Least favourite Guild Wars campaign, and why.
Marty Silverblade
After playing through them all, the one I would be least happy to do again is Prophecies. It's way way too slow compared to the fast-paced rate of the other two.
Hands down, Factions.
Why? The story blows chunks. Oh look, a plague. Hey, there's a plague over there, too! Wow! Another plague! Did that guy do it? Nah. HEY! YOU! Did you make this plague? No? That zombie did? Fantastic!
The explorables are simply amazing.
The rest? Meh... not so much.
Why? The story blows chunks. Oh look, a plague. Hey, there's a plague over there, too! Wow! Another plague! Did that guy do it? Nah. HEY! YOU! Did you make this plague? No? That zombie did? Fantastic!
The explorables are simply amazing.
The rest? Meh... not so much.
C1 or GWEN.
C1 because it's so insanely slow and GWEN because it's so craptastically boring.
I used to add Nightfall to this list too - but after playing it again a few days ago on my brand new paragon - I've seen a completely new side of it and I quite love it! But then again - I did switch to HM at every chance I got - meaning I just did the normal quests in HM and VQed areas while doing that.
It brought in something fun.
C1 because it's so insanely slow and GWEN because it's so craptastically boring.
I used to add Nightfall to this list too - but after playing it again a few days ago on my brand new paragon - I've seen a completely new side of it and I quite love it! But then again - I did switch to HM at every chance I got - meaning I just did the normal quests in HM and VQed areas while doing that.
It brought in something fun.
Prophecies, no doubt. My girlfriend has an understandable fascination with it as it was her first campaign and she loved doing all the side quests at the time, but it was a poor choice to play with our friends who are just starting Guild Wars. No interesting skills (read "elite skills") until 3/4 of the way through the game and extremely long, boring missions with unpredictable NPCs that might make you do the whole thing over.
It's too slow, too many things going on to get to too boring of an ending.
It's too slow, too many things going on to get to too boring of an ending.
Prophecies because it is a huge deserted park that looks nice but contains very little worth doing exept the missions.And don't forget the devourers.They are everywhere,you cannot avoid them, they drop nothing of use and they take a lot of time to deal with if you add them all up. I like the quests, but you get less and less of them as the game progresses.
In my opinion Nightfall is worst, with it came many things i hate, like Inscription, heroes and overpowered PvE skills. (CoP).
Also the storyline is booring to me and there aint fun things to do like in prophecies or factions.
Also the storyline is booring to me and there aint fun things to do like in prophecies or factions.
Ugh, I hate Nightfall.
I think the storyline is boring and not interesting.
It was painful getting my chars through Nightfall >.<
I think the storyline is boring and not interesting.
It was painful getting my chars through Nightfall >.<
1. Forced grind
2 you have to take hero X
3 Go the same place 90 times quest line
4 Skils were and are game braking
1. Forced grind
2 you have to take hero X
3 Go the same place 90 times quest line
4 Skils were and are game braking
Silent Coyote
Meh, it introduced some interesting new features but out of all the campaigns I spend the least amount of time there. Also can't stand the end bit of the game. No fun at all to me.
Use to be Factions for the terrible story and locked gates, but its grown on me over time to become one of my favourite campaigns (can't beat Prophecies though). They got a lot wrong with it but it does have some of the best explorable zones.
Meh, it introduced some interesting new features but out of all the campaigns I spend the least amount of time there. Also can't stand the end bit of the game. No fun at all to me.
Use to be Factions for the terrible story and locked gates, but its grown on me over time to become one of my favourite campaigns (can't beat Prophecies though). They got a lot wrong with it but it does have some of the best explorable zones.
Nightfall and it isn't even close. EoTN is 2nd worst if that counts.
I am also amazed at the amount of people saying Prophecies. The problem is so many people are comparing it to the other expansions where they can't be compared. The big complaint is "its too slow it takes forever to get your character good etc etc". The entire point of Prophecies was a slow buildup to a climax...you know like just about every other good RPG out there. Not to mention Tyria is still the best looking continent in the game. Then you have other people saying Prophecies is the worst "because its too easy" when they go in there with their lv20 and their heros with PvE skills and roll over it. That isn't the way it was meant to be played. My big problem with the other expansions is it takes all of about 5 minutes to max your character and you can thereby role over the rest of the game. This particularly true in Nightfall with heroes...hence Nightfall is the worst. I had ZERO fun going through Elona. Cantha is probably the ugliest continent in the game, but I give Factions a pass because heroes weren't out yet and it was more challenging (not to mention Factions has some of the best missions in the entire game). That isn't even taking into consideration that Paragon and Dervish are the least interesting classes in the game and the skills introduced in the expansion broke the game beyond repair. |
- Heroes killed grouping, made most of the game too easy
- Skill power creep
- New professions
- Desert, desert, desert (except for RoT)
- Awful, drawn out tutorial area
- Introduction of title grind and skill power linked to titles
Unfortunately, many people new to the game nowadays are starting with Nightfall, which out of the 3 campaigns is the least representative of how Guild Wars was meant to be. Then they blast through Prophecies and Factions with their heroes and skills that didn't exist when those campaigns were released, and say it's too easy or boring. I would challenge them to play without Nightfall/PvE skills and heroes, but they'll just complain about henchmen, PuGs and everything taking too long. That's the mindset of newer players and it can't be changed.
Stolen Souls
Nightfall. Compared to the others I just didn't like it. I always dread taking another character through it, and it's always the last campaign I finish on my characters.
-Noob Island seems to take FOREVER
-"Must be level x Sunspear to proceed" (yes, factions required 10k lux/kurz, but the NF requirements just seem more annoying to me)
-The desert is ugly
-The desolation is even uglier
-The realm of Torment is about as ugly as it gets
-I find the missions much more boring than the Factions missions. I prefer the faster pace.
-Noob Island seems to take FOREVER
-"Must be level x Sunspear to proceed" (yes, factions required 10k lux/kurz, but the NF requirements just seem more annoying to me)
-The desert is ugly
-The desolation is even uglier
-The realm of Torment is about as ugly as it gets
-I find the missions much more boring than the Factions missions. I prefer the faster pace.
Deimos Zargarda
Very boring/ugly areas, almost the same enemies during the entire campaign, can be completed in few hours.
Very boring/ugly areas, almost the same enemies during the entire campaign, can be completed in few hours.
For me Factions because was too fast. 2 weeks and I really tried to be as slow as I could. And i never liked Kineng City. The sea, the forrest and the noob island are great, but Kaineng City.. meh.
Pre-Searing: Still the best tutorial of them all by far
Post-Searing Ascalon: Very depressing but also kinda appropriate
Northern Shiverpeaks: Pretty cool, nice change compared to Ascalon
Kryta: <3
Maguuma: I always felt this are looked kinda weird. By far my least favourite are in the game
Crystal Desert: Pure awesomeness. It felt like an achievement to get to the Tombs before they changed it into some lame PvE instance...
Southern Shiverpeaks: Just like the Northern Shiverpeaks...
Fire Isles: Well kinda cool, but I never got why they couldn't make them more pretty.
FoW/UW: Just great.
Shing Jea: Looking equally awesome if not better than pre-searing. The fast leveling speed was a real letdown though.
Kaineng: Some nice areas, most are rather boring, though.
Echovald Forest: Gloomy and just cool
Jade Sea: Pretty boring
Urgoz/Deep: Meh.
Missions in Factions are probably the worst of them all.
The landscape isn't as beautiful as in the other Campaigns, although the Quests were the best so far imho.
Istan: Decent, but nothing special. The swamp is kinda cool though.
Kourna: Decent, but nothing special, except for the Kournan Garrisons maybe
Vabbi: Some nice areas and palaces
Desolation: Decent, but nothing special, I liked the undead here though.
Realm of Torment: Very cool with all the tentacles and other nasty stuff twisting the world around you.
Northern Northern Shiverpeaks: The dungeons really helped mixing it up.
Charr Homelands: <3
Tarnished Coast: forests+waterfalls+floating rocks+dinosaurs = win, although the dinosaurs did put me off at first
All the dungeons: Not living up to their supposed end-game difficulty
In summary, Factions is undeniably the worst Campaign, although I do love the Asian theme and China references.
Pre-Searing: Still the best tutorial of them all by far
Post-Searing Ascalon: Very depressing but also kinda appropriate
Northern Shiverpeaks: Pretty cool, nice change compared to Ascalon
Kryta: <3
Maguuma: I always felt this are looked kinda weird. By far my least favourite are in the game
Crystal Desert: Pure awesomeness. It felt like an achievement to get to the Tombs before they changed it into some lame PvE instance...
Southern Shiverpeaks: Just like the Northern Shiverpeaks...
Fire Isles: Well kinda cool, but I never got why they couldn't make them more pretty.
FoW/UW: Just great.
Shing Jea: Looking equally awesome if not better than pre-searing. The fast leveling speed was a real letdown though.
Kaineng: Some nice areas, most are rather boring, though.
Echovald Forest: Gloomy and just cool
Jade Sea: Pretty boring
Urgoz/Deep: Meh.
Missions in Factions are probably the worst of them all.
The landscape isn't as beautiful as in the other Campaigns, although the Quests were the best so far imho.
Istan: Decent, but nothing special. The swamp is kinda cool though.
Kourna: Decent, but nothing special, except for the Kournan Garrisons maybe
Vabbi: Some nice areas and palaces
Desolation: Decent, but nothing special, I liked the undead here though.
Realm of Torment: Very cool with all the tentacles and other nasty stuff twisting the world around you.
Northern Northern Shiverpeaks: The dungeons really helped mixing it up.
Charr Homelands: <3
Tarnished Coast: forests+waterfalls+floating rocks+dinosaurs = win, although the dinosaurs did put me off at first
All the dungeons: Not living up to their supposed end-game difficulty
In summary, Factions is undeniably the worst Campaign, although I do love the Asian theme and China references.
It used to be Factions due to the high level of difficulty when you leave Shing Jea but now its NF. Z-quests have reminded me of how much I despise the missions that require heroes. I remember doing them and cringing because the required hero is at level 3 because I didn't use him/her. This is back when it first came out and the heroes levels were akin to the level you would get them with a native Elonian toon. *lol* Oh yeah...I also had to get the heroes via the storyline rather than just through a single quest attained after landing in Spamadan like it is now. People just don't know what a luxury their level 15 heroes are. *sigh* The sheer ease of NF makes me weep. RoT has nothing on trudging through Proph in collector armor and Kole's Torment as my super weapon until after Ascension when I grinded hard to afford Scar Pattern armor. The kids today don't know how lucky they are. *grumble*
I am also amazed at the amount of people saying Prophecies. The problem is so many people are comparing it to the other expansions where they can't be compared. The big complaint is "its too slow it takes forever to get your character good etc etc". The entire point of Prophecies was a slow buildup to a climax...you know like just about every other good RPG out there. Not to mention Tyria is still the best looking continent in the game. Then you have other people saying Prophecies is the worst "because its too easy" when they go in there with their lv20 and their heros with PvE skills and roll over it. That isn't the way it was meant to be played.
The first time I played Proph, I loved it. It has the most variation in scenery, the quests are easy and sometimes offer skills as a reward, and I think it has the best story after Nightfall's. The guy on the first page who said it's repetitive and hard to navigate makes me wonder if we even played the same game.
Regardless, I've already done it, so I don't have much interest in slogging through old broken Ascalon again. So now I only start characters there when I'm gift farming in pre.
Factions is my least favorite campaign.
Horrible voice acting, railroad storyline (including locked gates to prevent casual exploration), lack of variety in foes for areas like Kaineng and Echovald forest, faction required to use a merchant even if your character has completed the game, and a sidekick role in the primary story. No thanks.
I don't like Eye of the North much better, but that's primarily due to how short the overall story is. A fair number of side quests and dungeons, but most of it feels like title grind to me. And I'm still bitter about the re-hashed armor skins.
Horrible voice acting, railroad storyline (including locked gates to prevent casual exploration), lack of variety in foes for areas like Kaineng and Echovald forest, faction required to use a merchant even if your character has completed the game, and a sidekick role in the primary story. No thanks.
I don't like Eye of the North much better, but that's primarily due to how short the overall story is. A fair number of side quests and dungeons, but most of it feels like title grind to me. And I'm still bitter about the re-hashed armor skins.
Factions. I actually appreciate this more than I did when it was first released, but the exploding afflicted, timed bonuses, and babysitting Mhenlo and Togo often suck the fun from it.
Eye of the North. Actually, I like a lot about this expansion. But the emphasis on PvE skills and consumables, grind, and tedious dungeons wasn't good. It shifted the "feel" of the game for me in a negative direction. I liked some of the new heroes, but most don't get used. Since we're limited to 3 heroes and I already had a bunch of heroes I rarely used, it seemed dumb to me that they added even more (but I'll forgive them for adding Jora, one of my favourites). Of course, we all know that EoTN was a sort of preview for GW2, so yeah. Having said all that, it improved over Nightfall in that it didn't force you to take specific heroes with you for missions. Also, I like that the bounty you pick up applies to all the creatures. If I had a dollar for every time in Nightfall I found the bounty for creatures I'd already killed, I could retire.
Nightfall: I really like this one, except I absolutely LOATHE the torment areas. Avoid those areas like the plague.
Prophecies: Maybe it's nostalgia. Maybe it's because everything was new when I played through it. But this is probably my favourite area of the game.
So my least favourite? I'd have to say Eye of the North, based solely on the fact that I rarely choose to play in those areas. I only go there for z-quests. Eventually I'll want to finish up my dungeon book, but otherwise you'll find me adventuring elsewhere.
Eye of the North. Actually, I like a lot about this expansion. But the emphasis on PvE skills and consumables, grind, and tedious dungeons wasn't good. It shifted the "feel" of the game for me in a negative direction. I liked some of the new heroes, but most don't get used. Since we're limited to 3 heroes and I already had a bunch of heroes I rarely used, it seemed dumb to me that they added even more (but I'll forgive them for adding Jora, one of my favourites). Of course, we all know that EoTN was a sort of preview for GW2, so yeah. Having said all that, it improved over Nightfall in that it didn't force you to take specific heroes with you for missions. Also, I like that the bounty you pick up applies to all the creatures. If I had a dollar for every time in Nightfall I found the bounty for creatures I'd already killed, I could retire.
Nightfall: I really like this one, except I absolutely LOATHE the torment areas. Avoid those areas like the plague.
Prophecies: Maybe it's nostalgia. Maybe it's because everything was new when I played through it. But this is probably my favourite area of the game.
So my least favourite? I'd have to say Eye of the North, based solely on the fact that I rarely choose to play in those areas. I only go there for z-quests. Eventually I'll want to finish up my dungeon book, but otherwise you'll find me adventuring elsewhere.
My least favorite was Nightfall, because it made the player base worse. In prophecies, having to rely on your own skills, PUGs and henchies made you understand the game better. The slow leveling gave you time to see the synergy in some skills, and learn your profession better. Factions leveled you fast, but you still had things like the Echovald Forest and the CMs to get the basics on PvP. Plus, the Echovald Forest is visually great.
Nightfall gave us the easy button. We got heroes(no need to learn to play with others when you can slap on your own customized henchies and roll the game), PvE skills(SY. Yeah, you get it in Factions, but it was brought in because of Sunspear skills. Oh, and CoP. 'Nuff said on that one.) and title grind(j00 wants Selbekeh wit r1 Litebrngrz? GTFO!). It made bad players feel like they were good at the game. All EotN did was pile on to what Nightfall started. Now, you can hardly look through the Meta builds without seeing at least one PvE skill slapped on them.
With all these crutches, and all the grind introduced, we get players who think they are awesome sauce because they have a bar loaded with IATG, EVSoH, and YMlaD, or they have a Imbagon/Godmode warrior/AP cryer. It also, honestly, made PvE a separate game from PvP. Not that it ever wasn't different, but with the separation due to different skills, and the general grinding nature, it made the player go from needing awareness of his surroundings, and taking time to prepare for what he was heading into, to "DISCORDWAY GOGOGO! RRRAAAWWWRRR!"
Good times.
Nightfall gave us the easy button. We got heroes(no need to learn to play with others when you can slap on your own customized henchies and roll the game), PvE skills(SY. Yeah, you get it in Factions, but it was brought in because of Sunspear skills. Oh, and CoP. 'Nuff said on that one.) and title grind(j00 wants Selbekeh wit r1 Litebrngrz? GTFO!). It made bad players feel like they were good at the game. All EotN did was pile on to what Nightfall started. Now, you can hardly look through the Meta builds without seeing at least one PvE skill slapped on them.
With all these crutches, and all the grind introduced, we get players who think they are awesome sauce because they have a bar loaded with IATG, EVSoH, and YMlaD, or they have a Imbagon/Godmode warrior/AP cryer. It also, honestly, made PvE a separate game from PvP. Not that it ever wasn't different, but with the separation due to different skills, and the general grinding nature, it made the player go from needing awareness of his surroundings, and taking time to prepare for what he was heading into, to "DISCORDWAY GOGOGO! RRRAAAWWWRRR!"
Good times.
False Maria
Prophecies. I only have one character I managed to force myself to play outside of Pre (which I also hate) and when I saw how slow and tedious Post was, I paid a sin to run me out of there to LA so my char could escape into Nightfall. (Running away to LA, this game is so life-like!
And then, when I got my Ritualist there after finishing all the other three stories, I only got as far as Maguuma. WAY too much running back and forth to do quests that don't offer my character anything valuable.
My favorite by far is Factions. I think it's mostly because I remember how it felt to play the game for the first time (my very first char was from there), but I also love the Eastern motifs. The only bad thing is I have to go to eotn or nf to get heroes to make it a bit more enjoyable.
And then, when I got my Ritualist there after finishing all the other three stories, I only got as far as Maguuma. WAY too much running back and forth to do quests that don't offer my character anything valuable.
My favorite by far is Factions. I think it's mostly because I remember how it felt to play the game for the first time (my very first char was from there), but I also love the Eastern motifs. The only bad thing is I have to go to eotn or nf to get heroes to make it a bit more enjoyable.
Little Shenanigan
my least favorite is nightfall - grind, the island takes forever to get off of if you start there, uninteresting storyline, the desert, and grind.
Tough call. All have their annoyances. Prophecies has attribute quests super late in the game. Factions you level fast and get your attribute quests quickly but the quests are often annoying and repetitive, but you have to do all of them because you must be level 20 when you get off the island or it'll be much harder. Nightfall has the grindy sunspear requirement to get past certain levels. But to me, eotn is my least favorite. It's extremely short, but for some reason the missions annoy me, I dislike them, maybe its the constant cut scenes or how non-linear everything is, I don't know. But I have 10 chars, that have all finished all 4 campaigns, and eotn was the one I disliked most.
Beginning: Pre>Shing Jea>>Istan
Middle: Elona Mainland>> Maguuma, crystal Desert, etc.>>>>>>>KC
End: Finally getting the **** out of KC >>> Realm of Torment = Ring of Fire Isles.
That's kind of how I see it.
Middle: Elona Mainland>> Maguuma, crystal Desert, etc.>>>>>>>KC
End: Finally getting the **** out of KC >>> Realm of Torment = Ring of Fire Isles.
That's kind of how I see it.
prophes, mission are long tho and the maps are boring, just like watching everywhere with similar texture
another is nightfall which is pain in the ass if u cant find player to play with u for HM
map is good tho
the worst map ever made is in faction...idea of city design was good tho but its way too complicate and hardly to see a walkable way on the rader
another is nightfall which is pain in the ass if u cant find player to play with u for HM
map is good tho
the worst map ever made is in faction...idea of city design was good tho but its way too complicate and hardly to see a walkable way on the rader
Hyper Cutter
Prophecies by far. It's overly long, most of it is a massive pain in the ass to travel through (I'm looking at you, Maguuma Jungle and Crystal Desert. I prefer being able to take 5 steps without drowning in a sea of insects and/or spiders, thank you!), you're hamstrung for 2/3 of the game (party size, henchmen level, to say nothing of henchmen build and AI), the quest rewards suck (why do the Titan Quests and Sorrow's Furnace only give you experience, again? I mean, I really need more of THAT /sarcasm), the attribute quests are near the end of the game and massively annoying, unstable boss spawns, etc...
About the only good thing is that Prophecies elementalist bosses don't one-man-spike you that way they do everywhere else in the game...
About the only good thing is that Prophecies elementalist bosses don't one-man-spike you that way they do everywhere else in the game...
Snow Bunny
I can't really decide, truthfully.
Prophecies was long. There are nostalgics who will say that's part of the beauty of it, but at this point, I want to get a PvE char ready for PvP in a hurry, and I want it to look good. I don't want to have to slog through all the PvE'ery of it, and then get my attr points. The Ascension missions are really well-designed, as are the later Shiverpeak missions, but the beginning, the jungle, and the fire islands are awful to play through.
Factions is the fastest, but the enemies are a bunch of RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO and balls, especially with the BS exploding afflicted ones. They also forced the henchmen to use Factions skills, which means that the healers all use 10e powerheals and no real prots, and all the henchmen are horrible. Post-Temple Factions is good but the city is one of the worst parts of the game. The introduction of assassins and rits also ruin it.
Nightfall was powercreep and shitacular design. Ridiculous number of the skills at launch were massively overpowered, and the introduction of heroes killed pugging. Furthermore, and I know I'm not the only one here, but the whole "No Hero X, no mission" just arbitrarily forces you to play with heroes. The introduction of grind titles for PvE advancement was a terrible idea, and the concept of DoA, with absurd AI skills and stats just was ridiculous. Instead of good AI, they jacked up their power, which set the awful precedent for Hard Mode.
I'd have to say Nightfall is the worst. It looks the nicest, perhaps, and has some interesting pve to it, but it had the most profoundly negative impact on the game in full, and thus I reserve my hatred for it.
Prophecies was long. There are nostalgics who will say that's part of the beauty of it, but at this point, I want to get a PvE char ready for PvP in a hurry, and I want it to look good. I don't want to have to slog through all the PvE'ery of it, and then get my attr points. The Ascension missions are really well-designed, as are the later Shiverpeak missions, but the beginning, the jungle, and the fire islands are awful to play through.
Factions is the fastest, but the enemies are a bunch of RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO and balls, especially with the BS exploding afflicted ones. They also forced the henchmen to use Factions skills, which means that the healers all use 10e powerheals and no real prots, and all the henchmen are horrible. Post-Temple Factions is good but the city is one of the worst parts of the game. The introduction of assassins and rits also ruin it.
Nightfall was powercreep and shitacular design. Ridiculous number of the skills at launch were massively overpowered, and the introduction of heroes killed pugging. Furthermore, and I know I'm not the only one here, but the whole "No Hero X, no mission" just arbitrarily forces you to play with heroes. The introduction of grind titles for PvE advancement was a terrible idea, and the concept of DoA, with absurd AI skills and stats just was ridiculous. Instead of good AI, they jacked up their power, which set the awful precedent for Hard Mode.
I'd have to say Nightfall is the worst. It looks the nicest, perhaps, and has some interesting pve to it, but it had the most profoundly negative impact on the game in full, and thus I reserve my hatred for it.
Emma Panzerbergen
Prophecies by far. The campaign was overly long, missions were ridiculously long, characters were underdeveloped and the story was written by a 5 year old.
Hands down, Factions.
Why? The story blows chunks. Oh look, a plague. Hey, there's a plague over there, too! Wow! Another plague! Did that guy do it? Nah. HEY! YOU! Did you make this plague? No? That zombie did? Fantastic! The explorables are simply amazing. The rest? Meh... not so much. |
Eotn was a terrible way to finish off guildwars. It just felt like a bigger game that was modified and chopped into its current craptacular form due to anet deciding gw was dead. and whomever thought asurans were a good idea needs shot.
Factions from the beta onwards was a horrible experience. those canthan slums go on for years, and those damn afflicted.
Nightfall for introducing grind and titles.
Factions from the beta onwards was a horrible experience. those canthan slums go on for years, and those damn afflicted.
Nightfall for introducing grind and titles.
reaper with no name
I find a lot of people are mentioning grind, and I think there's something worth mentioning about it.
Grind has always existed in GW. Prophecies introduced it with it's insanely slow and boring leveling. Factions and Nightfall made it optional. So if anything, they are less grindy than prophecies, because at least there the grind is optional.
Just saying. Hate on those two all you want, but where grind is concerned, Proph is the worst offender.
Grind has always existed in GW. Prophecies introduced it with it's insanely slow and boring leveling. Factions and Nightfall made it optional. So if anything, they are less grindy than prophecies, because at least there the grind is optional.
Just saying. Hate on those two all you want, but where grind is concerned, Proph is the worst offender.
I find a lot of people are mentioning grind, and I think there's something worth mentioning about it.
Grind has always existed in GW. Prophecies introduced it with it's insanely slow and boring leveling. Factions and Nightfall made it optional. So if anything, they are less grindy than prophecies, because at least there the grind is optional. Just saying. Hate on those two all you want, but where grind is concerned, Proph is the worst offender. |
Might be a different case for those lazy players who got run through the game and ended up with a lvl2 at droks. Proph is unique in that sense as the other campaigns cannot be short circuited and large chunks of content be bypasssed.
Stolen Souls
I find a lot of people are mentioning grind, and I think there's something worth mentioning about it.
Grind has always existed in GW. Prophecies introduced it with it's insanely slow and boring leveling. Factions and Nightfall made it optional. So if anything, they are less grindy than prophecies, because at least there the grind is optional. Just saying. Hate on those two all you want, but where grind is concerned, Proph is the worst offender. |
I don't agree with that, really. If proph required "be level 12 to proceed" and stuff like that, I would see your point. Factions first introduced it, by requiring you to build up 10k lux/kurz faction before you were able to proceed. NF made it worse by requiring certain sunspear ranks before you could move on or get your extra attribute points. The grind is certainly NOT optional. EotN took it farther, requiring grind to buy armor and consumables...though this IS optional grind. But nowhere in proph do I remember having grind requirements to proceed or buy armor. Factions and NF = required grind. EotN = optional grind. Proph = no grind.
I'm not disagreeing that GW:EN introduced a ton more grind into the game, but the level of grind needed for armor really is minimal (a single armor at least). Playing through the campaign once and turning in the book is, in almost every case, plenty to get r5 in whatever title track after the PQs. It's like waiting until the end of a campaign to get prestige armor, just like is available at the end of Cantha and Elona.
I'm not a big fan of GW:EN per se, but I do think that in doing everything you'd normally do (repeat the campaign in HM, do all dungeons possible, Vanquish, etc.) you significantly reduce title point farming by actually playing the game. I farmed about 25k rep on Asura title for armor and maybe 40k on Norn through Vaettir, but I won't have to farm at all for the other two after having done LMotN, which is comprised of things I would have done anyway.
At any rate, I stick with Prophecies. As I mentioned earlier, playing with my friends who are new to GW, I think we'll cross over to Cantha a.s.a.p. or GW:EN at level 20 for some dungeons. Prophecies is simply too boring.
I'm not a big fan of GW:EN per se, but I do think that in doing everything you'd normally do (repeat the campaign in HM, do all dungeons possible, Vanquish, etc.) you significantly reduce title point farming by actually playing the game. I farmed about 25k rep on Asura title for armor and maybe 40k on Norn through Vaettir, but I won't have to farm at all for the other two after having done LMotN, which is comprised of things I would have done anyway.
At any rate, I stick with Prophecies. As I mentioned earlier, playing with my friends who are new to GW, I think we'll cross over to Cantha a.s.a.p. or GW:EN at level 20 for some dungeons. Prophecies is simply too boring.
Sword Hammer Axe
Guild Wars: Flameable Asura.
Why? Because it doesn't exist XD
I love all the games so I can't point out a least favorite lol.
I love 95% of Factions, NF and EotN.
99% of Prophecies :P
Why? Because it doesn't exist XD
I love all the games so I can't point out a least favorite lol.
I love 95% of Factions, NF and EotN.
99% of Prophecies :P
Has to be nightfall for me. Even though it intoduced Heroes to the world of GuildWars, I get very annoyed being forced to take a particular hero on a particular mission. Sometimes, my alliance like to all gang up and do a mission together. case in point - Dzagonur Bastion when the zmission rolled around. We couldn't take the full team of real players though, because Master of Whispers is required. For a game that is billed as a team game, it's very frustrating having to take a hero instead.
I'm glad EotN worked around that by keeping the relevant storyline hero 'present' even if that hero wasn't a part of the team.
If nightfall removed the sunspear point requirements and the hero requirements, it would actually jump up in my estimation, leaving Prophecies as my least favourite.
Factions is still my favourite. I feel like I learnt the most about the game on that campaign.
I'm glad EotN worked around that by keeping the relevant storyline hero 'present' even if that hero wasn't a part of the team.
If nightfall removed the sunspear point requirements and the hero requirements, it would actually jump up in my estimation, leaving Prophecies as my least favourite.
Factions is still my favourite. I feel like I learnt the most about the game on that campaign.
I'm not disagreeing that GW:EN introduced a ton more grind into the game, but the level of grind needed for armor really is minimal (a single armor at least). Playing through the campaign once and turning in the book is, in almost every case, plenty to get r5 in whatever title track after the PQs. It's like waiting until the end of a campaign to get prestige armor, just like is available at the end of Cantha and Elona.
I'm not a big fan of GW:EN per se, but I do think that in doing everything you'd normally do (repeat the campaign in HM, do all dungeons possible, Vanquish, etc.) you significantly reduce title point farming by actually playing the game. I farmed about 25k rep on Asura title for armor and maybe 40k on Norn through Vaettir, but I won't have to farm at all for the other two after having done LMotN, which is comprised of things I would have done anyway. |
But personally, I don't typically repeat the campaign on the same character in hard mode. I have done only a few dungeons. I don't find vanquishing to be fun. So all of these things you mention as "normal playing of the game" are not normal for me... thus they all feel like point grinding.
I can understand the desire to hold off on armor until you finish the game, like elite armors in Nightfall and Factions. But once I've finished the game on a character, let that character buy any armor they want. I certainly don't want to have to grind yet more points to buy a different set of armor.
I'd have to say Factions. It's not that I didn't like it, it's just that prophecies and Nightfall were just more fun to me.
Hyper Cutter
You didn't like Nightfall? I loved Nightfall. Nice armor, storyline, end areas, and heros and inscriptions from the start. It also had the best music IMO and the areas were so beautiful. Fahranur, The First City is my favorite location out of ANY of the games. Istan I liked as a lot - the places were so varied and interesting and I genuinely enjoyed many of the side quests there.
I would say that Prophecies is my least favorite Really long, bad voice acting that, WAY overhyped Doppleganger (I beat mine in less than 10 seconds! Is that normal!? I did it by the skin of my teeth but I still can't believe it happened as it did), Crystal Desert had annoying as hell quests, many elites were during missions, wacky drops that aren't useful for anything (Water Wand of Trollslaying that halves casting time of Domination Magic? what the!?). Plus the areas were freaking huge! Factions I didn't really like the storyline of or get, but it had fun PvP added and Jade Sea/Echovald Forest which are cool. Plus it's pretty quick.
I would say that Prophecies is my least favorite Really long, bad voice acting that, WAY overhyped Doppleganger (I beat mine in less than 10 seconds! Is that normal!? I did it by the skin of my teeth but I still can't believe it happened as it did), Crystal Desert had annoying as hell quests, many elites were during missions, wacky drops that aren't useful for anything (Water Wand of Trollslaying that halves casting time of Domination Magic? what the!?). Plus the areas were freaking huge! Factions I didn't really like the storyline of or get, but it had fun PvP added and Jade Sea/Echovald Forest which are cool. Plus it's pretty quick.
if you thought prophecies story was written by a five year old, how old was the person who wrote the factions story line?