Originally Posted by FlyMoto
Stop fooling yourself. Speedbooking is abusing functionality in the code which allows the user to bypass part of the game (an exploit).
Never said it wasn't an
abuse. That's what it is.
It's just, technically, NOT an
exploit, as to have an exploit you have to have a bug to exploit by definition, and, sorry, here is
This is fact: we know by the developer themselves that it was a precise - and as I said before, IMO shortsighted, as it was made way before the introduction of flaggable heroes - design choice: there was a post on Lindsey's wiki about HFFF explaining it, can't find it anymore tough. The game simply behaves as it should so you're really not exploiting anything, you're just
abusing an oversight, while the EULA explicitly is about
An exploit (from the same word in the French language, meaning "achievement", or "accomplishment") is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or sequence of commands that take advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware, or something electronic (usually computerised).
The term "exploit" has become rather derogatory today - Wikipedia also has a word about "exploits in gaming" - , but THIS is the actual (and official) meaning of the term, as used in the EULA: exploits are bannable because they involve the
exploitation of bugs.
A bug, in turn, is:
A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways.
Bugs are errors
in the code, and they can be either coding bugs or logic bugs (see my previous post). Weak solutions in a program (like the one allowing Speedbooks to work) DON'T qualify as bugs. The game just behaves as intended.
The mere fact that the intended way is indeed abusable doesn't make it a bug.
So, without a bug, I wouldn't expect a ban, but rather, a fix to the abusable game mechanic. It happened before, it will probably happen again in the future.
If we take abused game mechanics as a reason for bans, well, pretty much everyone is bannable today: there's really no difference between abusing the technical restrictions of the engine while speedbooking and, say, abusing the limitations of the artificial intelligence when farming.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love this to be fixed if the Developers feel like fixing it. I just don't think there's a margin for suspensions, it would be simply ridicolous.