Edit: You can always blank out the names if you want. I'm not using his full name anyways...
Originally Posted by Martin Alvito
I'd rather have balanced skills than a bot-free game, given the apparent track record of the bots.
@ Borat: Sorry, but you're just wrong about Snowball ATs. It really is tactics.
I'm pretty sure our guild was amongst the top. Are you hereby claiming your guild, once again, has such crazy tactics it can outplay top 20-50 GvG guilds, yet has no significant meaning in GvG?
And what are these magical tactics you speak off? Last time I checked, winning snowball arenas STILL only comes down to picking up the relic faster than your opponent. I mean, you can twist it, you can turn it, but at the end of the day, your guildies always outpicked up our guildies... We would have strategical snares, be spamming interrupts, would bodyblock, whereas sometimes your guild would have no notice of relics spawning.
Yet 2 of your guildies (Given ice fort) managed to "out-pick-up" 7 of our guildies. If you call that tactics, ok...
Your guild definatly wasn't bad, but it seems to be excempt from any form of limitations other guilds aren't... Having a guild beat another guild being grenth in Play-Off was close to never seen, your guild DESTROYED (10-2, 10-0, 10-4) WoTu, Vent rage, YMCA every time being grenth.
Claiming to be good is one thing, your guild was simply bending "the possible" in Guild Wars. And SOLELY because your guild always managed to pick up faster than any of the rest. I admit I used a pick-up bot myself once, to see wether or not your guildies could beat it, and they did. Yuris has no problem out-picking up MY bot. (It was a 50-50 scenario) Yet other players can MAYBE steal the relic from me 1 in every 15-20 tries. (You simply CAN'T compete with direct server pings, just like Yuris uses aswell)
And I'dd rather have NO PvP than PvP getting farmed by bots... The ONLY reason people aren't using those bots in mAt's, is for the obvious reason that it would be on observer, and would get massivly reported. This doesn't change the fact that the bot itself still means "autowin" for any decent team.
If 2 teams of equal skill (Like in most top 100 gvg's) fight, the one with the interrupt bot WILL win, unless they fubar... Being able to interrupt Infuse Health, WoH, Patient Spirit, Spirit Bond and RC is NOT something you can coop with. And there's also a difference with the old hero rupt bots and the actual "bot". Heroes would RANDOMLY get a spell, and could actually miss interrupts. Also getting interrupted on 1/4's was something that happened rarely, but it still did, and we've wiped because of that. (Infuse Health often is a LAST RESOURCE HEAL, if that gains interrupted, it usually means a death -90% of the time)
These bots can interrupt ANY spell, if they want. The more advanced bots, such as the one within my grasp, allows for ever more dynamic set-ups.
There's bots that calculate energy (They count every spell enemy monks use, aswell as regen/degen, and give a pretty accurate estimation of enemy monks energy), and will Pleak spells (1/4's if they have to) when the monk swapped to high energy set and/or is low on energy.
There's bots that U can set every skill U want interrupted on. You can litteraly just "check" on the skills you don't want going off: "Bsurge, RC, Guardian, WoH, Bflash, Blurred Vision", and the bot will get every single one of those, given he has interrupts recharged and people don't cast at the same time. (He's obviously still stuck to being able to cast 1 spell at a time)
Thinking of it now, it probably would even be that hard to program Tease/CoF on that bar, and make it interrupt multiple spells. (If 2 ppl cast a spell at the same time next to eachother, it'll rupt both of them with CoF/Tease)
My point is, the options with bots are endless, and not something "trivial" you can ignore, or overcome. We, neither me or Reverend or anyone for that matter, never claimed PvE'ers are going to win mAT'es with the aid of bots. Our claim is that bots give you such a significant advantage, they can pretty much guarantee you a win, if you play just as good, or only a bit worse than your opposing team.
It's the same in RBR. I'm CONVINCED that Yuris, yourself, and other guildies are GOOD at rollerbeetle racing. Because you need to be GOOD in order to make a GOOD bot (with good pathing), but they're still botting it nontheless.
Getting 480K scores is something that happens every now and then. A REAL human can't cut corners perfectly and/or time his speedboost perfectly every time, just as much as a human can't reliably interrupt 1/4s spells, yet the top 100 RBR scoretable is FILLED with guildies and friends of Yuris who seem to poop out these scores like there's no tomorrow.