I have a sin.
Gimmicky sins disgust me. I would never wish for my beloved ranger to be degraded to their level. This point is poorly thought out and self-contradictory so I'm going to save myself the trouble of providing a counterpoint. Most people aren't QQing, they're presenting logical arguments that people like you tune out by plugging your ears and screaming "QQQQQQQQ!" Also, I don't fall into categories a-d so you clearly missed something. Your poor punctuation, poor grammar, and use of words like "wut" and "peeps" do a fantastic job of masking your true intelligence. As for your point, using PvX wiki doesn't make you smart. |
the fact of the matter is that one build will arise which is superior to all others for completing the objectives in the fastest amount of time. this is an inherent fact with ANY area. and guess what? people who want the drops from the end chest don't want to spend hours getting 1 chest when they could get 2, 3, or even 4 chests in that same time by using a more efficient team build.
so who's the smart one? the one using the most currently efficient build (at the moment) and actually getting his end chest?
or the one crying he can't get in a group and not willing to change professions because he's too morally superior?
seriously, it's a game meant for enjoyment of playstyle. the way others play really has no bearing on how you should/do play.
and to those arguing that they want to "balance" pve. what does this even mean? it's not pvp where each team is on level ground and skill should be the determining factor. its 8 (or 12) players with varying levels of skill vs 100's of lvl 25-40 monsters with special skills. that's inherently not balanced.
oh but you argue that god mode isn't fair....
go tank in doa and tell me it's godmode. go into uw and solo the whole area and tell me you have godmode. SF isn't godmode (rending aura, sig of disenchant, conditions, aoe says hi) and those that argue it is either have no understanding of the skill and elite areas or are so biased against it they just cry foul for giggles.