Originally Posted by Zehnchu
You do know the whole chain of events with War in Kryta doesn't end since the release of costumes or the 5th birthday. This is just the start of playable content that will be released till GW2 comes. These current events we get to see and play part in set the lore and history for GW2 and there is much more to come.
A lot of people obviously don't like reading and assume
this is the 5th anniversary gift in its entirety.
In any case, the Shining Blade costumes look pretty nifty. Not sure if I'd use it on my assassin since I like the more Asian looking armors. But since I'm not that fond of the twig like appearances of most of their clothing, I might give this a go if I have some spare cash to throw about.
The White Mantle looks pretty cool, though a bit top heavy in the shoulders. If that area was slimmed down, I wouldn't mind picking it up.