Special Mystery Award
Maybe the Mystery item will be our almost 3 month late PvE skills balance update...
Shake N Bake
Special Mystery Reward: For 24 hours Kun Shao returns from vacation to distribute May Tournament Reward Points. Initial 23 hours 57 minutes Guild Wars will be down for maintenance.
Special Mystery Reward: Wintersday Redux 3.
Special Mystery Reward: Wintersday Redux 3.
I like how they ninja reworded their website from for just attending the event you get a mini tiger to... they only come from lunar fortunes
Its going to be a Celestial summoning stone, or it will be something very disappointing. I do not expect anything special from Anet.
I bet it's just a different kind of fireworks.
Karate Jesus
costume that costs no money is fine by me, though i'd rather have an EL celestial tiger tonic or something
but when would that happen

Maybe the Mystery item will be our almost 3 month late PvE skills balance update...
As far as the mystery item, from the use of their wording and what was found in the dat, its fairly obvious its a celestial summoning stone.
Dark Saviour
With how many of the bloody stones Nic likes to push on me, unless the celestials have some type of crazy abilities this... doesn't really feel much like an "award"... :-(
A one time Celestial Summoning Stone would be suckage, because we are swamped in those stones by Nicholas and elite area endchests. Fun for a day, but after that... in any case not 'special'.
An Everlasting one for lvl 20- would be suckage too because I already own one.
An Everlasting one for lvl 20+ would mean you'd be able to make a party of 9 without ever needing to buy/make another stone. And if these Celestials are indeed in possession of some crazy abilities, a solo farmer or speedclearer wet dream coming true.
Anet, surprise me.
An Everlasting one for lvl 20- would be suckage too because I already own one.
An Everlasting one for lvl 20+ would mean you'd be able to make a party of 9 without ever needing to buy/make another stone. And if these Celestials are indeed in possession of some crazy abilities, a solo farmer or speedclearer wet dream coming true.
Anet, surprise me.
the celestial summoning in that end of factions mission where they turn into like 10 flesh golems or something. that would be a sick summoning stone, just to become a MM for 10seconds. or they could just finally make a Ritualist Of God minipet like they have been developing for years.
Lord Dagon
well another cnahthan finale has come and gone( yes we did it w/ no glitches hopefully)
so you gotta ask yourself.. was the mystery surpirse worth it?
i wont say what it is(for those who dont know) but i personally thought it was dissappointing. Imean how long are those "rewards" gonan last.. maybe till april if ur careful w/them? i thought it kinda sucked on anets part hey thats me.
i personally wouldve liked a new tonic( like an EL one for everyone) or some new ( and cool) hat.
so what im getting at is this: did u like the surpsise at all? i thought it was tacky and cheap but thats just me. So, lets see what the rest of the GW's population has to say
so you gotta ask yourself.. was the mystery surpirse worth it?
i wont say what it is(for those who dont know) but i personally thought it was dissappointing. Imean how long are those "rewards" gonan last.. maybe till april if ur careful w/them? i thought it kinda sucked on anets part hey thats me.
i personally wouldve liked a new tonic( like an EL one for everyone) or some new ( and cool) hat.
so what im getting at is this: did u like the surpsise at all? i thought it was tacky and cheap but thats just me. So, lets see what the rest of the GW's population has to say
A tonic would have been nice, but after reading the discription on the home page, I figured it would be one of these stones. *Casts the stone across a pond.*
Minis are the only thing worth attempting in the event.
Minis are the only thing worth attempting in the event.
Its something not really new but just making pve easier imo lol. Running 3 accounts getting all 8 events? 5k per event per account so ill have about 120? I think those will last me till gwamm, figuring my 17missions HM and 37 tyria vanqs. I mean its not as good as maybe a special emote, or costume, or better hat cause this one is years old and tacky, but its a BONUS mystery which is better then getting nothing.
Hmm, seems like all 12 Celestials can be summoned, which is kinda cool.
It's okay I guess. Not very special to me, knowing there are already 15+ of those stones easily obtainable.
Ah, just noticed every one of the 12 Celestials can be summoned. A bit more special, I guess.
Ah, just noticed every one of the 12 Celestials can be summoned. A bit more special, I guess.
so you gotta ask yourself.. was the mystery surpirse worth it?
The celestials are somewhat interesting, but not too special. And it's not like we're missing out on anything and getting these instead, so I can't complain.
It was ok i guess but you can hardly call that a suprise or something new. I expected new quests or a minigame.
Wait those stones were the final surprise? I'm confused here lol
Got 2 Tiger from 300 lunar fortune. Not bad.
The Josip
Celestial Rooster was great and served my mesmer well in vanquish.
Looking at other celestial summons, geez, that celestial horse has such a trashy build!
Looking at other celestial summons, geez, that celestial horse has such a trashy build!
Value - Can't be sold |
Do they at least give some sort of points towards titles?
Best suprice ever!shiny monsters to help you pewpew!!!
Deviant Angel
Never used summoning stones, never will..
Trader of Secrets
Well I think the stones allows us to see the rest of the celestials without having GW1 go through the whole lunar calendar cycle.
Trader of Secrets
I guessed this one right, summon these guys are just for kicks, i use summoning stones everytime I hop into an area to fight stuff
Well, it wasn't much of a mystery and summoning stones aren't that big of a deal. But it's kinda cool that all 12 celestials are possible. Celestial Dragon? - Sweet! (unless it's skill bar sucks, then meh.)
The Josip
That's what I thought in the beginning. Then I got bored and started to use summoning stones and occasionally other consumables.
It's not a matter of "can't win without them", it's just that it tends to be more fun and adds variety. Also, can speed up the killing and save time.
It's not a matter of "can't win without them", it's just that it tends to be more fun and adds variety. Also, can speed up the killing and save time.
Here's my guess as to what they'll look like:
* Elementalist Celestial Dragon - Celestial Dragon from Nahpui
* Monk Celestial Horse - Kirin
* Warrior Assassin Celestial Ox - Bull in pre
* Necromancer Celestial Pig - Warthog
* Assassin Celestial Rabbit - Rabbit miniature/summon
* Necromancer Celestial Rat - Rat
* Mesmer Celestial Rooster - Celestial phoenix
* Dervish Celestial Sheep - Yak (already on wiki)
* Ranger Assassin Celestial Snake - Naga
* Paragon Celestial Monkey - Simian thing in Asura areas
* Warrior Celestial Dog - unsure.... Kveldulf?
Any ideas?
* Elementalist Celestial Dragon - Celestial Dragon from Nahpui
* Monk Celestial Horse - Kirin
* Warrior Assassin Celestial Ox - Bull in pre
* Necromancer Celestial Pig - Warthog
* Assassin Celestial Rabbit - Rabbit miniature/summon
* Necromancer Celestial Rat - Rat
* Mesmer Celestial Rooster - Celestial phoenix
* Dervish Celestial Sheep - Yak (already on wiki)
* Ranger Assassin Celestial Snake - Naga
* Paragon Celestial Monkey - Simian thing in Asura areas
* Warrior Celestial Dog - unsure.... Kveldulf?
Any ideas?
I think a summoning stone is awsome
and its gonna look pimp!
Thalador Doomspeaker
I want a Forgotten for Snake.
Would be my guess too makosi. Maybe a Temple Guardian as dog, although they've got 6 legs.
Worth to note we know now already what the Miniature Celestials are going to look like for the next 8 years to come.
Just copypasting stuff from the Wiki:

Celestial Sheep
Celestial Rabbit
Worth to note we know now already what the Miniature Celestials are going to look like for the next 8 years to come.
Just copypasting stuff from the Wiki:

Celestial Sheep
Celestial Rabbit
From german wiki:







