Originally Posted by Karate Jesus

Tbh, if there weren't so much drama around it, I could see it vetted right now.
This, there was some pretty good points made by both 'sides', mostly hidden in the ego's & posturing and refusal to give any leeway for variations in playstyles hence the lack of a happy ending.
Essence Snow
LoL~I just went and saw what has been going on with this on PvX.....I can only laugh...I mean WOW. My 2 cents~who cares if it is on PvX~their loss~not ours on Guru. Some of us know how effective it is and if others don't benefit from it.....it's no sweat off our backs....I say abandon posting it on PvX ,not worth the hassel trying to help others if met with such opposition.
Karate Jesus
Well, all of you that have talked to me on MSN know what I've suggested for this. Wait a few weeks, get the build some attention in-game and on here, and then re-submit the build.
Or you could just keep fighting each other. Either way....
Or you could just keep fighting each other. Either way....
Life Bringing
Originally Posted by PolarBear

? Oh wait, now I remember, my team build got sslashed by the same moderator gods at guru: KJ, Athrun, etc.
Question: What build did you submit?
Athrun Feya
The point I made from the start and have made subsequently on guru and pvx, was it was unsuitable for pvx because it was a general optionals nightmare. I said earlier that if a group of people, say, wanted to use this "pug friendly" build in DoA but didn't actually have much experience there, they'd have no idea if significant hex/cond removal is needed or not, so no idea what to take for half the builds on the original version of the build. this is really the reason why we wanted something slightly more specced out (saying what you absolutely MUST take but still flexible, since it's a pug build) for certain areas.
The solution is far from hard. make a few specific variants for the build (for doa, urgoz, etc) with detailed usages (like the rest of the team builds on pvx) so people actually know what they're doing when they land in doa with a load of pugs. Then make a guide build for people trying to take it through areas that don't have more specific builds (like miscellaneous dungeons/mission/vanq/whatever else it can do.
I've said this multiple times there's a way but been selectively ignored, people prefer drama over solution. If you look into a lot of the pvx drama on comparing to "speed clears" you'll see my name doesn't appear there at all (my edits were attempting to make it more pvx-friendly so it -COULD- get vetted), so the premises for most your arguments against me are simply untrue.
Originally Posted by Reformed
The solution is far from hard. make a few specific variants for the build (for doa, urgoz, etc) with detailed usages (like the rest of the team builds on pvx) so people actually know what they're doing when they land in doa with a load of pugs. Then make a guide build for people trying to take it through areas that don't have more specific builds (like miscellaneous dungeons/mission/vanq/whatever else it can do.
I've said this multiple times there's a way but been selectively ignored, people prefer drama over solution. If you look into a lot of the pvx drama on comparing to "speed clears" you'll see my name doesn't appear there at all (my edits were attempting to make it more pvx-friendly so it -COULD- get vetted), so the premises for most your arguments against me are simply untrue.

It was noted several times by several people that this build was not meant to do X or Y but Z instead and was written expressly for that purpose. An admin jumped in and said 'To hell with all that it's doing X and Y because I said so and don't touch it or it's 1RV'. The rest is history.
We were told it was a very pug-safe build from the start (which i'd agree with) and we were told it could do everything (which was then changed later to exclusively elite areas and harder dungeons, for some reason). Comparing to SC's actually came much later on, after the ban in fact, from a regular member of pvx. The whole idea guru'ers are trying to get across about what happened on pvx is a very, very skew and falsified version of the truth.
Hatchet Child
Okay......Derail this thread anymore why don't you?
Okay you got pissy at PvX, but as i stated before PvX is not the judge on a team build.
Guru has a lot more users that have a brain cell and can look at your team build and think about it and if they choose to look through the 7 pages of QQ and hear say They'll totally forget about the original idea about the thread; Constructive input of the team build.
Okay you got pissy at PvX, but as i stated before PvX is not the judge on a team build.
Guru has a lot more users that have a brain cell and can look at your team build and think about it and if they choose to look through the 7 pages of QQ and hear say They'll totally forget about the original idea about the thread; Constructive input of the team build.
Gogo Area-specific build with detailed usage!111elevenone11
PUGs are slow compared to the speed that Physway allows you to go. The Physicals were idling, not attacking more than half the time... Finished with a good enough time though.
Gogo Area-specific build with detailed usage!111elevenone11
PUGs are slow compared to the speed that Physway allows you to go. The Physicals were idling, not attacking more than half the time... Finished with a good enough time though.
Hatchet Child
Originally Posted by HigherMinion

Working link
I'd say it safe to remove Rigor Mortis from the build for an Extra Cover hex.
The cover hex can be anything of 10e< 15e causes a lot of problems. Something like this is fine; Build Template.
Yes there is Displacement, but you wouldn't even know it was there with the amount of people and Friendly spirits. The cover hex is kinda vital in parts.
The cover hex can be anything of 10e< 15e causes a lot of problems. Something like this is fine; Build Template.
Yes there is Displacement, but you wouldn't even know it was there with the amount of people and Friendly spirits. The cover hex is kinda vital in parts.
Originally Posted by Hatchet Child

I'd say it safe to remove Rigor Mortis from the build for an Extra Cover hex.
The cover hex can be anything of 10e< 15e causes a lot of problems. Something like this is fine; Build Template.
Yes there is Displacement, but you wouldn't even know it was there with the amount of people and Friendly spirits. The cover hex is kinda vital in parts. yeah you're right; and Displacement isn't exactly going to last 4 seconds VS the attack speed of the assassins. Updated.
The cover hex can be anything of 10e< 15e causes a lot of problems. Something like this is fine; Build Template.
Yes there is Displacement, but you wouldn't even know it was there with the amount of people and Friendly spirits. The cover hex is kinda vital in parts. yeah you're right; and Displacement isn't exactly going to last 4 seconds VS the attack speed of the assassins. Updated.
Arrogant Bastard
New meta for non-pug team should be all wars and MoP (not minion).
Originally Posted by Arrogant Bastard

New meta for non-pug team should be all wars and MoP (not minion).
I'm too impatient to wait for things to bawwwwwl.But most things balled themselves last run; and the damage from the sins was fine. I could spam AP and MoP on each foe. I prefer the big single-target damage with only one or two 100lolz wars. Wouldn't consider dropping all of the sins, atleast.
Arrogant Bastard
Well the sins are good when they scatter or there's only a few targets.
I'd say 2x 100b and 2x sin should be standard. Replace 1 for ES in certain areas.
I'd say 2x 100b and 2x sin should be standard. Replace 1 for ES in certain areas.
We need more people who want to do the Deep with us. We mostly need physicals, necros who can run OoP/Aegis and MoP; Monks who can clean/SoH and UA-partyheal.
If anyone would like to join in a Physway run anywhere, post your IGN or PM me ingame or on the forums.
Also, if you want to practice your ERing skills with us, you're more than welcome to. We currently have two active ERs. One retired, two that don't play too often. So we need to get some more so I can run something else for once.
If anyone would like to join in a Physway run anywhere, post your IGN or PM me ingame or on the forums.
Also, if you want to practice your ERing skills with us, you're more than welcome to. We currently have two active ERs. One retired, two that don't play too often. So we need to get some more so I can run something else for once.
Hatchet Child
Well...You know I can come along whenever most of the time. Just gimme a shout.
Justified Soul.
Justified Soul.
Marty Silverblade
I'm interested, but finding time is hard, let alone big chunks to play GW in.
NOTE: I've barely got any Deep experience, but I'm a good enough Warrior. I've got an ER ele as well but I haven't got too far with her yet. Finished Prophecies and just passed Cavalon in Factions, iirc.
NOTE: I've barely got any Deep experience, but I'm a good enough Warrior. I've got an ER ele as well but I haven't got too far with her yet. Finished Prophecies and just passed Cavalon in Factions, iirc.
bug me when the mes update comes out 
Sick of running a bitch monk/mes and rangers dont get enough love :P

Sick of running a bitch monk/mes and rangers dont get enough love :P
Hatchet Child
Originally Posted by maxxfury

bug me when the mes update comes out 
Sick of running a bitch monk/mes and rangers dont get enough love :P If you want to take a physical spot on your ranger i can probably knock something up that'll work like the Sin's killing time (Not as good of course) and it won't be barrage.
EDIT: Something like this for the ranger. I'm not expert on Rangers but I'm guessing packing Trip & dual shot will be energy hungry Last slot do what you like and change profession. I mean you could even Run R/W with Frenzy (lolwutiknow) but you'll be under PB and you shouldn't die.
I made it "Ranged" because it'll be really gimmicky making the Ranger go /A and pack same skills as the sin. I'm not totally sure what the "Instant" cast time attack skill are for ranger (Excluding Interrupts) that's where i hope you can think of something.

Sick of running a bitch monk/mes and rangers dont get enough love :P If you want to take a physical spot on your ranger i can probably knock something up that'll work like the Sin's killing time (Not as good of course) and it won't be barrage.
EDIT: Something like this for the ranger. I'm not expert on Rangers but I'm guessing packing Trip & dual shot will be energy hungry Last slot do what you like and change profession. I mean you could even Run R/W with Frenzy (lolwutiknow) but you'll be under PB and you shouldn't die.
I made it "Ranged" because it'll be really gimmicky making the Ranger go /A and pack same skills as the sin. I'm not totally sure what the "Instant" cast time attack skill are for ranger (Excluding Interrupts) that's where i hope you can think of something.
Arrogant Bastard
You could just run a melee ranger.
Hatchet Child
Panic mesmer might be a viable choice now after the update. AoE rupts are win.
Essence Snow
Used the UW Physway posted on wiki last night with 7 ppl that had nvr heard of it and 6/8 had nvr been in UW. Neither of the ERs had run ER bonder builds b4 and we still finished in HM. Even though it took a lil bit of time to complete (2hr)....I think that the absolute inexperience of the group says something about the builds.
Arrogant Bastard
Very impressive. I imagine it would be slightly easier for inexperienced groups due to the lack of cocky attitudes spread about the group, as is apparent in mine. We piss about, spamming eachother, cursing and drawing swastikas on the compass, lol.
2 hours is very good for a first attempt and once you become comfortable with the builds, you will be adapting to kill only the necessary mobs and split more often. (for example UWG)
2 hours is very good for a first attempt and once you become comfortable with the builds, you will be adapting to kill only the necessary mobs and split more often. (for example UWG)
nonononononnono i r st33l from Vrada ;o
usuck! Essence>you lololol
usuck! Essence>you lololol
Originally Posted by HigherMinion
isuck! Essence>me lololol Learn to 4h.
On another note, gogo try Panic mesmer.
Originally Posted by DigitalFear

Learn to 4h.
On another note, gogo try Panic mesmer. We did 4H; then we died running to Pools, due to recklessness...
On another note, gogo try Panic mesmer. We did 4H; then we died running to Pools, due to recklessness...
Originally Posted by HigherMinion

We did 4H; then we died running to Pools, due to recklessness...
Nono, the run where you let the reap0r die.