Name the dumbest thing you've done in GW.
Not playing GvG more in 2005-2006. I did play a decent amount, but looking back I just wish I had invested more time into it, as this was the best time for the game.
Biggest dumb fail i had was when i first got factions and didnt know that i could link the accounts up. >.<''
After 2 years then i rebought it xD
Sold like 70ectos cos of lag + spam clicking
After 2 years then i rebought it xD
Sold like 70ectos cos of lag + spam clicking
The dumbest thing I've done is...(this is going back 5 years or so)
Finding out about 55 Monks and thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread. Took said build on a full FoW run with pugs. I spent the majority of the time face planted on the ground. lol good times.
Finding out about 55 Monks and thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread. Took said build on a full FoW run with pugs. I spent the majority of the time face planted on the ground. lol good times.
Leveling from 1-17 in one day.
I'm tired.
I'm tired.
After taking stuff off of Hero armor with Expert Salvage Kits alot, out of habit using an Expert Kit to take somthing off an Elite Armour piece...wich indeed broke :-\
Maybe/prolly dumb, but it is intentionally;
I rarely wanna spend/waste time selling stuff (in Kamadan) that takes more time to sell, to other players.
Lately, instead, i started to merch or trashbin items to get more inventory space.
Prolly most expensive item i trashbinned, was a Harmony :-\
But that was cos i got annoyed after 2 or 3 failed sell attempts/negotiations.
Maybe/prolly dumb, but it is intentionally;
I rarely wanna spend/waste time selling stuff (in Kamadan) that takes more time to sell, to other players.
Lately, instead, i started to merch or trashbin items to get more inventory space.
Prolly most expensive item i trashbinned, was a Harmony :-\
But that was cos i got annoyed after 2 or 3 failed sell attempts/negotiations.
Making my paragon my main. I regret it now, he's pretty boring but I've done a fair amount of stuff on him.
Hitting 50/50...
Now I have nothing to do in the game
Now I have nothing to do in the game
I'm sure I've done worse but I just tried to run destructions depths on my new ranger using incendiary arrows and ignite arrows.
Back in the Barrage / Pet days in fow i got a VS and merched it :S + when the EOtn came out i was farming SoO alot and one day i got a BDS and merched it i was way to tired to play at that point :S
Elusive of SoLD
I accidentally deleted some armour (tinted spectacles) thinking it was the new Halloween "Spectercles" when I gave it to the Festival Hat Maker and no longer needing it. Nice waste of 10-15k+ that could easily have been avoided
selling my q8 15^50 sephis axe for 500e... i thought i got a good deal but 2 weeks later i found out the price for them had rose to 650e >,< they're probably some ridiculous amount now...
Yea i was so pissed when i accidentally Merched my +15% Damage always (Like 15^50 except no ^50) Gold scimitar from beginings of Guildwars. Later I found out What it was Worth O.o
Firefighter Fred
Playing too much...
Ghost Dog
That's not that bad.
Buying this game was most definitely the dumbest thing i've ever done in guild wars.
Reading these makes me feel a little bit better. Just finished leveling my Rainbow Phoenix today.
Imagine the feeling when entering the HoM only to find you've done the wrong one. Then imagine that just the day before you were running alongside a guild mate who had the right one (Imperial). Apparently, I thought they were equal. |
I only started GW this year, so nothing major. I should have created different builds on a couple of my characters (currently seven total); I have a warrior/necro for example, which was kind of stupid of me -- he doesn't have the chance to use the necro abilities much so far. Another character is a mesmer/ranger, who again mostly uses her primary abilities. I'm going to continue with these characters for now, though, since I've invested time in them.
Voodoo Rage
I only started GW this year, so nothing major. I should have created different builds on a couple of my characters (currently seven total); I have a warrior/necro for example, which was kind of stupid of me -- he doesn't have the chance to use the necro abilities much so far. Another character is a mesmer/ranger, who again mostly uses her primary abilities. I'm going to continue with these characters for now, though, since I've invested time in them.
Skyy High
I only started GW this year, so nothing major. I should have created different builds on a couple of my characters (currently seven total); I have a warrior/necro for example, which was kind of stupid of me -- he doesn't have the chance to use the necro abilities much so far. Another character is a mesmer/ranger, who again mostly uses her primary abilities. I'm going to continue with these characters for now, though, since I've invested time in them.
Back when i was a noob,i was doing wintersday quests for the first time and i got some ectos,and i was like WTH is this ? and i salvaged them.
Ectoplasm or Frozen Ectoplasm? (Might be a dumb question, considering I don't know if the frozen ones can even be salvaged...)
Aw, that sucks.
On the other hand, "some ectos"? I don't think I've ever gotten a single ecto by doing the Wintersday quests.
I guess Karma was evening things out for ya.
On the other hand, "some ectos"? I don't think I've ever gotten a single ecto by doing the Wintersday quests.
I guess Karma was evening things out for ya.
I tried WTSing Medals of Honor in Kamadan last night.
I was tired.
I was tired.
Not buying island guardian when they were 125e each
As far as I know you can salvage every rare crafting material into another material, some even salvage into other rares, for example Steel salvages into both Iron and Charcoal.
I logged in to GW last night hoping to see a Dervish update.
I decided to try and vanq varajar fells in the spur of the moment... only to find out that i was missing a necessary quest right at the end... i wasted 2 hours.
I got a q9 OS Strength Ornate Shield, I think it's stats were -2/45^stance. Sold on guru auctions for 15-20k some 15 months ago. Yeah. And I was even ~ happy about the deal at the time. I still want to kick myself sometimes for it.
Also, my first guru auctions purchase was a q9 Runic Blade which had a s/b of 20k and a b/o of 40k. I pressed the b/o button, thinking I would pay the 20k and get it right away. I really wonder sometimes at the process of thought that lead to that conclusion, seeing as I did that right after I read the rules and found out what b/o meant. I guess I was just nervous. However, I honored the deal, no reason other people should suffer for my stupidity. And I hate people who back down after a deal is closed.
Also, my first guru auctions purchase was a q9 Runic Blade which had a s/b of 20k and a b/o of 40k. I pressed the b/o button, thinking I would pay the 20k and get it right away. I really wonder sometimes at the process of thought that lead to that conclusion, seeing as I did that right after I read the rules and found out what b/o meant. I guess I was just nervous. However, I honored the deal, no reason other people should suffer for my stupidity. And I hate people who back down after a deal is closed.
I decided to try and vanq varajar fells in the spur of the moment... only to find out that i was missing a necessary quest right at the end... i wasted 2 hours.
As for myself, probably going through 3 stacks of fireworks to make space in storage a couple of days before the Party Animal title was introduced. I had three ToPK greens in the same tab which I should have just merched instead.
Reminds me of the time when my alliance went to vanquish Sacnoth through it all up to part where only the Charr fort was left and our dervish revealed he hadn't done Assault, so we couldn't get in...
As for myself, probably going through 3 stacks of fireworks to make space in storage a couple of days before the Party Animal title was introduced. I had three ToPK greens in the same tab which I should have just merched instead. |
Anu Tok
1) Was in RA playing with one of those annoying Necro life transfer/siphon builds. Team was rocking, but for some reason, they had one necro/ranger left standing that all four of us just couldn't kill. Having never made a ranger, I was unfamiliar with his elite "Melandru's Resilience" and just kept spamming my blood curses. Ended up winning when the timer ran out, but wasted a good 7 minutes when I could've just wanded the dude. Lesson learned.
2) Just before HoM calculator, was doing some inventory cleaning and decided that since I didn't want to pursue the Black Moa Chick, so I wouldn't need this incubator kit thing. GONE. Was not happy several weeks later when I discovered why the incubator kit crafter would't talk to me. One per toon, + a decent chunk of dough in crafting materials. Dumb.
2) Just before HoM calculator, was doing some inventory cleaning and decided that since I didn't want to pursue the Black Moa Chick, so I wouldn't need this incubator kit thing. GONE. Was not happy several weeks later when I discovered why the incubator kit crafter would't talk to me. One per toon, + a decent chunk of dough in crafting materials. Dumb.
Went all the way to the end of the Cathedral of Flames, my least favorite dungeon, for a Z-Bounty and forgot to bring the sacred relic back. I had a full inventory and specifically remember thinking "what is this thing, it's not worth anything" and dropping it. The worst part of it is I've done Temple of the Damned several times, I just forgot that I needed the stupid quest item. The quest is still in my log, with everything crossed off except for "See Gron Fierceclaw" hahaha. I haven't had the heart to go back and do it again.
-Old 3FL-
Dumbest thing?
On my first char, I was a W/E with like FireStorm on my skillbar and what not, even in RoF! hahaha
that was like 66months ago, but still! rofl (got the rof on my first char about 1 month into owning Gw...? approx)
On my first char, I was a W/E with like FireStorm on my skillbar and what not, even in RoF! hahaha
that was like 66months ago, but still! rofl (got the rof on my first char about 1 month into owning Gw...? approx)