Originally Posted by FoxBat
I really wish they gave us some kind of guidelines here. For example, all existing henchmen don't have secondaries, do have a self-heal and a rez (even the monks). Do we have to follow those? Do we have any idea if the henchies can have special equipment considerations, like stonefist on warriors, or maybe crippling daggers? Do we aim for making a well-rounded build that can fit in many places, or a narrow but powerful gimmick? And what exactly is the problem with heroes that henchies will fix, would Anet just reject tease mesmer for being "too annoying"?
20 winners strongly implies that there will be 10 per format. Which also implies every class will be covered. Having to submit just 3 per account kinda sucks, it's hard to decide whether to submit the more essential bars like smiters and tainted, or to take a stab at making the least useless warrior bar just for the prize. (Although W/P spear could be pretty good... but again that secondary thing.)
I agree completely with this post, as I was thinking more-or-less the same thing myself. I mean, for certain classes, there are pretty robust and fairly OP builds - but is that really desired, or is something more middle-of-the-road the goal? And as to secondaries, it seems going something like */Rt and using [flesh of my flesh] could be quite advantageous, yet perhaps not desired?!... Does the class determine the role - as in, support -vs- DPS (spike/maintained)?!... What happens if you have the typical build, where only 7 of the skills really matter, and the 8th is a floater. What do you do when you see the winner had the same build as yours, only differing in that insignificant slot (/cry!)?
I really don't see how they will be able to fairly judge the builds, either. It seems they'd be forced to take a sample of the submissions for further review, while simply discarding the vast majority... A bot_hench -vs- bot_hench ladder might be viable, but each build would be penalized or promoted by the other builds on the bot_hench team...
Also, this opens "unfavorable" advantages for winning the 20 EL tonics, to those owning 20-30+ accounts, giving an obvious edge over single account owners...