Last (?) Halloween Quest
Riot Narita
You got the quest on one character.
Rejoice! You didn't completely screw yourself.
So you don't get to repeat it on other characters. Big deal - it's not as if the quest rewards are mini Kanaxai's. Some gold, XP,and a scroll are hardly worth throwing your toys out of the pram... and if you wanted ToT bags you would have farmed a dozen stacks of them over Halloween, and repeated the 4th quest for several more stacks... making the 100 ToT bags from the 5th quest pretty insignificant.
The Steward himself said it when he gave you the last quest. Mad King has left for the year, Steward must follow him. A nano-second of thought at that time, and you might have concluded that: "since I don't know how long the Steward will remain, I'd better take the quest on every character I can".
Rejoice! You didn't completely screw yourself.
So you don't get to repeat it on other characters. Big deal - it's not as if the quest rewards are mini Kanaxai's. Some gold, XP,and a scroll are hardly worth throwing your toys out of the pram... and if you wanted ToT bags you would have farmed a dozen stacks of them over Halloween, and repeated the 4th quest for several more stacks... making the 100 ToT bags from the 5th quest pretty insignificant.
The Steward himself said it when he gave you the last quest. Mad King has left for the year, Steward must follow him. A nano-second of thought at that time, and you might have concluded that: "since I don't know how long the Steward will remain, I'd better take the quest on every character I can".
You got the quest on one character.
Rejoice! You didn't completely screw yourself. So you don't get to repeat it on other characters. Big deal - it's not as if the quest rewards are mini Kanaxai's. Some gold, XP,and a scroll are hardly worth throwing your toys out of the pram... and if you wanted ToT bags you would have farmed a dozen stacks of them over Halloween, and repeated the 4th quest for several more stacks... making the 100 ToT bags from the 5th quest pretty insignificant. The Steward himself said it when he gave you the last quest. Mad King has left for the year, Steward must follow him. A nano-second of thought at that time, and you might have concluded that: "since I don't know how long the Steward will remain, I'd better take the quest on every character I can". |
The Steward himself said it when he gave you the last quest. Mad King has left for the year, Steward must follow him. A nano-second of thought at that time, and you might have concluded that: "since I don't know how long the Steward will remain, I'd better take the quest on every character I can".
This is clearly a goof up.
Everyone who was aware of Halloween (and Halloween was announced in the login messages), should have been able to stumble across the Mad King's Steward, with the big exclamation mark over his head. And take quests accordingly.
I am displeased with the way Anet handled this, as I am now one of those who missed this apparently major new quest (and thus the new (?) content) just because I took a few days break right after the Halloween party..

I didn't notice the Regina comment for several days either. Lucky to get it on my characters... but why they've stopped using their brains and doing things civilly like using the announcement system to explain to people to get the quest... I just don't know. Maybe they need a vacation, or brain surgery.
Honestly people.
-It was in the quest dialog.
-It was on the official updates page.
-It was on the wiki.
-It was on the forum.
-I assume guilds other than mine posted it as an announcement as well.
Dhuum is most likely being implemented to counter uwsc, you will get to fight him (if you wish) without this quest. All that you will miss out on are the quest rewards, which you could earn faster by farming anyway.
-It was in the quest dialog.
-It was on the official updates page.
-It was on the wiki.
-It was on the forum.
-I assume guilds other than mine posted it as an announcement as well.
Dhuum is most likely being implemented to counter uwsc, you will get to fight him (if you wish) without this quest. All that you will miss out on are the quest rewards, which you could earn faster by farming anyway.
"* The Mad King's Steward will soon depart to serve his master, but he has one last word for all the brave souls willing to join the battle against Dhuum's minions."
That's not the same as saying "Take the quest now, because when the quest is actually doable, you won't be able to take it." Regina only posted that on a journal and as a single sentence on a forum, both things no player should expect to be the official news source. It would have taken all of 3 seconds to write in on the website and in-game. Oh well. As I said I luckily, finally noticed that... but I expect the amount of people who don't play the game anymore and figured why log-in to just get the quest a bunch of times, I'll do it when the quest actually works... is going to be large.
That's not the same as saying "Take the quest now, because when the quest is actually doable, you won't be able to take it." Regina only posted that on a journal and as a single sentence on a forum, both things no player should expect to be the official news source. It would have taken all of 3 seconds to write in on the website and in-game. Oh well. As I said I luckily, finally noticed that... but I expect the amount of people who don't play the game anymore and figured why log-in to just get the quest a bunch of times, I'll do it when the quest actually works... is going to be large.
Honestly people.
-It was in the quest dialog. -It was on the official updates page. -It was on the wiki. -It was on the forum. -I assume guilds other than mine posted it as an announcement as well. Dhuum is most likely being implemented to counter uwsc, you will get to fight him (if you wish) without this quest. All that you will miss out on are the quest rewards, which you could earn faster by farming anyway. |
"* The Mad King's Steward will soon depart to serve his master, but he has one last word for all the brave souls willing to join the battle against Dhuum's minions."
That's not the same as saying "Take the quest now, because when the quest is actually doable, you won't be able to take it." |
I expect the amount of people who don't play the game anymore and figured why log-in to just get the quest a bunch of times, I'll do it when the quest actually works... is going to be large. |
I just can’t comprehend how someone could not follow this thought process: “if this npc is offering a quest today and will be gone soon, I better get this quest now.” How do you expect to complete a quest on a character which doesn’t have it in their log? Honestly, If people didn’t care enough to actually log in and read the quest dialog (and comprehend it), then they shouldn’t care that much about the quest reward.
Also, has there ever been a single quest that has been put on the log-in screen? I don’t think there has been (at least I can’t remember one). Why would anyone expect to get news about this from there then?
You got the quest on one character.
Rejoice! You didn't completely screw yourself. So you don't get to repeat it on other characters. Big deal - it's not as if the quest rewards are mini Kanaxai's. Some gold, XP,and a scroll are hardly worth throwing your toys out of the pram... and if you wanted ToT bags you would have farmed a dozen stacks of them over Halloween, and repeated the 4th quest for several more stacks... making the 100 ToT bags from the 5th quest pretty insignificant. The Steward himself said it when he gave you the last quest. Mad King has left for the year, Steward must follow him. A nano-second of thought at that time, and you might have concluded that: "since I don't know how long the Steward will remain, I'd better take the quest on every character I can". |
I wonder why Anet doesn't use the Announce box on the log-in screen for this kind of information, instead of old warning for gold sellers etc..
I mean, how many people reads Regina's journal or extremely slow load Guru anyway? Very few. It's not like the content updates are overwhelming.. they could actually use this Announcement box once in a while to inform people what's going on in-game, not only weekend events, especially when it's about one of the only content updates this year.
I, together with some of you other, were clever enough to pick up quest on all chars before the stewards disappeared, but I'm sure many people missed it. They could have specified somewhere when he was gonna be removed and announced it on log-in screen at least a day or so in advance, especially since the stewards have been there a while now and kept appearing and disappearing.
3000 hp? Pfff... That would be lame...
Rotscale has like 20,000hp... Dhuum should have at least 50k hp
I mean, how many people reads Regina's journal or extremely slow load Guru anyway? Very few. It's not like the content updates are overwhelming.. they could actually use this Announcement box once in a while to inform people what's going on in-game, not only weekend events, especially when it's about one of the only content updates this year.
I, together with some of you other, were clever enough to pick up quest on all chars before the stewards disappeared, but I'm sure many people missed it. They could have specified somewhere when he was gonna be removed and announced it on log-in screen at least a day or so in advance, especially since the stewards have been there a while now and kept appearing and disappearing.
i hope the boss is a giant level: 38 with 3000 hp and infinite energy.. that way it will be almost impossible to solo and you will need to form a party of 12 which has never been in the game and would be very cool...
Rotscale has like 20,000hp... Dhuum should have at least 50k hp

Ghost Dog
I barely even play this game any more and I managed to get the quest.
Maybe people should read instead of CLICK CLICK CLICK LETS GO!
Maybe people should read instead of CLICK CLICK CLICK LETS GO!
Kerwyn Nasilan
Wow. Just wow.
I'm having a hard time trying to come up with words to express my disbelief here. I've witnessed some pretty stupid ass things in my lifetime, things that are beyond comprehension, and it never ceases to amaze me how a seemingly not-complex evolution becomes this abortionized mess, complete with football bats and flipper-armed flailing about and otherwise full speed ahead RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOery. For a "one time only" holiday quest to get delayed is one thing. To have the npc quest giver come and go and come and go and come and go is another. To have a warning on some wiki journal that only a smattering of people pay any attention to is another issue. The fact that the warning was some sort of incredulous quasi info stating "oh yeah, btw, yeahhh, that quest you were trying to knock out, yeahhh, that quest will available some time in the future (like the xth return) so... go ahead and take that quest now because, like, um, yeahhh, that npc has to go away and you won't be able to take the quest later... yeahhh". Because that makes complete sense, taking a quest days in advance because the npc is going to be removed from the game, for a (delayed) one-time quest that allegedly will become active some day, eventually... /double thumbs up /crackpipe Wow. |
Another Felldspar
If you didn't visit LA after the halloween finale, how would you have known a Steward was still there and already know that he offered a new quest and know that he would leave "shortly"?
This is clearly a goof up. |
In the meantime Regina's journal has said since Nov. 5 that The Mad King's Steward would be leaving. Soon. That could mean that he really is going to leave. Soon.
Clearly there is a goof-up involved for anyone who is now bitching that they didn't get the quest, or get it on as many characters as they would have liked. But the goof up is the player's, not A-Net's. A-net communicated the intent to remove the Steward perfectly well.
I don't know how much more clear Regina could have possibly been -- this is copied directly from her journal:
Originally Posted by Regina
The Mad King's Steward is offering a new quest today, but he will not remain in Lion's Arch and Kamadan for too long, so if you're willing to answer the call to arms against Dhuum, you will need to speak to him while he's there. After he's gone, you won't be able to accept that quest.
Please also note that the "waiting" referenced in the quest text is not a matter of hours, but days. |
Reading is FUNdamental.
own age myname
She not only clearly says that you can't get the quest once he's gone, but she also specifies that it will be only a matter of days, not hours, not weeks, not months, that he will be available. Reading is FUNdamental. |
This. Blaming anet because you can't be arsed to find information = fail. Claiming that they should have put it into the login box because you're too lazy to read websites/forums (though, clearly, you're reading NOW, so...) = fail.
This thread has spiraled into so much fail, that the only wise thing to do at this point is 'close thread' -_-
Fay Vert
I wonder how many casual players who log in once or twice a week completely missed this opportunity. Especially since they probably logged on more than normal for the haloween event anyway, which ended before this popped up.
As far as I know, this was not posted on any official notice, just forums and wiki chat, so yes, they could have done more here, there was no real atempt to let the player abse know of this.
As far as I know, this was not posted on any official notice, just forums and wiki chat, so yes, they could have done more here, there was no real atempt to let the player abse know of this.
Another Felldspar
I wonder how many casual players who log in once or twice a week completely missed this opportunity. Especially since they probably logged on more than normal for the haloween event anyway, which ended before this popped up.
As far as I know, this was not posted on any official notice, just forums and wiki chat, so yes, they could have done more here, there was no real atempt to let the player abse know of this. |
I don't understand why people believe that there should have been a log-in announcement for a quest that is only available in 2 of the 3 chapters. It doesn't make sense.
Quest has been available for about a week. If you log twice a week you should have been able to get it.
Neo Nugget
You don't get the point.
HOW MANY PEOPLE CHECK OUT REGINA'S JOURNAL? Oh wait, only the kiss asses and a few stray people checking for info. They could of just put it as an announcement. Problem solved. |
Halloween 2009 The Mad King's Steward will soon depart to serve his master, but he has one last word for all the brave souls willing to join the battle against Dhuum's minions. |
If people didn't see any of this information online, they could have also heard from it while in the game from players (all chat, guild chat, alliance chat).
Sir Cusfreak
Regina's journal wasn't the only place to find it out, even.
ol' "Mad King Stewart" himself said he'd be going away soon.
When they say "he has a final word" maybe you shud go takl 2 da guy
The login announcement has NEVER been used to explain the details of one quest. Why would they start that now? It's dumb. That isnt what login announcements are for. There is more to the game than PvE questing, especially a quest that isnt even available in all campaigns. PvP'ers or factions-only folk need to see this on the login why?
These are the same people that were in town asking "wen da mad king come?' how much lnger???" 'cause they dont bother to check - the same folk I personally had crowded around the reaper for, "Six minutes - you said it starts in six minutes like 40 mins ago" the day the waiting game opened.
Read up, chum. (p)s
ol' "Mad King Stewart" himself said he'd be going away soon.
When they say "he has a final word" maybe you shud go takl 2 da guy
The login announcement has NEVER been used to explain the details of one quest. Why would they start that now? It's dumb. That isnt what login announcements are for. There is more to the game than PvE questing, especially a quest that isnt even available in all campaigns. PvP'ers or factions-only folk need to see this on the login why?
These are the same people that were in town asking "wen da mad king come?' how much lnger???" 'cause they dont bother to check - the same folk I personally had crowded around the reaper for, "Six minutes - you said it starts in six minutes like 40 mins ago" the day the waiting game opened.
Read up, chum. (p)s
You don't get the point.
HOW MANY PEOPLE CHECK OUT REGINA'S JOURNAL? Oh wait, only the kiss asses and a few stray people checking for info. They could of just put it as an announcement. Problem solved. |
As for the idea of putting something on the log-in screen: Experience teaches that there are tons of people who can't be bothered to read the announcements. The evidence for this is the QQ that pops up here and in-game because "no one told me!" when it was right there on the log-in screen to look at.
But a bigger part of the problem is that there are a lot of people here that are opting to assume that announcements - where ever they appear - say what they want the announcement to say. It's a lot less work than actually applying reading comprehension skills to what they're reading, and then appying common sense to gain the most benefit from what is offered.
Yes, A-Net made mistakes with this quest chain, but most of the misery that people are experiencing over this thing is self-inflicted.
Maker of the fallen
lol I love how the people saying they had no clue about the quest, are well aware that he is gone already. Not to mention, they are complaining on one of the many places they could have found it. Ironic lolz
They told us, you didn't listen, don't blame them, 5k+100tot bags isn't worth the WaWaWa effort.
They told us, you didn't listen, don't blame them, 5k+100tot bags isn't worth the WaWaWa effort.
Fay Vert
Skyy High
I wonder how many casual players who log in once or twice a week completely missed this opportunity. Especially since they probably logged on more than normal for the haloween event anyway, which ended before this popped up.
As far as I know, this was not posted on any official notice, just forums and wiki chat, so yes, they could have done more here, there was no real atempt to let the player abse know of this. |
Oh, and anyone with their panties up in a bunch about this who's even a moderately regular poster on this or any other forum is a bloody moron. You knew about the quest, you know where to get information about the quest, and you surely should have known that the quest giver was leaving "soon". If that didn't scream "get this quest now" to you, you deserve to miss the quest.
"The official wiki is the primary source of information from the devs"
They've never used the wiki to explain how an event works or the requirements of taking a part in one. Understandably so, that would be pointless. They have a website which serves the purpose when they use the update notes properly, which they did before this. That they can't be arsed to do that right anymore speaks volumes for where GW1 is while they work on GW2.
They've never used the wiki to explain how an event works or the requirements of taking a part in one. Understandably so, that would be pointless. They have a website which serves the purpose when they use the update notes properly, which they did before this. That they can't be arsed to do that right anymore speaks volumes for where GW1 is while they work on GW2.
Fay Vert
How do they find out about stuff normally? If you don't care enough to take the 5 seconds to type /wiki after you see your game update to see if anything interesting changed (like, say, a quest NPC returned to town...), I don't see how you can blame ANet for not informing you about goings-on in GW. The official wiki is the primary source of information from the devs, and it's been that way for years now; it's time people got used to that. It's way easier to update a wiki page than it is the log-in announcements...not that people actually read the log-in announcements anyway.
Oh, and anyone with their panties up in a bunch about this who's even a moderately regular poster on this or any other forum is a bloody moron. You knew about the quest, you know where to get information about the quest, and you surely should have known that the quest giver was leaving "soon". If that didn't scream "get this quest now" to you, you deserve to miss the quest. |
Why is the community turning so damned selfish, why can't anyone think about anything but themselves for once? Why can't you get it that the VAST majority of players simply play the game and doesn't have time to follow the wiki/forums. How does a NORMAL player get to find out about this. This was a Haloween quest that didn't appear until after the event had ended and was then removed shortly afterwards.
Why can't you get this? Too damned selfish is why.
own age myname
News flash for you
I GOT THE QUEST, I AM ALRIGHT Why is the community turning so damned selfish, why can't anyone think about anything but themselves for once? Why can't you get it that the VAST majority of players simply play the game and doesn't have time to follow the wiki/forums. How does a NORMAL player get to find out about this. This was a Haloween quest that didn't appear until after the event had ended and was then removed shortly afterwards. Why can't you get this? Too damned selfish is why. |
1st fail:The Quest was supposed for halloween, not week after that.
2nd fail:No Literal mentioning that the npc will be removed, before we can do its should have be announced with the update.
3rd fail:Anet refuse to say they made a mistake and learn from it.
2nd fail:No Literal mentioning that the npc will be removed, before we can do its should have be announced with the update.
3rd fail:Anet refuse to say they made a mistake and learn from it.
Why is the community turning so damned selfish, why can't anyone think about anything but themselves for once? Why can't you get it that the VAST majority of players simply play the game and doesn't have time to follow the wiki/forums. How does a NORMAL player get to find out about this. This was a Haloween quest that didn't appear until after the event had ended and was then removed shortly afterwards.
Why can't you get this? Too damned selfish is why. |
Remember how, when they describe GW2, they said they wanted to introduce event system where new quests/challenges would suddenly happen in the world/instance? Remember how cool that sounded? This is it.
I have some sympathy for the casual gamer who missed this, but if they're really a casual gamer they won't care that much because, well, they aren't into the game to be more than casual. I have no sympathy for anyone on guru because they should know how to get information if they want it.
Anyone defending Anet's incredible lack of communication in this matter is pretty retarded. Even Blizzard is more open about their plans and mistakes than this, and that's saying a lot.
Remember how, when they describe GW2, they said they wanted to introduce event system where new quests/challenges would suddenly happen in the world/instance? Remember how cool that sounded? This is it.
Actually, that doesn't sound cool to me at all. As a "completist", I like doing absolutely everything, so this is a nightmare to me, and another reason why I am not buying the sequel.
But, continue to feel free to speak for me, 'cause obviously you know me so well.
Kurald Galain
Actually, that doesn't sound cool to me at all. As a "completist", I like doing absolutely everything, so this is a nightmare to me, and another reason why I am not buying the sequel.
But, continue to feel free to speak for me, 'cause obviously you know me so well. |
1st fail:The Quest was supposed for halloween, not week after that.
2nd fail:No Literal mentioning that the npc will be removed, before we can do its should have be announced with the update. |
3rd fail:Anet refuse to say they made a mistake and learn from it. |
Anyway, I can see I'm in the minority on this, so I'm done here, everybody enjoy your raging.
Gotta love how people devalue the threads into science court.
Res ipsa loquitur, is a valued form of evidence, "The thing speaks for itself."
If it looks like a Halloween quest, given as a Halloween quest, by a Halloween NPC, given as quest number 4 of a series of Halloween quests, it's probably a Halloween quest. This gives value to those upset that they cannot do the Halloween quest EVEN IF quest giver appeared after the end of Halloween.
On the face value of evidence, Reflect, has a valid point.
posted by zelgadissan Until source is given for "1st fail", I don't see how this was a mistake. |
If it looks like a Halloween quest, given as a Halloween quest, by a Halloween NPC, given as quest number 4 of a series of Halloween quests, it's probably a Halloween quest. This gives value to those upset that they cannot do the Halloween quest EVEN IF quest giver appeared after the end of Halloween.
On the face value of evidence, Reflect, has a valid point.
Given... after Halloween is already over.
And we have no proof that wasn't the plan all along.
And we have no proof that wasn't the plan all along.
i don't get it.... if Anet did mess up why don't they just quickly make a sloppy model for Dhuum, than edit the textures/models for any area.. and boom you have a shitty dhuum boss and quest.... literally if they just went with this way everyone would doubt they made a mistake..
Exactly. There are 2 options here.
1) This is not a mistake and was planned to be this way all along.
2) This was an error and was supposed to be done sooner.
Of course... if it was in error and option 2) they could have done 2 options
a) Done what they've done now to ensure the final quest is working properly and is really kickass
b) Done a rush job and released something nobody would have liked
1) This is not a mistake and was planned to be this way all along.
2) This was an error and was supposed to be done sooner.
Of course... if it was in error and option 2) they could have done 2 options
a) Done what they've done now to ensure the final quest is working properly and is really kickass
b) Done a rush job and released something nobody would have liked
Its not so much whether or not the quest should have been done sooner or not or w/e. It's the lack of communication. The fact that they do not open a direct dialogue with players via the website and state their intentions and goals clearly for all has long been a problem with Anet.
The problem is
1) they only let people know via an obscure wiki page relatively little of the playerbase visits to get this quest while you can
2) they did not give specific dates upon each quest would be available, the last quest is only a huge exaggeration of this problem
3) we really don't know if any of these changes will be permanent, if it will just be a boss/quest with no new rewards, etc... they could surprise us with new rewards but frankly id like a candid answer and not a carrot-on-a-stick.
The problem is
1) they only let people know via an obscure wiki page relatively little of the playerbase visits to get this quest while you can
2) they did not give specific dates upon each quest would be available, the last quest is only a huge exaggeration of this problem
3) we really don't know if any of these changes will be permanent, if it will just be a boss/quest with no new rewards, etc... they could surprise us with new rewards but frankly id like a candid answer and not a carrot-on-a-stick.