Least favourite Guild Wars campaign, and why.
Goddess Of Defense
Lol, the title basically states it. I just would like to see what the least favourite campaign is. My least favourite is Night Fall, the quests take forever and in general the fastest i've completed the campaign would have been 14 hours of playing time. Where I can finish any other campaign faster and get out of the noob area faster.
Note: Moderators if you feel this thread is in the wrong place, please say so and close it if you wish. I personally felt like it belonged here.
Note: Moderators if you feel this thread is in the wrong place, please say so and close it if you wish. I personally felt like it belonged here.
Hanging Man
I think Prophecies is my least favorite
it is by far the better one but for I just don't like it too much
it is too slow paced especially in Ascalon post-searing.
plus your not level twenty until Crystal Desert which is 3/4ths of the way to the end.
it is by far the better one but for I just don't like it too much
it is too slow paced especially in Ascalon post-searing.
plus your not level twenty until Crystal Desert which is 3/4ths of the way to the end.
Faction! I hate trying to get around in that main town, and all the bad guys dropping in on you from where ever
I agree. Nightfall is my least favorite. The missions werent as interesting as Factions and Prohp and it took forever to get off of noob island.Even worse was trying to get first spear or lvl 12.... Grind,Grind and you guessed it more grind.
btw to get to lvl 12 was one of the primary quests...getting to lvl 20 was even worse :|
btw to get to lvl 12 was one of the primary quests...getting to lvl 20 was even worse :|
Prophecies. I like the story line, i like starting in pre, but the thing that stops me from starting all my chars there is that you have to wait until the crystal desert to get your full attribute points, which leads to me deleting, and starting in factions or nightfall.
Factions most of my chars have started from because its fast and really simple.
Nightfall i don't like the whole noob island, i find it slow (having to just killing things just to carry on n stuff)
Factions most of my chars have started from because its fast and really simple.
Nightfall i don't like the whole noob island, i find it slow (having to just killing things just to carry on n stuff)
Factions, the campaign as a whole feels slow and tedious to me, and there was far too much time spent in Kaineng, my least favourite part of any campaign.
Eye of the North. Unlike the other campaigns, EoTN felt like a soulless, empty experience. It didn't bring anything new to the table, and introduced plenty of grind to give people things to do until the sequel.
The bonus mission pack that came out after it was so much better in every way, and felt like some actual love and care was put into it.
The bonus mission pack that came out after it was so much better in every way, and felt like some actual love and care was put into it.
Definitely Prophecies. I know a lot of people just LOVE prophecies, but I couldn't stand it. I forced myself to finish it once, and I've never gone back to it. It's way to long, and it doesn't get interesting until the end of the game!
Cale Roughstar
Factions, because I cannot stand the city. There is not an area that I hate more than the city.
NF noob island is slow, but a lot of fun. Getting first spear or whatever it is, is kind of annoying, but it gives me an excuse to do some of the quests again for fun.
Prophecies just takes too damn long, though it is brilliant in many aspects.
NF noob island is slow, but a lot of fun. Getting first spear or whatever it is, is kind of annoying, but it gives me an excuse to do some of the quests again for fun.
Prophecies just takes too damn long, though it is brilliant in many aspects.
o m g pizowned
nightfall, i hate inscriptions.
I didn't like prophecies. It didn't have anything all the other campaigns had. And the missions were annoying.
Plus the story is hard to understand.
That said, I like how it is very big though, and how explorable it is.
Plus the story is hard to understand.
That said, I like how it is very big though, and how explorable it is.
i dont like a few things about all of them
Proph- WAAAYYY too long. most of my characters that i make now are just for certain farming builds and proph is soooo slow to get to 20, or at least until i can get to eotn for kilroy
Factions-Really i dont like how "dark" the whole game is after shing jea. not the story but the scenery is really blah.
Nightfall- Istan sucks, and i hate the desert. nuff said
Eotn- Well this doesnt count as a campaign in my book, by far the best if you do count it
Proph- WAAAYYY too long. most of my characters that i make now are just for certain farming builds and proph is soooo slow to get to 20, or at least until i can get to eotn for kilroy
Factions-Really i dont like how "dark" the whole game is after shing jea. not the story but the scenery is really blah.
Nightfall- Istan sucks, and i hate the desert. nuff said
Eotn- Well this doesnt count as a campaign in my book, by far the best if you do count it
Nightfall just because of the "you have to be sunspear rank x" crap to finish a quest. The beginning of nf is the worst ever.
The Little Viking
EOTN...even though its not considered a "campaign" but an expansion...even so...its my least favorite. the 4 story lines are a bit boaring...everything pertains to titles..even just to get armor you have to be level 5 something...dont like that at all.
And just to get to a dungeon is a pain...not hard for the most part, but a pain.
Now as for least favorite "campaign" i would have to say Nightfall...takes forever to get anything done. Even just doing some of the missions for masters, you need to set aside 45 min. (give or take a few minutes).
My favorite (and always will be) is Prophesies. I love Pre, I love post. Its got everything...wastelands, flatlands, jungle, desert, mountains and a bit of Hell. And the scenery is the best out of all.
And just to get to a dungeon is a pain...not hard for the most part, but a pain.
Now as for least favorite "campaign" i would have to say Nightfall...takes forever to get anything done. Even just doing some of the missions for masters, you need to set aside 45 min. (give or take a few minutes).
My favorite (and always will be) is Prophesies. I love Pre, I love post. Its got everything...wastelands, flatlands, jungle, desert, mountains and a bit of Hell. And the scenery is the best out of all.
Factions just because I hate togo and his proclivity for dieing all the time.
Nightfall, hate the beginning and middle.
But I really like the Realm of Torment and DoA, they are my favorite parts in the game. xD
But I really like the Realm of Torment and DoA, they are my favorite parts in the game. xD
tough question. I really disliked the ending of nightfall with the desert and the realm of torment but I really liked everything up to that. Really disliked the city in Factions as well. Besides the fact that you have to go right to go straight and left to go right etc but you got the hidden enemies and the quests from people outside of towns was "go to the other end of this map and kill someone and come back so I can send you back there again for the next quest in my chain." I also disliked the east side of newbie island but I like the west side and the echovald forest and jade sea. Overall I probably dislike Factions the most because the story was so lame. In Nightfall at least I came to really dislike Varesh and took much satisfaction in killing her. Also, Factions brought us timed challenges for bonus objectives (bad idea those).
Prophecies by far, Way to slow for me (especially since i got it last) and it takes too long to do :P
Factions is by far the favourite mainly because you're up at level 20 and on the mainland fighting "decently" challenging enemies quickly
Factions is by far the favourite mainly because you're up at level 20 and on the mainland fighting "decently" challenging enemies quickly
The 8th
Factions, by far. The entire "Faction" system was, in my opinion, rather disappointing, the story seems like it was hastily cobbled together from some vague concepts and generic "far eastern" themes, and Kaineng City is a bloody nightmare.
reaper with no name
Prophecies. I played the 3 campaigns in reverse, and I noticed a definite trend.
Nightfall: Great characters, great story, great areas, easy to get around, missions and quests were clear
Factions: Good characters, good story, areas that ranged from good to great, fairly hard to get around, missions and quests were clear
Prophecies: Most characters were meh (there were a couple of good ones though), story was okay but all over the place, WAY too hard to get around (the terrain always made you take the longest route possible), not much variation in the areas, had to continually crisscross the world (which was also way too big, contributing to the sameness of it and the insane travel times that had no purpose and didn't add to the enjoyment of the game at all), missions never gave you any clues as to where the hell you were supposed to be going
Don't have EotN yet though, so my opinion might eventually change. We'll see.
Nightfall: Great characters, great story, great areas, easy to get around, missions and quests were clear
Factions: Good characters, good story, areas that ranged from good to great, fairly hard to get around, missions and quests were clear
Prophecies: Most characters were meh (there were a couple of good ones though), story was okay but all over the place, WAY too hard to get around (the terrain always made you take the longest route possible), not much variation in the areas, had to continually crisscross the world (which was also way too big, contributing to the sameness of it and the insane travel times that had no purpose and didn't add to the enjoyment of the game at all), missions never gave you any clues as to where the hell you were supposed to be going
Don't have EotN yet though, so my opinion might eventually change. We'll see.
• Noob henchs
• You are a noob till you get in Crystal desert...(Attribute quests)
• Long missions
• Boring
I have 7 PvE characters: 6 are from Factions,1 from Prophecies.(First char)
• Noob henchs
• You are a noob till you get in Crystal desert...(Attribute quests)
• Long missions
• Boring
I have 7 PvE characters: 6 are from Factions,1 from Prophecies.(First char)
Chicken Ftw
Factions, started power creep. Probably inevitable though, especially for GW to remain profitable.
Factions is my least favorite. It took nearly 2 years for me to finally force myself to play 1 character through it, and that was so I could pick an alliance. I have not done JQ or FA at all. Too much negative reading about it, in this and other forums. The only positive about Factions, quick easy max armor for prophesies characters.
EotN, on my main Prophesies character, 3 heroes and bits and pieces of the HoM. Irritating that I can not remove those pesky quests from my logbook.
Nightfall just doesn't hold my interest long enough to complete it. My main Prophesies character has 9/20 missions completed.
Prophesies was/is my "1st love" of GW. My first 4 characters roam the map over and over. They farm, help others through the game, treasure hunt, explore, and just go out and kill things. They have outlasted most of the people on my friends list, that gets purged quite often, then refilled.
On a scale 1 to 10, 1 being the least, 10 being the best liked:
1 Factions
2 EotN
4 Nightfall
10 Prophesies
EotN, on my main Prophesies character, 3 heroes and bits and pieces of the HoM. Irritating that I can not remove those pesky quests from my logbook.
Nightfall just doesn't hold my interest long enough to complete it. My main Prophesies character has 9/20 missions completed.
Prophesies was/is my "1st love" of GW. My first 4 characters roam the map over and over. They farm, help others through the game, treasure hunt, explore, and just go out and kill things. They have outlasted most of the people on my friends list, that gets purged quite often, then refilled.
On a scale 1 to 10, 1 being the least, 10 being the best liked:
1 Factions
2 EotN
4 Nightfall
10 Prophesies
Don't like prophecies, it takes too long to get the character to any reasonable amount of potential. The story is rich but really drawn out...at least you can skip half of it if you just want to make a character to do high end stuff with.
Prophecies. Overplayed it and it sucks to get every character through the desert just to get your full attribute points.
Its been a long time since I've made a prophecies character, and he still is missing 30 attribute points.
Easy to make a character in Factions or Nightfall and get it where you want to fast.
Its been a long time since I've made a prophecies character, and he still is missing 30 attribute points.
Easy to make a character in Factions or Nightfall and get it where you want to fast.
Skyy High
Prophecies. Slow, boring (now, not when I started playing), not terribly much for high levels to do.
Prophecies: it was great the first time playing through it, but every time after that feels more like a chore than a game. The missions are sooo long and now mostly feels like I just stop, kill a few enemies, run 10 meters, stop, kill a few more enemies, repeat. One hour later, mission complete. Bleargh. I only started prophecies characters just to get their faces/hairstyles, but now there's no need so meh. And let's face it, the Lich fight was lame for a final boss.
Factions and Nightfall were the best. They had much more challenging missions, the action was much more fast paced and is perfect for someone who's already familiar with the game/starting another character. EotN was pretty fun while it lasted. The PvE skills were cool even though it broke the game like hell. Oh well.
Factions and Nightfall were the best. They had much more challenging missions, the action was much more fast paced and is perfect for someone who's already familiar with the game/starting another character. EotN was pretty fun while it lasted. The PvE skills were cool even though it broke the game like hell. Oh well.
Least favourite is Nightfall.
- big "Power Leak" downward spiral, just nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf all skills without rebalancing pve monsters and henchmens afterwards.
- unstable game, skill change just for the sake of skill change with no time for the meta to settle, and no regards to what it does to the game.
- start of per-character mandatory grinds, you can't even progress story on your character without r7 sunspear.
- start of grind-based buffs/skills, you can't even get into a group without r4 lightbringer. It gets even worse when Sunspear/Kurzick/Luxon skills are added.
The only redeeming point are just the Heroes that you can recruit and then bring to Prophecies/Factions.
- big "Power Leak" downward spiral, just nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf all skills without rebalancing pve monsters and henchmens afterwards.
- unstable game, skill change just for the sake of skill change with no time for the meta to settle, and no regards to what it does to the game.
- start of per-character mandatory grinds, you can't even progress story on your character without r7 sunspear.
- start of grind-based buffs/skills, you can't even get into a group without r4 lightbringer. It gets even worse when Sunspear/Kurzick/Luxon skills are added.
The only redeeming point are just the Heroes that you can recruit and then bring to Prophecies/Factions.
Nightfall because other than heroes it was pretty much the same routine we have done before, collect skills, follow the path and kill the baddies. It was very drawn out and predictable.
Ugh, I hate Factions. I still slog through a lot of it with different characters, but it is BY FAR the most frustrating for me. Kaineng City is terrible, boring, tedious...blah. Some of the missions are suddenly so difficult and require such a radical change in strategies from one to the other that it makes me want to club baby seals. >.o
Nightfall and EotN are probably my favorites, mostly for the scenery and because the various campaign titles are relatively easy to collect. I don't know why everyone is complaining about having to be First Spear to start to advance the storyline away from "noob island". It only takes about 20 minutes of killing plants outside of Kamadan to accomplish it. There are worse areas of grind, in my opinion.
Nightfall and EotN are probably my favorites, mostly for the scenery and because the various campaign titles are relatively easy to collect. I don't know why everyone is complaining about having to be First Spear to start to advance the storyline away from "noob island". It only takes about 20 minutes of killing plants outside of Kamadan to accomplish it. There are worse areas of grind, in my opinion.
Factions, personally. While I liked the cultures there (admittedly the Kurzicks and Luxons could have done with less stereotyping, but when you don't have much screen-time to develop them in, there isn't much you can do about that), the game as a whole just seemed too ... well, forced. The plot didn't always make that much sense, the game areas were separated into blocs that were much the same as each other (island, city, stone forest, jade sea basically), the campaign was overall quite short (not good when it already gets artificially extended through "oh that didn't work, let's go back and try something else" plot elements), it was heavily linear, and so on.
But it still had plenty of good things one could take away.
But it still had plenty of good things one could take away.
Factions, definitely.
I hate the Kaineng City area, it's ugly and confusing. The story didn't grab me at all, I honestly can't even remember what it was O_o. I also hated that you had to collect faction points to advance in the game. At that time I was not interested in PvP at all.
On the plus side for Factions, you can get your character up to lvl 20 quickly, together with all the attribute points. It's easy to go to the other games from it too.
My favorite is Nightfall, loved the story, the areas, never had problem with collecting enough points to advance (always had more than enough points), and the best area in the entire GW (for PvE) is there too
Of course I'm talking about DoA in HM
I hate the Kaineng City area, it's ugly and confusing. The story didn't grab me at all, I honestly can't even remember what it was O_o. I also hated that you had to collect faction points to advance in the game. At that time I was not interested in PvP at all.
On the plus side for Factions, you can get your character up to lvl 20 quickly, together with all the attribute points. It's easy to go to the other games from it too.
My favorite is Nightfall, loved the story, the areas, never had problem with collecting enough points to advance (always had more than enough points), and the best area in the entire GW (for PvE) is there too

prophecies , the maguuma part is long and boring
too easy when you have heroes , hard with henchs and proph only skills
too easy when you have heroes , hard with henchs and proph only skills
factions is by far my least favorite. That RED ENGINE city, the horrible "story line" that was felt like the player was along for the ride instead of an intergal(sp) part of the story, the echovald forest - UGH!, hated the timed missions, especially the ones where you had to rely on another team to get through, Togo & Menlo getting stuck, and the voice acting was BAD, very, very BAD!
Ryan Bucek
I hate Nightfall with a passion!
- A lot of the professions look dumb (ex. male eles)
- The environments were not my style
- the island is more of a pain then ascalon is inproph
- A lot of the professions look dumb (ex. male eles)
- The environments were not my style
- the island is more of a pain then ascalon is inproph
Shayne Hawke
Nightfall's "Bring X hero to do Y mission" crap really turned me off from it. Also, it was the beginning of title-linked skills and effects and such, so it almost feels like the beginning of a downward spiral.
Nightfall and it isn't even close. EoTN is 2nd worst if that counts.
I am also amazed at the amount of people saying Prophecies. The problem is so many people are comparing it to the other expansions where they can't be compared. The big complaint is "its too slow it takes forever to get your character good etc etc". The entire point of Prophecies was a slow buildup to a climax...you know like just about every other good RPG out there. Not to mention Tyria is still the best looking continent in the game. Then you have other people saying Prophecies is the worst "because its too easy" when they go in there with their lv20 and their heros with PvE skills and roll over it. That isn't the way it was meant to be played.
My big problem with the other expansions is it takes all of about 5 minutes to max your character and you can thereby role over the rest of the game. This particularly true in Nightfall with heroes...hence Nightfall is the worst. I had ZERO fun going through Elona. Cantha is probably the ugliest continent in the game, but I give Factions a pass because heroes weren't out yet and it was more challenging (not to mention Factions has some of the best missions in the entire game). That isn't even taking into consideration that Paragon and Dervish are the least interesting classes in the game and the skills introduced in the expansion broke the game beyond repair.
I am also amazed at the amount of people saying Prophecies. The problem is so many people are comparing it to the other expansions where they can't be compared. The big complaint is "its too slow it takes forever to get your character good etc etc". The entire point of Prophecies was a slow buildup to a climax...you know like just about every other good RPG out there. Not to mention Tyria is still the best looking continent in the game. Then you have other people saying Prophecies is the worst "because its too easy" when they go in there with their lv20 and their heros with PvE skills and roll over it. That isn't the way it was meant to be played.
My big problem with the other expansions is it takes all of about 5 minutes to max your character and you can thereby role over the rest of the game. This particularly true in Nightfall with heroes...hence Nightfall is the worst. I had ZERO fun going through Elona. Cantha is probably the ugliest continent in the game, but I give Factions a pass because heroes weren't out yet and it was more challenging (not to mention Factions has some of the best missions in the entire game). That isn't even taking into consideration that Paragon and Dervish are the least interesting classes in the game and the skills introduced in the expansion broke the game beyond repair.
Sarevok Thordin
Now that we are at this stage anyway, why?
Because it lacks all the bells and whistles of the other 2. Only the core classes available and such.
I liked it before so much I ran 6 characters through it, but I really don't want to do it again except on 1 character for guardian.
Now that we are at this stage anyway, why?
Because it lacks all the bells and whistles of the other 2. Only the core classes available and such.
I liked it before so much I ran 6 characters through it, but I really don't want to do it again except on 1 character for guardian.
by far my least favorite is prophecies, partly for how slow/frustrating it is to actually get a character 'complete' there and partly for the story.
Maybe factions spoiled me but I really find it annoying to not have all 200 attribute points until you've completed 85% of the story. I mean I know that's the route of a lot of rpg's take but to me GW is about the "the game starts at lvl 20" approach. That and the hench there are absolutely horrid (Alesia is your ONLY healer/support hench until the Desert)
And with the story; as clichéd as most of the GW story arcs are, I always felt proph was the worst offender. That and the fact that it seemed to jump from one situation to another really made me confused and finally uninterested in it. There used to be a great synopsis of the Proph storyline on Uncyclopedia, I remember one summary statement of it went something like this, "Unfortunately you pretty much doomed all of humanity by running from every major threat you encountered on your adventure."
Honestly, of all the enemies you face you really only end up defeating like 2 (and then only if you actually do all the titan missions at the end). At the end of prophecies: Ascalon is still getting stomped by the Charr; the Dwarves are still in a full on civil war; Kryta, formerly the only relatively peaceful place left in the world, is now also in a full on civil war along with a still present undead horde threatening everything. I never got much of a sense of purpose or heroics from playing the proph storyline, it really did feel like we were just running from pretty much everything we ran into.
Maybe factions spoiled me but I really find it annoying to not have all 200 attribute points until you've completed 85% of the story. I mean I know that's the route of a lot of rpg's take but to me GW is about the "the game starts at lvl 20" approach. That and the hench there are absolutely horrid (Alesia is your ONLY healer/support hench until the Desert)
And with the story; as clichéd as most of the GW story arcs are, I always felt proph was the worst offender. That and the fact that it seemed to jump from one situation to another really made me confused and finally uninterested in it. There used to be a great synopsis of the Proph storyline on Uncyclopedia, I remember one summary statement of it went something like this, "Unfortunately you pretty much doomed all of humanity by running from every major threat you encountered on your adventure."
Honestly, of all the enemies you face you really only end up defeating like 2 (and then only if you actually do all the titan missions at the end). At the end of prophecies: Ascalon is still getting stomped by the Charr; the Dwarves are still in a full on civil war; Kryta, formerly the only relatively peaceful place left in the world, is now also in a full on civil war along with a still present undead horde threatening everything. I never got much of a sense of purpose or heroics from playing the proph storyline, it really did feel like we were just running from pretty much everything we ran into.
The two that added extra professions.