Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
Voodoo Rage
That's kind of the beauty of Nick at this point in the game. He has been out long enough that most shrewd players hang onto trophies that haven't been used as Nick items yet so as more time goes by we are more likely to "have it in stock".
I found going from Elona Reach was less hectic... just some pops at the transporters
Farming outside The Amnoon Oasis to the transporter is pretty easy...
2 mandibles each on first 3 runs, 5 mandibles each on last 2 runs.
Farming outside The Amnoon Oasis to the transporter is pretty easy...
2 mandibles each on first 3 runs, 5 mandibles each on last 2 runs.
That's kind of the beauty of Nick at this point in the game. He has been out long enough that most shrewd players hang onto trophies that haven't been used as Nick items yet so as more time goes by we are more likely to "have it in stock".
now you can barely get 12. Players are hording Zashien keys too or want too much for them. Oh well I'll soon have a stack of travelers gifts. lol
New Buddha
Farm this quest -
thee access
Wiki show him to be in the sulfurous wastes collecting mummy wrappings
he's in the sulfurous wastes wanting mummy wrappings
Maria Murtor
Mr. Blarx
Wiki show him to be in the sulfurous wastes collecting mummy wrappings

Can these be solo farmed in Junundu Form in The Sulfurous Wastes, or is there a better place/way to get the necessary 15 for this week?
Can these be solo farmed in Junundu Form in The Sulfurous Wastes, or is there a better place/way to get the necessary 15 for this week?
just bring 2 or 3 heros with you to kill them
I started in the Alkali Pan but found the first 2 groups in the Wastes more efficient since you don't have to deal with the Elementals. And yeah, 2 heroes is perfectly adequate.
I find it is a lot better to farm outside of Bone Palace in The Akali Plan
just bring 2 or 3 heroes with you to kill them |
I do the two first groups outside Remains of Sahlahjah in 1 minute with 2 heroes and the Wurm only pops about 30% of the time.
Hi there,
If I have three linked accounts (Prophecies, Nightfall and Factions) do they still count as three different accounts for Nick (so a possible 15 gifts)? Or do they have to be separate accounts and not linked? Sorry if this is a newb question.
If I have three linked accounts (Prophecies, Nightfall and Factions) do they still count as three different accounts for Nick (so a possible 15 gifts)? Or do they have to be separate accounts and not linked? Sorry if this is a newb question.
Separate, unlinked accounts, Moonshadow.
Hi there,
If I have three linked accounts (Prophecies, Nightfall and Factions) do they still count as three different accounts for Nick (so a possible 15 gifts)? Or do they have to be separate accounts and not linked? Sorry if this is a newb question. Thanks! |
If they are linked, they are one account. You have 3 CAMPAIGNS, not 3 accounts.
Raven Wing
I was sitting there in Sahlajah outpost since I had determined that a pug with 4 ppl in nm or 6 in HM was the best, going almost the sa
me route as the ordinary SS/LB farm, just skipping the margos at last. It works, but its just slow.
Then this guy pops up asking for a parther to duo this Sahlajah? Candidate to the stupid thread?
I talked to him, he admitted he didnt mean THIS one but Gate of Desolation missiion.
I tried it out with him.
Credits go to Manitou Rising (IGN used with permission)
Start the mission with dual spiritspammer, park zhed at the start.
One has ordinary channeling spirits with SOS, the other has communing spirits.With a little effort 2 people can stand still near Quen Aijjundu and repel all the attacks.
2-7 wrappings in 10mins to be shared between 2 people.
me route as the ordinary SS/LB farm, just skipping the margos at last. It works, but its just slow.
Then this guy pops up asking for a parther to duo this Sahlajah? Candidate to the stupid thread?
I talked to him, he admitted he didnt mean THIS one but Gate of Desolation missiion.
I tried it out with him.
Credits go to Manitou Rising (IGN used with permission)
Start the mission with dual spiritspammer, park zhed at the start.
One has ordinary channeling spirits with SOS, the other has communing spirits.With a little effort 2 people can stand still near Quen Aijjundu and repel all the attacks.
2-7 wrappings in 10mins to be shared between 2 people.
Manitou Rising
You can pull 1 group of Awakened with a long-bow just outside of Remains of Salhala in Joko's Domain. Go to the very corner on a little mound and a patrol always spawns and walks within long-bow range. Set your spirits up and pull moving back as they approach so your drops don't fall outside although you could always get a worm at the spoor and go get it. I average 2 per run with 0 and 3 being the extremes. Takes maybe 5 minutes to kill the group if your good with spirits. A standard UW farm build should work. You will need to move them for heals constantly and use Armor of Unfeeling. About like farming smites in UW. YMLAD is handy for slowing down the one Derv and also to interrupt rez by the one monk.
Edward the Spatula
He's there. Confirmed
Note that he's collecting Mantid Pincers and not Mantis Pincers. (I expect there will be scammers out there trying to sell the wrong ones.)
Tom Swift
Voodoo Rage
Easyest ever. eeeeat THIS, buggies!
Zhengjo Temple just outside Minister Cho's. There are tons, 25 in <10 minutes.
Zhengjo Temple just outside Minister Cho's. There are tons, 25 in <10 minutes.
Nother popular option is outside Ran Musu Gardens... 40+ lvl 1&2 Mantids... averaged 7 to 8 Pincers per run.
I found it pretty easy to just run the Saoshang trail about 6 times. took about 10 minutes or so.
Lyra Padfoot
Me too - 3 runs along solo, netted 26! - Job Done
Voodoo Rage
I killed the ones outside Ran Musu Gardens in HM and got some lockpicks and tomes as a nice bonus.
The trick, for those who haven't figured it out, is to farm pincers solo (no H/h). The rate (and quality?) of drop is much, much greater. I mention this because a buddy was doing it with a full H/h team and got 0-1 pincers per run while I considered it a crappy run if I got 5-6, and he got very frustrated.
A full h/h team for level 1-2 mantids? o_O
The trick, for those who haven't figured it out, is to farm pincers solo (no H/h). The rate (and quality?) of drop is much, much greater. I mention this because a buddy was doing it with a full H/h team and got 0-1 pincers per run while I considered it a crappy run if I got 5-6, and he got very frustrated.

Raven Wing
heh I took my mm and aggroed most possible, but when I aggro 4 mobs they just start to run away again. I only had modest self heal and i didnt have to use it much.
So could people please start with the "most" likely places and update this if already checked? Thanks!
I searched "Tears of the Fallen" and no Nick there
I searched "Tears of the Fallen" and no Nick there