Originally Posted by bhavv
Just about every online multiplayer game is possible to play solo for most of the the game, including WoW, Lotro and many others.
Same applies to GW. The big difference between GW and most other online RPGs is that in GW, almost everything is doable by yourself with AI.
In a game like GW where grouping with others is incredibly frustrating, can take hours to manage, and then your group can fail in <10 minutes and have everyone leave, group play is an incredibly horrible experience.
Apparently you haven't played many MMOs. In WoW, grouping is incredibly frustrating, can take hours to manage, and then your group can fail in <10 minutes and have everyone leave. The difference is, in GW you can roll through most content with 1-2 other players and heroes. In WoW, you need to find 24 other players. Same thing applies with most other MMOs.
Just because a game is an online multiplayer game, it doesnt mean that grouping up with others is easy and fun, or even at all possible to make a decent group for whatever part of the game you want to play.
You're right, but the fact that it's an online multiplayer game should give you a big enough hint that you're eventually going to have to group up with others.
Particularly with something like WiK, it is very hard to find specific classes of players that you need to comlete the quest, and it can only be done once which further reduces the number of available players. But even with other things in the game that are available to play for everyone (like UW + FoW), if you arent running a particular speed clear build, and dont have a certain number of end chest items in your inventory, you will never be able to find a group for the content anymore (I've left my character stood in ToA for over 3 hours with a LFG for UW message up on the party search, and absolutely no non elitist speed clear groups were forming in that much time).
If you can't find the maximum amount of players you need, then settle for less. If you can't find any, then you still have the option to play with AI. Although I do agree with you, finding groups for end-game content is terrible.
Sure if you enjoy standing in town and LFG for hours. Why are some people expecting others to play this game in the most boring way possible? What kind of argument is that, that we all MUST play it this way because it is an online multiplayer game blah blah blah. Just leave us alone, you play it your way and we play it our way!
I don't want to have to deal with LFG, elitist builds, and PUG issues AT ALL if I can help it. It is unfortunate that heroes are a lot weaker than human players and we are forced to group in the most difficult areas, otherwise I wouldn't bother.
You don't
have to all the time, but seeing as it is an online multiplayer game, you're eventually going to have to. If you pick up an online multiplayer game expecting to play the whole thing solo, then you're a fool. The bottom line is, you're eventually going to have to, unless you're skilled enough to do it by yourself with AI.
Also, my post what more directed at him saying GW2 is slowly disappointing him due to the fact that h/h is gone, forgot to add that in the quote. I do understand why you want to play GW1 alone, but again, you can't expect to do everything by yourself in an online multiplayer game.