The Costume Brawl Thread
I enjoy playing monk this year. Build is cool and 'Healing Breeze' heals really good! Sins are not OP, lol. Even last year they had better build, now is mediocre IMO. Maybe becouse of that since event starting i have been playing only as a monk, so assassins can't hurt me. Just cast 'Smite Condition' when assa is using 'Palm Strike' and he is useless.
My highest win steak was 17, at start of event, but stupid update, which isn't even on wiki, destroy my great team. ;(
My highest win steak was 17, at start of event, but stupid update, which isn't even on wiki, destroy my great team. ;(
own age myname
Just tried the rit build. My new favorite build. The bar itself looks pretty bad, but it's pretty durable in a fight.
Just my average CB Match. The guy is replying to me trying to convey some form of tactics among my team.

Made Great Temple Of Balthazar stairs brighter.
Thanks for killing a 15 game win streak
Thanks for killing a 15 game win streak
I've gotten use to this year's monk build.
Still not last year's, though.
Still not last year's, though.
Eragon Zarroc
sin is ftw
i rhyme so well ;-)
i rhyme so well ;-)
I was just told that Luxons are pawning at JQ. I guess all the Kurzicks are at the Costume Brawl.
Shayne Hawke
Rangers suck, Assassins mean you die. Any questions?
Martin Alvito
Feathermoore Rep
LOL, I really hope you're trolling. God forbid that playing better than your opponents should matter.
Even if you don't want the points from capping (which you should), it's common sense to say "this shrine gives my team +120 health for when I fight. I like that." |
The rit and monk bars are definitely under-bar compare to sin's.
own age myname
Overall, good day of Costume Brawl, rit by far is my new favorite. Healing, damage, support. Awesome.
Hoping for some good brawling tomorrow.
Hoping for some good brawling tomorrow.
dr love
sins are decent, but caster spike is prettttttty amazing. 1v1 i'm sure some bars are better than others, but in an all out duke, the casters are pretty strong. i think mez wins the 1v1 trophy against anyone as long as its played right.
Louva A Deus
I disagree with the "capping is pretty useless" comments. I believe if you can get a team that can balance capping and defending, you will win. In most cases, this can be made possible with almost any team combination.
+240 health makes a difference
Louva A Deus
Another thing, Necro+Ranger spike=win.
So it seems districts are still separated, AKA synchland here we come.
Just go with a sin as a monk, as soon as they tele, start casting RoJ and they will KD, easy kill.
Shayne Hawke
Pretty much. Actually, I'd almost go as far to say that this year's sin is as about as good as last year's ranger, and vice versa for the other two builds.
Mesmers, Rits, Monks, and Warriors are also good this season.
Mesmers, Rits, Monks, and Warriors are also good this season.
Feathermoore Rep
What my point is, is that you can't win by capping. You win by kills. Yes, capping can give you bonuses. Battle cry is most useful followed by health shrine, and energy shrine is meh. Capping only serves to promote tactics. Split here, cap this one for health and gank out.
If you can't kill though, your going to lose. So regardless, capping is a moot point. It has its uses but i won't go out of my way to cap something.
In the end its build wars. But i suppose if you get shafted on teams then you can out manuever, cap and score a few kills to try n win.
So yes i exaggerated a bit.
And I have yet to see someone play the rit build right. Every rit i have played with doesn't spam nightmare on sins and warriors enough and spam clamor for the free aoe dmg (so long as they put a spirit up which they should have up). Nightmare alone is easy enough to keep sins alive. And in case they don't know how to use sig of malice, you can even remove blind as soon as its up with heal spell (assuming you have nightmare weapon on em). Overall the rit is underrated. To be honest though its bar is the most well rounded. With spirits kept up you will never run out of energy, and you should always be casting a spell. Nightmare weapon cast on recharge on melee classes, even resilient cast on hexed and pressured targets, and spamming clamor and dmg while other skills recharge.
The only problem is lack of 1v1 defence. But if your sin recognizes the pressure, they simply just play linebacker and problem is solved.
The only three classes i truly want on my team are Sins and Rts and Mesmers. A monk is acceptable to replace a Rt.
All other classes are truly sub-par. I know yall are going to say the Ele is solid, but to be honest, they get ganked out by sins too easily. Just sig of malice the blind spam and chain and repeat till its dead. They only reason to die versus more than one eles is they spike a single target. But even then you sac one person to kill them. Either way you still double up on points.
But hey part of build wars is people playing what they want. Just don't get on my team with a subpar class AND suck. I play to win. And with set builds its pretty obvious what the OP builds are.
EDIT - meh that turned into a rant on CB but oh well.
If you can't kill though, your going to lose. So regardless, capping is a moot point. It has its uses but i won't go out of my way to cap something.
In the end its build wars. But i suppose if you get shafted on teams then you can out manuever, cap and score a few kills to try n win.
So yes i exaggerated a bit.
And I have yet to see someone play the rit build right. Every rit i have played with doesn't spam nightmare on sins and warriors enough and spam clamor for the free aoe dmg (so long as they put a spirit up which they should have up). Nightmare alone is easy enough to keep sins alive. And in case they don't know how to use sig of malice, you can even remove blind as soon as its up with heal spell (assuming you have nightmare weapon on em). Overall the rit is underrated. To be honest though its bar is the most well rounded. With spirits kept up you will never run out of energy, and you should always be casting a spell. Nightmare weapon cast on recharge on melee classes, even resilient cast on hexed and pressured targets, and spamming clamor and dmg while other skills recharge.
The only problem is lack of 1v1 defence. But if your sin recognizes the pressure, they simply just play linebacker and problem is solved.
The only three classes i truly want on my team are Sins and Rts and Mesmers. A monk is acceptable to replace a Rt.
All other classes are truly sub-par. I know yall are going to say the Ele is solid, but to be honest, they get ganked out by sins too easily. Just sig of malice the blind spam and chain and repeat till its dead. They only reason to die versus more than one eles is they spike a single target. But even then you sac one person to kill them. Either way you still double up on points.
But hey part of build wars is people playing what they want. Just don't get on my team with a subpar class AND suck. I play to win. And with set builds its pretty obvious what the OP builds are.
EDIT - meh that turned into a rant on CB but oh well.
Scythe O F Glory
do runes/insignias work in cb? im talking like brawlers insignia and such.... my zealous items worked.
Shayne Hawke
Shayne Hawke
As always happens in this... its fun for a while, and then noobs start giving terrible advice and tick me off with terrible arguments.
Like "don't split up, every team that has split up I've lost with" on the Asura map. Idiots.
Like "don't split up, every team that has split up I've lost with" on the Asura map. Idiots.
Won 3 with my warrior, lost with my sin and mesmer (some me, mostly my team) and then won 10 before Anet shut us down with a ranger. Had 2 sins and a paragon on my team and a warrior.
Funny thing, Rangers can last long enough to kill usually, but it mostly depends on player skill I suppose. I did some good and some bad.
Funny thing, Rangers can last long enough to kill usually, but it mostly depends on player skill I suppose. I did some good and some bad.
Mr. Undisclosed
You're bad.
With a coordinated team you could just cap around the opposing side and win by morale alone. It really depends on the other team, if its a kind of weak pug then you could probably make some kills.
With a coordinated team you could just cap around the opposing side and win by morale alone. It really depends on the other team, if its a kind of weak pug then you could probably make some kills.
Rhamia Darigaz
i can't decide which is worse: the warrior who doesn't realize most people are too oblivious to the concept of kiting to get hit by bull's if they aren't already moving, or the player who isn't already kiting when the warrior runs at him. :/
Use your brain with ranger bar. Yes the elite and lack of d shot is bad, but the character certainly isn't. You are the only person with a speed boost, therefore the fastest cappers, you have a ranged snare to impede cappers on their team and you have a block stance which is a major annoyance to all the melees.
As for capping, it most certainly is how you win unless you're playing terribles. As was said above its pretty much the *only* way to win unless your enemy is bad. Kills should be very sparse if the game is played properly, which it isn't.
As for capping, it most certainly is how you win unless you're playing terribles. As was said above its pretty much the *only* way to win unless your enemy is bad. Kills should be very sparse if the game is played properly, which it isn't.
dr love
yea ranger's cripple and poison is pretty beast. mesmer pretty much scares anything away. monk's healing is beast. rts can be almost ignored. wars are solid tankers. eles got a decent support build. paras???? dervs do some decent dmg.
so just don't do rt or para imo.
so just don't do rt or para imo.
Feathermoore Rep
You're bad.
With a coordinated team you could just cap around the opposing side and win by morale alone. It really depends on the other team, if its a kind of weak pug then you could probably make some kills. |
Every single map is small enough that its simple to force the opponent into a corner and have to fight. Rangers with pin down even for a very subpar build. Eles with hex snare. Sins with PS. Warriors with Bulls. Mesmers with E Burden. I mean snares are easy to come by. Even if somehow you can't snare them just split around then and force them together and fight 5v5. If they choose to run you stay and win the 4v5 or 3v5, because they won't all retreat.
CB is aptly named BRAWL for a reason. You fight, you win. You kill, you win. You try to just cap, odds are you'll get build wars'd and lose.
Run Sins. Run Mesmer. And pray you don't get a team that sucks. If you have to rely on splits and capping to win your games, your team build either sucks or your bad at this game.
@howlinghobo: lawl. Kills are 1 point. Sins are OP. Morale is slow. Hmmmmm how do i win this game again???
Every time you load in, the first look shoud be at the party window. What professions are on my team? Then assume they can mash their face on the keyboard and c-space. If its K-Shore just rush middle. Else split 3-2 and evaluate the other team. If the build wars is in your favor, fight, win, regroup, and proceed to roll the other team. If build wars is not in your favor, you can retreat run, and try and split until it is in your favor. Once it is, kill, get the advantage, and wipe the rest of the team. Repeat until win. If you lose, its because someone was unable to successful roll their face on their keyboard and kill something.
Yes i just simplified the entirety of CB into that one paragraph. BECAUSE IT CAN BE. You kill something you have automatic advantage. You kill again you have even more advantage next thing you know you're winning 5-1.
Capping is ONLY advantageous if you going to lose build wars 5 on 5. In the end, YOU STILL HAVE TO KILL. If not you're going to be killed. And guess what then your at the disadvantage.
So yea call me bad. My six 10+ win streaks (high of 22 - someone left and we got a really terribaed player), many of which i've led tactics for and won multiple comeback games, begs to differ.
Now thats to say i'm not going to sit at a shrine and cap it. I'll cap it if i feel its advantageous to the team or myself. However it comes secondary to splitting and forcing favorable matchups. Say 3 split to battlecry on Pikkup or Rapids. They send two and they retreat. I'm going to stay and cap battlecry because then i have speed to catch the 2 retreating. At the same time, (hopefully) my other two players recognize they are outnumbered, fall back on to the other two players and force them into a 5v2. The other 3 will surely follow, behind but it should be too late, and then it'll be a 5v3. Possibly lose a player or tow, if a sin doesn't lineback or if Ele spike out a target, or general lack of heal support. But in the end your up 5-1 or 5-2. And you can force the game in your favor. Whether its resplit or force a fight.
I said it before, I'll say it again. Capping only promotes better tactical play and character bonuses. You do not win by out capping. You win by out manuevering and killing your opponents. You don't kill, you don't win.
I played ele for about 15 matches, and I found the only thing that could touch me was a mesmer. All the melee are shutdown with blinding flash and the other casters don't do dmg that can't be outhealed by aura of restoration. Energy is infinite with dual attunement + aor. Derv can't remove blind, Paragon can remove it just to be reapplied instantly due to 4s recharge of blindflash, Warrior can't remove it, Ranger same as Paragon, Sin could theoretically use PS + Signet of Malice and then KD chain, but that fails almost always.
I lol'd because it's so true. I tried playing on my monk but it felt like a bad joke and assassins just steam rolled right over me. The last fight I got into was entirely made up of assassins and me, the lone ele. I just think mesmers and sins are pretty over powered.
So yea call me bad. My six 10+ win streaks (high of 22 - someone left and we got a really terribaed player), many of which i've led tactics for and won multiple comeback games, begs to differ. |

Use your brain with ranger bar. Yes the elite and lack of d shot is bad, but the character certainly isn't. You are the only person with a speed boost, therefore the fastest cappers, you have a ranged snare to impede cappers on their team and you have a block stance which is a major annoyance to all the melees.
If only elementalists could use fire magic, not air :/ That would be a lot easier.