April Fools 2011
Huh, quest is repeatable, nice! Gonna get me some vanguard rep and finish that title on one of my alts.
Awesome content! Best April Fools to date. I wish it wasn't for only a day.
The Annihilator Golem annihilated me twice before I could annihilate him!(I love that word)
The Annihilator Golem annihilated me twice before I could annihilate him!(I love that word)
I wish the Apache was Blackhawk, because it's a Moahawk...needless complaint though :P
I have yet to try this out but a friend of mine was told by some guildys of hers if you wander from the quest some new storyline shows up. Don't blame me if this isn't true.
SORRRY I really dont like playing solo missions (wasnt a fan of the bmp or the keiran stuff).
so no, I find it lame.
Yes we cant all be fanboys of gw....you cant please all of the people all of the time. I was hoping for something that was more like the previous years...not a lame mini-game/quest thing.
Yes I did try it....and completed it on my first try.
so no, I find it lame.
Yes we cant all be fanboys of gw....you cant please all of the people all of the time. I was hoping for something that was more like the previous years...not a lame mini-game/quest thing.
Yes I did try it....and completed it on my first try.
I am having a bit of trouble with it Cosy, got any hints?
Yeah I would rather have something I could do with my guildies but this is still fun
Yeah I would rather have something I could do with my guildies but this is still fun

I have yet to try this out but a friend of mine was told by some guildys of hers if you wander from the quest some new storyline shows up. Don't blame me if this isn't true.
Character: "Wait, if we're back in time, before the Searing, couldn't we just prevent it from happening?"
Bane: "Searing Day is inevitable."
Good job ANet, I lol'd at this April Fools. I'm also kind of pleased the quest is repeatable, makes for easy Vanguard farming for some, and it's a way to pass the time.
Wished it wasn't a solo mission (especially since it's also in Embark Beach of all places), but it's better than nothing.
For the first area, as long as you let the Krytans and Ascalonians aggro each other you can run past them as a safe way to skip it. Otherwise careful application of Tango Down and Riot Shield allows you to skip the zone entirely.
When you reach the Annihilator Golem, careful kiting helps quite a bit. Let Corporal Bane tank it, since he'll revive if he dies. Just lay down your Land Mine, use the Fragmentation Grenade for quick bursts of damage and use Stun Grenade for it's Blind, as well as the fact it'll interrupt mostly anything the Golem has as an attack skill. You can also use Stun Grenade + Club Strike + Bludgeon for an easy Deep Wound and KD while you're at it.
Wished it wasn't a solo mission (especially since it's also in Embark Beach of all places), but it's better than nothing.
For the first area, as long as you let the Krytans and Ascalonians aggro each other you can run past them as a safe way to skip it. Otherwise careful application of Tango Down and Riot Shield allows you to skip the zone entirely.
When you reach the Annihilator Golem, careful kiting helps quite a bit. Let Corporal Bane tank it, since he'll revive if he dies. Just lay down your Land Mine, use the Fragmentation Grenade for quick bursts of damage and use Stun Grenade for it's Blind, as well as the fact it'll interrupt mostly anything the Golem has as an attack skill. You can also use Stun Grenade + Club Strike + Bludgeon for an easy Deep Wound and KD while you're at it.
Here is the best part of the entire update:
The Black Beast of Arrgh now appears only on Friday when the next day is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards. |
June Bug
I came back after being afk, saw there was a new build. I restarted GW, now I can't even connect. I am in Europe. But I can't remember if I was in EU or AE dis.

Another easy method to beat the golem is to find the hut with the small orange bush, and circle around it when low on HP. Since there is a dead guard nearby your "Tango Down" should regen you quite quickly.
yeah let bane take the damage and just pull back if you are getting hurt (use skill 8)....bane can die so no biggie......just keep using the ranged attacks...and regen if you need to--no reason NOT to since the golem will still be there and his regen is slower than yours......take the suggestion of the stun grenade over the reg one--though both do damage .....I just stayed back and hit him from ranged (my ranger was playing so that is my usual style anyways)....and bane tanked (died a few times)....
Mercury Angel
It was cute and different, and I liked it. I was expecting something more intense from the community response, though. Was I missing something, or are people just that thrilled about the assortment of pop culture references?
As for tactics, the monks have Restore Conditions, which can't be used on themselves. As long as you kill the monks first, you can mindlessly spam your skills on recharge on every encounter up until the boss. If worst comes to worst on the boss, you can just kite and trap it to death.
As for tactics, the monks have Restore Conditions, which can't be used on themselves. As long as you kill the monks first, you can mindlessly spam your skills on recharge on every encounter up until the boss. If worst comes to worst on the boss, you can just kite and trap it to death.
i agree. im sorry but that stuff sucked. this isnt gw like! this is blackops. and it isnt something i would consider "funny". now all the stuff said in the list,that stuff is funny even the error codings but not this.
Good update.

Coraline Jones
I'm amazed that nobody even mentioned the obvious graphical clipping in the Guild Wars 2 Commando videos. I guess that this means we'll all get to look forward of armor clipping, weapon clipping, hair clipping, etc. in Guild Wars 2.
Skyy High
April. Fools. Their one chance to do something utterly silly and out of place for teh lulz.
As for whether or not it's funny...humor is a subjective thing, but I think anyone can see that it certainly struck something for the majority of people here. Target audience, y'know.
This April Fools beats the ever-loving crap out of simple gender swaps or stick figures, IMO. Way to set the bar waaaay higher for next year, ANet.
1) You really, really think they're going to put as much effort into some one-time-use models for an April Fools video as they will for models that we'll actually play in the game?
2) I honestly didn't notice. I was too busy laughing my ass off.
3) Chill out.
As for whether or not it's funny...humor is a subjective thing, but I think anyone can see that it certainly struck something for the majority of people here. Target audience, y'know.
This April Fools beats the ever-loving crap out of simple gender swaps or stick figures, IMO. Way to set the bar waaaay higher for next year, ANet.
I'm amazed that nobody even mentioned the obvious graphical clipping in the Guild Wars 2 Commando videos. I guess that this means we'll all get to look forward of armor clipping, weapon clipping, hair clipping, etc. in Guild Wars 2. |
1) You really, really think they're going to put as much effort into some one-time-use models for an April Fools video as they will for models that we'll actually play in the game?
2) I honestly didn't notice. I was too busy laughing my ass off.
3) Chill out.
Charlie Dayman
I see new stuff in GW, and mission, a new NPC, and a quest...all for just 1 day?!?!?! April Fools, srsly anet???? So this does answer something though...
Q: Why have we not seen or heard any news on Winds of Change content? A: April Fools! We here on the GW1 team have taken a lot of time to add new content that will be removed in 1 day. We worked hard to get this out in time, and had to cancel working on Winds of Change just to make joke, enjoy! |
They just released the major content update of Merc/7 hero teams, Embark Beach, and the Dervish update. And you're complaining that they're not working on any Beyond content? Stumme and his extremely small dev team have been hard at work and have consistently delivered everything Stumme has announced. They deserve to have a little fun.
Be grateful that they've made April Fool's content that is actually playable, and not just a visual joke limited to outposts.
In any case, this and the GW2 prof are some really amazing updates. Thanks to Anet for these.
Ascended Furling
I hope this is not only this day. I like the quest. And the look of the commander.
Overreacting much? So they took a little time off from Winds of Change to follow through with the tradition of April Fool's. I don't see the problem here.
They just released the major content update of Merc/7 hero teams, Embark Beach, and the Dervish update. And you're complaining that they're not working on any Beyond content? Stumme and his extremely small dev team have been hard at work and have consistently delivered everything Stumme has announced. They deserve to have a little fun. Be grateful that they've made April Fool's content that is actually playable, and not just a visual joke limited to outposts. In any case, this and the GW2 prof are some really amazing updates. Thanks to Anet for these. |
As for whether or not it's funny...humor is a subjective thing, but I think anyone can see that it certainly struck something for the majority of people here. Target audience, y'know.
^ so far in my allaince all the people who liked this..were most of the males. rest of the males and us ladies rather see something else. and to be honest a comic is funny..terminator references isnt. xD
As was previously said, humor is clearly subjective. I appreciate and love what they did. Unlike previous years, I hope elements (such as a costume or mini-pet) can actually persist.
yeah if this just be visual now that would be funny. O.O omg i can picture those itty bitty female monks people like to make in a commando suit. *rolls around laughing* or taking that one female person in the video as a "derv" outfit would funny too. xD or give us random quote like..Thats one big chicken when we see glint or the end destroyer.
2) I honestly didn't notice. I was too busy laughing my ass off.
yep! thanks Anet and Crew!
Dewshine Wildclaw
Im so glad Im not the only one that don't like this... although I can tell we are very few :/
IMO it is the worst aprils fool anet ever made...
IMO it is the worst aprils fool anet ever made...
So awesome words cannot express it.
Best April Fools ever!
Best April Fools ever!
Overreacting much? So they took a little time off from Winds of Change to follow through with the tradition of April Fool's. I don't see the problem here.
They just released the major content update of Merc/7 hero teams, Embark Beach, and the Dervish update. And you're complaining that they're not working on any Beyond content? Stumme and his extremely small dev team have been hard at work and have consistently delivered everything Stumme has announced. They deserve to have a little fun. Be grateful that they've made April Fool's content that is actually playable, and not just a visual joke limited to outposts. In any case, this and the GW2 prof are some really amazing updates. Thanks to Anet for these. |
I just wish they would have released at least the first part of C:WoC before they showed this to us. At least then I wouldnt have been as skeptical. Now I'm starting to wonder, how seriously are they taking GW1 after we gave them all that costume and merc hero money?
Now if youll excuse me I have to restore order to the timestream.
EDIT: That post does sound kind of harsh. I do thank ANet for ANY free content we get. It's obvious they put some time and hard work into it. I really enjoyed the terminator references and how they linked it to GW lore. And the skill videos for the commando are awesome and hilarious at the same time. This update really made my day. I look foward to even more content updates.
Malchior Devenholm
GuildWarsGuru, the only place people can complain about free content.
Best april's fools update ever!
that was entertaining, although i doubt they will keep it as it would make the vanguard title rather easy to get.
GuildWarsGuru, the only place people can complain about free content.
Not all feedback will be positive. AND the people who are not happy have just as much a right to say so as those who are.
As I mentioned previously: you cant please all the people all the time. And this just didnt please some of us, so sorry we are not in the majority.
(and you have never read some other forums either---many of them allow negative feedback as well so its not just guru).
What cracked me up the most is the A.R.E.N.A. tag every Commando is wearing, so freaking genious! ;D
Oh and Andrew Patrick is watching this thread!
Oh and Andrew Patrick is watching this thread!
12 characters |
Hence me putting the question mark. I dont use a lot of emotes.
BTW, the guy being in Embark Beach isn't a prank.
He's really there now. (there was a patch)
He's got a quest.
He's really there now. (there was a patch)
He's got a quest.
Great stuff all round.
Malchior Devenholm
Not all feedback will be positive. AND the people who are not happy have just as much a right to say so as those who are.
As I mentioned previously: you cant please all the people all the time. And this just didnt please some of us, so sorry we are not in the majority. (and you have never read some other forums either---many of them allow negative feedback as well so its not just guru). |
If you don't appreciate it, state so, that's fine. But not much feedback can be taken on something that doesn't apply to the core of the game.
Don Zardeone
It's great in that it gives 1984 free vanguard points for virtually no effort (after failing 3 times).
Win by staying out of adjacent range unless you can block or KD.
The map before the boss you can bypass all fights.
It is indeed not much but it also isn't over the top. As someone has said before that they'd rather see development on winds of change or whatever and not on a 1-day event.
Would have been nice to have a squad of 8 dudes though.
It's great in that it gives 1984 free vanguard points for virtually no effort (after failing 3 times).
Win by staying out of adjacent range unless you can block or KD.
The map before the boss you can bypass all fights.
It is indeed not much but it also isn't over the top. As someone has said before that they'd rather see development on winds of change or whatever and not on a 1-day event.
Would have been nice to have a squad of 8 dudes though.
Not all feedback will be positive. AND the people who are not happy have just as much a right to say so as those who are.
As I mentioned previously: you cant please all the people all the time. And this just didnt please some of us, so sorry we are not in the majority. (and you have never read some other forums either---many of them allow negative feedback as well so its not just guru). |
Yet the update did include content, could that be the cause of your confusion?

Anyway <3 to ArenaNet for being totally awesome as always!!

Rocky Raccoon
It's bonus content, like it or not, I can appreciate ANET providing it to us. Thanks.