The Costume Brawl Thread
What is up with the warriors? I know it's been repeated several times in this thread but its just insane how many use Crushing Blow without a KD. I mean the skills are literally 1 - 2 - 3. I don't get how you can be just that bad at the game, even the RA folk know how to 1 -2 a hammer.
Martin Alvito
Two probable issues:
1) If you were good and you wanted to play melee, you'd be on a Sin. Therefore, people playing Warrior are terrible.
2) It's the class that's being botted.
1) If you were good and you wanted to play melee, you'd be on a Sin. Therefore, people playing Warrior are terrible.
2) It's the class that's being botted.
Hooded Doom
absolutely, sins are this shizz and warriors are (n) by comparison
absolutely, sins are this shizz and warriors are (n) by comparison
Warriors are at least equal with sins, contrary to the nabs getting owned by sins opinions.
What is up with the warriors? I know it's been repeated several times in this thread but its just insane how many use Crushing Blow without a KD. I mean the skills are literally 1 - 2 - 3. I don't get how you can be just that bad at the game, even the RA folk know how to 1 -2 a hammer.
Mr. Undisclosed
Mr. Undisclosed
Perfected Shadow
Originally Posted by Feathermoore Rep
...piercing shields. Do it now.
CB is always fun, except when you go up against syncers who are probably laughing their asses off in vent @ anet's failure to fix syncing.
~ Dan ~
This arena is full of amazing. Some of my favorite tactics are as follows;
-Necros who randomly sac health without sending any conditions.
-Warriors as mentioned earlier.
-Sins who still roll face through their entire chain after getting PS Teased.
-Ele's happyspamming blind all over casters. (AoR heal is only a valid excuse if you're about to die)
-Mesmers happyspamming Tease, PDrain, Clumsiness.
I think I've only seen one sin who didn't utterly fail with signet of malice also.
Not sure I like how insanely important the Battlecry shrine is, and the three shrine map is badly designed.
Very strong streak with A/A/Me/Mo/Rt earlier. Broke by a sync.
-Necros who randomly sac health without sending any conditions.
-Warriors as mentioned earlier.
-Sins who still roll face through their entire chain after getting PS Teased.
-Ele's happyspamming blind all over casters. (AoR heal is only a valid excuse if you're about to die)
-Mesmers happyspamming Tease, PDrain, Clumsiness.
I think I've only seen one sin who didn't utterly fail with signet of malice also.
Not sure I like how insanely important the Battlecry shrine is, and the three shrine map is badly designed.
Very strong streak with A/A/Me/Mo/Rt earlier. Broke by a sync.
Sarevok Thordin
Snow Bunny
The battlecrey + morale shrines are about equal, whereas energy and health are non-issues.
If you can't cap with 600 health you're not going to cap with 720
If you can't cap with 600 health you're not going to cap with 720
Sarevok Thordin
It's even funnier when you see some smart alec assassin telling you you don't need the BC shrine despite the fact they cannot seem to catch fleeing Eles....
The Black Mumba
Don't forget the "Brawn over Brains" inscription instead of "Strength and Honor", and the armor mod instead of the +30hp for melee/ranged weapons.
I'd place battlecry on the top of that pyramid, definitely. It makes you invulnerable against warriors and assassins, it lets you break away from engagements that obviously aren't going well, it gives you better mobility to cap other various shrines, and it helps you chase down fleeing targets. The +1 morale, IAS, and recharge buff are icing on the cake. I simply don't see an extra +1 morale being in the same league as such a powerful effect, though it is still a much stronger shrine than health/energy.
Sins do seem powerful, but it also seems like there's a lot to counter them with the other classes. The builds seem much more anti-melee this year. I haven't found sins to be a trump card of any kind.
Oh right, and if you aren't going in with all +physical armor and 20% condition reduction runes and piercing shields. Do it now.
Also +physical armor doesn't apply to Monks right, since they don't have that Attribute Bonus?
Edit: I haven't been playing for a long while and usually come in every event or so. I don't understand after ALL these updates they've had, why PVP still doesn't have built in voice chat. Sometimes you need to say a lot to PVE'ers in CB in a relatively short amount, like quick tips that might save the team.
Do they have an official response concerning in-game voice chat?
I'd place battlecry on the top of that pyramid, definitely. It makes you invulnerable against warriors and assassins, it lets you break away from engagements that obviously aren't going well, it gives you better mobility to cap other various shrines, and it helps you chase down fleeing targets. The +1 morale, IAS, and recharge buff are icing on the cake. I simply don't see an extra +1 morale being in the same league as such a powerful effect, though it is still a much stronger shrine than health/energy.
~ Dan ~
Some freakish retards will BERATE you for trying to cap that shrine....followed by colourful language.
It amazes me.
Feathermoore Rep
@DivinePimp: Monks should probably be running all Disciples Insignias + the 4 condition redux runes. The last rune doesn't matter, nothing left good to put there. Then you should have a Piercing Sheild and a Lightning Shield with a 20/20 wand. Also a second weapon set with a 20/20 offhand.
You can run swift as the wind if you like. It will give you 40% redux on cripple duration. Which on the 4s duration of PS's cripple is 2.4 seconds. (think GW rounds down but not positive)
But personally I'd rather have the extra +25 armor from shield/insig combo.
And on the 3-shrine map, its always rush center, and hold. Well rushing BC first then center if you spawn that side is acceptable, but if you win the 5v5 fight it doesn't matter on that map. You can't out kite and cap on that map. The only possible way is to make it through their spawn portal to avoid being snared in the middle and ganked.
So essentially you can just sit on the center and win once you hold the advantage. Teams fall apart HARD on this map, when you kill a couple players each rez period. Cuz they generally wind up rushing back in to try n save their players, but its too late, So they all die. So instead of just going down 3 or 4 points they go down like 7-8.
You can run swift as the wind if you like. It will give you 40% redux on cripple duration. Which on the 4s duration of PS's cripple is 2.4 seconds. (think GW rounds down but not positive)
But personally I'd rather have the extra +25 armor from shield/insig combo.
And on the 3-shrine map, its always rush center, and hold. Well rushing BC first then center if you spawn that side is acceptable, but if you win the 5v5 fight it doesn't matter on that map. You can't out kite and cap on that map. The only possible way is to make it through their spawn portal to avoid being snared in the middle and ganked.
So essentially you can just sit on the center and win once you hold the advantage. Teams fall apart HARD on this map, when you kill a couple players each rez period. Cuz they generally wind up rushing back in to try n save their players, but its too late, So they all die. So instead of just going down 3 or 4 points they go down like 7-8.
@Feathermoore Rep: Thank you for the information, I'll put it to good use as well as all other info on this thread for a good monk.
Just hope I don't get all these inept random teammates you all keep talking about.
Edit: For the Disciples Insignia, will I really have that much conditions on CB to the point where I'll need four Disciples? Wouldn't it be safer to go with Stalwart? I don't know, as I don't have that much experience in CB.
Just hope I don't get all these inept random teammates you all keep talking about.
Edit: For the Disciples Insignia, will I really have that much conditions on CB to the point where I'll need four Disciples? Wouldn't it be safer to go with Stalwart? I don't know, as I don't have that much experience in CB.
your weapon sets tell me you aren't as good as you seem to think you are. that, or you shamelessly admit that the "decent" players carried you through that streak.
It's Costume Brawl, not Codex or any other PvP arena.
Feathermoore Rep
@DivinePimp: Yes Stalwart would be a safer option. Personally I'd probably go with Disciples just because if your facing a sin, warrior, ranger, or ele, your bound to have a condition on you if you being attacked.
Esp against a sin. So +20 vs sins and +10 versus other melee is still better than nothing. But if your going to be killed your going to have conditions on you. So i'd roll with Disciples.
Esp against a sin. So +20 vs sins and +10 versus other melee is still better than nothing. But if your going to be killed your going to have conditions on you. So i'd roll with Disciples.
I saw SuB out syncing and they whooped us. But I think they are better at DA then they are at CB.
Feathermoore Rep
Just go to asian district. 3-2-1 sync. Every time. Easy for 5 man to get in.
~ Dan ~
Synched a team of 5 today. 2 sins, 2 monks, 1 ele, rolled everything until a solid team on our 14th beat us 20-17. Great fun.
^ Truth
^ Truth
yeah, just sync and hope your teammates are better than you, that's how you win.
Mr. Undisclosed
@Feathermoore Rep: Thank you for the information, I'll put it to good use as well as all other info on this thread for a good monk.
Just hope I don't get all these inept random teammates you all keep talking about. Edit: For the Disciples Insignia, will I really have that much conditions on CB to the point where I'll need four Disciples? Wouldn't it be safer to go with Stalwart? I don't know, as I don't have that much experience in CB. |
Sarevok Thordin
Well I know where to go to harass syncers at least.
Perfected Shadow
Snow Bunny
Seems to me like having two health shrines against just battle-cry is better if you're splitting against a mob style team and end up getting in to a 5v5 with them. Too many people waste time going for morale shrines when the other team has two useful shrines (ie battlecry + 1 health or both health). I could be wrong, I'm sure people will let me know if I am.
I got yesterday 47 consec. I synced with my friend though. Anet hasn't really fixed the syncing problem because we succeeded to sync everytime we tried.
Anyway i was playing an ele, my friend was a mesmer and our team also had ranger, monk and assassin. Ranger and assassin were also syncing. We could easily defeat any team that came against us. All of us were above average player skill level and we won all 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or 5v5 matches. However we were defeated by not so good looking team.
I think that ele can easily solo many classes. Just blind vs. dervs, warrs, rangers and paras. Blind is good against assas too, but it needs some timing. Bad assas can be blinded anytime because they just use their chain anyway. Against good assas you need to use BF just after palm strike so they dont have time to cancel trampling. Good assas will just think that you are a noob ele who wont blind. This wont work if enemy team has BC-shrine because trampling comes out too fast.
In the 3-shrine map, I think best tactic is first to cap BC and energy shrine. Then regroup at the center and go 5v5 against other team. The battle should be easy because of the shrines u got. Usually the other team will just camp at the center shrine and wont be wise enough to go against one of the splits.
My friend also had fun time interrupting 3 palm strikes that were used against him with tease. Go go assassins!
Anyway i was playing an ele, my friend was a mesmer and our team also had ranger, monk and assassin. Ranger and assassin were also syncing. We could easily defeat any team that came against us. All of us were above average player skill level and we won all 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or 5v5 matches. However we were defeated by not so good looking team.
I think that ele can easily solo many classes. Just blind vs. dervs, warrs, rangers and paras. Blind is good against assas too, but it needs some timing. Bad assas can be blinded anytime because they just use their chain anyway. Against good assas you need to use BF just after palm strike so they dont have time to cancel trampling. Good assas will just think that you are a noob ele who wont blind. This wont work if enemy team has BC-shrine because trampling comes out too fast.
In the 3-shrine map, I think best tactic is first to cap BC and energy shrine. Then regroup at the center and go 5v5 against other team. The battle should be easy because of the shrines u got. Usually the other team will just camp at the center shrine and wont be wise enough to go against one of the splits.
My friend also had fun time interrupting 3 palm strikes that were used against him with tease. Go go assassins!
~ Dan ~