mmmmmmmk so. This thread has three sides. The people that think it should be nerfed, the people that dont, and the people that dont care.
Everyone is sayin that its good its bad, they have never used it etc.
A lot of people will use a build from PvX and never change it- These are the people that get annoying in teams when they insist the build on wiki is the only one to run
Some people get discord from wiki and then make some changes to it, adapt it to the area, change the skills up to work better in the team and actually think about it. - these people accept someone has had a good idea and use it themselves.
Some people refuse to accept that a build on wiki is actually good, that all builds on wiki are no good and anyone running them is a noob that cant think for themselves.- These people fail to see a good idea or adapt someone elses idea.
Discord is a good team build if used knowing that the enemies will actually take the damage from the skills.
You need to keep the foes hexed and conditioned even with them stripping hexes and conditions. They need the ability to rend enchantments too in certain areas. The combination of the three necros has the potential and the SR gives excellent e-management.
To put it simply. There is a finite amount of skills in the game. There are a finite amount of skills that synergise well. Lets assume that you are the first person to put a build together. You go and get Legendary Vanquisher with that team build and you post it on wiki becasue it works really well, it allowed you to VQ every area with ease and your sharing that build.
That build works and others try it and also find it works. Is it wrong for people to start saying its bad? No, it works and is being shared to help people out.
Odly helping other people can feel rewarding.
The use of an AP caller is also considered a noob thing. Again, it works, people have tried it and share it.
Killing AP would kill assassin builds that use it for non discordy things lol.
PvX provides us with the builds that people have found work if the skills change then so will the bars that players use.
Some people will just get new ones from wiki which is fine if they dont want to spend their time doing that.
Some will make the builds and put them on wiki.
You [being who ever does assume thing] assume that making builds is a part of the game everyone wants to do. Thats like saying everyone wants to get gwamm. Or Everyone wants to pvp or everyone wants to sit in kamadan and powertrade. Just becasue its what you think players should do doesnt mean they should or have to.
If someone wants to come on for an hour a day and vanquish one area using a build from wiki then thats totally fine.
Yes, if the builds where nerfed it would mean a lot of people changed there bars, but so what?
/leave guru for a day from the QQ /agree with :P but big deal. I got gwamm on my ele before discord and i have used discord to get gwamm with my monk. It was easy to get on my monk just time consuming. It doesnt work in all the dungeons so I had to change the bars and try this or that. But thats fair enough.