I will be leaving tomorrow to visit my grandfather, and in the honoured tradition of nearly every senior citizen out there, he lacks a computer. I'll be back sometime on Thursday, so if any new entries/questions/stuff comes up in the meantime, I won't be able to deal with them for a few days.
I'll still be lurking around for the rest of today and a bit of tomorrow morning though.
@Minami: I love the photo, Minami! I like how crisp the colours are, and the background really works with it.

I think it might actually need something more than just snow to tie it to Wintersday.... though perhaps the rest of the photos will help with that.
@IH: Pfft, I think building even a normal snowman is plenty adventurous. Lots of exciting experiences! We got more than enough snow here for it, but I'm lazy and make perhaps one each winter.
Also, going outside in a rit costume would be cold, but it's entirely bearable for 5-10 minutes or so (depending on how cold it is), as long as you're able to have a hot shower afterwards.
@Tommy's: I think it's all about the placement of the words. Sometimes, the english language can be so precise about little things like that.

'Tyria's greatest snowman ever made' sounds ok, but again it lacks punch. The "ever made" part at the end seems to hang loose and is more like an afterthought added on. 'The greatest ever snowman of Tyria' would be a bit better I think. Or even just 'The greatest snowman ever made'. But like you said, it's still being made, so that kind of makes the title redundant....
Eh, I think I really like using the word challenge in there somewhere, since it sounds like they're challenging themselves to make the greatest snowman ever but haven't accomplished it yet. Sort of like a quest, or even an adventure - something that's a challenge and they're determined to see it through (despite the fighting in the background).