DoA and FoW with heroes


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


The amount of tries it took to actually complete it was ridiculous. It's been one of my goals the past month. I had tried various things like a team with mantra of frost, a ranger with winter/greater conflagration, but that wasn't effective. The SF/ToF combo sort've worked, but dedicating two full slots to the protection seemed ineffective, particularly for the amount of protection received (it + SYG is nice, but it still didn't do much against a low health terrorweb).

Essentially, I came down to just using an ST Rit, heavily micro'd. In addition to that, I was forced to micro a lot of the spikes. That's why my 3 mesmers are all at the top. That caused issues when trying to resurrect my group, because I was usually having to move the main flag around to get heroes close enough to res. :P Most of the general mobs went relatively smoothly, but most of my troubles came from the groups of 6 Misery Titans, and the 6 Anguish titans. The anguish in particular because they stole panic and that nearly wiped my group.

I used the dp remover during the fury (I think I used a couple after the anguish titans, too, but that wasn't the main spot), because I had 3-4 repeated near wipes (I was lucky in several instances - I had my last hero go to 3 health and I was freaking out trying to get her to stop walking, yet I was still worried about aggro range), and I finally just gave in and cleared some DP off. After that the fury went okay, I managed to get lucky and spike the Ki's right away and the rest of the group went shortly afterwards.

I also had some narrow spots where I had a triple pull of terrorweb/dream riders + margonite mob with two su's and two ki's + mixed group of misery/rage/dementia titans. Moment I noticed the extra pulls, I flagged everything away and had two heroes survive for the recovery. I also used a couple clovers after the anguish titans to clear off from them and this near wipe.

As far as my heroes go - I used an E-Surge dom, a Panic dom, an Ineptitude illusion (all 3 mesmers focused on damage + shutdown, yay BiP), a BiP Resto, a UA Healer (with party wide healing - particularly the two divine favor spells - BiP made energy nice and easy), the ST Rit, and a second E-Surge placed on an elementalist. I've recently fallen in love with BiP because of how simply and easily it solves energy issues - I never used monks for the reason of energy, and mesmers could periodically bottom out because of failed interrupts.

That's my fun time in the foundry. I went in normal mode with my team and almost cleared the foundry in under a half hour, but I was overconfident and wiped when I pulled the last 3 mobs all together in the last room (I was at 23 mins then, and that would be right before taking the quest and saving the prisoners). I'm going to redo that and see how fast I can get a foundry clear in normal mode. It's also kinda weird how easy the rest of the game feels after the foundry. o.O

Edit: I'm also gonna add that I'm probably going to take my team into foundry NM, pop a conset, use some personal cons, and blow through the entire thing just to make myself feel better. <_<


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2011

Rio de Janeiro



Sorry for the question, but i won't read 10 pages to probably not find the answers.
Is there a nice 7 heroes build based on phisical dmg (ranger,war and para) able to do FoW HM? i'd like seeing that brainless muscles can still own :-)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2011

And now for something completely different.

I need to stop making idiotic builds. (takes forever to kill, not suitable for HM)

Amy Awien

Amy Awien

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by VikingHaag View Post
Is there a nice 7 heroes build based on phisical dmg (ranger,war and para) able to do FoW HM? Rangers did FoW HM before the 7-hero update so I don't see why not now. I reckon a standard 3 N, 2 Rt, 2 Me group would roll through. Just make sure you have decent hex removal.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

I just managed FoW normal mode in my fastest time yet with 7 heroes. No necros, super zerging, no cons or summons or speed buffs, simply just the builds in the screenshot:

1 hour 35 min completion. It would be faster if I had taken GOLE instead of Resto Glyph, but I'm trying to get survivor with this as well.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010

You used mercs though to achieve it, since you have 3 Mes and 2 rit. I'm sure you could alter an ele or n though to take on one of their roles. Still, would rather have my speed buffs/necs over buying merc heros. Don't see whats wrong with FREE necros in comparison to paying for a merc mesmer.

Edit: (Its been a little while since I did FoW, also working on survivor at the time, but with dual fallback and a AOTL I'm pretty sure I was consistently getting 1hr.10-1hr.20 times, and thats with a MM's inherent slowness combined with fallback and massive burning forest pulls because of using an MM. No cons or summons etc...)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

Nothing wrong with using necros, I normally use them myself, but I wanted to try with 3 mesmers and didnt have enough space for necros.

Meh, I just noticed that I actually had the damage ward and not the armor one, I thought I had the armor one and was using it against enemy damage lol.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

Thanks, I died a couple of times because Prot Bond keeps being stripped and I forget to recast it. I'll try out your builds since I just made a fourth mesmer merc.

I'm not really too bothered about the survivor title, I want the obby shards more, bt thought I might try to stay alive but I couldnt.

If I play an E/Mo, its far too slow and boring for zerging for those 105 obby shards.

I can just keep on farming UW + FoW and do survivor another time if I dont manage to stay alive.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009


the build i posted above also works for HM, took a little longer but still works. used 3 bu's and a elixir.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

I'm looking for anything that completes FoW in under 90 minutes, as I usually get 3-4 shards per run including the end chest. HM isnt really desirable because it would take longer and reduce survival chance (should I manage to not die for 13 runs), and I need to save as much gold as I can to spend towards obby armor, HoM weapons, and consumable titles, so thats why I dont use consets.

I'm fine with solo farming UW with my rit, and completing FoW with my elly. I'll end up reaching 105 ecto sooner as the rit farming is a lot faster, and will then be able to farm extra ectos to trade for obby shards and consumables for the titles.

I gave up on DOA because its too hard with a full hero team, I can just grind a few more oppressor or destroyer weps instead, one tormented is enough. I nearly have enough gemstones for a second tormented weapon, which I will use to get a hammer for my warrior on my second account.

I'm going to try and use dual fallback in my next FoW run to see if it helps save some more minutes. I think that would be a lot more efficient for this than using cons would be. I might also try a glyph of swiftness + thunderclap + technobable build for AoE permadaze with a fourth Fevered Dreams mesmer.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

I just did a FoW HM run and wound up at 1 hour 23 minutes having used two mercantile summoning stones. Could easily have been 1 hour 15 minutes; I spent some time running around like a headless chicken (ran back to Rastigan with one Banshee still alive, running past the Shard Wolf outside Tower of Strength [didn't realize it until I had escorted Griffons back too ...). Also had a bit of overaggro problems in the forest; I'll change my approach there if I ever do it again.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009



What builds jeydra (:

Mig Coconut

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2009

Gulfstream Owners


I used two bu's. Second try, but decent at hour 10 mins. I think I ran too much defense, though that was helpful when I accidentally got triple aggro in burning forest. I also didn't notice my roj was set to avoid til the end -_-

Builds if people care: emo, roj, panic, inep, sos, minion master, n/rt resto


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2007



I've just did FoW HM with exactly the same 7H build like i always do Deep HM.
Build from PvxWiki. Took 2 hrs but i came to FoW first time.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


With AFK time and several DC's. I could get <25 mins barless methinks. Ultra-defensive build for those who dislike micro'ing. Pulling strat used at final boss, splitting the 5 darknesses into 2 and 3, and pulling off separate groups of 5 earth's. Portal, I take it, and beat the heck out of there before mobs come in. Cave, I stand in front a bit and tank with the E/Mo saving my butt. Take a spike build, any sort of damage, call middle targets in groups (prioritize hearts), and you'll have some fun. Works in other areas, but not really tested much, I don't play this style much.

There's improvements to be made (Tahlkora -> guard, Norgu + spiritual pain), but the gist is there.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2006



I've never really seriously tried Domain of Anguish in Hard Mode, but yesterday I did a few tries. Managed to get through the 3rd room in the Foundry, then I already died on the first group in the 4th room, I guess I just rushed in, should've been more careful.

Margonite City was way harder than I expected, but it's mainly because of the environmental effect that drains energy on every attack and skill used. Just died way too often with being too careless and messing up aggro a few times with the Margonites standing on the wall doing heavy damage.

Haven't tried Stygian Veil in HM yet.

Attempted Ravenheart Gloom in HM, doing the quest I once considered to be the most difficult in the game. Made it through without a single dead and no cons used, somehow. It was kinda funny, because they were all hitting me, and my HP bar literally went from below 50 to up a few 100 every few seconds. Got so close to dying so many times, but managed it just fine in the end.

Then later died on the Rift quest when two groups of Tormentors came in. One being the group of warriors, the other being dervishes. Too much melee and chaos.=/

spun ducky

spun ducky

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

WTB: q8 bows


You can subtract about 3 hours from the time as I went out for dinner mid run lol. I have done each individual area in HM with this same build just keep screwing up a full run.

I only used summoning stones and clovers although the clovers weren't actually needed I used them as a precaution since the run takes a while I rather not wipe.

I also have a variant that doesn't use SY! but my goal isn't the same as Jeydra and EFGjack. I am trying to build a casual semi c space run for late night when my guild isn't doing DoAsc 35 minute runs.

I think next I may give it a shot at full macro style DoAsc like PoM accomplished. I also figure show the skillbars as what I ran is a slight bit different than what has been posted and the primary was ranger.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2006



Finished Stygian Veil in HM on my first try there, no cons used. Was an easy run, never ran into problems. Took just over 1 hour.

Finished Ravenheart Gloom in HM, no cons used. Was an easy run as well. Took it a little slower than my first try there, and didn't run into any problems. Took just over 30 minutes.

Tried Foundry in HM, no cons, again. Got killed by one of the Titan groups in the big room. I think it would help if I found a place to pile them up at a corner or pillar, so they don't run all over the place.=/

EDIT: Died in Foundry HM again on the same group. Those 3 Anguish + 3 Misery Titans kill me for some reason.=/



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

NM Foundry and Veil with a hybrid between Jeydra's "Offensive Foundry" and UW Dhuum builds. I'll take Antidote Signet on the Rangers if I go again.

City and Gloom should be no problem.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


I always try to wall-block. Seems to be the most effective.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Those builds are actually pretty bad by today's standards (the UW Dhuum build was specially built for UW as well; it is inefficient elsewhere), would recommend you use something more modern >_<



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Jeydra View Post
Those builds are actually pretty bad by today's standards (the UW Dhuum build was specially built for UW as well; it is inefficient elsewhere), would recommend you use something more modern >_< So I took your latest heroes with some of your approved substitutions and NM Foundry is Easy Mode. Maybe I can graduate to HM soon. Thanks again!


After two days of trying and failing to put together a HM DoA FR build I can run consistently through Foundry rooms 3 and 4, I took it easy and did a NM DoA FR with this team. I'll take for-sure NM DoA FR gems + Mallyx gemset over failure after failure in HM.

default team full run

I probably just lack the micro and non-tank pulling chops for HM. I'm bringing up a Warrior, and I'll reserve HM DoA FR for him.


This is definitely my favorite team yet. Total time includes breaks. Without a MM there's no danger of double or triple aggro. Every mob is easily dealt with except Stygian Hungers with their touch skills, who threatened a wipe many times at the beginning of the Veil.

new team full run

I'm going to replace Accumulated Pain with "Can't Touch This" on the Ineptitude Mesmer and that'll take care of that. This is definitely the most balanced NM DoA build I've tried. It has enough defense and damage output to pretty much c-space your way through it. After an Armbrace or two I'll try it in HM again. Failure after failure can be some depressing stuff.

These heroes all come from
Jeydra's Epic Guide.


Swapped out Suffering for Blood Ritual and Acumulated Pain for "Can't Touch This". Runs so smoothly. No fears.

Time includes breaks. No drugs or stones but still only NM.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Scouts of Tyria


@primitiveworker: I used your build (or perhaps I should say Jeydra's) with my Ranger to make my very first foray into DoA - Stygian Veil. I'm very impressed. I had no idea what to expect in terms of mobs and at times was overrun as a result of pop-ups and general poor aggro control, but completed the area with no difficulty at all. Thanks for posting the build.

Is there any chance you could provide some info on attribute point spreads and weapons? Did you use superior runes for the primary attributes as suggested in Jeydra's post?



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by shanaya View Post
Is there any chance you could provide some info on attribute point spreads and weapons? Did you use superior runes for the primary attributes as suggested in Jeydra's post? Yes I'm using superiors except on the UA Smiter and the attributes are the same as Jeydra's except for these:
Illusion Mes: 12+4 Illusion, 8+1 Fast Casting, 8+1 Inspiration, 7 Command
Curses Necro: 10+4 Curses, 8+1 Soul Reaping, 2 Blood, 12 Restoration

I have 40/40 Wand + Focus for most but not all because I'm lazy. And I keep picking up greens so I use them for flavor here and there.

I myself use a spear+shield most of the time for Splinter. If I were on my ranger I'd use a Zealous bow with Barrage and Ebon Battle Standard of Honor.

The ranger hero has a Sundering 15^50 +30hp Recurve and +5 radiant.

I'm thinking of switching from survivor insignia to +armor insignia for all of the casters
as per EFGJack.


I decided to take dual "Stand Your Ground" instead of +armor insignia. Overload is a waste of a slot IMO because I deal the same damage with a spear+splinter while auto attacking just once, and she never seems to cast it anyway. Waste Not Want Not only nets +6e every 15s (and doesn't have a desirable side-effect like interruption) and there's a Blood Ritual in the party. Putting something else in those slots just makes sense.

At first glance this is an extremely defensive build, but so many things can go so wrong so fast in DoA. Better safe than sorry, IMO.

And I just discovered paw·ned², which is kind of amazing.


Upgraded the necro from Blood Ritual to BiP and added Shatter Enchantment to the Panic bar.


Added +armor insignia and +5e/+60hp staves on the Monk, Mesmers and Necro.

Surprisingly, HM does not feel significantly different from NM. There is less wiggle room with preparation and pull cleanliness, but I think those are player skill issues I can work on, rather than build deficiencies.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Scouts of Tyria


Thanks for that. Personally I don't like superior runes or my heroes so I've stuck to minors but even with minor runes this 7H setup is awesome. I've tried quite a few of the builds suggested in this forum and while they've all been pretty good this is definitely the best for me.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

I'm glad it's working for you!

I've started working on HM with the Foundry as my baseline and finally got it working. No cons, clovers, stones or mercs, etc.

Everyone (aside from me and the Monk) is using Superiors. Everyone (aside from me and the Ranger) is using +armor insignia. 40/40 sets on the Rits. +5e/+60hp staves on the Monk, Mesmers and Necro. Sundering +30 15^50 Recurve bow on the Ranger, who also has +5e from radiant insignia.

I should probably give the Monk a +enchanting mod.

The changes:
* UA Smite -> UA Prot --- survivability++
* Shatter Enchantment -> Overload --- it turns out she does use it
* Ineptitude -> Shared Burden --- turns off HM
* Life -> Bitter Chill --- his HP is always low and he's always got DP, so Bitter Chill is recharged quite often
* Expert's Focus -> Volley --- splashes more Splinter damage
* Keen Arrow -> Savage Shot --- can't have too many interrupts

Running this build in HM Foundry feels just like NM Foundry. The only difference is that I get severely punished when I'm lazy, impatient or sloppy. I don't know if the changes in the build are necessary, or if it was just tighter play that made this successful, but I'll continue with this build in the other areas and see how things go.

Things I have to do to succeed in HM:
* Room 3: Pull Anguish Titans first, then Rage Titans, then Torturewebs, then Misery Titans.
* Room 5: Retreat from the 6 Misery Titans after about half of the Rage Titans pop out. Abuse the turn-around point on The Fury mob near the chains NW of its spawn point.


The City wasn't a problem. The BiP had to be ressed on UA recharge at the beginning of the Veil, precipitating a wipe. But my problem might have been not disabling Aegis and Displacement. I didn't consider Demonic Miasma.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008


@ primitiveworker:
I didn't try this build yet, tho I'm about to. I can't understand why you use 6 heroes with armor ignoring damage and 1 (ranger) with normal damage, especially in HM.
If you expect the ranger's damage to come from splinter, there is no use in those 10e attack skills. don't you think its better to take volly anyway, keep keen arrow and make him a /P with GftE, at spec 3? you can also take signet of return if you must.
regarding the ST hero, does he really need boon of creation AND signet of creation, with a BiP hero at his back ?



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by shaygo
View Post
@ primitiveworker:
I didn't try this build yet, tho I'm about to. I can't understand why you use 6 heroes with armor ignoring damage and 1 (ranger) with normal damage, especially in HM.
If you expect the ranger's damage to come from splinter, there is no use in those 10e attack skills. don't you think its better to take volly anyway, keep keen arrow and make him a /P with GftE, at spec 3? you can also take signet of return if you must.
regarding the ST hero, does he really need boon of creation AND signet of creation, with a BiP hero at his back ? Hmm, good questions.

I'm not sure exactly how to optimize the Ranger, but I keep him for many reasons:
1. Most importantly he can provide constant single-target DPS. When I ping the crap out of a Rage Titan, I need it to go down.
2. He spreads Splinter damage as a nice side-effect of just being there.
3. He's got a natural 100 effective AR, so he's perfect for a hard res.

The 10e attack skills become 5e with expertise, and they effectively come around once every 2s. I like Death Pact Signet because it raises with 100% health and is so fast.

I feel like GFtE is a poor choice if he's the only real martial weapon user in a party with no minions. But I guess it's worth a try.

For the ST: What do you recommend?

Anyway, I'm kind of stuck at the beginning of Veil HM. It will be obnoxious if the changes I make for Veil will make the Foundry more difficult again. This all leads me back to my original assertion that I'd rather take a for-sure NM FR.

Maybe I need a different team altogether for HM FR. This team works wonderfully in NM.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


HM FR is extremely difficult without a tank or SY in particular. I think my team could make it, as it can handle each area individually, but a single mistake is costly on a 3-4 hour run through. It's very hard to have a build to handle every area in HM without the benefits of those PvE skills or a good tank.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Plutoman
View Post
HM FR is extremely difficult without a tank or SY in particular. I think my team could make it, as it can handle each area individually, but a single mistake is costly on a 3-4 hour run through. It's very hard to have a build to handle every area in HM without the benefits of those PvE skills or a good tank. Sweet, that settles it. No more HM for me, for now. I'll just take HM Foundry as a partial win and be happy with that.