

Just Plain Fluffy

Join Date: Dec 2004

Berkeley, CA

Idiot Savants

Only running 4 physicals makes baby jesus cry.



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



Originally Posted by Ensign View Post
Only running 4 physicals makes baby jesus cry. We ran out of party slots, sorry.
Maybe if we didn't want Earthbind or the other spirits so much...

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009

Your mom's house


Urgoz and the Deep



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2009

My mother's basement.


Oh yay. You guys finally got around to posting this.
You tried running one Shadowform tank?

Yes "LOL" but in theory one tank should be okay for the Deep, until Aspect of Failure and Aspect of Shadows.

Or you could try Flashing Blades with Dwarven Stability and bite the bullet on the "no blocking" area. You could also do this on all the Assassins You'd lose their damage but if you have MoP things will die.

I'm thinking something like this, Flashing Blades tank with instant recharge.

Provided you run 15 Dagger mastery you don't need Dwarven stability, YMLAD or OYN. So that frees up the bar. Again this is just a theory.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

Order of [Thay]


Originally Posted by Hatchet Child View Post
You tried running one Shadowform tank?

Yes "LOL" but in theory one tank should be okay for the Deep, until Aspect of Failure and Aspect of Shadows. Were you around when we started doing the Deep with V, JJ? I can't remember, but we ran something like 6 sins, 3 ERs, one nec, one cleaner and a rit, I think.

We finished in 46 minutes the first time, however failing to actually kill Kanaxai because someone brought a wand... (qq) Second time we won and took an hour. Only tough part was the chillblains spam, which you just need to lure properly for, after the Gate.

What would the tank be doing there?

Hatchet Child

Hatchet Child

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007


No longer actively playing.


Well i was going on the old Warrior tanks in the deep. But if you can zerg mobs do it.

But a lot of the deep is a F*** load of mobs and you body block em with sins, like the ol'days.

PS. No i wasn't there when you started doing it.

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009

Your mom's house


Originally Posted by Hatchet Child View Post
You tried running one Shadowform tank?

Yes "LOL" but in theory one tank should be okay for the Deep, until Aspect of Failure and Aspect of Shadows.

Or you could try Flashing Blades with Dwarven Stability and bite the bullet on the "no blocking" area. You could also do this on all the Assassins You'd lose their damage but if you have MoP things will die.

I'm thinking something like this, Flashing Blades tank with instant recharge.

Provided you run 15 Dagger mastery you don't need Dwarven stability, YMLAD or OYN. So that frees up the bar. Again this is just a theory. No, I don't run Deep/Urgoz sc.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2007

Manchester, England

Gil Worz Is Srs [Bsns]


I have always been a fan of using Monks to back up ER eles in the deep, even if it's just one.

Seed of Life is lol in the deep and I just feel having monks there gives the team more stability than with pure ER healing.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007

Legion Of Losers

This concept is cool, but where do I find people running it?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006




Originally Posted by HigherMinion View Post
I don't know how many people run this sort of setup, but my guild and I run it mostly.

The problem is not many people can run ER bonders, and therefore not many teams can be formed. People who made elementalists didn't want to have to support their team.

But I generally run ZQs with this setup, you can grab PUGs for any of the slots quite easily, only rarity is finding a PUG ER.
Actually, I prefer NOT to run ER bonder because it bores the hell out of me. I have tried it in some occasions and found that I wasn't enjoying the game running a near god-mode bar. Moreover, I like pounding enemies more than spamming spells all over the place which feels like a bot on steroids. However, I don't mind others running it.

ER pro/infuser a lot different from monking (which I enjoy) simply because in monking I'm constrained by energy, which forces me to prioritize spells. Sure, I can't save everyone as monk, and sometimes I do fail, but at least I can assure swift res as UA, and overheal the screen with a well placed seed of life. Plus, in good teams, a monk usually gets a free ride, doing the least work...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006



This really needs to be posted on pvx!....

oh wait?...


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by HigherMinion View Post
I don't know how many people run this sort of setup, but my guild and I run it mostly.

The problem is not many people can run ER bonders, and therefore not many teams can be formed. People who made elementalists didn't want to have to support their team.

But I generally run ZQs with this setup, you can grab PUGs for any of the slots quite easily, only rarity is finding a PUG ER. Which is really odd. For something that's not that hard and yields such insane results, one would think that more people would bother learning how to do it.

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009

Your mom's house


Originally Posted by Chthon View Post
Which is really odd. For something that's not that hard and yields such insane results, one would think that more people would bother learning how to do it. I think people panic when they have negative energy regen.

Interrupts/strips seem to throw them off as well. ER has some glaring weaknesses that can only be accommodated via knowledge of the area you are in to avoid them.

Also people new to it often have problems with energy spiking (i think its because they don't have the right equip: runes/insignia/high set...).



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

Order of [Thay]


Had a PUG ER today for ZB... Thank God we were 80% in wurms Infuse Health and Orison of Healing on the bar... I don't think everyone understand what ER does?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2009

My mother's basement.


It's a selfheal?

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009

Your mom's house


WTF no splinter weapon?

Where are heroes?

Fail build.

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009

Your mom's house


Also Discordway is faster than this crap. Why use 8 players and cons when you can just use discord heroes?

On a serious note, there is actually a legitimate question about this build on PvX:

How does the OotV build maintain orders and SoH while using hex/condition removal given that there is a cap on SR?

I never heard a necro complain about energy while running this build, but it is apparently a huge problem.

I don't have a necro so I can't try it out myself. Could someone explain this.

Dusk Banewalker

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


Have you thought of using locusts fury on the assassins? With 33 ias they attack something like 3 times/sec iirc, which would be some scary dps with gdw, orders, barbs, and mop.

Athrun Feya

Athrun Feya

Frost Gate Guardian

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Oxford, UK

Hiding From Shi Tters [Shh]


27e every 15 seconds
blood bond = 5e
x3 oov = 15e

that leaves 7 energy remove all hexes and conditions your party might have over 15seconds. and this is assuming things are constantly dying (which isnt the case with bosses etc).

if using 1 hex/cond removal skill every 15 seconds is your idea of spam then god help you.

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009

Your mom's house


Minion what did I tell you about using argumentative fallacies!

Need someone like xeno or chtlon to use maths to explain.



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



Originally Posted by Arrogant Bastard View Post
Since OoP is buffed by things like scan, do you think it is enough to outweigh the benefits of lifesteal? In addition, you can also bring Dark Fury.

Considering these, is OotV only superior when using a predominantly non-adrenaline based physicals (e.g. sins)?
The following is answering the question: "Is Cultist's Fervor + OoP superior to OotV".

Originally Posted by Myself - somewhere on PvXwiki
If damage is your only concern then strictly speaking; yes, but only if your physicals are carrying Asuran Scan or By Ural's Hammer. Even then, the difference in damage is fairly marginal but using CF makes the bar much easier to run and you don't need any further energy management even while keeping up 4 copies of SoH.
CF+OoP+DF is clearly the winner when you have Warriors not using Endurance bars or when you need all the cover enchantments you can get but otherwise, it's only a small difference.
Also consider that OoV heals the frontliners whenever they attack anything. ER Eles can provide a big spot heal with Infuse, but are much weaker against pressure - OoV and Blood Bond releive some of that. Another, very small consideration is that OoV deals its extra damage as a seperate, near unprottable packet (some things do now prot against it though). It's near trivial though and so damage-wise OoV generally draws even with OoP, with OoP having the potential to deal a little bit more.

The superior option depends on what you want out of it. If you want durability on the frontlines then OoV. If you want to squeeze out every last bit of damage possible then OoP.
Dark Fury is completely unnecessary if you don't have any Warriors that use adrenal attack skills.

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009

Your mom's house


Originally Posted by Xenomortis View Post
The following is answering the question: "Is Cultist's Fervor + OoP superior to OotV".

Another, very small consideration is that OoV deals its extra damage as a seperate, near unprottable packet (some things do now prot against it though). It's near trivial though and so damage-wise OoV at best draws even with OoP with OoP having the potential to deal a little bit more.
OK thanks for clarification. I thought maybe there was something glaring I was overlooking because people were saying that OotV was significantly inferior.

So these are the biggest complains about the PvX build (minus the bad edits):

1) Splinter > GDW: Chtlon has math which proves this wrong

Assume [email protected] is cast on the recharge and always scores every trigger on every hit. It's maximum possible DPS is (4*35*3)/6 = 70. [email protected] has a maximum possible DPS of (5*53*3)/6 = 132.5. Both of those figures are maximum possible values that are rather unrealistic. You're not going to get 3 adjacent foes on all 5 hits every time you cast Splinter. In fact, you're probably going to get a lot less. Each missed trigger takes ~9DPS off the r16 Splinter's maximum. By comparison, assume [email protected] is cast on the recharge, and your team has enough sins to put it on, and they are using JS+FF+DB+auto+auto. Your DPS would be (20 / 6) * 20 * 1.86267039 = 124.178026. And that is a pretty realistic number because the sins are going to keep swinging. If r16 Splinter misses a trigger or two per cast (quite likely), it's going to have less DPS than GDW. Splinter's only serious advantage is that it can be spikey when combined with multi-hit attacks. Then there's GDW's really, really powerful KD effect to consider. 2) OoV build can't manage energy: Xeno states that SoLS is more than enough
3) OoP>OoV: Xeno states that OoV is superior in most cases because it relieves pressure off ER's. OoP is still a viable alternative if covers are needed or using primarily non WE warriors.

Hopefully this evidence will stop the shitty edits. (Wishful thinking)

Life Bringing

Life Bringing

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Originally Posted by Arrogant Bastard View Post
3) OoP>OoV: Xeno states that OoV is superior in most cases because it relieves pressure off ER's. OoP is still a viable alternative if covers are needed or using primarily non WE warriors.
Tbh, you already have Vig Spirit and Blood Bond. I don't think losing OotV is going to make a huge difference.

Originally Posted by Arrogant Bastard
Splinter > GDW: Chtlon has math which proves this wrong He talks about DPS here, but pve really isn't about DPS. If you can spike down a group of foes extremely quickly, you've done your job. There's no such thing as a prolonged battle in PvE.

Originally Posted by Xenomortis
The following is answering the question: "Is Cultist's Fervor + OoP superior to OotV". I'm going to assume that you're comparing skill slots used here. The real question is "If Cultist's Fervor+OoP superior to OotV+SoLS?

As for Lau, she's right from a purely mathematical perspective, but i would guess that energy is better than that when actual using it. You won't actually get off(or need) 3 OotV off in 15 seconds because it lasts 6, recharges in 5, and has a 2 second cast. You'll most likely get 2 off in a 15 second period.