/roll, another liberty taken away from the player
Wish Swiftdeath
HvH is a joke anyway. We should still be able to roll in (random) arena's when there is a stalemate, i don't want to get dishonor by leeching/leaving and i don't want to fight for 8 minutes just so i can reload back into town.
Doesn't matter though, just hop on for 30 minutes and win 6 games with the cookie cutter i got off wiki (yay!), thats how bad HvH is.
Doesn't matter though, just hop on for 30 minutes and win 6 games with the cookie cutter i got off wiki (yay!), thats how bad HvH is.
Apollo Smile
They can delete HB and turn the island into a marketplace.
The only problem is that ANET doesn't understand people either want to PLAY PvE OR THEY WANT TO PLAY PvP.
The solution is simple! Don't MIX PvE WITH PvP.
I can play PvE! I can play PvP! I don't want to be playing PvP while I'm playing PvE or vice-versa.
Guildwars has loads of sub communities.
The largest ones are the PvP, the PvE and those that do PvE and PvP.
When I play PvP I generally use a PvP character. And if people use PvE characters to play PvP is more because the damn PvP only very recent allowed "good looking" (and efficient too) stuff and is still so damn restrictive.
Don't mix PvE and PvP rewards and you are done. Allow players to pimp their characters in PvE if they play PvE and into PvP if they play PvP.
I know that pure PvP players need less character slots and less storage panes so less income to Anet. But that is your problem to fix Anet.
The solution is simple! Don't MIX PvE WITH PvP.
I can play PvE! I can play PvP! I don't want to be playing PvP while I'm playing PvE or vice-versa.
Guildwars has loads of sub communities.
The largest ones are the PvP, the PvE and those that do PvE and PvP.
When I play PvP I generally use a PvP character. And if people use PvE characters to play PvP is more because the damn PvP only very recent allowed "good looking" (and efficient too) stuff and is still so damn restrictive.
Don't mix PvE and PvP rewards and you are done. Allow players to pimp their characters in PvE if they play PvE and into PvP if they play PvP.
I know that pure PvP players need less character slots and less storage panes so less income to Anet. But that is your problem to fix Anet.
Ate of DK
You are so right.
But imagine - no Hero Battles, fewer Xunlai Tournament House predictions and less stuff to win. I guess people will shoot me when I say the Zaishen Chest idea got out of control, too. |
I always pick the first 8 on the list. I don't even know who they are, what guild they play for. HB could be removed from the game and I wouldn't even notice it. I prefer larger battles without heroes who perform above average. A large part of the GW players is really baaad at the game.
What the hell are you thinking? You are pissed that you cant abuse the game anymore to farm titles? Tell it to someone who cares...IMO this is the best thing to happen to HB in a long time. GG Anet. I <3 u! |
Anet made it even worse .... Oh no, sorry, better for when I was getting my 6 wins for Z mish, because now it is even simpler then ever!!!
Red team resigns.
FTW !!!! You dont even have to type /roll. If two people who are playing are just wanting fast points for Z mish, red team leaves, blue team gets win.
One person left for one of my 6 required wins, I got the remaining 5 from lameway using SF ellys. I am not trying to compete on the leaderboard, or manipulate the ladder in anyway, I just want my Z mish wins !!!!!
Heres a better idea - allow unrated challenges to count for the Z mish objective? So that way the flood of PVE players entering PVP to get their coins can do it without disrupting the ladder? Isnt that a much fairer solution?
Why are we, the playerbase, not allowed to play the game the way we want? Why are we not allowed to have fun on our way? Why?
/roll was removed from pvp because in hero battles, players used it to decide the outcome of matches and farm the title quickly. How is this bad? If they have fun this way, why not let them be? I do not understand this fascistical reaction from ArenaNet. If people have fun playing the game a certain way and it doesn't hurt anybody, why should it be removed? Unimaginable.
Most importantly. This fix extends far beyond the solution of the actual problem. If you consider rolling in HvH a problem, then solve the problem, do not RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO over all the other pvp modes. Why are we not allowed to roll in gvg, tomz, ab, ra, or ta? Rolling has never had a negative impact on these playstyles. Why should it be banned?
I have had lots of fun rolling randomly in AB or GvG, just to kill time while waiting, or to do funny games. "ROLL FOR BIGGEST PENIS!" Fun. Every time I win HoH everyone gets these random items noone needs. We always casino roll for them. None of this is possible anymore.
This isn't really that big of a deal. I do think it's yet another perfect example of Anet not really having a clue what's going on and fixing the problem overdramatically causing much more harm than good. Something that has been happening in PvP since... forever. Also I hate it when a liberty of mine is taken away for no good reason whatsoever.
I payed 180euros for this game. I want to play it my way. As long as I don't spoil the fun for anyone else, why am I not allowed to do this?
Secondly, It's not your game. This game, together with your entire account, belongs to A-Net. You have to play it A-Net's way, or not play it at all.
Hanging Man
using /roll to determine the outcome of any battle is just plain stupid. The reason, I believe, they took it away is because that is not how you win a battle. Whatever happened to actually trying? When did players become so lazy and unsatisfied that they turned to chance for a win? Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of a "battle" to do /roll?
In my mind I think Anet made a good move.
Or here's a novel idea... THEY COULD PLAY HB AS INTENDED. The whole point of the Zaishen quests is to expose players to content that they may have previously passed up or dismissed. A little exposure to ladder play in HB never hurt anyone. It's not like high ranked players are going to get matched up with the swarms of PvE'rs trying to complete the quest. All the PvE'rs are going to get matched against each other, hopefully making HB not to frustrating for them. I'm not sure why everyone has to find a quick way to exploit HB, whether it be with /roll or 'x colored' cape leaves. Just play the game.
using /roll to determine the outcome of any battle is just plain stupid. The reason, I believe, they took it away is because that is not how you win a battle. Whatever happened to actually trying? When did players become so lazy and unsatisfied that they turned to chance for a win? Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of a "battle" to do /roll?
In my mind I think Anet made a good move. |
People that do HB should want to be defeating the other person in a battle not with a roll.
So why do people that don't want to do that go to HB?
Because rewards and objectives that are supposed to be PvE are given in PvP areas (and what is the damn zaishen title? PvE or PvP?)
None of the PvP titles should count for the PvE KoaBD title.
How do you think people that want to go do a HB or a GvG would feel if they had to go, before that match, farm some pve item?
Actually we know how they feel! They had to play PvE to unlock stuff. For some that was ok because they like both. But for people that only wanted to play PvP having to play PvE first was frustrating.
LMAO at anybody (including Anet) who thinks this solves any problems whatsoever. The players will simply find another way to abuse the system, and from what I am told they have already done so. It amazes me how Anet or anybody else thinks these little stupid changes are going to fix anything, when the real problems are rooted much deeper in the game. Think: Why do people /roll?
LMAO at anybody (including Anet) who thinks this solves any problems whatsoever. The players will simply find another way to abuse the system, and from what I am told they have already done so. It amazes me how Anet or anybody else thinks these little stupid changes are going to fix anything, when the real problems are rooted much deeper in the game. Think: Why do people /roll?

Wish Swiftdeath
Wow just tried, played a lvl 19 >.<, this title is still farmable
Robbeh The Mad
I have had lots of fun rolling randomly in AB or GvG, just to kill time while waiting, or to do funny games. "ROLL FOR BIGGEST PENIS!" Fun..
This has to the the most ridicules thing I've ever read on Guru, and that is really saying something about this whole thread.
MOAR QQz for the interwebz machine!
Or here's a novel idea... THEY COULD PLAY HB AS INTENDED. The whole point of the Zaishen quests is to expose players to content that they may have previously passed up or dismissed. A little exposure to ladder play in HB never hurt anyone. It's not like high ranked players are going to get matched up with the swarms of PvE'rs trying to complete the quest. All the PvE'rs are going to get matched against each other, hopefully making HB not to frustrating for them. I'm not sure why everyone has to find a quick way to exploit HB, whether it be with /roll or 'x colored' cape leaves. Just play the game.
HB is intended to be playable unrated? Otherwise there wouldnt be an unrated option.
I couldnt give the smallest crap about advancing my HB rank or being in the top 1000, playing unrated battles is just as much fun as playing rated ones is.
Hardly anyone likes HB anyway, flagging heroes around is just a stupid mechanic, but going in for 6 quick wins with elly power is fun. But competing on the ladder takes the fun out of it for a lot of people.
I dont play RA or TA to compete on a ladder right? Same with HA? Being forced to have to enter the ranked HB game just for 6 wins for Zaishen coins is just as stupid as /rolling or 'red team leaves' is.
Look at it, no one wants to bother with playing through HB, they just want their damn coins.
It would be awesome to just have a heroes arena like RA, but with heroes. No shrines, no caps, just go in with your hero team and kill stuff for consecutive wins.
That would be 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x to the power of infinity more enjoyable than the current rubbish HB is.
HB is intended to be playable unrated? Otherwise there wouldnt be an unrated option.
I couldnt give the smallest crap about advancing my HB rank or being in the top 1000, playing unrated battles is just as much fun as playing rated ones is. Hardly anyone likes HB anyway, flagging heroes around is just a stupid mechanic, but going in for 6 quick wins with elly power is fun. But competing on the ladder takes the fun out of it for a lot of people. I dont play RA or TA to compete on a ladder right? Same with HA? Being forced to have to enter the ranked HB game just for 6 wins for Zaishen coins is just as stupid as /rolling or 'red team leaves' is. Look at it, no one wants to bother with playing through HB, they just want their damn coins. |
Anyways this conversation is far off-topic. I don't agree with what Kaon says but itt troll attempt.
Apollo Smile
Lets /roll to have this stupid thread closed.
Ginger Hunter
tbh if anyone suggested /roll i'd just roll them and ignore anything they said
Eragon Zarroc
got my r3 for my hall, not too worried about it ;-). too bad for the people who didn't get it. oh wells, the end of an era i suppose. use paper, rock, scissors? lol
Considering you don't give a 'crap' about your HB rating then playing a rated match over an unrated shouldn't matter.
Cosidering that you promote playing the game for fun, it shouldnt bother you how I play to enjoy the game. The problem is that I'm not taking ladder play seriously, yet I get told of or in trouble for leaving / rolling / red team leaves / PRS, whatever. All that matters to me right now is Z coins, and that is the only reason I entered HB today.
I dislike PVP, and I am bored of everything in GW. Right now though, Z coins is new and I just want Z coins untill I get bored of that too.
Kinetic Trilogy
To the OP, one simple sentence. PvP is PvP for a reason. If you want sh!t handed to you, go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Otherwise, if you want to have a challenge (Which is what this thing you call PvP has) you can play as how the game was intended.
Dee Cazo
This isnt spam. I didnt know this existed until today and serves little purpose except boosting in a title track which other people try to earn. Hence why its good that its gone.
Did any of you actually read any part of Kaon's first post other than the second line? If you did and had an IQ over 10, you would realize that he's not bitching about not being able to /roll for a title that nobody cares about. He's saying that there are other uses for the /roll command, and does not think that it should be removed from PvP arenas.
Honestly, I don't care about HB or the Commander title at all, and would not care if they were removed from the game, but if Anet wants to make the Commander title more of and indicator of skill, then they should have also reset everyone's and required someone to be above X rank/rating.
Honestly, I don't care about HB or the Commander title at all, and would not care if they were removed from the game, but if Anet wants to make the Commander title more of and indicator of skill, then they should have also reset everyone's and required someone to be above X rank/rating.
To the OP, one simple sentence. PvP is PvP for a reason. If you want sh!t handed to you, go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Otherwise, if you want to have a challenge (Which is what this thing you call PvP has) you can play as how the game was intended.
The roll command has only been used (so far or predominately) in HB to decide matches.
He just doesn't understand why this feature was removed from OTHER PvP areas (apparently PvP is more than just HB) which have nothing to do with HB and where this abuse/exploit/abomination - whatever you wish to call it - never happened.
GoGo interpretation skills or most likely "Lets read the first sentence only cause the rest its toooooo looooong and booooooring!".
Kinetic Trilogy
And I deviated from what the OP posted, how?
Did anyone actually ever have fun playing Hero battles? Seems like ArenaNet is just trying to keep a bad idea afloat.
Kinetic Trilogy
I've played it a couple times, in an unrated match. I went against this same guy twice with Gwen in my party. After the first match, he asked me to remove her because she was a pure interrupter ^_^
Why are we, the playerbase, not allowed to play the game the way we want? Why are we not allowed to have fun on our way? Why?
The guild name thing was kinda cute, and you got your own way which was great, stop pushing it. Especially with such a ridiculous issue.
/roll in PvP clearly adds so much value to the game, right?
Is the /roll command causing any problems in the other PvP areas?
Was the last MAT decide by /roll?
Now the /roll command has been removed from all the outposts and PvP areas - to avoid "casinos" in PvE and to avoid HB decisions by /roll.
Of course people still have the "rock, scissor, paper" and the "color of cape" method to decide HB matches.
And of course people can form a party and go play casino in an explorable area.
Do you know how you stop people that don't intend playing HB ti go to HB?
You make the Hero commander title not count to the KoaBD track. You don't give pve rewards for a pvp mode.
Problem solved.
Was the last MAT decide by /roll?
Now the /roll command has been removed from all the outposts and PvP areas - to avoid "casinos" in PvE and to avoid HB decisions by /roll.
Of course people still have the "rock, scissor, paper" and the "color of cape" method to decide HB matches.
And of course people can form a party and go play casino in an explorable area.
Do you know how you stop people that don't intend playing HB ti go to HB?
You make the Hero commander title not count to the KoaBD track. You don't give pve rewards for a pvp mode.
Problem solved.
Kinetic Trilogy
lol. I'm thinking you assumed I was speaking about the other PvP area's as well; I wasn't. If it was being used in other forms of PvP, such as the ones you listed, then they would have removed it earlier. But no, I was speaking only about HB.
Gogo Interpretation Skill?
Gogo Interpretation Skill?
Do you have any idea how many points it takes to max out PvP titles? I can assure you that people are not rolling in HB so that they can get a +1 for KoaBD. Stop making ridiculous statements.
Sifow Chan
HB is the dumbest thing they ever added into Guild Wars and the devs are complete morons for putting it in.
They are even bigger morons for getting rid of the only reason to actually play HB. Nice job, keep making your game suck more. Ka na? Baka.
They are even bigger morons for getting rid of the only reason to actually play HB. Nice job, keep making your game suck more. Ka na? Baka.
HB is the dumbest thing they ever added into Guild Wars and the devs are complete morons for putting it in.
They are even bigger morons for getting rid of the only reason to actually play HB. Nice job, keep making your game suck more. Ka na? Baka. |
And they're even bigger morons for getting rid of /roll? Yeah, Anet trying to fix its dying PvP game type by getting rid of a way players abuse emotes to point farm is really dumb. This was a correct move made by Anet whether or not the player base recognizes it as so. Obviously people will always find ways to try and cheat the system and quickly farm points, but it's unfair to criticize Anet for working against it. They have every right to try and stop players from improperly playing HB. Getting rid of /roll was a step towards fixing HB, but their are much bigger balance issues that need to be fixed before HB will actually be considered a respectable game type, and not one that is only played (read: abused) by the masses during Double Point Weekends.
What the hell are you thinking? You are pissed that you cant abuse the game anymore to farm titles? Tell it to someone who cares...IMO this is the best thing to happen to HB in a long time. GG Anet. I <3 u! |
Even when /roll was allowed, it didn't really hurt HB...just because the other person rolled didn't mean you had to. You could still fight out the match like normal.
Konig Des Todes
I love reading people who QQ over not being able to cheat or break rules.
QQ more, I want to feast on your tears! As does this guy!
No really, I'm loving reading this thread. Just as I hope to enjoy reading a similar QQ thread on the nerfed Perma SF and the other nerfed exploits/easy modes that shouldn't exist.
Just to point something out...
I love to play PvE, but I also like some PvP every now and then. I usually stay away from PvP due to people like the OP, who seem to congregate at simple PvP stuff. And all my PvE characters (well, most, I don't play all of them often for all) are able to do PvP rather well. Armor, builds, weapons, good to go. I don't use PvE characters in PvP for looks, but because it's simpler and requires fewer character slots. "Playing PvE while playing PvP" gives me more insentive to do PvP tbh.
BTW, "those that do PvE and PvP" are called PvX
I love reading people who QQ over not being able to cheat or break rules.
QQ more, I want to feast on your tears! As does this guy!
No really, I'm loving reading this thread. Just as I hope to enjoy reading a similar QQ thread on the nerfed Perma SF and the other nerfed exploits/easy modes that shouldn't exist.
Just to point something out...
The only problem is that ANET doesn't understand people either want to PLAY PvE OR THEY WANT TO PLAY PvP.
The solution is simple! Don't MIX PvE WITH PvP. I can play PvE! I can play PvP! I don't want to be playing PvP while I'm playing PvE or vice-versa. Guildwars has loads of sub communities. The largest ones are the PvP, the PvE and those that do PvE and PvP. When I play PvP I generally use a PvP character. And if people use PvE characters to play PvP is more because the damn PvP only very recent allowed "good looking" (and efficient too) stuff and is still so damn restrictive. |
BTW, "those that do PvE and PvP" are called PvX
Robbeh The Mad
I love reading people who QQ over not being able to cheat or break rules. QQ more, I want to feast on your tears! As does this guy! QQ More! I THIRST! No really, I'm loving reading this thread. Just as I hope to enjoy reading a similar QQ thread on the nerfed Perma SF and the other nerfed exploits/easy modes that shouldn't exist. |
Getting rid of /roll was a step towards fixing HB, but their are much bigger balance issues that need to be fixed before HB will actually be considered a respectable game type, and not one that is only played (read: abused) by the masses during Double Point Weekends.