $100 each...maybe to support the developers and because they can afford to.... who knows
If you sell
1000 Storage Tabs @ $10 ea = $10,000
but if you sell
5000 Storage Tabs @ $5 ea = $25,000
Storage is shared by all characters account-wide
Doesn't matter how many characters you have you will only get 20 slots per account per $10 storage tab upgrade.
Spend $40 for Storage tabs = 80 slots (shared by all characters)

Spend the same $40 for character slots = 220 slots

The choice is clear
with current pricing...
Character slots > Storage Tabs
If you sell
1000 Storage Tabs @ $10 ea = $10,000 but if you sell 5000 Storage Tabs @ $5 ea = $25,000 |
1000 tabs @ $10 each = $5000
5000 tabs @ $5 each = $0
Overhead sucks. I could be bothered to graph a function of the cost of overhead versus profit in this situation but it's a rather moot point. One of the most major efforts in profit-making (and one of the simplest operations you'll learn in Business Calculus) is is finding the maximum value of a graph of profit. As price increases, sales decrease, but as price decreases below a certain value profit per sale is negligible. The trick is finding the sweet spot. Especially concerning new content in an old game, I'd try for a higher price initially and gauge the success of that set of values, $persale vs. sales.
alluring athena
And if the processing charge for each transaction is $5, then
1000 tabs @ $10 each = $5000 5000 tabs @ $5 each = $0 Overhead sucks. I could be bothered to graph a function of the cost of overhead versus profit in this situation but it's a rather moot point. One of the most major efforts in profit-making (and one of the simplest operations you'll learn in Business Calculus) is is finding the maximum value of a graph of profit. As price increases, sales decrease, but as price decreases below a certain value profit per sale is negligible. The trick is finding the sweet spot. Especially concerning new content in an old game, I'd try for a higher price initially and gauge the success of that set of values, $persale vs. sales. |
However we don't know the cost of overhead which would be helpful for accurate sales and profit numbers.
Only point I can add is that customers would most likely be more inclined to purchase all 4 storage tabs at once at $5 each than at $10 each. So the overhead would be for only one transaction in that case.
Obrien Xp
Crom The Pale
I think Anet based their price on only a small number of sales.
Let's be perfectly honest, how many people would actually purchase the slots, disregarding price?
Out of how many active accounts, 100 000?
I would bet they did a feasibility study and found that lowering the price wouldn't generate a significant increase in sales.
Let's be perfectly honest, how many people would actually purchase the slots, disregarding price?
Out of how many active accounts, 100 000?
I would bet they did a feasibility study and found that lowering the price wouldn't generate a significant increase in sales.
I completely agree with you that that is overpriced, but a boycott has no chance in hell of working. This is the result of ANet being sued for that engine ordeal, i'm pretty sure.
Obrien Xp
I completely agree with you that that is overpriced, but a boycott has no chance in hell of working. This is the result of ANet being sued for that engine ordeal, i'm pretty sure.
I'm waiting for "Confessions of an ex-anet employee" to show up soon though the url got blocked from posting. (Read it and its bull, if he wasn't lying he couldn't be sued and could actually use a name).
I'd sign for this. If the cost of a single transaction is $xx, so prices are marked above $xx for that very reason to $yy, then buying in bulk should be rewarded with a discount of $xx per additional element included in the transaction. In fact, that's something I see happening in the future, 1 tab always $10, but perhaps 2 tabs for $15 and 3 for $20 or... something along those lines.
I have an idea! Why don't they just put up a Donations fund that has to do with projects that will benefit all of us. Also, they should have a progress bar on how far they are to getting to fund that project.
I see some advantages. Some people would donate mass amounts of money. The only downside are the players that really don't contribute.
I see some advantages. Some people would donate mass amounts of money. The only downside are the players that really don't contribute.
If you believe that the transaction processing cost is $5 or anywhere close to that you must be VERY naive and probably believe in a lot of bs you hear everyday on TV or read on the net. Shame... and your loss.
Look, there are some upgrades in the store that cost $5 to purchase, they're surely NOT giving them away for free or near free.
Look, there are some upgrades in the store that cost $5 to purchase, they're surely NOT giving them away for free or near free.