Yeah just tried logging back on again this afternoon and it is still bad.
Pings range from 10k-30k, Constant rubberbanding, locking up skills, not responding, and more than enough constant DC's. I know it's not just me, cause I was doing Battle for Lion's Arch, and everyone in the party, all human players, were all having massive lag and constant DC's. When I stand around in town, my ping is fine. Ranging 100-1k at most. But if I try to leave town and do anything (mission, explore, quest, etc), I get massive lag and then DC over and over. Seems the only thing I can do now ingame is sit in town doing nothing now. It's become an online chat room for me and several others now. |
I'll post some photos of the proof, I have always had a ping below 100 with an occasional spike to 250 but I am getting 2-3k constant now with spikes of 34k+. All info will be included on the website when we get it up and running. We have before and after photos of the server pings before and after this "move".
We went through this before with another game company and we need to give them 7 days to respond to the problem. (We got legal advice last time due to threats) Their legal department will send us a letter that we can't post the screenshots on our website due to copyright infringement, at that time we will refuse to take them down and then they will contact the company that hosts the website and threaten them as well, once that happens we will be forced to remove the screenshots but we will keep them as proof of our claims. But the word will get out to the public, through our website as well as the youtube community. We are still collecting screenshots from others in the game in preparation. Outside of that there is nothing we can do about it, we got "hosed" and have to live with it. Our organization believes we have a responsibility to inform the public of dirty corporate greed, and that is what we intend to do. Good luck all, sorry this happened to so many of us, we can only move forward.