I was thinking the same thing, early next year as in "April". I suspect ANet will be working right up until the deadline for Wintersday, depending on what they wanted to add. Then add bug fixes up until the New Year. We still have Canthan New year in the middle of February(thats like 2 weeks away Anet time). I dont know what ANet has planned, but adding new content to CNY would be a nice segway into C:WoC and give the CNY that new event smell. Its alot to cram into a few months.
Personally, I would rather have Embark Beach and the Full Hero Party prior to full on C:WoC content. There will still be some people that need to finish factions, who could use Embark Beach. And a Full Hero Party will be a nice opportunity to test out hero team builds on what I expect to be WiK type mobs(HM anyone
As to what the "awesome" thing is, we know Melee AI has been discussed. I'm also thinking some sort of hero formation orders. Something like a panic "Spread Out!" button, that makes heros scatter would be helpful in addition to formation ability. To me, Control Features > AI upgrades. But, melee still needs some special love. Of course it would only make sense to upgrade Henchies as well, why even have them if they are going to become even more useless with a full hero party.
I vote for a quest where we go take a cra- uh I mean, fertalize the Sylvari Pale Tree. That way I can have some legacy lore relating to Sylvari in GW2.
EDIT: Stumme mentioned a Full Hero Party being feasable before the WiK Survey. That quote about it "not happening for years" was from the last person in charge.