DoA and FoW with heroes

Life Bringing

Life Bringing

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008

Fissure of Woe



You should be able to change your interface size in f11. I know i ran larger before the update and had to shrink down to normal to fit all 7 bars in. It also helps to play in fullscreen rather than windowed mode.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Yeah I run 1920x1080 windowed and I can fit them next to each other still. Helps that the minimisation/close buttons are gone .

Oh yeah, interface size needs to be Small.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010


ok, thanks guys

but that is the problem I can't get to 1920, only 1680.

I guess my monitor won't support higher than 1680? It is a 22" wide screen. Geesh.

I never even thought about monitor resolution as a spec for a monitor before this. lol

Now I know.




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011


Lost Animosity


1920 x 1080 is the same resolution as 1080P. As such, typically only higher end and more recent monitors, or monitors built to support 1080P via HDMI, or CRT monitors support 1920 x 1080 and above resolutions

Mercury Phoenix

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006


Probably like many people on this thread I took some pride in being able to hero/hench things in the game, and it felt pretty good to get legendary guardian that way. Unfortunately when DoA came out I was trying to build a guild with brand new players and ended up wasting a year of my playing time. At that point the elitists had all but taken over the area, and we've all been there where if you haven't done it before no one is interested in taking you along.
I personally get bored with farming and speed clears, I'm just not fond of running the exact same build over and over again. I'd rather take longer and enjoy my time. To me the only point to farming was to get that new skin right when it came out, simply playing through the game has always kept me in enough gold to do what I felt like doing.
I only just started trying DoA last night, beginning with Ravenheart Gloom. Naturally I got wrecked on the quest having never been there before. I may try it again with my monk later, but for now its easier to just do it with my paragon, I'll be sure to add my screenshot to the collection when I finish. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to clear it all in one run but hey as long as its done.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010



Mercury your story is very similar to mine.

I am not hard core. I am a casual GW player. I have been playing off and on since the beginning. It bothered me a lot to not be able to play much in places like DOA. I would try joining a guild from time to time. But, it never worked out. No one wants to take an inexperienced nub warrior into the elite end game areas. (not complaining, just a true statement from my experience over the years)

The thing this seven hero update allows is for guys like me who take it nice and slow. Now I get to finally enjoy the end game elite areas. I may suck, I may not. I wouldn't know. I am going to find out. I usually get around to figuring how do things after a few failed attempts. Usually, almost always, it is aggro control. Which happens a lot when you don't know the map.

I play for my enjoyment. Not to max out my efficiency in time spent. The elitists and/or pros can keep their speed clears. Nothing wrong with players who are into that. Just not my thing.

My thanks to all that have posted their builds over the years. This forum and the pros who wrote guides and discussed the content. And to Anet for making the game even more enjoyable for me and others like me.

Now back to my GWAMM.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010



You think I don't know at least that much? lol

Tried that. I rather be playing than spamming around for another player that might have some decent heroes. Seriously, you can spend some very long wait times to just get into the area. If and I mean if you can find anyone willing to go with you.

The few times I found someone else it wasn't very pretty. A lot of name calling and rage quiting.

The level of snobbery and elitism is or was very high. I didn't need the drama of the usual things that went on. So I gave up on bothering. I joined a few guilds over the years in the hope that would help. But, speed clears are the name of the game. And for the most part most aren't interested in a warrior, especially if you are truthful and tell them you haven't been there much.

Speed clears have little interest to me. Even if I had the right class and/or experience at it. I am a leisure player who likes going slow and easy.

Now, I can just go in and do the areas with little drama and more importantly ...whenever I want to. And guess what, I don't suck. At least no where near as much I have heard.

I am not pro. Don't care to be. Just play to have fun and escape from the real world. And I certainly can do many things in GW without the player caused drama and stress of high end elite areas. Sure, if I could find some like minded people I would hang with them. Tried. Hard to find. Most get pretty pissed and take this game too seriously. Everyone is usually in a hurry. (speed clear addictions) That is their choice and nothing wrong with it.

But, it isn't for me. Real world living is too fast pace as it is. I don't need more of that in a game.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Jeydra; I'll concede your point. The combination of Searing Flames, SYG, and ToF had enough defense to last. The third time I went through it it lasted relatively well, though I didn't notice much of a speed improvement. However, it was slightly more 'casual' (bonding is.. intense at times - the pressure to play perfectly is pretty much always there, no screwups allowed), so I may take that for more runs.

The second room was always the trouble running that; it took several tries to get an good spacing pattern for the heroes.

I wanted to try that Para, too. Seems as if your experience wasn't ideal, though. And HM, while possible, seems too slow. I'd rather do two NM runs in 3 hours than a single HM run. Less stress and more money (by the virtue of less cons/dp remover :P) and higher success chance.

I stand by my build as effective - but yours may be more approachable using a heroes SF.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2010

Stockholm, Sweden


I came to this thread to find some ideas and builds for FoW with 7 heroes. I've Read pretty much most of this thread and it helped me a lot, but I would be really glad if anyone could post the acctual templates!
I thought about using Discord but as far as I understand thats not the most efficient. (I'm not looking for a speedrecord here, just something smooth and easy)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


The damage isn't too much different between NM and HM - I think the wipe chance is very high in the second room without the combination of both, or without enough interrupts to make sure the dryders are shut down. I don't see many normal builds that can clear foundry even NM, but maybe.

Like I said, it was more casual, and as long as you are relatively careful with pulling, it's not too difficult with a high success chance. HM.. well, I'd rather succeed 4 out of 4 times in NM than 1 out of 4 times in HM.

Voodoo Rage

Voodoo Rage

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

Sacramento, CA



Totally screwed up FoW yesterday. I was just about completely done, all I had to do was go to the Forest and do the Wailing Lord and Griffins quest. Not being experienced in FoW I was shocked to get a quest failed after all my hard work. I had no idea you weren't supposed to kill the Wailing Lord.... :banging head on keyboard:

Again, the only near wipe is those stupid Ether Breaker guys in the battlefield. They just spike my whole team every time. Everything else is really easy IMO, I'd say considerably easy than almost any EoTN dungeon in comparison.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010


Originally Posted by Jeydra
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In which case, do you think it's fair to complain that other people complain about you?

I was once in this PvE guild where one player joined my team and pinged a bad build ... I asked him to switch skills, but he got insulted and left. I still can't fault myself for what I did, especially since if we had attempted the mission with him there's a good chance we would've failed. On the other hand, he could reasonably claim that he isn't pro and doesn't care to be and I'm an elitist ***** who cares only about clearing the area and not about having fun ... ?
You make a valid point. Very!

I didn't mean to make it sound like I do not care at all. I didn't express myself properly.

I care enough to learn and to be an asset in any party I play in. My point was... more of a (sarcasm) Pro as in the way some look at themselves relative to me.

I do my research, ask questions, apply what I learn and correct my mistakes. Or try to. Of course if you have zero experience and can't get much (DoA) then you can't learn very well.

If I were in your party and pinged an inappropriate build and what you said was logical, I would change.

You do have to admit that when comes to the areas and things I complained about...that stuff did or does happen.

My complaint lies in the areas that formally you couldn't Hero up in. Especially DoA.

And this thread and others like it have informed me immensely. And more importantly with Anet's 7 hero update, I now can actually garner the experience and at least have an idea of what to expect. Which is why I sorted posted in here to start with. My gratitude to all of you guys for thinking out loud on here.

(I just cleared Stygian in NM, no big deal I know, but it was for me And I got real close in Foundry, last room)

The discourse between a few of you about play style and how it determines your builds was enlightening. If anyone reading this thread takes nothing more than this concept, you will enjoy the game even more. Not every build, yes even the meta work for everyone. You have to trial and error and adjust to how you play your builds. The key word here is ...YOUR...not what someone else uses that works for them. Use it as a starting point only...maybe.

Crap, you guys even got me micro managing my heroes some and I hate that. lol


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

anyone found a build that works for DoA HM ? can be with mercs too. aslong it doesnt need so much micromanagement like poms build.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

can you post the skill templates and does it work without con set ?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009


im wondering what a good time for doa NM without cons is. i've done it 7-8 times and my times dropped from 2:20 down to 1:40 and have stalled out there. until this update i've never gone into doa so im not very experienced when it comes to doa or ways to save time. wondering if anyone can give me any advice on where i can save alot of time or where they save alot of time. city takes me 22-24 mins, foundry is 30-35 and veil takes 30-35 also, i've yet to do gloom by its self so im unsure of a time but i don't see any way of making up anymore time without splitting the group in gloom which i can't with hero's. im aware that a sf sin and group of mes's can do it faster than a normal group but right now im running a build where i dont' have to micro anything nor do i use any kind of bonds and would like to keep it that way. if anyone has any suggestions or hints please let me know, i'll include a picture of the route i take, maybe im doing something wrong there to slow things down.

i feel like some time can be made up in foundry, i usually take the quest in the 5th room, then kill everything and go talk to the 3 guys, do i have to kill them all, is it faster to grab them as i go or will they die?

ok here are the templates:
imba: OQGkUdlnpiuEPxFXMIQI8WNW628G
prot necro: OANDQmtPTcaVV1DvEzE3VJgdCA
healer: OAhiYwhMhyM5INV9wJOOVVlcBA
mes1: OQZEAZsCNK9CsCgAmnt8lBoAgMA
mes2: OQhkAoC8AGKzJw0N9EcL/MgCI5C
mes5: OQREAowDe3cCMdTvcwyPDoAsDA

Yes it is possible to do it without cons with this imba build : OQGkUdlnpiuEPxFXMIQI82VR6m7G but it becomes a lot harder and a whole lot slower. I've had success using only an essence the added health, energy and defense aren't realy needed. The essence however saves you 2 spots on the imbagon bar (an IAS and FGJ) and that matters a lot (the heroes do way more dmg thx to the recharge as well).

Quote: Originally Posted by greenough View Post
im wondering what a good time for doa NM without cons is. i've done it 7-8 times and my times dropped from 2:20 down to 1:40 and have stalled out there. until this update i've never gone into doa so im not very experienced when it comes to doa or ways to save time. wondering if anyone can give me any advice on where i can save alot of time or where they save alot of time. city takes me 22-24 mins, foundry is 30-35 and veil takes 30-35 also, i've yet to do gloom by its self so im unsure of a time but i don't see any way of making up anymore time without splitting the group in gloom which i can't with hero's. im aware that a sf sin and group of mes's can do it faster than a normal group but right now im running a build where i dont' have to micro anything nor do i use any kind of bonds and would like to keep it that way. if anyone has any suggestions or hints please let me know, i'll include a picture of the route i take, maybe im doing something wrong there to slow things down.

i feel like some time can be made up in foundry, i usually take the quest in the 5th room, then kill everything and go talk to the 3 guys, do i have to kill them all, is it faster to grab them as i go or will they die?

This is the tactic from platoonway, a team build that used 6 heroes and 2 humans (imbagon and dwg nukker). I'll try to explain the tactics used:
You enter room 5 at (1), take the quest and kill the monsters between (1) and (2) (the first snake you have to resque). You'll have to kill the dryder group and the titan group here. Then you must kill the margonite group, the titan group and the dryder group near (2). Once they are dead flag your heroes away from (2) in the direction of (1) and get the snake. Once he follows you run to the heroes and kill the mob that spawned. (they will ignore the snake and go straight for you).
Now head to (3), you'll have to kill both a margonite and a titan group who are between (1) and (3), avoid the other mobs and flag your heroes at the second snake (in the corner) at (3). Get the snake and kill the mob that spawns. There will be 1 margonite group with 2 healers (the Ki) at (4), kill this group. then go to (5) and resque the last snake (you might want to wait with this intill after the Anguish Titan group has passed by, they just love to aggro).
Now go back to (6) via (3) and (2) (wallhug to avoid aggro). Once at (6) wait for an opening to rush to (7) which is the cave. Here you must flag your heroes in the cave (not to far) and kill the black beast mob. (Keeping the snakes alive here is tricky, but if you can pull it off you won't have to fight about 8 mobs wourth of foes who will still be walkin circles arround (8)). Once he's dead accept the quest and pull the fury mob into the cave, kill them, leave your heroes in the cave and run for the chest.

I hope this helps, if you find this guide to be to vague I could make a video of it. Good luck!

zan the healer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2010


found out that taking eoe for doa reduces your times a lot especially in gloom/veil it literally obliterates the gloom boss after you kill 5 earth tormentors


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

I just tried out Gloom NM with 7 heroes and wiped pretty fast in the cave when all the demons started rushing in. I have a pretty typical 2 Mes, 2 Rit, 1 N/Rt Healer, 1 UA Healer, and one MM Necro. I myself am a Necro primary bringing mostly curses (Enfeebling Blood, Meekness, etc). Would it be worth it to bring SY and Lightbringer's Signet on my bar, as long as I carried something like a spear? Or should I try getting an Ele and Para in for more defense with SF and ToF?

I think I should definitely get rid of the MM necro, maybe load him up with Me skills instead.

zan the healer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2010


managed to do city and veil in hm without cons using

discord (dropped the n/mo and changed it to n/rt and brought rejuvenation)

ap called (me)

st rit that used
eoe shelter st boon of creation and edge of extinction (nothing else but maybe a res)

ua healer

and 2 keystone messes

can also do foundry in hm using cons with this build

gloom is a bit to hard for me i always die in the cave part after 2 heart tormentors come

i also found out that using EoE for doa is really bad ass if you can get all the mobs below 90% health things will start dying then especially the gloom boss


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Originally Posted by Khomet Si Netjer View Post
Jeydra you might want to try this paragon and see if it works as well, it uses Searing Flames + ToF in the same build. You'd have to change it around to get SYG in there. Have you considered Leader's Zeal in place of Energizing Chorus? Even with next to no Motivation, it gives a net energy gain of 4 and has no cast time. 4 energy every 12 seconds isn't exactly impressive, but with this bar it's just trying to squeeze as much energy as possible out of the build here.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2009



This is probably stating the obvious, but I got to R1 Survivor just by doing 1 run of Fow NM. If one were to do 9 run of FoW they would not only walk away with 25 obby shards or more, but also with R3 Survivor.

I say NM because crap happens too often in HM. In NM I accidentally aggroed half the burning forest and only lost a summon (that and a candy apple were the only consumables I used)


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008


I knew there were Smouldering Tendrils going to pop up after I turn in Brood Wars in Veil HM, but I had no idea their Torment Slash would deal so much damage, cool down so quickly and have such a big AoE. What's more, either they hit from beyond spell-casting range or they can hit beyond spellcasting range if they hit someone inside it. Immediately after I turned in the quest, Torment Slash took out some slow-moving minions, also taking out a few more of my team. After we ressed I was wondering whether or not to wait out the 2 minutes on Death Pact, before deciding hey, that's what I got Prot Spirit for right? So I go in, take the Torment Slash and then the rest of my team dies, including both hard ressers. I don't carry Res Scrolls (or BUH, although there was this time I resigned out, forgetting that BUH is a res now @_@), and it was gg.

I can totally empathize with why EFGJack brought Rebirth on heroes eventually lol.

I'll get a DoA FR HM done eventually, although chances are very good it won't be in one sitting. Maybe screenshots of the same build clearing each individual area of DoA.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2010


Pros At Inactivity [bleh]


Originally Posted by Jeydra
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I knew there were Smouldering Tendrils going to pop up after I turn in Brood Wars in Veil HM, but I had no idea their Torment Slash would deal so much damage, cool down so quickly and have such a big AoE. What's more, either they hit from beyond spell-casting range or they can hit beyond spellcasting range if they hit someone inside it. Immediately after I turned in the quest, Torment Slash took out some slow-moving minions, also taking out a few more of my team. After we ressed I was wondering whether or not to wait out the 2 minutes on Death Pact, before deciding hey, that's what I got Prot Spirit for right? So I go in, take the Torment Slash and then the rest of my team dies, including both hard ressers. I don't carry Res Scrolls (or BUH, although there was this time I resigned out, forgetting that BUH is a res now @_@), and it was gg.

I can totally empathize with why EFGJack brought Rebirth on heroes eventually lol.

I'll get a DoA FR HM done eventually, although chances are very good it won't be in one sitting. Maybe screenshots of the same build clearing each individual area of DoA. That's the one reason I carry FoMF over DPS, usually DPS is the better choice, but it can (and will) duck you over royally ;> What setup were you running there anyway?

Life Bringing

Life Bringing

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008

Fissure of Woe



I'm not entirely sure what bar youre running jeydra, but you shouldn't have too hard of a time soloing each tendril with PS up.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Calgary Canada

Originally Posted by Jeydra
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I knew there were Smouldering Tendrils going to pop up after I turn in Brood Wars in Veil HM, but I had no idea their Torment Slash would deal so much damage, cool down so quickly and have such a big AoE. What's more, either they hit from beyond spell-casting range or they can hit beyond spellcasting range if they hit someone inside it. Immediately after I turned in the quest, Torment Slash took out some slow-moving minions, also taking out a few more of my team. I had something very similar happen just last night. My heroes and I were by the adept when we accepted the reward, so we took out the first tendril. I didn't realize, and was not ready for the crazy amount of monsters that spawn after you kill each tendril. The heroes were not flagged away, so they all got omgwtfbbqowned! Time to try it again tonight. The sandstorm carrying ele Lord almost killed my team, and the mesmer had some crazy damage output.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009



Originally Posted by Life Bringing
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I'm not entirely sure what bar youre running jeydra, but you shouldn't have too hard of a time soloing each tendril with PS up. That's what I do on my sin, and they die in a few seconds. But I believe Jeydra is playing on an SF ele, and unless the tendrils are weak against fire , it will take a long time for him to solo them.

Another way is for you to tank (with PS obviously), and face the tendril's away from your team, so they don't get hit with the cone type AoE.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Originally Posted by Jeydra
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I knew there were Smouldering Tendrils going to pop up after I turn in Brood Wars in Veil HM, but I had no idea their Torment Slash would deal so much damage, cool down so quickly and have such a big AoE. What's more, either they hit from beyond spell-casting range or they can hit beyond spellcasting range if they hit someone inside it. Immediately after I turned in the quest, Torment Slash took out some slow-moving minions, also taking out a few more of my team. After we ressed I was wondering whether or not to wait out the 2 minutes on Death Pact, before deciding hey, that's what I got Prot Spirit for right? So I go in, take the Torment Slash and then the rest of my team dies, including both hard ressers. I don't carry Res Scrolls (or BUH, although there was this time I resigned out, forgetting that BUH is a res now @_@), and it was gg.

I can totally empathize with why EFGJack brought Rebirth on heroes eventually lol.

I'll get a DoA FR HM done eventually, although chances are very good it won't be in one sitting. Maybe screenshots of the same build clearing each individual area of DoA. That was similar to my first experience too; I empathize.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009

The Haven Net


personally i soloed the tendrils with SoS Mo/Rt and then pulled spawn back to heroes. took a little longer (50 mins for veil) but then i have never actually done DoA before so should be able to cut that down easily.

have made it through City and Veil now, ran into problems with the first quest in gloom though, just got swamped

running "rubbish" heroes so could probably improve easily
Panic + Ineptitude Mes, UA and Life sheath monk, Splinter/Barrage with EoE, SF ele and ATL minion bomber with ancestors, and spirit rift

i'm guessing rits instead of the monks would make things easier, but i'm not too hot on how to build rits, any suggestions?


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Originally Posted by Life Bringing
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I'm not entirely sure what bar youre running jeydra, but you shouldn't have too hard of a time soloing each tendril with PS up. Yeah, but I was like there's only one Tendril within cast range, I'm under Prot Spirit, what could possibly be the problem ... and then Torment Slash hits the heroes who're behind me, out of cast range. Whoops It would've worked on just about every other mob, but not this one. Is the range on Torment Slash twice that of spellcasting range?

Next time I'll probably prot up the SoS and myself and kill the Tendrils.

@EFGJack - problem with Flesh of my Flesh is that it really cannot be used during a fight; it'll just lead to wipes. I only had two hard resses in the entire team (bar compression ftw!!), so I made both of them Death Pact. I might try one of the Monk resses sometime, however, or bring BUH again. I used a modified setup of the one I used for Foundry HM, as well as a VoR Ele, which really does deal big damage courtesy of Enraged.

This modified setup might not work in Foundry HM, I'll have to try.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2008

I had made a similar build to Jeydra's, only difference is I've got no foundry experience with people and I haven't played guild wars in 6 months or so.

cleared everything in doa except foundry. Can't even clear foundry in nm. I was running, 3x sf eles, 1x they're on fire, stand your ground paragon, 2x monks (one UA, one prot with inspiration rupts) and either a panic mesmer or a R/N bip toucher tank(I do this to fuel the rest of the team especially the sfs, dmg is seriously reduced by a lot without this guy cause of serious energy problems in prolonged fights with titans). I'm a necro and I am running AOTL (lol).

The fighting is just... I never expected it to be so long. The titan fights, I swear I had one fight last more than 5 minutes. I would be standing in a corner picking off titans and they keep spawning and I would kill them and some mob would come as reinforcements. I had to keep flagging and running from aoe dmg and that would get me in trouble with the damn mobs. I managed to get past room 3 and survive room 4(I still don't know how) but I had some really close calls. I've not kited and used so much hit and run techniques since I was trying to vq grothmar wardowns. I had to pull some metal gear solid tactics to revive fallen teammembers with rez scrolls (I had to flag one hero into the mob from one side and lure the mob away while I stood on the other side ready to get my team up and to quote monthy python RUN AWAY) Then I got to the npc. That dude you have to make sure didn't die. Guess what happened. I lost for the stupidest reason too. I was flanked by both sides and had to escape, i managed to escape with only me and him alive. Checked inventory, no rez scrolls. The agony, no wonder they call it the domain of anguish.

Oh and on a final note. RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO earth titans. I had considered making everyone go /me just to take mantra of earth.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010


Hmmm yes I'm always wary with less experienced teams collecting from the Stygian Chest etc, and being static around the claws and tendrils. Mobility is the key ...

The range of tormented slash is <1.4 aggro radii, because a ranger (longbow) or SoS player can solo these without the enemies fighting back, and therefore without any risk to teammates. I am unsure if it is exactly 1.0 or 1.2, but if a caster attacks then those claws definitely become angry!

Furthermore the claws are located in the valley ie lower altitude - therefore ranged offense can clear this more simply than melee/casters.

Hope this is of benefit Jeydra



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008


Originally Posted by darktyco
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I just tried out Gloom NM with 7 heroes and wiped pretty fast in the cave when all the demons started rushing in. I have a pretty typical 2 Mes, 2 Rit, 1 N/Rt Healer, 1 UA Healer, and one MM Necro. I myself am a Necro primary bringing mostly curses (Enfeebling Blood, Meekness, etc). Would it be worth it to bring SY and Lightbringer's Signet on my bar, as long as I carried something like a spear? Or should I try getting an Ele and Para in for more defense with SF and ToF?

I think I should definitely get rid of the MM necro, maybe load him up with Me skills instead. I also play a curse necro and tbh, gloom is the easiest part in DoA for me. the thing about the cave is to stay behind the adepts and not to advance so yes, a MM is not recommended. I use SS and MoP, technobabble and lightbringer's gaze, for the interrupt and damage. also a panic, nec/rit healer, ER protter, 2 SF eles, a rit with soul twisting shelter and union and a para with ToF, SYG.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Originally Posted by timbo_3101
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Hmmm yes I'm always wary with less experienced teams collecting from the Stygian Chest etc, and being static around the claws and tendrils. Mobility is the key ...

The range of tormented slash is <1.4 aggro radii, because a ranger (longbow) or SoS player can solo these without the enemies fighting back, and therefore without any risk to teammates. I am unsure if it is exactly 1.0 or 1.2, but if a caster attacks then those claws definitely become angry!

Furthermore the claws are located in the valley ie lower altitude - therefore ranged offense can clear this more simply than melee/casters.

Hope this is of benefit Jeydra The problem is that they won't aggro because of the lack of movement from a longbow, but they will reach to longbow range if aggro'd and an attack goes off.

The range of the slash is longer than the AI will actually attack.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2008


Finally, after many many fails ! R/A tank is really boring to play, but faster ...

Life Bringing

Life Bringing

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008

Fissure of Woe






Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2009

Canada Eh

Fallen Knights Of The Shattered [Soul]

fow if you were careful you could do with a single discordway and a sos rit before the 7-hero update. Now, my various gods is it easy