What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard While Playing Guild Wars?
Having other people or alternate accounts put stupid prices for items is often used as part of a scam, taking advantage of the lack of a trade system people can use to quickly check prices for many items.
I've seen people pretending to sell things like an inscribed diamond aegis for over 200e.
Come on! The thing drops all over the place! I've found so many that I even got several diamonds salvaging them.
Sometimes people join in the scam too taking advantage of those party panel lines.
I've seen people pretending to sell things like an inscribed diamond aegis for over 200e.
Come on! The thing drops all over the place! I've found so many that I even got several diamonds salvaging them.
Sometimes people join in the scam too taking advantage of those party panel lines.
Having other people or alternate accounts put stupid prices for items is often used as part of a scam, taking advantage of the lack of a trade system people can use to quickly check prices for many items.
I've seen people pretending to sell things like an inscribed diamond aegis for over 200e. Come on! The thing drops all over the place! I've found so many that I even got several diamonds salvaging them. Sometimes people join in the scam too taking advantage of those party panel lines. |
The trade system is great. If you want something and you are willing to pay x for it, then you haven't been screwed over by anyone but yourself. Get over the fact that it's paying "over the odds", it's not a scam.
Artificially inflating prices by using a "straight man" to play off your price is not making people pay 'over the odds'. It's attempting to scam people into believing that your price is normal and reasonable. Ultimately when those people find out the disparity in what they paid versus what the item is worth, they are going to be left with a bad taste in their mouth about it and that is what separates people that get taken by these scammers and the ones that know they overpaid but they wanted the item so badly they just had to have it regardless of a price.
Look, this was pretty fricking clearly a scam. But then does that really surprise anyone anymore? Haters gonna hate, scammers gonna scam (often stupidly) and tomorrow the sun will rise. Big surprise, I'm sure.
What I don't get is people defending this dickhead. What in the world compels you to defend some random nameless scammer. So what if he's a scamming dickhead dipshit arselicker? It's not like he's unique, the world is full of people just like him, and, yes, it would be a better place if they all dropped dead, but why sweat it?
To play devils advocate to myself though, it's not like this was an evil genius mastermind. Anyone who has 100 ectos and somehow gets suckered into paying 100 ectos for 2 charr bags needs to get off the internet for their own protection because that's not likely to be the worst they get burned for very long...
Caveat emptor.
What I don't get is people defending this dickhead. What in the world compels you to defend some random nameless scammer. So what if he's a scamming dickhead dipshit arselicker? It's not like he's unique, the world is full of people just like him, and, yes, it would be a better place if they all dropped dead, but why sweat it?
To play devils advocate to myself though, it's not like this was an evil genius mastermind. Anyone who has 100 ectos and somehow gets suckered into paying 100 ectos for 2 charr bags needs to get off the internet for their own protection because that's not likely to be the worst they get burned for very long...
Caveat emptor.
Look, this was pretty fricking clearly a scam. But then does that really surprise anyone anymore? Haters gonna hate, scammers gonna scam (often stupidly) and tomorrow the sun will rise. Big surprise, I'm sure.
What I don't get is people defending this dickhead. What in the world compels you to defend some random nameless scammer. So what if he's a scamming dickhead dipshit arselicker? It's not like he's unique, the world is full of people just like him, and, yes, it would be a better place if they all dropped dead, but why sweat it? To play devils advocate to myself though, it's not like this was an evil genius mastermind. Anyone who has 100 ectos and somehow gets suckered into paying 100 ectos for 2 charr bags needs to get off the internet for their own protection because that's not likely to be the worst they get burned for very long... Caveat emptor. |
Fay Vert
Wow... Just wow. Analyse your second paragraph for a moment; he is a nameless "scammer" (or so he has been labelled) then you say it was stupidity, as in, not knowing the price himself. I defended, not this guy, but the whole aspect of what people call a scam. It's ludicrous really and your whole post is flaming mad. When trading, you use common sense. It's not like there are any massive gold sinks in the game anyway, so spending a few extra k doesn't matter much. In fact, I was the one already playing devil's advocate before you raged at me so your post makes 0 sense!
Amazingly, if they did that in real life, you'd see that there are regulations against it. Because real life has to take these things seriously, and has developed the tools to deal with them.
All of this is of course completely unrelated to the tone of any posts here. That's a separate issue.
Omar Charrbane
Look, this was pretty fricking clearly a scam. But then does that really surprise anyone anymore? Haters gonna hate, scammers gonna scam (often stupidly) and tomorrow the sun will rise. Big surprise, I'm sure.
What I don't get is people defending this dickhead. What in the world compels you to defend some random nameless scammer. So what if he's a scamming dickhead dipshit arselicker? It's not like he's unique, the world is full of people just like him, and, yes, it would be a better place if they all dropped dead, but why sweat it? To play devils advocate to myself though, it's not like this was an evil genius mastermind. Anyone who has 100 ectos and somehow gets suckered into paying 100 ectos for 2 charr bags needs to get off the internet for their own protection because that's not likely to be the worst they get burned for very long... Caveat emptor. |
Talk about the stupidest thing you have heard!!!!!!! When someone describes one of the eweakest aspects of this game as great, now that is really stupid. Trading in this game is best described as "possible".
HigherMinion <-Common sense nice kinda guy
If someone walks up to you in the street and offers to sell you Enchanted Rocks of Power for $50 ( and you look at them and you're pretty sure they're just rocks) and you buy them, you didn't get scammed! You are a Red Gored Engine Idiot!
Okay I can't let it go; please explain what makes you think the trade system is garbage? Because the way I see it, person 1 asks for a price, and person 2 can TOTALLY CANCEL TRADE AT ANY TIME.
Red Gored Engines all over the tracks mothers! CHOO-CHOOO!
Oh shit son! Can you see all the James's on the tracks???!! Woooooo-wooooooo!
All aboard!
Wow... Just wow. Analyse your second paragraph for a moment; he is a nameless "scammer" (or so he has been labelled) then you say it was stupidity, as in, not knowing the price himself.
I defended, not this guy, but the whole aspect of what people call a scam. It's ludicrous really and your whole post is flaming mad. When trading, you use common sense. It's not like there are any massive gold sinks in the game anyway, so spending a few extra k doesn't matter much. In fact, I was the one already playing devil's advocate before you raged at me so your post makes 0 sense!
Uh, no, stupid as in a really dumb scam... I mean, really, anyone who falls for it kinda deserves to be taken, which is why I was playing devils advocate to myself. Just because it's a retarded scam, doesn't mean it's not a scam. People buy drugs from Mexican "pharmacies" everyday.
100 ecto for 2 charr bags.... That's not power trading, that's straight up hoping to hook a dumb fish. |
Omar Charrbane
A scam is when you are unwittingly coerced into losing something over nothing. You getting a shitty bargain is just poor shopping.
"What the Fudge Best Buy?!!! You sold me an iPod Touch for 259 dollars when REALLY it's worth $98 because all it is is crappy Foxxconn parts and plastic. YOU SCAMMED ME!"
A scam is when you are unwittingly coerced into losing something over nothing. You getting a shitty bargain is just poor shopping.
"What the Fudge Best Buy?!!! You sold me an iPod Touch for 259 dollars when REALLY it's worth $98 because all it is is crappy Foxxconn parts and plastic. YOU SCAMMED ME!"
Read this.
Confidence Trick
If it falls under anything mentioned on that wiki page its considered a scam. Please get your facts strait.
Confidence Trick
If it falls under anything mentioned on that wiki page its considered a scam. Please get your facts strait.
We've had this discussion before. Regardless of whether or not this fits under the definition of "scam," it is absolutely and for sure NOT FUNNY, so it doesn't belong in this thread.
Horus Moonlight
Just because you two choose to accept only 1 subcategory of scams and disregard all others doesn't make your point right. Oh wait. It actually makes it totally wrong. Fancy that.
This isn't even getting into Omar Charrbane's inability to differentiate manufacturer's cost and MSRP.
Thank god/Xenu/Nyarlathotep there is someone who actually gets it.
Aside from the fact that comical value is totally subjective? If we followed your rationale this whole thread would have to be deleted.
This isn't even getting into Omar Charrbane's inability to differentiate manufacturer's cost and MSRP.
Read this.
Confidence Trick If it falls under anything mentioned on that wiki page its considered a scam. Please get your facts strait. |
Aside from the fact that comical value is totally subjective? If we followed your rationale this whole thread would have to be deleted.
A scam is buying/selling something for nothing, or visa versa. If you want something and you have the money to pay for it, why not get it? I feel like I'm talking to a child. Okay... [patronising voice] If I see you are looking to buy a q8 tactics celestial shield with x mods and I have it and can prove it's everything you ever wanted, then I asked for a really high price, that is not a scam. [/patronising voice] Do you see? I think I can tell why you're confused; people in real life (apparently) exclaim that certain items are a "rip-off", "con" or, wait for it, "SCAM". This is where you got your idea of scam from. It's wrong.
The dictionary definition of scam is
1) a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit; swindle.
Oh, and I feel like I'm talking to an idiot. Primarily because it is evident that I am...
A scam is when you are unwittingly coerced into losing something over nothing. You getting a shitty bargain is just poor shopping. "What the Fudge Best Buy?!!! You sold me an iPod Touch for 259 dollars when REALLY it's worth $98 because all it is is crappy Foxxconn parts and plastic. YOU SCAMMED ME!" |
And to be clear here, the scam Apple are pulling has nothing to do with the price, it's the marketing BS that has somehow substituted the word Apple for "cool" and that they're pretty clearly trying to (and have largely succeeded at) get people to believe that owning an Apple product will make them "cool". The reality is that Apple does not make uncool people cool. Except, maybe, Steve Jobs.... because what isn't cool about making billions based on some BS marketing and a nice UI.
Omar Charrbane
Just because you two choose to accept only 1 subcategory of scams and disregard all others doesn't make your point right. Oh wait. It actually makes it totally wrong. Fancy that.
This isn't even getting into Omar Charrbane's inability to differentiate manufacturer's cost and MSRP. |
Let me ask you something, when you buy, say, bread from the black market, do you go by the suggested retail price or the manufacturer's cost?
Let me give you a hint; It's Red-Engine Thomas Gored NEITHER.
It's whatever the salesman asks you for it, and you can -GET THIS- accept it, or walk away.
Walk away.
Walk Away.
I find the reason this topic partcularly irritates me is because as someone who almost exclusively never uses the Trade feature, I don't know what market values are. When I first started playing the game a few years ago, I was in Pre=Searing and got a Salvage kit, and was all "swjksahgdsgh!!! IT"S GOLD!" and someone asked in allchat if anyone had one and trade was proposed, then I sold it to him for like 20K. He asked me how much I wanted, I was all "I dunno..." and he's all "is this ok (20k)" and I was all "Yessss!
Turns out that shit was only likr 5.5k, whatever, easy come easy go, when I merched black dye because I thought it dropped regularly like other dyes.
I was ignorant, and the person who lost 20k was also ignorant. That doesn't make me a scammer.
And if you go all "WELL NYAHH U SHUD GURU & WIKI & CSI & ARGOS & READ TRADE CHANNEL AS A PART TIME JOB". My answer is "Go to Hell" I'm here to play a videogame notwaste my time learning and actively studying(and keeping up to date with) a fictional fantasy world economy.
You guys might. I won't.
On a total sidenote, I have been recently in Ventari's alot looking at weapon/shield price ranges and the guys there are really helpful.
But I didn't even know about it until recently, and some people, like new players, will just honestly set prices at what they believe the item to be worth.
I too used to think that all Greens were RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing fantasic priceless treasures; Now I can't wait to merch that shit.
I don't care about the morality of it, but your aggression towards the "idiot scammer" is hilarious to me. Two oblivious parties trading with numbered plucked out of their arse isn't going to hurt. There's a choice and that makes it fine. Ha, calling me delusional when you are going by what a book tells you...
The issue is the straight man.
If it's just you rocking up to Spamadan and saying "hey, who wants to pay me 75k for a charr bag?" and someone that knows well enough to know what a charr bag is worth says "oh why the hell not" and buys it on impulse, then it's not scamming.
When you bring in someone else though that helps you and spams prices in tandem with yours for the express appearance of making your trade price seem fair and reasonable when it in fact is not, and someone buys the item based on this appearance of a bargain, that is when it becomes a scam.
If it's just you rocking up to Spamadan and saying "hey, who wants to pay me 75k for a charr bag?" and someone that knows well enough to know what a charr bag is worth says "oh why the hell not" and buys it on impulse, then it's not scamming.
When you bring in someone else though that helps you and spams prices in tandem with yours for the express appearance of making your trade price seem fair and reasonable when it in fact is not, and someone buys the item based on this appearance of a bargain, that is when it becomes a scam.
I don't care about the morality of it, but your aggression towards the "idiot scammer" is hilarious to me. Two oblivious parties trading with numbered plucked out of their arse isn't going to hurt. There's a choice and that makes it fine. Ha, calling me delusional when you are going by what a book tells you...
And you're right, if they were both oblivious, and more particularly if the seller was oblivious then there's no foul, a scam requires intent. But do you really think he was oblivious? Experience dealing with people tells me otherwise, as does his later badgering of the guy who called him on his bullshit.
And it was actually dictionary.com, though I don't need a dictionary definition because I have enough common sense to know a scam when I see it.
Remember when this thread was for things we found humorous and not for petty bickering over opinions?
Yeah....good times.
Yeah....good times.
Fay Vert
Despite the recent rubbish posting here, this thread is too good to die because of it.
A few years ago I was running presents for Scrappy Jhim at Wintersday. I was competing with a couple of people and using fruit cake for the speed boost. One guy started raging at me for cheating, threatening to report me. The cake is not for that aparently, it's for doing missions and I was abusing it.
Then he kept calling me a drug user and the police should be involved. I didn't care, I just kept on running presents and eating cake as he had given up trying.
A few years ago I was running presents for Scrappy Jhim at Wintersday. I was competing with a couple of people and using fruit cake for the speed boost. One guy started raging at me for cheating, threatening to report me. The cake is not for that aparently, it's for doing missions and I was abusing it.
Then he kept calling me a drug user and the police should be involved. I didn't care, I just kept on running presents and eating cake as he had given up trying.
lol, "drug user," that's hilarious. You can't even use town sweets in missions.
Gabriel of Ravn
Can't remember if it was in GW or somewhere else but someone said I play 9000 hours a year or so, all I said was there there isn't that many hours in a year. Think he left right after or just shut up even if you half that it's still about 12 hours and change per day.
Scar of the Lotus
while i was a healing rit in FA, one of the mesmers said
"Stop casting Resilient Weapon on me, i can't see my obby edge!"
"Stop casting Resilient Weapon on me, i can't see my obby edge!"
Mintha Syl
Hugh Jarse

JQ starts and because we didn't immediately capture yellow (4) rages and leaves.
We win. Alas he/she was "offline" so I couldn't share the result.
"Noobs" or leaving, take your pick for most stupid.
One day recently in Kamadan, someone put in local chat "WTT my 7 minis for your unded Kanaxai". Someone responded..."lol what 7 minis are you going to trade? 7 Polar Bears?"
Ascalon City: In local chat, a lvl 20 player asking a lvl 3 player for help.
WTS 1 Diamond...10K
Local chat: A person wanting a run to the appropriate outpost to obtain Luxon armor, because his friends told him they wanted him to prove he is Luxon by obtaining Luxon armor.
Raven's Point dungeon HM: The ele in the group refusing to ping her build. Her response was "You will see what I will do". I knew she wouldn't ping because she was running a Fire build, knowing that Destroyers are resistant to Fire damage. I knew she would be an epic fail, but just for laughs, I went along instead of looking for another PUG. Anyway, we all saw what she did...she was face down the entire dungeon
What's wrong with playing a nuker? This question during an argument in the Ring of Fire HM mission.
Comment from a Ritualist who was leading a PUG to myself, playing a Mesmer...why don't you go secondary Ritualist so you can "go Resto" and heal us? SOS is my elite so that means I can't bring any healing skills.
Comment to a Ritualist (Spirit Spammer) in a PUG when asked to ping his build...you don't have SOS or Summon Spirits? Response: No.
Someone in LA spamming that he was looking for a guild. His method for trying to sell himself? "I have Chaos Gloves".
PM to me: "I see you have GWAMM. Would you like to join my guild to make me look good?"
Ascalon City: In local chat, a lvl 20 player asking a lvl 3 player for help.
WTS 1 Diamond...10K
Local chat: A person wanting a run to the appropriate outpost to obtain Luxon armor, because his friends told him they wanted him to prove he is Luxon by obtaining Luxon armor.
Raven's Point dungeon HM: The ele in the group refusing to ping her build. Her response was "You will see what I will do". I knew she wouldn't ping because she was running a Fire build, knowing that Destroyers are resistant to Fire damage. I knew she would be an epic fail, but just for laughs, I went along instead of looking for another PUG. Anyway, we all saw what she did...she was face down the entire dungeon

What's wrong with playing a nuker? This question during an argument in the Ring of Fire HM mission.
Comment from a Ritualist who was leading a PUG to myself, playing a Mesmer...why don't you go secondary Ritualist so you can "go Resto" and heal us? SOS is my elite so that means I can't bring any healing skills.
Comment to a Ritualist (Spirit Spammer) in a PUG when asked to ping his build...you don't have SOS or Summon Spirits? Response: No.
Someone in LA spamming that he was looking for a guild. His method for trying to sell himself? "I have Chaos Gloves".
PM to me: "I see you have GWAMM. Would you like to join my guild to make me look good?"
Fay Vert
I was kicked from a ZB party just now after pinging my bar, as a monk, which are generally always in short supply, because I was running Renew Life.
It's the best res available, minus the obvious UA, but UA doesn't have a good enough positive for me to blow my elite on it. Four second cast, two with a 40/40 set (which I have), and is a LARGE party heal. The other healer can handle it while I res, and I'm smart about ressing anyway.
It's the best res available, minus the obvious UA, but UA doesn't have a good enough positive for me to blow my elite on it. Four second cast, two with a 40/40 set (which I have), and is a LARGE party heal. The other healer can handle it while I res, and I'm smart about ressing anyway.
ill sum up this little "talk" i had in ac with this allaince member. basically she was saying oh yes you could drop medals of honor in an explorable area. i was like no.then was i called all sorts of things like white ho (which is funny cause they dont know what race i am) and dumb.then they said it was glitch/bug and they did it twice. /facepalm
yeah if this really happened then wouldnt all of gw who did wik abuse this glitch/bug? wouldnt it be all over wiki and guru? xD got to love these kids that call you a idiot and other sort of things when you call them out on a lie. xD oh yes they also insulted my chars name when theirs is way more weird. lols
yeah if this really happened then wouldnt all of gw who did wik abuse this glitch/bug? wouldnt it be all over wiki and guru? xD got to love these kids that call you a idiot and other sort of things when you call them out on a lie. xD oh yes they also insulted my chars name when theirs is way more weird. lols
Covering the name.
But that guys deserved a triple facepalm.

Gives more armor and drops.
Go back to WoW or your pay to win game.
Also got a funny one: Those white mantle guys look like a colgate cavity patrol.
Got a scree if you want.
But that guys deserved a triple facepalm.

Gives more armor and drops.
Go back to WoW or your pay to win game.
Also got a funny one: Those white mantle guys look like a colgate cavity patrol.
Got a scree if you want.
Mintha Syl
Frangeo Munda
This could possibly be one of the stupidest things I've seen xD
(Pic with wtf date of join, since i don't wanna clutter up space) |
EDIT: This just happened:
Me: WTS silver zcoins@ 1.8k ea (x42) *Dude invites me* *Dude opens trade, offers 100k* *Me, being a nice person, asks:* Me: How many did you want? Him: 56? Me: I only have 42, sorry :/ *He cancels trade* *Few seconds elapse...* Him: I take all *He opens trade, offering 75k (Note the actual price is 42x1.8 = 75.6k)* Me: 75.6k I think Him: I've only 75k |
I've had similar things. I once had someone in one of my guilds who apparently joined back in like 1962 or something. I've heard the graphics for GW were slightly worse back then...
EDIT: This just happened: This is, mind you, after previously showing 100k in trade. Yeh, it's possible he traded away the 25k in the few seconds (like 5-10) between his first and second trade with me, but pretty unlikely. And yes, it's only 600g, but still... Derp? |
and again i come back from afk to seeing something stupid in ac. someone saying they do zaishen elite with heros..yeah when no one else can add heroes.and the fact anet stop it ages ago oo; then the person calls the others noobs and morons for saying she is lying..kids these days