DoA and FoW with heroes


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by PoM PoM PoM PoM PoM View Post

Finally, after many many fails ! R/A tank is really boring to play, but faster ... wth how you do this ? can you make a tutorial



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011


Lost Animosity


That is absolutely ridiculous Pom... I can't even imagine

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Ok Pom, I could not have beaten that. Ever...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009



I personally find 21.5k hours played far more amazing then the run itself.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by aga View Post
I personally find 21.5k hours played far more amazing then the run itself. Just noticed that too.

That is 11.5 hours every day for over 5 years straight!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011


Lost Animosity


Lots of AFK i'm sure hahaha


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2007

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Originally Posted by hollywoodAnimal View Post
Lots of AFK i'm sure hahaha Lol, Amen. Got half my time with "Ill just take a quick nap." Imagine my suprise 7 hours later when I wake up...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



thats pretty crazy fast
i think i did some doa stuff *years* ago when it was superduper hardmode before there was hardmode perhaps, and it took *ages*



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



Wow pom is king of micro thats for sure. What a time.
Are you merc heroes still using the same builds as posted before Pom? Mind sharing them btw?
gz on the sc.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2008


Yes i just changed sig of sorrow for a mop.

And this is my hotkeys to control heroes :


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2007

Sellin hot stock tips for pro[fit]


^^^Mr. All knowing speaks.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Calgary Canada

Getting back on the topic, I finished the other 3 areas of DoA relatively easy and was doing Foundry last night with 7 heroes (nm, no consumables, 3 mes, 2 rit, mo and e/mo). Got past the rooms, cleared the entire foundry, could not *trap* the prisoner forgotten - so had to have them fight alongside with me. After managing all of that and defeating The Beast, I accepted the quest reward and had The Fury spawn on top of us...
Guess I'll know better for next time.
The most frustrating part about this: I knew the wiki warns (or even shows) where the spawn happens, but in the last few days I've been unable to access the wiki. I thought: I'll accept the reward and quickly run in the opposite direction of where the enemies spawn...
In either case, I'm still having a blast doing elite areas with 7 heroes at my own pace.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2010


Pros At Inactivity [bleh]


That build is hardly efficient, it's tailored to clear DoA HM without the use of consumables or SY, so it's got several skill slots sacrificed for survival and possible wipe recovery. You can easily ditch ST, Elemental Resistances, Stand Your Ground, etc for more damage.

But to answer your question, it's probably good in your eyes due to the overload on defensive abilities granting you nigh immortality in areas such as FoW.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

I doubt anyone cares by now but I managed to clear DoA NM without cons about a week back. Foundry was difficult because I think I loaded up on too much defense which made the fights last too long. That and the Anguish titans would copy Unyielding Aura from Talkhora and rez other Anguish's which made fights even longer and tougher. I am a Necro primary and brought mostly defensive stuff- next time I might go as a mesmer to help spike and interrupt and/or try bringing Putrid Explosion and Putrid Bile.

Mallyx was a total breeze, I brought gaze to take down his spirits and he croaked without causing a single causality.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by chuckles79 View Post
This is probably stating the obvious, but I got to R1 Survivor just by doing 1 run of Fow NM. If one were to do 9 run of FoW they would not only walk away with 25 obby shards or more, but also with R3 Survivor.

I say NM because crap happens too often in HM. In NM I accidentally aggroed half the burning forest and only lost a summon (that and a candy apple were the only consumables I used)
I totally agree. I do FOW NM for Survivor, and currently on cca 870k of xp, and going nice and easy.

Originally Posted by JimmyTyme View Post
fow if you were careful you could do with a single discordway and a sos rit before the 7-hero update. Now, my various gods is it easy
Just have a question.

My normal time is around 1:30 to 45 (1:29 record of mine so far).

Is there some way to faster this up but to not put myself to risk?

I do this:

1. Get in FOW, go right and clear path so Rastigan could open the door. I take quests from him.
2. I go to that 2 persons that give me quest for tower and Menzies.
3. I kill Menzies, rush to tower, clear tower, take quest, clear it again, then take 2 quests frm Eternal Forgemaster and that Lord downstair.
4. I go to Normis, take quest, kill 1 shard and then enter cave and clear it.
5. Then I go and kill Khobay, then proceed to that Tower where i have few Shadow Patrols.
6. From there I proceed to Burning Forest, and clear that.
7. While going to forest I kill shard wolf, then i go there, kill all, take Griffins quest, clear path, then get back to Griffins.
8. After that, I just kill 1 Shard Wolf near place where I started fow, then i run to beach and kill last one there too.

My question is:

1. When i take Griffins (Griffons? cant remember) quest, could i take them with me (few groups on the way that shouldn't kill them, they are 28lv after all).

I run :

1x Ranger (Me, barrage, EVAS, PI...use EVAS on monks, and PI on Ether skeletons)
3x Discoed
2x Mes
2x Rit

most of the time I don't have problem, only way when I think for the second is in the forest, or when approaching Ether skeletons.

Sorry for my bad english, it's not my primary language, its 4:42 here, and I'm sleepy.

After I get survivor (I hope I didn't jinxed myself now...) I was thinking to do DoA, so I'm really thankfull for all of your testings here and advices
just a stupid question, from where do i start? finished all areas, but newbie when it comes to DoA..domain of anguish?

thanks all



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Question...can i go through that cave to beach or i need to run back to begininng?

P.S. If you are doing it everyday or want to do it, add me, im gmt +1, and today from 19:30 + i should be online

Drizzt Dourden Tp



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009



When I do FoW, I do this order. Which is by far the best, imo.

After I do the 1st quest I then pop the npc's on the battlefield, take the quests.
Clear the tower, take all the quests.
Grab the Hunt quest.
Clear the cave and kill the beach wolf
Run back throught the cave to do Kohbay
Go to the tower of stength, clear mobs, run back and trigger the mage, and flag my heroes to clear a few mobs near the burning forest.
Kill the shadow lord, then do the burning forest quest, hugging the right wall.
Then go back to the battlefield, kill menzies.
Go to the forest clear around the wailing lord, take the griffon quest, clear the first few mobs, run back to the griffon, and again flagging heroes to dispatch the remaining groups in the way of the griffons.
Ofc I kill the wolves whenever I get to them.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Well, in Burning Forest whatever I do, I end up aggroging a lot of them, but I just flag my heroes then, and focus on Smoke Walkers, then Hydras and Shepherds....

I don't care is it 10-15min slower if it's actually saving my ass a bit

I was running R/P because of Fall Back, But I think I'll run R/w Barrage + SY + EVAS + PI ...should do the work...maybe add some paragon armor spell ...Will focus to give my heroes and myself some extra armor through Paragon skills ...will check it...normally I used Barrage ....


Done with FOW NM, my best time so far is 1:23, but that was because I was running survivor...since im done with it (got obby edge q11 from chest too, sold shards, made consets my going for survivor title gave me over 400k, so im happy with it)..

Now I'm going to focus on doa, will just rush and see what can i do without tweaking my builds, then will start twearking.

Thanks all so far for tips in this thread!

Amy Awien

Amy Awien

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by chuckles79 View Post
... In NM I accidentally aggroed half the burning forest and only lost a summon (that and a candy apple were the only consumables I used)
When coming from the tower everything there clumps together - gives massive aggro, good fun.

Originally Posted by X-Plosiv View Post
When i take Griffins (Griffons? cant remember) quest, could i take them with me (few groups on the way that shouldn't kill them, they are 28lv after all). It's better to have cleared the path on the battlefield from the groups with the icehands and their mesmer friends because the griffons tend to stay and die in chaos storms and mealstorms. You can do that when you go to the small grup that gives you the menzies quest. The fresh popups that you get after accepting the griffons quest should pose no problem.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

can someone advice me for DOA - NM? I am not experimented in this zone

I am blocked room 3 (foundry)
whatever i do .. there is always a double aggro then i die after some frags

i ve tested 4-5 teams... always the same rips
running 2 * D (me) / 2* env / 2 * para / 2* n rt heal

thx for help


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

See this about Foundry room 3:

And there've been a lot of screenshots of doing Foundry in this thread (both NM and HM) with builds visible, so use those as reference.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Thanks both

And there've been a lot of screenshots of doing Foundry in this thread (both NM and HM) with builds visible, so use those as reference. yeah i know... but i failed with almost all build posted ^^

I wanted to ask you a short video for example, and you anticipate it now i got it & i passed the room
i am also using my own build cause i dont like copypasting

working nice, finished 75 % of the 4 zones yet : always loose at end doing really stupid aggro. Need some training and ill pass them


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


I did it. Don't ask how many tries, but I did it.

Foundry HM Complete, caster primary with no save yourselves. The time is a bit.. off, because I had to go pick up my girlfriend midway through. It was closer to an hour and a half, with a half hour alone spent repeatedly attempting to kill the Fury. I did use some DP Remover (some four leaf clovers), because I didn't feel like going through another attempt once I started gathering some DP, but I didn't use any other cons.

Jeydra - I took it as a personal challenge (not an unfriendly one, or a personal challenge from you, but a personal challenge to myself) to match and complete this in HM. I satisfied myself. I may or may not take on the UW - chances are against it, because I need to relax a bit and complete some titles. I've learned quite a bit about micro and hero build design attempting to do all of this.

All of this is making me want to go get the rest of my pve skills, too. I have a feeling that EVAS would be a nice addition. The pve skills I have weren't worth using AP.

I do believe the rest of the DoA will go down fairly readily, but if I've managed the hardest area, I'll probably be content with myself. Otherwise, my guild and I are learning trenchway to satisfy all my DoA HM needs.

Thanks for the motivation!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2011

As a complete newbie to the DoA, after much hair-tearing (and being horribly jealous of Save Yourselves!) and 16 wipes (10 on the Fury -_-) and 12 dramatic build overhauls, I've finally managed to 7 Hero the Foundry on NM.

The only consumable used was a cupcake since 1) I'm cheap and 2) the wiki was talking about pulling the Fury, but no matter what the heck I do, every time I hit anything in that spawn with a longbow, I get the train from hell chasing me for way more than 2 aggro bubbles - the cupcake run speed didn't help one bit. I have *no* idea how to split that group. Why the heck is this area so much more difficult than the rest of the DoA?

Random notes:The "rooms" aren't really a problem, most wipes are caused by the Fury or bad flagging. I can clear up to the Fury without any flagging whatsoever, but had 9 consecutive failures on the Fury thanks to meteor/cry of frustration lockdown. I think it might be quite impossible to do this without flag micro (unless you have Save Yourselves, maybe?). Stupid Meteor/Rage Titans/Mesmers. Keystone does a LOT more damage than E-surge Dom here (Also using it because in the future, I might want to try the City in HM and I have no idea how to do it beyond using nothing but Keystone Mesmers or adrenaline). Hero AI use of Overload is absolutely fantastic. Putrid Explosion makes clearing this place MUCH faster. Produced better results than Feast of Corruption. BiP is fine (Even in energy efficient builds), you naysayers can go stick your head in a duck. Pain Inverter sucks with Mesway. Technobabble is the way to go. (PI did absolutely nothing in that screenshot) Fevered Dreams is kind of bad here (bad damage, slow to start up, can't use Ash Blast cause of Stun Immunity and Bsurge is expensive and you want to spike things before they enragex3 and start wiping you). If you really NEED daze, Technobabble + Extend Condition tab spam works better here, but has no DPS to speak of (Although it does amusing things with "They're on Fire!"). Psychic Instability seems really really good here. Tried it and had a really smooth run until the Fury where I wiped (yet again), thanks to my being a lazy bum that needs to learntoflag. Energy Surge is quite horribly overrated. I love Wandering Eye. I hate the Fury and I'm never going back once I get 15 gemstones.
I'd refine the build some more, but since I got my clear, loathe this place, and still have a few PvE titles to max, I'm going back to trying retarded-but-fun builds in the DoA. I'll leave the power-PvE to the experts.

edit: Well, after reading the above post (good job, btw!) I was kind of curious about HM Foundry, so I took my heroes out to try the first four rooms - (No flagging! Too lazy!) to see if my above comments were still valid in HM - they really weren't that much more difficult, so I still think E-Surge is overrated for an elite slot. I have no desire to spend another hour clearing to the @#$@# Fury though. (too many trash pulls!)

Might be a good idea to stick in Spiritual Pain instead of the inspiration interrupts (too many are going unused)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


A couple tips - the fury, try to pull the group into the area where the black beast emerges from, where you enter the city.

The pros of it;
- They ball up going around the corner. The hardest part is killing the ki's, but with some protection you can usually survive, especially, with them balling for the mesmer shutdown/damage.
- If things go back, you can flag all heroes to the exit to city. The aggro range doesn't go that far, and they will pull back, allowing you to try again (after killing a few it frequently goes better).

-Keystone is amazing on a human player - however, heroes tend to not do so well, unless you micro symbolic celerity. And they use the signets for the original purposes, not what may be best.

Once you get used to it a bit, it's not so bad as it originally appears. My girlfriend and I took 3 hours on our first foundry run - an hour of it was on the Fury alone - and that was with two players!

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


A nice trick for the Fury is a tactic that some guilds use in a SC run. If you place the snakes near a wall, close to where the Black beast spawns, you can pull the Fury group through the snakes and they get stuck and stay there, all balled up. This will make it a lot easier.

Also, just for lolz, @Lex, if you're gonna black out your name, but forget to black out your mercenary names, you look kind of like an idiot


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

@Plutoman - congrats man, you did it with Invoke Lightning too and no Paragon, which means you didn't use the "They're On Fire!" + Searing Flames combination that I used. That combination may well be outdated by now, it's been a long time since the update and perhaps I can do Foundry HM without relying on that now.

But you didn't take screenshot with the bars of your heroes

Which parts of Foundry did you use DP removal at?

@LexTalionis - you got BiP, you can probably drop Leech Signet.

PS: Lol, Elemental Resistance.