Halloween Workshop [>2000k prize pot]
Welcome to the wild bunch Kitty :3 Cool you jumped on the party boat with us.
@ Minami: I'm gonna give you the same advice as I did last time some brighter sharper eyelashes could give some more depth to her eyes. Also try downloading a texture brush and add some texture on the nose, the way it looks now, it looks like its very fat. Also the jewelery on her arm gives some odd shadow. Probably just something you forgot And when you have a grim smile like that I think the other mouth corner turns up aswell (not in higher, but in shape). But can't really put my finger on that..
As for her armor, I'd try to sharpen it a bit up. It looks like you locked the layer with the green parts and just rushed a texture on it You should make small shadows on the base armor, and some highlights on the ribbons. I tried a bit in this picture, though its not so nice, but I'm sure you can!
@ Minami: I'm gonna give you the same advice as I did last time some brighter sharper eyelashes could give some more depth to her eyes. Also try downloading a texture brush and add some texture on the nose, the way it looks now, it looks like its very fat. Also the jewelery on her arm gives some odd shadow. Probably just something you forgot And when you have a grim smile like that I think the other mouth corner turns up aswell (not in higher, but in shape). But can't really put my finger on that..
As for her armor, I'd try to sharpen it a bit up. It looks like you locked the layer with the green parts and just rushed a texture on it You should make small shadows on the base armor, and some highlights on the ribbons. I tried a bit in this picture, though its not so nice, but I'm sure you can!
Things I did: Added some texture to the nose, gave the eyes some shadow with dodge tool ( a bit too much perhabs ), changed the mouth a bit (also the curve you get in your skin when you smile) and some theory with yellow arrows Though I quite failed there xD Use whatever parts you agree with me on. :3
Here is another small WIP of my work, scetching out the house and mad king thorn.
Thanks Tommy
I'm working on some parts, trying to make it better, I'll try your suggestions too in a little bit
Started drawing at 1 AM, it's now 8:30 AM... seriously need some sleep. V_V
Maybe that's why I forgot that "weird shadow", which isn't a shadow at all... it's a sketch layer for the arm jewelry, set to 30% opacity.. LOL
I'm working on some parts, trying to make it better, I'll try your suggestions too in a little bit
Started drawing at 1 AM, it's now 8:30 AM... seriously need some sleep. V_V
Maybe that's why I forgot that "weird shadow", which isn't a shadow at all... it's a sketch layer for the arm jewelry, set to 30% opacity.. LOL
Geeess Minami, get some sleep! Its not healthy to be awake at those hours!
A btw I used this brush for skin texture.
A btw I used this brush for skin texture.
The Workshop made the news over @ http://www.guildmag.com !
So yeah, next to the possibility to win those great prizes, there is also allot of 'Fame' to win here, as GuildMag will publish the winners in our issue 4. Thousands of guildwars fans will see the end results and will probably dig through the thread to see how their favorite Art piece came into existence ...
!One thing though, we of course want permission to post the works of art of the winners in our Mag, so if you DONT want your artwork (with guildwarsguru username) posted in our Mag, please be so kind to PM me and i will make sure we exclude your Artwork & Name from our Mag.
Have fun with the creativity ...
So yeah, next to the possibility to win those great prizes, there is also allot of 'Fame' to win here, as GuildMag will publish the winners in our issue 4. Thousands of guildwars fans will see the end results and will probably dig through the thread to see how their favorite Art piece came into existence ...
!One thing though, we of course want permission to post the works of art of the winners in our Mag, so if you DONT want your artwork (with guildwarsguru username) posted in our Mag, please be so kind to PM me and i will make sure we exclude your Artwork & Name from our Mag.
Have fun with the creativity ...
Yay, it's my Ritualist image from last year as the header image ^_^
Tommy, I already have that brush, it's very cool. I know I need some sleep, I'm going to sleep in a little while... hopefully
Tommy, I already have that brush, it's very cool. I know I need some sleep, I'm going to sleep in a little while... hopefully
shady tradesman
Wow! Everyone's work is looking just great I should have WIP pics for you guys by the end of today, hopefully.
@Tommy: Can't wait to see the finished product! I've been watching yours for a while. :3
@Tommy: Can't wait to see the finished product! I've been watching yours for a while. :3
Artemis Alexandrae
Name: Artemis Alexandrae
Art Form: cooking/crafting/sewing
Idea: the aftermath
Progress Gallery: Picasa Album, please let me know if you can't view (I know it's currently empty)
Real Life Prizes: [yes]
Official Contest: [yes]
Workshop Awards: [yes]
Sorry I am coming in so late but this will be my first Halloween in-game and I only realized the contest was on a week ago. I have a lot going on with my kids and being a full-time student so of course the idea of having something productive and fun to do with a deadline was very appealing.
Art Form: cooking/crafting/sewing
Idea: the aftermath
Progress Gallery: Picasa Album, please let me know if you can't view (I know it's currently empty)
Real Life Prizes: [yes]
Official Contest: [yes]
Workshop Awards: [yes]
Sorry I am coming in so late but this will be my first Halloween in-game and I only realized the contest was on a week ago. I have a lot going on with my kids and being a full-time student so of course the idea of having something productive and fun to do with a deadline was very appealing.
Originally Posted by Arghore
So yeah, next to the possibility to win those great prizes, there is also allot of 'Fame' to win here, as GuildMag will publish the winners in our issue 4. Thousands of guildwars fans will see the end results and will probably dig through the thread to see how their favorite Art piece came into existence ...
!One thing though, we of course want permission to post the works of art of the winners in our Mag, so if you DONT want your artwork (with guildwarsguru username) posted in our Mag, please be so kind to PM me and i will make sure we exclude your Artwork & Name from our Mag.
Have fun with the creativity ...
Originally Posted by shady tradesman
Wow! Everyone's work is looking just great I should have WIP pics for you guys by the end of today, hopefully.
@Tommy: Can't wait to see the finished product! I've been watching yours for a while. :3 Well thank you <3 Such comments really mean alot to me (: I'll try to suprise you in the end Got some few funny details in mind that will come up later. Minami
This is where I got to for today.
Fixed the scar, put it over the eyebrow and put some scar tissue in her skin around it. Textured the nose like Tommy said. Fixed the armor, worked on the texture and highlights/lowlights. Redid the entire head dress. Changed the background color so it doesn't drown out the color of the necro's eyes. Took away the arm jewelry sketch layer I might have forgotten to mention some other things I did, I'll try and remember it after I wake up later. Will get back to it all sometime later today... I really REALLY need some sleep :P Oh_Frustration
Nice to see this thread going on like a train! 23 pages of art and nice chatter.
Minami, that's looking so awesome... The jewels, though, need a wee bit more shadowing, they look a bit shineless due to the low contrast between the light and the shadow. I'd also wish for a little bit of texture on her arms, as I don't think she'd use makeup on them. Otherwise darn good. Very, very nice and delicious-looking candy corn. Damn my candy strike! ` Marshmallow
O:!! Wow so many entries 8D ayayayay! -confetti- Minamiiii I'm so jealous D'x But I agree with what Frustration said about the jewels o: Also, her right arm looks a bit flat compared to the rest of the picture o 3o!
A W.I.P! Tommy's
Marshgettout! Your art is tooo cute :3 nomnomnom. You even manage to make Gwen look cute, and that requires some skill! Though I'm glad my eyes dont look like Thackaray's lol, reminds me a bit of Jimmy from South Park somehow Bit disproportional. That moon is so awesome btw :devil:
Thanks you guys for all the nice comments and CC, it's super nice of you
Happy that so many of you like my drawing ^_^ I will continue working on the head dress jewels (they're on a separate layer, that's why I haven't gotten to them yesterday), but since I STILL didn't manage to get any sleep and been up for over 24 hours, it's gonna have to wait O_O I noticed too that the way they are is not so cool, especially compared to the revamped head dress. I'll work on the arms too, thanks for the tip! ^_^ Marshyyyyyy your piiiiic is SOOOO cuuuuuuute *gets knocked out by the cuteness overload* Yay, I'm knocked out, I can now slee....... Tommy's
Minami!!! Gogo sleep!! Our posts won't run away before you wake up again
Ye but... but.. but.... Oh wait... I'm supposed to be knocked out. *sleeps* Ravenhawk
Tommy - nice. I like the way you drew the floor and its textures..those candy corns look so yummy *bites her monitor* ouch.
Charlie - Oh man..it looks like a scene straight from the movie..and you're not even done yet O_O Minami - Looking great! I like the shine on the armor but I think it still lacks a bit of intensity to it. If it's metallic I think the contrast should be more vivid (and I probably am not explaining myself really well here). Now sleep! Maaaaaaaaarsh! Kawaiiii! That's all. *faints* ` Marshmallow
Tommy - xDNOYOU. I'm really liking your w.i.p The ground turned out amazing o__O!!!!! and the house is really looking great XD lol drippy eye :0 Idk how to fix his eyesss...err...face XD ,__, ""
Minami - OMGSH!! YOU NEED TO SLEEP O__O!! -hands pillow & blankets- D| ohmypeoplepassingoutlol! Dutch Sunshine
A new update, I need some ideas as to what I can put on the left and perhaps some other stuff I probably am forgetting...
Also, I don't know how complex the title should be made, I like it clean like this, but I'm going to look into other options quite soon.. I just felt like making the rest of the list I have first before going back to that one. I got quite a few ideas as to how I can make this image lively, but I really need to find some inspiration to make a few things. Panda Claws
Name: Panda Claws
Art Form: Literature Idea: Cycle Of Warfare Progress Gallery: Google: Not Yet Real Life Prizes: [x] Official Contest: [x] Workshop Awards: [x] Odinius
Some WIP http://s63.photobucket.com/albums/h1...ontest%202010/
Originally Posted by Dutch Sunshine
@Dutch Sunshine, the poster is too small. And looking at the size of the bricks the poster looks like it's the size of a pokemon card.
The bricks and the spiderweb needs to be small and the poster needs to be bigger, ALOT more bigger. Death By An Arrow
Alright, here's my progress for the best 2 days.
deviantAr Link So I redrew over my sketch lines to make them slightly more clear and a little more finite. I didn't go everywhere (i missed some stems and such) but the general idea is there. Tonight I went in and started shading MKT. It feels kind of like a blocky, ammaturish job so I don't think I'm done with it yet. It's not quite as punctual/accentuated/sharp as I want it to turn out to be. I like what I've got going for the flame inside the mouth, but it might need a little tweaking as the image changes. My plan for the other pumpkins is to have the light from MKT be the only/primary light source. So the edges will be pretty much black, and the closer it is to the middle the brighter the oranges you can see. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do for the few pumpkins behind MKT, so maybe they'll get a soft glow or something. actionjack
Originally Posted by ` Marshmallow
A W.I.P! AryaBladedancer
Name: AryaBladedancer
Art Form: Illustration Idea: Mad King Thorn inspired in-game Costume Progress Shots: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v40/Alure1316/1-2.jpg Finished Illustration: http://jnetrocks.deviantart.com/art/...cept-181787386 Real Life Prizes: [X] Official Contest: [X] Workshop Awards: [X] I had already finished this and someone told me about this forum, so I don't have much in the way of progress images. :C I hope that I filled this all out correctly! Ravenhawk
So, I submitted my work to the Official Contest. I would like to share a write up on the entire piece below. Again, thanks so much for all the support. I can't believe I almost didn't join this workshop! It has been a great experience. The version I submitted has a small Guild Wars logo on the upper left and has a bigger resolution. I just resized it for this post for better viewing. The folks of GWGuru Nolani forums have been a tremendous help in the entire process and you guys are actually part of that painting. Read on! Title: Pumpkin Carving is for Sissies Concept: Mina is my main character in Guild Wars and, although she has a good heart, she tends to have violent tendencies due to her love for battle. So during Hallow's Eve, I imagine her carving on the skulls of her opponents instead of pumpkins while looking good doing it as any mesmer should be! Elements in the picture and their meanings: -The skull that she is holding is a Charr skull or at least what I imagine the Charr skull to look like. I looked through feline skulls over the internet and put horns on it. Mina fought the Charr in the past, especially during the Northern Wall mission as demonstrated in this older artwork of mine where Mina was being cornered by the Charr with my ranger and monk -Ran and Dani - respectively. http://roguemina.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-169857986 She doesn't have a deep seated hatred for the race unlike Gwen. Simply put anyone that would cross her would surely end up the same way and this Charr wasn't so lucky (Or was he? It did get a kiss from her ) -The cat, the fire imp (on the wall) and the dagger are shoutouts for three of my Guildies in The Beautiful Oblivion [EON] - Sylas the Lynx ('nuff said) , Murke (she had a mischievous fire imp as a pet. Murke is also part of Nolani and she has a commission thread here) and Vale since his story involved a pair of (talking) daggers infused with fragments of his brother's soul - Madness and Malice. Well, they didn't have pumpkin handles but I can imagine Madness dressing up for the occasion -The dragon carving on the skull serves two purposes - The long awaited Guild Wars 2 and our guild emblem which is a black dragon as a shoutout for the rest of my guildmates. (I would love to put them all in the drawing but yeah I probably won't be finished till next year lol) -The Harvest Moon. I always loved Guild Wars rendition of this. I sort of combined the orange skull faced version with the white grinning version . I couldn't pick between them! -The Raven on the window - Ravenhawk is my username here (as you all can see lol. The 'hawk' part is for my ranger whose last name means dark battlehawk) and Mina is sometimes nicknamed as Raven - possibly due to her dark hair and overall mysterious persona. -Obsidian Armor - Mina is usually seen wearing her black elite rogue's armor. I always wanted the Obsidian Armor set for her and that was made possible by you guys in Nolani Forums. Earlier this year, I decided to take on Guild Wars commissions to purchase this armor and more importantly, challenge myself to getting better at drawing. So this is for you guys especially all the people who commissioned me in the past and the ones who supported me in this workshop. Now on to the feedback: Arya - Wow, I really hope they put those available ingame. Wicked design. Good luck in the contest! Dutch Sunshine - I agree with the critiques so far. The poster is too small ^_^ Death by An Arrow - Looking good and I like the glow from MKT's head idea. I just noticed the title, I love it. KiyaKoreena
@ Ravenhawk - It looks wonderful! And thanks for the write up, it's really nice to get to read about the meanings behind elements.
so i finally scanned my picture..nothing much new there though, im going to try some coloring now O: wish me luck
deviantart link Artemis Alexandrae
Originally Posted by stouda01
Death By An Arrow
Originally Posted by stouda01
Charlie Dayman
@Marsh: So sweet, it's giving me diabetes as usual.
@Tommy: Lookin' good. The lighting on the pumpkin and the guards looks great. @Mina: Wow, a huge step forward from the last time I saw it I think the main critique I have is just the green parts of her armor around the shoulders and collar bone. With the current lighting, it doesn't seem like it really conforms to her actual body shape. Try playing around with stronger highlights on some areas to indicate a change in shape. @Dutch: The poster looks cool, though as previously mentioned it is a wee-bit small. @Odinius: Hah, that's neat. I think the type of clay/mold you're using makes it fun to look at, rather than using traditional wet clay. @Arrow: Good draft so far - no current critiques atm. @Arya: Nice costume concepts - probably the first time I've seen anyone propose an actual ingame costume design for one of these contests. Also sticks close to that gritty feeling that Kekai is so fond of. @Raven: Lookin' good - feelin goooOOOOOD! And nice work with the shift in temperature change. Definite improvements, young grasshopper. @Stouda: Very cool posing with Thorn and the Hellhound. Looking forward to see it completed. @Kiya: You've probably been asked this already - but are you gonna' put some form of lighting in the helmet? I think if you can manage to work in a type of LED into the eyes and mouth, it'll crank your outfit all the way up to 11. http://masterle247.deviantart.com/ That guy might give you some lighting inspiration if you've not already considered it. Edit: Huge image, incoming. More progress after taking off early today. Got the wallpaper color and perspective to my liking, and took away some of its "business" like Mina suggested. Also added my "Little Red Riding Hood" picture to the small frame on the left, and fixed Right Gwen's hair. Think I'll de-saturate the colors on Gwen's clothing a bit more so it's not so vibrant. Still only about 40% done. KiyaKoreena
Yep I've been thinking about the lighting thing since it was mentioned earlier. That will be part of the final touches rush next week. I've got the feeling I will be cutting it REALLY close to the deadline this time.
My left wrist has been acting up again and I've got the annoying support wrap on again. Argh! Made the necklace and the horns/teeth for in his belt yesterday; working on the gloves right now. I'm a bit frustrated at the things that aren't quite working how I want it for one reason or another and the growing need to cut corners on some things. (Curse you budget restraints and lack of supplies!) Returned the dark blue cheesecloth and the store doesn't have any more. They even called neighboring stores and the only one that had one left opened it and said it was that weird blue too. My sis-in-law is flying down to visit tomorrow so she is checking some stores there tonight. *cross fingers* If she doesn't find anything I might be a bit hooped for how I wanted to do the cape. You know, looking back at my nitpicking and spazzing over things I think I've figured out where my daughter gets her perfectionist tendencies from. shady tradesman
Hey guys. I know I haven't been very active here, but I can say that I'll have WIP pictures to post of the Charr Effigy tonight for you all
Artemis Alexandrae
once my replacement digital camera charger comes I'll try to get some progress pics up.
Death By An Arrow
Alright so here is tonight's progress.
dA Link I tweaked the glow of the flame and related things, and also added to the cape a bit. shady tradesman
Okee dokey
I've got a few WIP images here of the Armature and the fingers and toes that I've got done. So this is the armature. It's the skeleton that's going to keep the rest of the thing up. The sticks that are there don't need to fit into the middle of each part, so that gives me some proportion wiggle room. It's made of found pieces of manzenita, one of the hardest (and hardest to work with!) woods out there. Here are the framework for the fingers and toes. That should give you more of an idea of the aesthetic I'm going for with the end product. Also, as you can see, I'm rolling in bank. This red-line kinda shows how the body will end up fitting over the skeleton. The waist isn't going to be waaaay up there where the legs come together. xD I know it doesn't look like a lot, but this has been well over ten hours of work so far. Hopefully progress will speed up, and soon it will acutally look like a Charr Effigy. :3 Najade
Rawr...Finally got round to start working on a picture
The basic idea of the picture will be something to do with a Necromancer using that wooden thingy used to control marionette puppets to control a minion or two. The strings might be kind of ghostly and twist around the minions...still trying to figure out exactly what i want to do though =) Here's a small 15min wip perspective is still a little off i'll fix that in the next wip(background, floor and pretty much everything in that image will most likely still change a few times): @Tzu : Here's a link to my Progress Gallery Charlie Dayman
@Najade: Sketch looks good at the moment. Everyone seems to be fond of the Minion/Puppet master theme when drawing Necros.
Up late again. Finished both Gwens and added some nice warm red color overlays to bring out the colors and give off more of an eerie feeling. I also shrank down their heads. The proportions I was using worked perfectly for the original twins out of the movie. But the more I completed both Gwens, the more the flim's proportions didn't seem to fit in with my piece. I suppose it's because their dresses are more puffy, and give the girls a more rounded appearance. Where as Gwen has a dress that seems kind of flat and heavy with starch, and creates a more slim figure than round. The original proportions I used ended up making them look like a human lollipops. AryaBladedancer
@ shady tradesman - This looks like it's going to be a really impressive construction! I've done a little polymer clay modeling and the armature never looks like the final finish so I'm sure that the waist line issue will be fixed. Looking forward to seeing how this comes along because I think it's a wicked awesome idea!
@deathbyanarrow - this is JNetRocks from Deviant art. The pumpkins are really coming along! I think the next step will be to darken the rest of the pumpkins and work on the lighting. I think you may have an easier time with that if you darken the whole image and paint the brightness in versus making the image bright and painting the darkness in. Not sure if that comes across clear.. |