Special Mystery Award
From the official site:
I'm betting its a costume of some sort this year...
I'm betting its a costume of some sort this year...
The Drunkard
Originally Posted by ;5042391
If that's not enough to entice you, don't forget that if the Celestial Tiger fully enjoys its meal, all those attending the feast receive two exciting treats: the explosively entertaining Crate of Fireworks, and a special mystery reward! We'd like to summon a description of this gift for you—but then it wouldn't be a mystery, would it?
Bob Slydell
go cubs
lol yeah, the fact that they used summon in there made me think that it would be a summoning stone but...they're trying to trick ya
Shayne Hawke
A costume, eh? I don't think that's likely. Pretty sure they are reserving those kinds of items for those who are willing to pay for them.
costume > hat > summoning stone
Honestly, could easily be a costume. I doubt it would be summoning stones.
Since they added costumes a new mode in the game.. they will add more.
Since they added costumes a new mode in the game.. they will add more.
Marty Silverblade
I'd be inclined to agree that it's a costume. With this 'Special Mystery Award' thing, they can make it so they only hand out a few (in comparison with the size of the community) so that they do keep some prestige (as opposed to hats which everyone gets).
Neo Nugget
I hope it's a costume as well. Isn't the hat for this festival the same every year?
They could be changing it up a bit this time around.
Also, I realize it will most likely be a summoning stone (*yawn*) as much as I'd like it to be otherwise.
They could be changing it up a bit this time around.
Also, I realize it will most likely be a summoning stone (*yawn*) as much as I'd like it to be otherwise.
Copenhagen Master
YAY and this is my year!!! YEAR OF THE TIGER!!!!!. They did say "We'd like to summon a description of this gift for you—but then it wouldn't be a mystery, would it?" I am focusing on the SUMMON part but then again ANET is know to do some off the wall stuff hehe
pumpkin pie
NOOOO and I will be away again .... I've never get to defeat nian .....
Shadowspawn X
Its a summoning stone. No doubt.
Holy cow, a tiger? I'm actually stoked about the pet this year.
i think it is a tiger emote like the one for rank9
In addition to the items mentioned above, players will receive a special reward just for attending the end of this year's festival in Shing Jea Monastery—a Celestial Tiger miniature! |
Trader of Secrets
"We'd like to summon a description of this gift for you—but then it wouldn't be a mystery, would it?"
take the hint, its a summoning stone.
take the hint, its a summoning stone.
dr love
Any news on the rewards for being selfish last year like the celestial rat event?
On the entire page, there is NO mention of the yearly Lion Mask.
So, either the "special mystery item" is the Lion Mask, or there is no Lion Mask this year...
And wow, we ALL get a mini celestial tiger just for attending? O_o I thought they didn't like the overflow of mini piggy's the first year...
So, either the "special mystery item" is the Lion Mask, or there is no Lion Mask this year...
And wow, we ALL get a mini celestial tiger just for attending? O_o I thought they didn't like the overflow of mini piggy's the first year...
They didn't screw this up!
(Although I am sad that the AFKing will only last for 3 days. Papa needs a LOT more points!

The Arching Healer
Will the Special Mystery Award be.... Guild Wars 2?
Everlasting Costume Summoning Stone, obviously.
The Everlasting Costume Summoning Stone can be double-clicked to summon a Random Costume that lasts for 30 minutes. It can be activated once every 30 minutes per character. This item has unlimited uses, can only be used by level 20 characters, and can only be used in town.
The Everlasting Costume Summoning Stone can be double-clicked to summon a Random Costume that lasts for 30 minutes. It can be activated once every 30 minutes per character. This item has unlimited uses, can only be used by level 20 characters, and can only be used in town.
I hope it won't be more stupid summoning stones...
award....hm....they fixed the xth????
nah that would be crazy.
I'm with the summoning stone crowd on this one....and we hope for a tiger mask to replace the lion mask this year.
nah that would be crazy.
I'm with the summoning stone crowd on this one....and we hope for a tiger mask to replace the lion mask this year.
Gun Pierson
As for the mystery thing...I hope it's a donkey that shits ectos.
I hope it wont be a summoning stone. It would be so useless...
As for the mystery thing...I hope it's a donkey that shits ectos.
On a srs note... they were "sly" enough to use "Summon".
It'll be some sort of stupid summoning stone that no one will ever care about or use.
So not complaining here, but is we get a mini from "just" attending the finale....
What special item can we get from the fortunes or is farming them useless(if you were going for the pet) this year?
Please inform us before we spend hours of our precious life farming the fortunes
What special item can we get from the fortunes or is farming them useless(if you were going for the pet) this year?
Please inform us before we spend hours of our precious life farming the fortunes

snowman relic
my guess is a tiger summoning stone they used the word "summon" (if that is how its spelt) on their and that seems to be a clue going to be a bummer if anet is moving out of hats i liked them
pumpkin pie
A Canthan New Year sometime end of April/March please??????
A sneak peak (first chapter) of "The fall of Ascalon" as in-game book.

So wait, everyone gets a tiger this year? I think that's pretty cool as a reward and makes it a little different from just doing the same old hat again, but I went to all the effort of saving up tokens last year because of how badly I wanted a tiger! No more special reward from those then? Seems odd after they seemed to consider the pig a mistake, and went to lengths to increase its rarity.
The mystery award has definitely peaked my interest.. I've never found the summoning stones particularly interesting so I'd really hope this is some kind of new costume. Would make sense as they were only just added, and I'd really love to see some new ones, especially ones that would be based on Chinese (Canthan :P) New Year.
Much better incentive to complete those dishes than the crate of fireworks regardless.
The mystery award has definitely peaked my interest.. I've never found the summoning stones particularly interesting so I'd really hope this is some kind of new costume. Would make sense as they were only just added, and I'd really love to see some new ones, especially ones that would be based on Chinese (Canthan :P) New Year.
Much better incentive to complete those dishes than the crate of fireworks regardless.
dr love
it will be a canthan new year redux summoning stone. you use it and you get to re-experience the entire weekend with your party.
Hmm Aion is double exp that weekend..
Btw... the reward will be a clothing outfit.
Btw... the reward will be a clothing outfit.
I hope it won't really be a summoning stone... Though as long as i get a celestial tiger mini i am happy

pumpkin pie
Cale Roughstar
Fingers crossed for the costume. A summoning stone would be absolutely worthless.