Originally Posted by Azure Requiem
Ectos are a crafting material for obsidian armor (most of which looks terrible anyway) and chaos gloves. It was not anet's design to make it a currency item, that came from playerbase and anet has no obligation to care about it's currency value. So yeah don't try to use it as your argument.
You're an idiot.
What ANet
intended is irrelevant. All that matters is the behavior that follows from ANet's design choices. Ectos and armbraces have value because they let players safely transact business on items worth over 100k without requiring an intermediary. Everyone can agree that they're useful (and will be tomorrow), they're plentiful and they stack.
The value of the currency doesn't matter. But the resulting prices derived from the currency do. Players that play the game convert their time into in-game cash. Some activities are more efficient at doing this than others.
When you have hyperinflation, this devalues time spent playing the game. When you devalue time spent playing the game, people quit playing. This is very basic microeconomics (marginal effects).
Someone like upier likes the current inflationary regime because it rewards him. He can't farm the game efficiently, because that requires skill. But if someone creates an easy, semi-efficient cut-and-paste wiki farm, he's better off because he saves time. However, since someone like upier is farming a specific goal, making his life easy just makes him quit playing sooner. Once he's got GWAMM, he's out of goals and he's gone.
In any event, easy farms SHOULD be inefficient. Bad players can graduate from easy farms by putting some effort into the game and sucking less. Remove the incentive to leave easy farms behind for more complex activities, and there are two bad consequences. First, people never improve at the game. Second, the grind necessary to buy really nice things becomes prohibitive, because any chimp can get currency in a hurry.
If you want to make everybody happy here, you make the items that upier wants (title track consumables) more readily available. ANet's actually done a very nice job of that this year with Nicholas. Prices on sugar, booze and party points are 25-50% lower than they were a year ago. But evidently this isn't enough for some people.
Originally Posted by Azure Requiem
So many whine that SF and other popular builds prevent them from grouping, I see many in this thread alone, so clearly there are enough like minded people to group with yet you don't. How come? Because it is easier to complain than to act? Because you don't really feel like dealing with afks, prick attitudes, dcing etc. Ponder on that fora bit.
Once again you display total ignorance of basic economics.
If SF makes it more costly for these people to group...that's an externality. You know what you have to do to fix an externality? Internalize it. You know how you do that? You need an external authority like a game developer (or a government) to make changes.
They have a collective action problem, because that form of play isn't the standard. You don't, because SF play is. They want the game designers to reverse that situation. They have every right to identify the cost that's being imposed on them, tell you about it, and request a design change to fix it.