Confirmation that the Live Team is going after SF this year
here, I just read this tweet on the official Arenanet twitter account:
what do you guys think about that? I dunno, I think I'm happy, or maybe just happy it's official.
Inde Edit: "Shadowform allows solos to access Underworld, Fissure, etc much easier, but it is becoming more prevalent and may be issue. ~DC #GuildWars" (just an additional twitter I thought I would add to this thread)
what do you guys think about that? I dunno, I think I'm happy, or maybe just happy it's official.
Inde Edit: "Shadowform allows solos to access Underworld, Fissure, etc much easier, but it is becoming more prevalent and may be issue. ~DC #GuildWars" (just an additional twitter I thought I would add to this thread)
Sarevok Thordin
I really must book some time off to read the forums when it hits.
I really must book some time off to read the forums when it hits.
...this year. Hmm, few months left yet lol. Glad they ARE looking at it though, so it's another "use while you can" kinda thing.
Anyway, no doubt QQWars commence
Peeps have been under the impression (from ANet) that the areas were going to get looked at and not SF (since Linsey didn't want to spoil the enjoyment of "farming" etc etc etc)
Anyway, no doubt QQWars commence

Peeps have been under the impression (from ANet) that the areas were going to get looked at and not SF (since Linsey didn't want to spoil the enjoyment of "farming" etc etc etc)
epic lulz will be had. I can not wait.
good, no more use for assassins
Having tried perma SF on my assassin, I honestly cannot think of a more boring way to play the game. The skill collects dust.
So I can't be bothered to care either way.
So I can't be bothered to care either way.
As long as they admit in the developer updates for the change that they were completely retarded for ever introducing a skill like this, then I'll be happy. Otherwise, the damage is already done, who cares, dead game, insert snappy retort here, etc. etc.
Sarevok Thordin
I don't understand why everyone assumes the skill is going to be nerfed. Shadow Form could be a broader term meaning the areas it is capable of farming.
I hope the skill is removed, but I don't think that quote means the areas aren't going to be looked at.
I hope the skill is removed, but I don't think that quote means the areas aren't going to be looked at.
Black Metal
I guess they've made themselves out to be liars
it was supposedly fixed after the -damage nerf (then partial unnerf)
can we just settle on something anet?
it was supposedly fixed after the -damage nerf (then partial unnerf)
can we just settle on something anet?
By looking into it they mean
Deadly Paradox - 5energy cost
Shadow Form- No damage reduction
and might as well give us a shout with 0 energy cost and does 9999 dmg and every condition, and to balance it give it 5 sec recharge ty.
Deadly Paradox - 5energy cost
Shadow Form- No damage reduction
and might as well give us a shout with 0 energy cost and does 9999 dmg and every condition, and to balance it give it 5 sec recharge ty.
Any chance I could be added to that list?
I am sure there are way more important things to be looking at on the BIG THINGS LIST????
Make monsters carry Expunge Enchantments.
Kerwyn Nasilan
You are all misunderstanding this. By BIG THINGS, they mean new content where you can only use Shadowform, as well as the ability to upkeep it without other skills.
Shadow Form is a rather binary state. Either you are invincible 24/7 and can do amazing things, or you have some downtime and die all the time (in which case you take another type of tank instead). As far as feedback goes Anet can decide between two bad options as both sides of the argument consider themselves serious business.
Imo, it might boil down to disabling tank and spank for a year, while restoring Ursan as the dominant overpowered speed clearing "build of the month".
Or Arenanet removes all sorts of speed clearing options and risks loosing the farmgrinders for a while. Personally, I don't mind what the Live Team does as long as it results in people having fun. The problem being that a lot of people only have fun in high power areas where the only option for them to prevail consists of breaking the game with an overpowered skill.
Imo, it might boil down to disabling tank and spank for a year, while restoring Ursan as the dominant overpowered speed clearing "build of the month".
Or Arenanet removes all sorts of speed clearing options and risks loosing the farmgrinders for a while. Personally, I don't mind what the Live Team does as long as it results in people having fun. The problem being that a lot of people only have fun in high power areas where the only option for them to prevail consists of breaking the game with an overpowered skill.
This is wonderful news for all professions and PvE. Means people will actually create builds, try new things, and perhaps play together instead of paying for runs.
mastar of warrior
Right. so that would be the 153 375 744 456 time they nerf Shadow form?
For running between areas there is still warriors, rangers and dervishes.
Theres still Dungeons, And there will still be 600 monks.
And, they have always Changed it back.
This is wonderful news for all professions and PvE. Means people will actually create builds, try new things, and perhaps play together instead of paying for runs.
Theres still Dungeons, And there will still be 600 monks.
And, they have always Changed it back.
I personally consider it a combination of both, and the fact that a lot of the areas were made prior to some of these skills coming out, so they weren't balanced with those skills in mind.
Just to confirm - Shadow Form is on the Live Team's big list of things to do this year. ~DC #GuildWars |
maybe some balanced clear will be the next big thing....wait...what am I saying...that will never happen
There already was a balanced clear and people complained it relied too heavily on the holy trinity, enter Ursan. It seems there is a perpetually inflamed playerbase minority unhappy and in need of appeasement. I don't believe them for a minute that SF is spreading beyond dungeon or SC runs. If anything dungeons overlap existing 600/smite territory and I don't see anyone complaining about monks.
Gonna be an epic lulz day on the forums if it is nerfed.
Yay, uwsc is gonna be nerfed!
Just plz plz plz plz leave my 600smite alone
Just plz plz plz plz leave my 600smite alone

ele pl
OMFG, dont we have 3732732732732712881337 threads about SF already?
Still, imo they wont nerf it.
Still, imo they wont nerf it.
i like how they react accordingly to game related issues with the speed of...a legless sloth
keep in mind they didnt say they'd nerf or even change it. it could be something indirect. i still say they'll remove uw
keep in mind they didnt say they'd nerf or even change it. it could be something indirect. i still say they'll remove uw
Shadow Form. Just make it 25 energy, 1/4s, 90 recharge, last 5 seconds, merge PvE and PvP versions.
^ Don't forget doubling Divine Favor bonus from your Shadow Arts

well i pretty much got gwamm on my sin...may aswell get it on my monk and 600/smite everywhere...or 330 rit...or MB ele...or melandru ranger...or 55 necro or..............
Marty Silverblade
Don't particularly care. For farming purposes I think it's fine, apparently it's hard in some areas. Hate how it can completely reduce high end PvE to complete crap though; that needs to go. There are too many people in this game that think they've acheived some awesome feat when they actually did so by using stupid gimmick skills like this.
Don't particularly care. For farming purposes I think it's fine, apparently it's hard in some areas. Hate how it can completely reduce high end PvE to complete crap though; that needs to go. There are too many people in this game that think they've acheived some awesome feat when they actually did so by using stupid gimmick skills like this.
Long as they dont mess with my 600/smite build i'm happy. i just hope they dont give us anymore easy to run(as SF sin) UW bosses in zmissies. or else i wont be able to get it. And i also hope this wont mess with BU's since i just started to make my fortune with selling them.

Meh...too little too late. It has already been used to farm the game to shit. If I was Anet, I would have nerfed this thing within days of its invention. Actually, I would have never invented a skill that makes you invincibile.
I guess that has always been the main problem with Anet...making so much stupid crap and taking months or years to fix it.
I guess that has always been the main problem with Anet...making so much stupid crap and taking months or years to fix it.
Meh...too little too late. It has already been used to farm the game to shit. If I was Anet, I would have nerfed this thing within days of its invention. Actually, I would have never invented a skill that makes you invincibile.
I guess that has always been the main problem with Anet...making so much stupid crap and taking months or years to fix it. |
Believe it or not, there are alot of 'players' that started GW too late to gain the experiences many of the seasoned players have.
Most cannot adapt to the synergy involed in a team environment, and cannot function without the overpowered 'skills'.
Ursan is a perfect example.
Too many cried about 'Hard mode is too hard!'...anet thought that this blessing would help...they didn't realize that there are MANY that love to EXPLOIT broken game mechanics. and learn?
Regulus X
I wanna see the QQ's stream all across this forum, and watch all the pro farmers ragequit, leaving the poor, sorry sobs that qq'd here and wished death upon SF to boil in their solitude of heroes and henchmen as they solo-attempt high-end farming by themselves and rot in their FAIL as they realize this game's dead to begin with, and that wishing even more death isn't going to help any.
Don't particularly care. For farming purposes I think it's fine, apparently it's hard in some areas. Hate how it can completely reduce high end PvE to complete crap though; that needs to go. There are too many people in this game that think they've acheived some awesome feat when they actually did so by using stupid gimmick skills like this.
Most cannot adapt to the synergy involed in a team environment, and cannot function without the overpowered 'skills'.
Originally Posted by Trub
they [Anet] didn't realize that there are MANY that love to EXPLOIT broken game mechanics.