Hearts of the North - the next Guild Wars Beyond chapter
Bought the costumes, they are pretty nice.
I don't like that the Wedding Finery has red stripes when you dye it, it kinda ruins the dye job.
I don't like that the Wedding Finery has red stripes when you dye it, it kinda ruins the dye job.
Skyy High
Hm, I don't recall any particular Norn that said they were friends with Thackery. I would have guessed the Norn in Longeye's, but there isn't anything over there either.
Thanks for the info. |
[edit]I'd like to say that I had a ball playing as a horribly OP-ed solo ranger for a few missions. It's not something that I'll come back to, but for the purpose of the story (ie, showing Kieran's growth, as opposed to telling us about it), I think it fit wonderfully and was a nice diversion from the norm.
Also, I can't help but think that GW2's influence was plastered all over these skills, and the solo combat in general. If the ranger gets these kinds of party-support skills in GW2....well, I can totally see them having a place in a PUG.
S00per Dave
Overall pretty fun line of quests. Didn't take a brain surgeon to know where to go next to look for the items. Although it wasn't very clear for the fourth one. I just followed the crowd to the right zone and searched. Much improved from WiK as it originally was.
The skill bar for Keiran was pretty easy to use. The low energy usage made it almost too easy.
The costumes are nice...would like stuff like this spaced out a bit. We're not used to forking over the money on a monthly basis, O_o. (Wintersday is coming up too...*sigh*)
I liked the one sniper skill based on a hex from the Sin. That definitely tells me the direction where the GW2 skills are going. *thumbs up*
The skill bar for Keiran was pretty easy to use. The low energy usage made it almost too easy.
The costumes are nice...would like stuff like this spaced out a bit. We're not used to forking over the money on a monthly basis, O_o. (Wintersday is coming up too...*sigh*)
I liked the one sniper skill based on a hex from the Sin. That definitely tells me the direction where the GW2 skills are going. *thumbs up*
Kc Quipor Ultra
wtf i finished mission 3 and i don't find the cloak on that place :s and gwem is in a weird bugged loop of saying the same ALL the time
I HATE Keiran, and I hate anet for forcing him and these dumb quests on us when we could be getting something interesting. The only reason he exists is that anet thought it'd be a good idea for some bad character to serve as the bridge between GW and GW2.
Not our PCs mind you, who know, who've saved the world 4 times. But some guy who did two things:
1. Diddly
2. Squat
Winds of Change can't start soon e-bloody-nough.
Not our PCs mind you, who know, who've saved the world 4 times. But some guy who did two things:
1. Diddly
2. Squat
Winds of Change can't start soon e-bloody-nough.
joseph Mckennie
Fortunately the personal opinion of one (or a few) people dont determine the outcome of new lore. Some people didnt like Fallout 3, but that didnt stop it from getting constant '10' reviews. So clearly someone somewhere (alot of someones) liked it. Also, from a lore perspective Thackeray did quite a lot of things we just didnt see. he led the Ascalon detachment of the ebon vanguard, and before that led several missions with varying success against the charr. And this WiK content is about expanding the lore, not the people's feelings toward one specific NPC they never had the pleasure of using.
And this WiK content is about expanding the lore, not the people's feelings toward one specific NPC they never had the pleasure of using. |
Just Sai
Not our PCs mind you, who know, who've saved the world 4 times. But some guy who did two things:
1. Diddly 2. Squat Winds of Change can't start soon e-bloody-nough. |
leeched half of nf and became a god, the only time she threw her spear was at targets your not supposed to kill
if ya dont like it dont play it.
gg anet well done.
was a smooth bug free quest line for me and i enjoyed it.
re: kormir
leeched half of nf and became a god, the only time she threw her spear was at targets your not supposed to kill |
it is a good point though...
NPC: "hey! you're that guy!"
Player: "me?"
NPC: "yeah! you're that guy who saved the world all those times."
Player: "to be fair, I had a group of allies who helped all those times."
NPC: "don't be so modest. You killed the dark god Abbadon!"
Player: "yeah, i guess you're right. I guess I am kind of famous..."
NPC: "Yeah!.....and have you heard of this complete nobody named Keiran!? He's so awesome and better than you in every way!"
Player: O___O
Charlie Dayman
Not our PCs mind you, who know, who've saved the world 4 times. But some guy who did two things:
1. Diddly 2. Squat Winds of Change can't start soon e-bloody-nough. |
Ah, I remember that fellow now! I vaguely remember doing that ages ago - can't remember the guy's name.
shady tradesman
Charlie Dayman
shady tradesman
History also probably would have burned the would-be abomination.
"We'll let them mate with our women, and in time the two people will become one."
lol anet srsly
Well, it was fun, I suppose.
Well, it was fun, I suppose.
Malis Of Monrovia
Dark Saviour
Fortunately the personal opinion of one (or a few) people dont determine the outcome of new lore. Some people didnt like Fallout 3, but that didnt stop it from getting constant '10' reviews. So clearly someone somewhere (alot of someones) liked it. Also, from a lore perspective Thackeray did quite a lot of things we just didnt see. he led the Ascalon detachment of the ebon vanguard, and before that led several missions with varying success against the charr. And this WiK content is about expanding the lore, not the people's feelings toward one specific NPC they never had the pleasure of using.
Right now all I want to see from War in Kryta and this followup is an opt out button. I want it to be gone for the rest of my chars. It was barely palatable on one char.. I dont want to deal with it 11 more times as it is implemented now. I cannot run through this mess 11 more times just to clear Kryta of content I never had a choice about.
I want to help low level guildies in Kryta without hordes of high level Mantle one shotting them. I want my NF chars who finished EOTN not to have to deal with WIK.. not when I have to uncover the entire Kryta map with low level garbage hench. I don't care about the rewards, HOM, GW2 continuity or anything else.. I just want out of this poorly implemented mess.
Deviant Angel
I don't like cheesy console game crap of playing a predetermined char in a predetermined role. "OOO I AM LARA CROFT/insert FOTM Hero". I really don't CARE what he did. Forcing me to abandon my actual character to do these missions WONT MAKE ME CARE. Lore could have been introduced without forcing us to play as this inconsequential extra in red shirt.
Right now all I want to see from War in Kryta and this followup is an opt out button. I want it to be gone. It was barely palatable on one char.. I dont want to deal with it 11 more times as it is implemented now. I cannot run through this mess 11 more times just to clear Kryta of content I never had a choice about. I want to help low level guildies in Kryta without hordes of high level Mantle one shotting them. I want my NF chars who finished EOTN not to have to deal with WIK.. not when I have to uncover the entire Kryta map with low level garbage hench. I don't care about the rewards, HOM, GW2 continuity or anything else.. I just want out of this poorly implemented mess. |
Uninstalling is also an option.
Charlie Dayman
Just bought the formal costume set, and I gotta say that this tuxedo is pretty spiffy. I love the Victorian look to it. From what I'm seeing, it looks like Susan and Kristen are bringing some of the GW2 armor style into GW1 - and I'm definitely okay with that.
Now I have a choice between nice formal wear and steampunk threads to switch between when I'm burning things to death on my ele.
Now I have a choice between nice formal wear and steampunk threads to switch between when I'm burning things to death on my ele.
Aside from the mobs in Kryta, I'm not sure how any of this is getting in your way. Those mobs can be rolled with almost any build and with the "low level garbage" henchmen. Don't want to participate or do the quests? Don't do them.
Uninstalling is also an option. |
I did WIK on my main with H/H in Hard Mode.. all of it. Im not complaining about difficulty, just stupidity in implementation.. Low level Proph hench, limited party size, idiotic reward tables. What genius decided 100g newb exp scrolls were a fit reward for max level content? Why was there no Shining Blade faction? Why did they have to force value on their worthless oppressor skins by HOMing them?
I didn't have a choice to opt into WIK. Every time I finish EOTN it gets rammed down my throat. I would like to opt out.. period. WIK is annoying and tedious.
I dont see Lt Thackary as a lore issue at all. I see them finding it far easier and faster to balance the missions to a single canned skillbar rather than attempt to balance it for a myriad of PvE builds. That isn't a good portent in a supposed Skill Based game.
But w/e.
Yes. Im sure you "rolled" all of WIK with just Alesia and "frenzy".
I did WIK on my main with H/H in Hard Mode.. all of it. Im not complaining about difficulty |
I asked my guild "Is there any bonus to doing WiK in HM?", the reply was no aside from the bounties. Therefore I will do the damn thing in NM thank you please. I don't believe in making extra work for myself.
Also as was said, apart from the extra mobs in Kryta, you don't have it getting in your face. Unless something's been changed to make it more OMG DO WIK STUFF NAO. I'm missing it if it has. I almost missed the first Gwen/Keiran dialogue because I was too busy doing stuff in my HoM to bother paying attention. I bumbled around for a while with WiK just sat there undone because I wanted to do other things. I felt no pressure to do it at all. The only times I got remotely frustrated was while pottering around Kryta and the extra mobs blocked my path but they were soon taken care of.
Uhm, weren't you just saying about how frustrating the deaths of the henchies was? That sounds like a contradiction to me... If you were having issues with their deaths, why continue to do the whole thing in HM when there are no bonuses for doing so? o_o
I asked my guild "Is there any bonus to doing WiK in HM?", the reply was no aside from the bounties. Therefore I will do the damn thing in NM thank you please. I don't believe in making extra work for myself. |
Yes, I'm aware of this. I also know that doing it in NM, my two henchies didn't have 60 DP at all. I took Dunham and Alesia, both died ONCE as a result of the Ether Seal in Riverside Assassination. I don't see how that's 60 DP unless the mechanics of it have changed :P
I want my NF chars who finished EOTN not to have to deal with WIK.. not when I have to uncover the entire Kryta map with low level garbage hench. I don't care about the rewards, HOM, GW2 continuity or anything else.. I just want out of this poorly implemented mess.
Oh wait..
You are raging because you were naive enough to trigger it all on all your NF characters. This is your own damn fault.
Yea I hate how when going into Kryta WiK is automatically started, forcing on you to play. What if I didn't want to do it to begin with?
Oh wait.. You are raging because you were naive enough to trigger it all on all your NF characters. This is your own damn fault. |
Thank you.. oh.. thank you all.
Naive enough to trigger it on several BEFORE it was implemented. God, yes, how extremely stupid of me. Mea Culpa. Ill log out and uninstall now, it has become obvious to me I am truly not of a caliber to play this game.
Thank you.. oh.. thank you all. |
Or are you saying by finishing EoTN or prophecies Wik content automatically spawns? Because that's wrong as well.
no, actually its not. the peacekeepers start spawning when you finish EoTN or prophecies.
i figured that out today when i logged onto my ranger who had done nothing that was part of the WiK, and left lions arch to go find the shining blade camp.
it even says this on the wiki http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/War_in_Kryta
i figured that out today when i logged onto my ranger who had done nothing that was part of the WiK, and left lions arch to go find the shining blade camp.
it even says this on the wiki http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/War_in_Kryta
I'm impressed with how you triggered WiK before it was implemented. I'm assuming you mean you finished WiK and were done and now don't want to do the new stuff? Still doesn't make any sense with walking through Kryta. The new HoK does not make the Peacekeepers respawn in any areas. So how are you being affected by it? Not doing it is the same as if it was never there. Bottom line.
Or are you saying by finishing EoTN or prophecies Wik content automatically spawns? Because that's wrong as well. |
"Once a character has completed either Prophecies or Eye of the North, different foes will appear in the Kryta regions of Tyria. These foes include:snip"
I want to help low level guildies in Kryta without hordes of high level Mantle one shotting them.
Good thing they won't be: "War in Kryta content is available only to characters who have completed the Prophecies or Eye of the North campaigns. If you have completed Prophecies you must also own the Eye of the North expansion."
If they haven't finished Prophecies or EoTN, you have nothing to worry about. Them not having it overrides you.

Source: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/War_in_Kryta
Crystal Lake
I seem to be stuck. I can't get his quest > Investigate the tarnished emblem at the scrying pool. I did Auspicious Beginnings twice and received the rewards. But I can't get the next leg of the quest line.
I actually didn't bother with the henchies when I did it on my ele except when I did the bounty ones in hm and bla...bla i did with a friend and the rest of the conent I was fine with just me and 3 heros.
Your low lever friends are fine since odds are they havent finished eotn or proph (although it is possible to finish proph under lvl 10 still I think). And otherwise the stuff is quite honestly rollable... Basically though you're being forced to play content designed to be played by people your level. How horrible.
You don't get the quest from the scrying pool you get it from the tarnish emblem in Magestys rest
Your low lever friends are fine since odds are they havent finished eotn or proph (although it is possible to finish proph under lvl 10 still I think). And otherwise the stuff is quite honestly rollable... Basically though you're being forced to play content designed to be played by people your level. How horrible.
You don't get the quest from the scrying pool you get it from the tarnish emblem in Magestys rest
Drelias Melaku
I LOVE the new costumes. These are the only costumes I've bought so far. I gave my female assassin a tux, Spectercles and a Clockwork Scythe and I couldn't be happier. Plus, the top hat has finally finished off my Illusion outfit for my mesmer. Loving it. <3
As for the new content - I had a bit of trouble with one of the quests (not the last one - can't remember which), but figured it out eventually. All in all, very happy to see some new content that's keeping me in the game. If we have to wait months and months more until Guild Wars 2 is released, at least we can keep busy with Guild Wars Beyond. I like the BMP feel to it - it's a bit more epic.
And if I had a choice between Gwen or Miku... I would have chosen Gwen, personality and all. =P
So, thank you, A.Net, for making costumes I loved enough to buy, and for all the new content!
O... By the way, speculation about the new hero - My guess would be Ritualist... If they're saying it'll be something "completely different" (just saw that in this thread, not sure of the original source), maybe it'll be something that's normally an enemy, like a Tengu, Warden, Gaki, etc, or something awesome like one of the emissaries (is that their name? The ghost-like things you meet somewhere in Cantha). That would certainly be unique and interesting. A guildie mentioned Togo's ghost.
A.net has my attention.
As for the new content - I had a bit of trouble with one of the quests (not the last one - can't remember which), but figured it out eventually. All in all, very happy to see some new content that's keeping me in the game. If we have to wait months and months more until Guild Wars 2 is released, at least we can keep busy with Guild Wars Beyond. I like the BMP feel to it - it's a bit more epic.
And if I had a choice between Gwen or Miku... I would have chosen Gwen, personality and all. =P
So, thank you, A.Net, for making costumes I loved enough to buy, and for all the new content!
O... By the way, speculation about the new hero - My guess would be Ritualist... If they're saying it'll be something "completely different" (just saw that in this thread, not sure of the original source), maybe it'll be something that's normally an enemy, like a Tengu, Warden, Gaki, etc, or something awesome like one of the emissaries (is that their name? The ghost-like things you meet somewhere in Cantha). That would certainly be unique and interesting. A guildie mentioned Togo's ghost.
A.net has my attention.
Here's my opinion:
1. New Costumes! Great idea. You don't need to buy them to trigger content. It's completely optional and they get to pocket some money to keep working on GW2. I like this sort of thing.
2. New quests! Again, nice. The skill bar is fixed and the skills don't make a whole lot of sense as to which things were packaged with which things in the same skill, but that's fine. The quests are fun.
3. A way to get Ebon Vanguard points! Too bad I just maxed this, but this was the hardest of the EotN factions to max, and it's probably good others don't hae to grind for this title.
4. The difficulty of the quests! Not absolutely trivial (though some of you may claim so) yet not too hard. Unlike the Halloween quests I didn't beat everything on the first try without trying too hard. This is a good thing.
1. Changing the difficulty of the Battle for Lion's Arch. I beat this on the third try (and on the first try with other people.) I thought the difficulty as appropriate, but I know everyone is going to want to get past the battle to see this new content. If the new content wasn't linked, I would say making the battle easier was a big mistake, but if it's something for everybody to do, then I guess I can understand.
1. A third Assassin hero. Edit: Just learned it was confirmed it won't be a Sin or Ranger. Haven't seen this yet, but if so then nothing bad at all. Good job anet!
1. New Costumes! Great idea. You don't need to buy them to trigger content. It's completely optional and they get to pocket some money to keep working on GW2. I like this sort of thing.
2. New quests! Again, nice. The skill bar is fixed and the skills don't make a whole lot of sense as to which things were packaged with which things in the same skill, but that's fine. The quests are fun.
3. A way to get Ebon Vanguard points! Too bad I just maxed this, but this was the hardest of the EotN factions to max, and it's probably good others don't hae to grind for this title.
4. The difficulty of the quests! Not absolutely trivial (though some of you may claim so) yet not too hard. Unlike the Halloween quests I didn't beat everything on the first try without trying too hard. This is a good thing.
1. Changing the difficulty of the Battle for Lion's Arch. I beat this on the third try (and on the first try with other people.) I thought the difficulty as appropriate, but I know everyone is going to want to get past the battle to see this new content. If the new content wasn't linked, I would say making the battle easier was a big mistake, but if it's something for everybody to do, then I guess I can understand.
1. A third Assassin hero. Edit: Just learned it was confirmed it won't be a Sin or Ranger. Haven't seen this yet, but if so then nothing bad at all. Good job anet!
Malis Of Monrovia
O... By the way, speculation about the new hero - My guess would be Ritualist... If they're saying it'll be something "completely different" (just saw that in this thread, not sure of the original source), maybe it'll be something that's normally an enemy, like a Tengu, Warden, Gaki, etc, or something awesome like one of the emissaries (is that their name? The ghost-like things you meet somewhere in Cantha). That would certainly be unique and interesting. A guildie mentioned Togo's ghost. They have my attention.
1. A third Assassin hero. I'm sorry, but no one needed a third assassin. A third Rit would have been great. In fact, I would have even used three Rit heros on my Rit main for an all channeling - offensive communing - protective communing - and resto rit combination. Would have been great. An extra sin is just something the audience could have easily told you they don't want.
My money's on Togo :P
Drelias Melaku